Furman University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, religion, veteran status, or any other characteristic or status protected by applicable local, state, or federal law in admission, treatment, or access to, or employment in, its programs and activities. During this pilot project, the Career Connections group will immerse itself in the current 2023 summer STEP programs partner orientation and members of the group will participate in recruitment and education of employment partners in a variety of sectors. At Furman, students live on campus all four years. Angela is a frequent commentator for some of the nations top news organizations, including The New York Times,HuffPost,Washington Post,Salon,andCNN, and was most recently published in theStanford Social Innovation Review. How has structural racism shaped our country since its founding? The Career Connections team of the Riley Fellows Diversity Leadership Initiative seeks to provide opportunities for youth to be exposed to career fields that they have not been exposed to before and potentially open a pipeline of diverse employees to South Carolina companies. Applicants must provide the name of a Furman professor who will act as a reference. The goal of Start Smart goes beyond a successful enrollment and continues through the students collegiate journey. He was appointed market president of South Carolina in 2015. Lominack earned a bachelor of science degree in business administration from Presbyterian College. The Career Connections group will recruit and educate local businesses about the Urban Leagues STEP program. The Riley Institute was founded in 1999 with the dual objectives of advancing social and economic progress in South Carolina and beyond and providing unmatched opportunities for Furman students. Not now. The Cornucopia Crew selected its name both as a symbol of the underlying diversity of the group and a nod to the outcome of our project: fresh fruits and vegetables for the community. Research has shown that afterschool and summer learning opportunities also play a significant role in student success. Mental Health America of Greenville County. This endowed fund supporting students from a range of majors who are interested in politics, government and public policy will place them in paid community-centered fellowships, utilizing the Riley Institutes extensive statewide professional network. What can local leaders do to build up communities and drive equitable outcomes? A first-generation college graduate from Upstate South Carolina, Bell holds a B.A. Greenville, SC 29613. Gavin Jackson hosts South Carolina ETVs weekly public affairs show This Week in South Carolina and the weekly South Carolina Lede podcast. Riley Institute Advance Team members work with Riley Institute staff to carry out a variety of Institute programs and, in the process, have special opportunities to interact with local, national, and international leaders. Home - LMU Munich Lead one public policy and current events discussion over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year. Mandatory requirements are listed below. In todays technology-driven work environment, STEM has become a pathway for livable income careers. Riley Institute Advance Team 2022-23 Application. 3300 Poinsett Highway Do you plan to study abroad in the 2022-23 academic year? Riley Institute at Furman University 1,668 followers 1mo #RileyFellow James Smith (Lowcountry, Fall 2012), partner with Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP, was appointed to the. Furman University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, religion, veteran status, or any other characteristic or status protected by applicable local, state, or federal law in admission, treatment, or access to, or employment in, its programs and activities. A co-author ofUncommon Common Ground: Race and Americas Future(W.W. Norton & Co., 2010), she earned a B.A. To be eligible to participate in the Urban Leagues STEP (Science Technology Enrichment Program), the youth must be between 14 and 19 years of age. Statehouse Report publishes a daily news compilation from more than 40 sources to provide the states best news summary every business day. The DAFAs main tasks are to identify new scientific issues and strategies as well as to build a close network between the related institutions. Today, the non-partisan institute is unique in the United States in the emphasis it places on students and on engaged learning. The institutes form the basis of the LfL, developing project-oriented solutions for the future. Also learn more about the Riley Institutes. ", FORMER SECRETARY OF EDUCATION AND FORMER GOVERNOR OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Her scholarship has appeared or is forthcoming intheYale Law Journal, American Journal of Sociology, NYU Law Review, Law & Society Review, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, theLos Angeles Review of Books, TheWashington Post, andThe Appeal. Our most vexing public problems economic inequality, loss of public goods, rising debt, and collapsing infrastructure are tied to systemic racism. A graduate of Marquette University and Harvard Law School, Robinson speaks nationally to diverse audiences on the role of race in the criminal justice system and the history of racism in America. Career Connections | Diversity Leaders Initiative | The Riley Institute Friedrich Mayer, Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Albert Schmid, MR Staatsministerium fr Wissenschaft und Kunst, Dr. Eric Veulliet, Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf/University of Applied Sciences, Robert Winkler, Ltd. MR Bayerisches Staatsministerium fr Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz. Evidence Matters | Making the Grade: A Series on the Complexities of School Report Cards, Evidence