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raspberry pulseaudio failed to find a working profile

Your configuration file should have lower number than the original PulseAudio rule to take effect. If you do not have any output sound and receive dozens of error messages related to a suspended sink from running journalctl -b as root, then backup first and then delete your user-specific pulse folders: Simultaneous output to two different devices can be very useful. Last Update: March 14, 2023. ps: I'm sorry that I don't have an exact solution for arch, but I'm pretty sure the above applies (the original guide was written for fedora), Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Edit /etc/pulse/ and add the following lines, where INPUT_NAME is name of the input source from above step: Now arecord hopefully works. Use the standard shell '--' pseudo argument I can only listen to audio now via bluetooth. This also resets application volumes. TL;DR: After upgrading alsa-* packages yesterday, on the next reboot, systemd (apparently, pulseaudio.service) begun to show an error message related to "module-alsa-card" not finding a "working profile" for a USB MIDI device I have connected. That package contained version 1.4.0 which was released in March 2019 which is rather out of date. This issue is due to incorrect buffer sizes. This behavior is enabled in default configuration files: Commenting that line in relevant file fixes that issue. This should be solvable while keeping PA. Find your source name from the following command; mine is alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo. After a reboot, the Sound Service could start, but begun to show an error message. What is the motivation for infinity category theory? Description=BluezALSA proxy To fix this problem, launch paprefs and disable "Multicast/RTP Sender".[6]. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. First i tried to use a shellscript under "etc/init.d/". More info at How to control your Pulseaudio sound volume using the command line by John Cartwright July 22, 2020 . (don't tell to enable "quiet"), Last edited by radiobla (2020-10-17 21:42:23), I'd not expect a pure midi device to ever find a valid pulse profile. After we installed these package versions, we don't want pacman to update them later when we do system upgrade. Sometimes ALC892 chips have crackling sound while recording using a microphone. Sidereal time of rising and setting of the sun on the arctic circle. PulseAudio does not have a true default device. No command-line options to define the sound card was needed, it just worked. How can I manually (on paper) calculate a Bitcoin public key from a private key? Setting the latency too low will put a lot of stress on the scheduler, also resulting in buffer underruns. Using paprefs, simply select "Add virtual output device for simultaneous output on all local sound cards" from under the "Simultaneous Output" tab. I connected a powered speaker to the 3.1 mm audio jack on the Pi, disconnected the Bluetooth speaker with bluetoothctl, and then paired and connected to an Android telephone with the same utility. The OS is certainly up-to-date and I've installed and upgraded raspberrypi-ui-mods. sound - pulseaudio: Failed to find a working profile - Ask Ubuntu The first step is to install the PulseAudio BlueTooth module which is not included in the Lite version of Raspberry Pi OS but which is probably present in the desktop versions. I also was surprised. Eventually it asks for my HID Report descriptor and runs the SET_CONFIGURATION and SET_IDLE commands, but that's where it stops. Starting the Prompt Design Site: A New Home in our Stack Exchange Neighborhood, Alsamixer doesn't have any capture control device, and microphone is not working in Ubuntu 16.04, No audio after "apt upgrade --with-new-pkgs" (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS), No sound on Ubuntu 22.10 Kinetic - MSI GE76 Laptop. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 589). It is better to change that. HOWEVER the problem remains! Do note that the last part (context default, all deny) is critical, and PA will not get notifications from Dbus if is is missing. (Ep. You can configure ALSA sound from command line with alsamixer. I must admit that was impressive. on my USB headset ALSA will expose. Again, it was surprisingly easy to do that. I'm not even sure updating drivers will fix it. I have the same issue but with my main audio card (also after upgrading alsa to 1.2.4).Errors of pulseaudio. I can't afford an editor because my book is too long! In this mode, fixed-size fragments are not used at all, and so the default-fragments and default-fragment-size-msec parameters are ignored. sci-fi novel from the 60s 70s or 80s about two civilizations in conflict that are from the same world, Proving that the ratio of the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle to the leg is irrational. since these are missing it cannot create a default profile. ExecStart=/usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd, sudo apt install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, sudo apt install --no-install-recommends pulseaudio-module-bluetooth. Running "aseqdump" and selecting my device causes wireshark to show that my device is sending midi events to the host (though aseqdump itself doesn't show anything happenninggotta figure that one out). After a few seconds the headset appears in the configuration tab. The last command connects it as an audio device. When you set enable-remixing = no on /etc/pulse/daemon.conf you may find that your microphone has stopped