Matters | Making the Grade: The Socioeconomic Achievement Gap. Today, the non-partisan institute is unique in the United States in the emphasis it places on students and on engaged learning. Of course, it wasnt all about physical donations. Nonprofit Organization. We want to connect with you to know your story and learn more about all you will contribute to the Furman community. In all, the Cornucopia Crew was able to leverage our crew members various talents, experience, knowledge, and resources to amplify an incredible program to have a greater impact locally, create an easier path forward for other organizations to replicate and, hopefully, remove barriers to nutritional food in our states rural areas. A retired professional employment recruiter for Greenville County Schools, she was a longtime mathematics teacher at Southside High School of International Baccalaureate Studies. This week's spotlighted underwriter is Furman University's Riley Institute, which broadens student and community perspectives about issues critical to South Carolina's progress. At Furman, students live on campus all four years. They work on a honorary basis and are appointed by the Administration Board, by nomination of the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry. Institutes - The Riley Institute | Clearly Furman Furmans academics combine classroom learning and premier majors with experiences in research, internships, study away and community-centered learning. A constitutional scholar and practicing attorney, Simpkins served in the Obama Administration as deputy general counsel for the White House Office of Management and Budget and general counsel for the U.S. Agency for International Development. The Urban League currently operates a program that incorporates exposing young people to the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) sectors. Meghan Barp is the president and CEO of United Way of Greenville County. Greenville, SC 29613. Data consistently show that students from low SES backgrounds are more likely to lag behind their more advantaged peers academically; they also are less likely to graduate from college. Please respond to the questions in this section only if you are a returning Advance Team member. Educational researcher Gloria Ladson-Billings has argued that students from impoverished backgrounds experience fewer opportunitiesboth inside and outside of schooldue to differences in their families educational experiences, health status, geographic location, and economic mobility opportunities, among other factors. Kelly Gregory is the Riley Institutes Director for Public Education Partnerships and Projects and previously taught for 11 years in South Carolina public schools. He currently is a senior partner in the law firm of Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP, with more than 400 attorneys in offices throughout the Carolinas and major cities elsewhere in the Southeast, as well as West Virginia, Boston and Washington, D.C. Secretary Riley also is senior partner in the law firms affiliate, Education Counsel, which specializes in education advocacy, policy, strategy and law. Learn more and buy today! As school leaders and policymakers continue to look for ways to more fairly assess the performance of individual schools, addressing the SES opportunity gap will be an important piece of the puzzle. As Furmans chief academic officer, Peterson is responsible for the faculty and related administrative departments that support all undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs. The DAFA aims to improve its efficiency, transparency and international reputation. Furman's Nelsen offers his thoughts, Students explore groundbreaking potential for PTSD treatment, Furman's Nelsen weighs in on county's opt-out ordinance proposal. : +49 8161 8640-5806E-Mail: Praesidialbuero@LfLbayern.de. Monica Bell is an associate professor of law at Yale Law School, with a secondary appointment as anassociate professor of sociologyat Yale University. Launched in 1999, the Institute is named for former South Carolina Governor and former United States Secretary of Education Richard W. (Dick) Riley. The LfL is member of the DAFA, a German science and research alliance. 11/05/2021 7:27 am by Statehouse Report The public spiritedness of our underwriters allows us to bring Statehouse Report to you at no cost. Along with Professor Teresa Cosby, Arsiniega supervises student interns in The Justicia Project, a legal clinical program providing legal assistance clients on a variety of social justice-related issues. 3300 Poinsett Highway The Riley Institute at Furman - Facebook EVIDENCE MATTERS | Making the Grade: Can an Early Start - furman.edu He graduated in agricultural sciences at the TUM in Freising-Weihenstephan and started his career in the agricultural administration in 1994. The Riley Institute was founded in 1999 with the dual objectives of advancing social and economic progress in South Carolina and beyond and providing unmatched opportunities for Furman students. Through its national conferences, symposia, lectures, fellows-in-residence, and outreach programs, the Riley Institute works to enhance understanding of public policy issues, to promote civic responsibility and participation, and to develop leadership among Furman students and the greater community. Cornucopia Crew | Diversity Leaders Initiative | The Riley Institute Furman University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, religion, veteran status, or any other characteristic or status protected by applicable local, state, or federal law in admission, treatment, or access to, or employment in, its programs and activities. Affiliations 1 Department of Stress Neurobiology and Neurogenetics, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Bavaria 80804, Germany. The DAFA aims to improve its efficiency, transparency and international reputation. The ubiquity of the internet and computer-based technologies has an increasing impact on higher education and the way students access information for learning. Furmans academics combine classroom learning and premier majors with experiences in research, internships, study away and community-centered learning. Peterson received his M.A. The Riley Institute | Furman University Furman University's Riley Institute advances social and. They will allow the institute to expand student internship, research and networking opportunities in politics, government and public policy. What is our hope in this moment? and Ph.D. in jurisprudence and social policy from the University of California, Berkeley (Order of the Coif). Team members: Eric Bellamy, Bill Duda, Jazmon Kearse, David Mathis, Laura McKinney, Joelle Ryan-Cook, Kirby Shealy, Donna Waites. She can be reached at kelly.gregory0@furman.edu. Though all the produce is free, our group saw value in allowing the individual to pick and choose what they wanted instead of the traditional, pre-packaged food giveaways to which were all accustomed. Meghan proudly serves on the board of directors for both the Peace Center and the Greenville Chamber of Commerce. Tyson Blanton was dubbed the Cornucopia Crew wrangler for all meetings and communications in addition to her contribution of redesigning the Fresh Stop logo and creating plans to revamp the current trailer decoration. Impact: Scholarships enable a diverse group of people in each DLI class. Related Pages. Furman University. Membership in the Riley Institute Advance Team is open to students from all majors and the application process is competitive. Smart Start | Diversity Leaders Initiative | The Riley Institute Our approach to admissions may be holistic, but our goal is singular: find the most well-rounded, academically accomplished and interesting students out there. The operational program of the LfL provides guidelines for these purposes. Furman students are academically challenged and leave Furman as lifelong learners who are changing the communities around them. Impact: Significant increase in profile around a signature aspect of The Riley Institutes work; improvements in how public education happens in the state; and support for economic and social progress for all people. Impact: The endowed fund would support five, 10-week, 30-hour internships positions and annual stipends for the program manager and participating faculty, linking curricular and co-curricular activities in ways that support the promises of The Furman Advantage. Prof. Dr. Kay-Uwe Gtz, head of the Institute for Animal Breeding, represents the LfL in the executive committee. The murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officer Derek Chauvin and the killings of multiple unarmed Black Americans brought people of all races to the streets to protest against police brutality and racial violence and to remind us that even if historically they have been viewed as 'less than,' black lives do matter. from University College Dublin, a J.D. About us - The Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture Able South Carolina. Launched in 1999 and named for former U.S. Secretary of Education and S.C. Riley Institute at Furman University's Post - LinkedIn When you live and learn in community with others, you develop deeper bonds, build better support systems and form stronger friendships. At Furman, students live on campus all four years. Applicants should be aware that membership in the Advance Team requires a substantial commitment of time and energy during the academic year. Furman University's Richard W. Riley Institute advances social and economic progress in South Carolina and beyond by building leadership for a diverse society, hosting expert speakers to. Furman University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, religion, veteran status, or any other characteristic or status protected by applicable local, state, or federal law in admission, treatment, or access to, or employment in, its programs and activities. With heightened attention to these complex issues and the promise of federal investment in communities as they recover from losses due to COVID-19, now is a pivotal moment. from Wingate University and his Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina. Our students develop intellectually from a challenging and supportive academic experience and, through high-impact, real-world experiences and mentoring, graduate ready for accelerated career and community impact. He worked as a consultant and agricultural teacher in Kaufbeuren for a couple of years. In support of this component, Tyson Blanton provided a supply of reusable grocery bags donated by Duke Energy. Riley Institute at Furman University - LinkedIn The Career Connections . Team members: Eddy Bailey, Becca Barnett, Blake Bridges, Crystal Chapman-Brown, Kyle Longest, Grant Nicholson, Allison Safford, Janet Zuckerman. The Johnson Collection. Furman students are academically challenged and leave Furman as lifelong learners who are changing the communities around them. Brittany Arsiniega is an assistant professor of politics and international affairs at Furman University. His research examines the extent to which property values are affected by environmental and neighborhood traits, the causes and consequences of varying social capital levels within neighborhoods, the economics of higher education, and the economics of college athletics. Heather McGhee designs and promotes solutions to inequality in America. SPOTLIGHT: Riley Institute at Furman University - Statehouse Report Center for Diversity Strategies Endowment. A native of Greenville, Flemming has been a strong advocate for affordable housing and has served on numerous boards, commissions