working on certain applications like Skype or Steam. Most appropriate model fo 0-10 scale integer data, Control two leds with only one PIC output, The shorter the message, the larger the prize, Extract extent of all features inside a vectortile source in OpenLayers, Denys Fisher, of Spirograph fame, using a computer late 1976, early 1977. Lazyness being one my better character traits, I investigated a simpler approach. [1] To resolve this, amixer must have the device flag set to 'pulse': This will cause amixer to ask PulseAudio to do the toggling rather than toggling it directly. Active: active since Wed 2022-03-16 18:19:34 ADT; 1min 7s ago So the fragment size must be decreased so that the application request becomes valid. Hi there. Is there something I missed? Mar 16 18:19:34 tarte bluetoothd[529]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.8 path=/org/bluez/hci0/A2DP/SBC/Source/1 headset using the specific package versions listed here. In my case, on Arch, that made my default bluetooth controller unreachable. This is only an example for Asus Xonar Essence STX. Edit: it seems I just need the default - file. Bluez fails on Raspberry Pi running Jessie Headless How could I investigate it further? Thankfully, I was able to find very helpful Web resources. Explaining Ohm's Law and Conductivity's constance at particle level. c - How to use the pulseaudio API as root? - Stack Overflow The Pi can be a "sink" meaning that another Bluetooth device such as a tablet or phone can send an audio stream to the Pi which can in turn play it on a speaker connected to the 3.1 mm audio jack or the HDMI port. If we are getting static noise in Skype, gnome-sound-recorder, arecord, etc. Mar 16 18:19:34 tarte bluetoothd[529]: Starting SDP server or if this is a generally expected change to just live with the message. Then, under GNOME's "sound settings", select the simultaneous output you have just created. Starting the Prompt Design Site: A New Home in our Stack Exchange Neighborhood, Raspbian, no audio HDMI, have tried all the troubleshooting I can find, No HDMI audio when logged in as a new user. Fix seems to be to kill and restart pulseaudio. Stack Exchange network consists of 182 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. If you added the ignore_dB=1 option earlier to the load-module module-udev-detect line in your /etc/pulse/, try removing it. These settings directly affect latency and power consumption. Nevertheless, I went ahead and did complete the installation. The solution is to remap the stereo input to a mono input: 1. When a customer buys a product with a credit card, does the seller receive the money in installments or completely in one transaction? If a specific application is muted or low while all else seems to be in order, it may be due to individual sink-input settings. The third one sets it as trusted so we can autoconnect to it later on, when in range. then run pax11publish -r command then could be also good to logout and login again. Regarding specifically to the following error message What does it mean it is not finding a "working profile"? To fix this you need to tell Pulseaudio to do this for you: Example output edited for brevity, the name you need is in bold: 2. Then, if you want, use the Boot Override to save this change between reboots. Extracting from source - gives parsing errors.. This article or section needs language, wiki syntax or style improvements. Is it legal to not accept cash as a brick and mortar establishment in France. What is the difference between a standard airworthiness and a experimental airworthiness certificate? This happens because these applications capture the microphone as mono only and because remixing is disabled, Pulseaudio will no longer remix your stereo microphone to mono. Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) To fix this, enable-lfe-remixing = yes must be set as described in #Choppy sound with analog surround sound setup. This is done in two steps mostly. Pulseaudio not detecting bluetooth headset - Stack Overflow I use 2 Montitors with HDMI to DVI an the sound should work on the 3.5 jack. I then unpaired the Alexa from the pi via the Alexa app on my phone and ran. You can switch between them like this: The package bluez-tools contains the tool called bt-monitor that captures the D-Bus signals from the bluetoothd daemon and initiates the connection for detected devices that are paired (and trusted). No Sound issue - Unalbe to detect sound input devide : Ubuntu 23.04, An exercise in Data Oriented Design & Multi Threading in C++. For enabling automatic profile switching from A2DP to HSP when a recording stream appears without any role set, you can append auto_switch=2 to load-module module-bluetooth-policy in /etc/pulse/ Each time the system starts up, the card profile is disabled and the pulseaudio daemon cannot select it. Before disabling it, KDE users should try lowering their system notifications volume in System Settings -> Application and System Notifications -> Manage Notifications under the Player Settings tab to something reasonable. Old question, but I bumped into this while searching for a solution to the above myself, so I thought I'd come here and post how I sorted it out in my setup. Compiling and installing bluealsa from source is something I have done in the past Compiling BlueALSA in ALSA and Bluetooth on the Orange Pi PC 2 with Armbian Bionic. Distances of Fermat point from vertices of a triangle. Most packages can be built and installed from AUR (bluez4, bluez-tools, ), and others can be installed Closed 8 years ago. Procedure My procedure so far looked something like the following: Install Pulseaudio, and VLC: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio Configure GStreamer to use the pulseaudio sink: gconftool-2 -t string --set /system/gstreamer/.10/default/audiosink pulsesink Load the kernel module for the audio device sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835 Run VLC with an mp3 vlc Move the old streams in pavucontrol manually to the new sound card. Giving the sound card more fragments than strictly necessary increases the latency, does not change power consumption, and does not remove the load from the scheduler. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Sometimes even when move the slider volume, or open and close windows (KDE4). I downgraded to bluez 5.61 (bluez, bluez-libs and bluez-utils) and it is working again. chromium) can change microphone levels causing the same issue, a workaround is to remap stereo input to mono and use the remapped device as default. Let's check that the package is now available. What is Catholic Church position regarding alcohol? If sound does not play when PulseAudio's volume is set below a certain level, or if you hear clipping on output even at low volume (including bluetooth devices), try setting ignore_dB=1 in /etc/pulse/ However, be aware that it may cause another bug preventing PulseAudio to unmute speakers when headphones or other audio devices are unplugged. Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-03-16 18:19:34 ADT; 1min 12s ago Read. I wanted to rule out that chance anyway. I'm now having a similiar problem on a new sd card with ubuntu 20.04. Because it is copied to the /etc/systemd/system/ directory, the service is enabled. No matter how Buster is installed, if that's the route taken then the instructions in the older Bluetooth and BlueALSA in Raspberry Pi OS Lite (November 2021) post should remain valid and there's not much of interest below. Eventhough PulseAudio is installed on my desktop Linux Mint computer, I know next to nothing about the package. xorg - Pulseaudio Daemon Startup Failed - Super User After=bluetooth.service The raspberry pi zero is running raspiban buster lite, and I have installed the packages (some re-installed multiple times in an effort to fix the error): bluez pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth. To prevent screen blanking, add consoleblank=0 to the kernel command line. Well, not quite. @Stefano, thanks for confirming it worked for you too., Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, Dummy output, no sound, When I run this command pacmd list-cards I get this: The newer implementation of the PulseAudio sound server uses timer-based audio scheduling instead of the traditional, interrupt-driven approach. Closed Issue created 2 years ago by Volker Christian Working ALSA but pulseaudio did not recognize the sound card (Failed to find a working profile) HP-ZBook 15 G6 with ALC285 Warning Missing data may cause bugs to languish. Now press F5 to display all items. Running alsamixer will allow you to see if this is the problem and if so fix it. Although the device is working even with the error message, it's very annoying to see a "failed service" on initialization. We aim to find the highest sample rate supported by the hw:0,0 sound card using a trial-and-error procedure starting from a low value. As can be seen, the version of BlueZ the "Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack" has been bumped up from 5.50 to 5.55 which, again, is not the most recent version (now 5.63). This should not impact audio playback or microphone recording negatively, unless you require loopback mixing. An application might also not have been configured to work with PulseAudio. I tested it with an "aseqdump". Stack Exchange network consists of 182 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. at least for as long the package remains in Raspbian (or, more accurately, in Debian). Pulseaudio / A2DP Bluetooth don't work in system mode, but work work pulseaudio: Failed to find a working profile,,,, How terrifying is giving a conference talk? Another reason you are encountering static noise in your headphone jack could be ALSA's loopback mixing. If you run, your "working" card should be exposing PCMs for different channel counts and configurations, e.g. Newbie Ubuntu 22.04.2 on thumb drive "symbol 'grub_file_filters' not found". I still get the "Failed to find a working profile" error with alsa-lib 1.2.3 but, unlike with 1.2.4, pulseaudio starts and works anyway. Verify the card and profile name with: Then edit the configuration to add the profile, Pulse audio will add this profile the pool of available profiles. Timer-based scheduling may expose issues in some ALSA drivers. However, you may run into an instance where selecting a different profile for a card results in the pulse daemon crashing and auto restarting without the new selection "sticking". Install BlueALSA from the older Buster repository or from another repository. Why did the subject of conversation between Gingerbread Man and Lord Farquaad suddenly change? The properties: and application.process.binary, among others, should help here. If you experience low volume on internal notebook microphone, try setting: If changing the volume in specific applications or simply running an application changes the master output volume, this is likely due to flat volumes mode of pulseaudio. If the volume does not appear to increment/decrement properly using alsamixer or amixer, it may be due to PulseAudio having a larger number of increments (65537 to be exact). The best way to keep up with changes in BlueALSA would be to compile and install from the source code as explained above. Audio in general works just fine on my machine, which I lasted updated a week or so ago. In my case the problem was that raspberrypi-ui-mods had been held back and it needed to be force updated. The bleualsa-aplay utility could then play that audio stream to connected speakers. If rtkit does not work, you can manually set up your system to run PulseAudio with real-time scheduling, which can help performance. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? 1 You can try running pulseaudio -vvv and see if more detailed messages come up. Some games may prevent you from switching the output device. Any ideas what could be causing this fuckery? This issue happened to me again, I was watching a course and suddenly my laptop rebooted and after that, just dummy output showed to me and there is no sound. The same issue observed with Raspberry Pi OS Lite. To troubleshoot via CLI only, install pamixer and check the output of the following command: $ pamixer --get-volume-human Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And when it does it'll only be for that one session, rebooting kills everything and then it won't come alive again. Fix this by disabling flat volumes, as demonstrated in the previous section. Main PID: 856 (bluetoothd) PulseAudio Not Working. There is a possibility it is the Front Green Headphone that is causing the bug, if you need it override the Front Microphone to Headphone and the Front Green Headphone to "Not Connected" and use the Front Microphone port as your headphone port. Now that the system is updated, and that a few Bluetooth loose ends have been tidied, a decision must be made if streaming sound over Bluetooth is desired. I have managed to get PulseAudio to detect my Bluetooth Under some circumstances, playback may be distorted, very fast, or freeze, as discussed in the Audacity Wiki's Linux Issues page. This is the maximum sampling rate of our card. Source of commands: /etc/pulse/ Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. As I said, this should work but it does involve a lot of work. I tried purging and reinstalling pulseaudio, alsa-utils and alsa-tools with no luck. - Bluetooth Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. You can look this by running: sudo cat /var/log/syslog | grep -i protocol Which is reported all over the internet as being resolveable through this command: pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover Which gives THIS error: Failure: Module initialization failed pi adm dialout cdrom sudo audio video plugdev games users input render netdev gpio i2c spi How to draw a picture of a Periodic function? If the above does not work, try to restart pulseaudio.service. If that does not work, try: turn off your monitor, switch to another VT, turn on your monitor, and switch back. Summary To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. And reinstalled. The solution proposed in this page may work: start Audacity with: If the solution above does not fix this issue, one may wish to temporarily disable pulseaudio while running Audacity by using the pasuspender command: Then, be sure to select the appropriate ALSA input and output devices in Audacity. Fixing pulseaudio issues with QEMU/libvirt on Arch Blog I'm happy to get your advices and information about PulseAudio, to make a plan to solve my issue. CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service The sound icon is greyed out and when selecting sound settings, PulseAudio fails to establish a connection even after manually starting the service (run start-pulseaudio-x11). This problem has been reported by ATI/Nvidia/Intel users. Docker NodeJS run pulseaudio --system Failed to open cookie file Is this subpanel installation up to code? If PulseAudio uses the wrong microphone, and changing the Input Device with Pavucontrol did not help, take a look at alsamixer. It came preinstalled in the latest full raspbian. Status: "Running" CPU: 56ms If you bother, you can start from scratch and make it saucy. If the red error messages are irksome, it is possible to get rid of those related to the missing SAP server by editing the service file. 529 /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd --noplugin=sap easily with pacman. Verify that you have pulseaudio installed. I'll mention that it appears that latency is not as bad with this newer version of BlueALSA although maybe not as reduced as with PulseAudio. This has direct implications for access to the system bus: Pulseaudio expects a session DBus to be at its disposal, and module-bluetooth-discover relies on this in order to dynamically load module-buetooth-device and set up the corresponding sinks/sources. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. Once the Pi and the phone were connected, the sound from the phone was routed over the air to the Pi and then send out to the speaker. Bose Quietcomfort 35 II), setting high enough volume of the device (usually via physical buttons or a slider) eliminates the audible noise after stopping playback. Regardless, it is a welcomed addition. I also tried to configure the /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf to enable different options like: I am all out of ideas Less pretty but also faster. To see which application is responsible for a direct access to the sound card via alsa, run the following command: Try to close these applications. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, The future of collective knowledge sharing, I also faced this problem , refer for more @.

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