and statewide organizations including the Municipal Association of South Carolina and Southernside Block Partnership. ; 3 International Max Planck Research School for Translational Psychiatry . She joined the chapter in February 2018, having previously served as senior vice president of community impact for Greater Twin Cities United Way in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Some of todays battle is rooted in the fear that progress for some must come at the expense of others. Single-cell molecular profiling of all three components of the - PubMed Whether alumni of Furman, the parent of a Furman alumni or a friend of Furman, we consider everyone who supports this institution a member of the Furman family. What does the life and death of George Floyd tell us about the impact of structural racism on the individual and on policing? In Spartanburg County, almost 20% of college-bound high school graduates fall victim to "summer melt," as unseen challenges prevent them from following through with their dream. 3300 Poinsett Highway, Greenville, SC 29613, Clearly Furman campaign garners media attention. Associate Professor, Politics and International Affairs; Senior Researcher, Riley Institute 8642942360 david.fleming@furman.edu. Her areas of research include law and sociology, law and inequality,policing and the criminal legal system,welfare and public benefits law, housing law and residential segregation, and race and the law. ; 2 The Max Planck Society-Weizmann Institute of Science Laboratory for Experimental Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurogenetics, Rehovot 76100, Israel and Munich, Bavaria 80804, Germany. This national reckoning has also shined a spotlight on the legacies of structural racism, which is the broad system of policies, practices, structures, and norms that perpetuate and reinforce racial inequities. Once the supply was established, the Crew was able to contribute to make each stop more impactful. Greenville, SC 29613. These challenges can range from navigating the complexities of the college admission process to the pressure some students feel to stay at home to support their family financially or in other ways. It incorporates the interests of science, especially the experiences and needs of practice and business into the work program of the LfL and supplies the appropriate contacts. The LfL is an important companion for agriculture in Bavaria. Structural racism contributes to ongoing disparities not only in our criminal justice system, but also in wealth, health, housing, employment, and education. StraightTalk 2021 explored the continued impact of structural racism in America and what we can do as a community and a country to create a more just society. Furmans academics combine classroom learning and premier majors with experiences in research, internships, study away and community-centered learning. During which semester do you plan to study abroad? Consortiums will include: Arts Consortium, led by the Columbia Museum of Art and local arts organizations; Nonprofit Consortium, led by the Sisters of Charity Foundation and Childrens Trust of SC, a group of nonprofit organizations; Legal Consortium, composed of local law firms and potentially law enforcement divisions; and Banking/Finance Consortium, formed by local financial institutions. What is the best way forward if we are to prosper together? Riley Institute at Furman, Duke Energy to help advance diversity Greenville, SC 29613. Former U.S. Secretary of Education and former SC governor, Executive Director, Riley Institute; Professor, Politics and International Affairs, Director, White-Riley-Peterson Policy Fellowship, Director, Diversity Leadership Strategies, Associate Professor, Politics and International Affairs; Senior Researcher, Riley Institute, Director, Public Education Partnerships and Projects, Facilitator, Diversity Leaders Initiative; Senior Fellow, Director, South Carolina Afterschool Leaders Empowered, Senior Associate, Diversity Leaders Initiative, Professor, Politics and International Affairs; Coordinator, APEC, John D. Hollingsworth, Jr., Professor of Economics, Professor, Department of Politics and International Affairs; Assistant Faculty Director, The Cothran Center for Vocational Reflection, James B. Duke Professor of Asian Studies and Politics and International Affairs, William R. Kenan, Jr. Launched in 1999 and named for former U.S. Secretary of Education and S.C. We want to connect with you to know your story and learn more about all you will contribute to the Furman community. Last and certainly not least, Donny Supplee served as the Crews boots on the ground and the anchor for the whole project. These are appointed from the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry and hold an annual meeting. Because poverty is a complex problem, mitigating its effects on our most vulnerable studentsand their schoolswill require creative and multifaceted solutions. "The Riley Institute, and Furmans three other institutes, dealing with diversity and a number of very important subjects, is so good for the university and so good for the state and the country. less likely to develop foundational skills for reading acquisition, Can DeSantis scale the MAGA wall in SC? Lillian Brock Flemming is currently Mayor Pro Tem of Greenville City Council and has served as a city council member for forty years. Prof. Kay-Uwe Gtz, Institute for Animal Breeding. View Profile. Impact. Can DeSantis scale the MAGA wall in SC? Eaddy has also produced six segments of the 12-part series Sisterhood: South Carolina Suffragists, which examined how local women played critical roles in the passage of the 19th Amendment. Click box to complete subscription. He currently serves as co-chair for Greenville Countys Racial Equity and Economic Mobility Commission (REEM), executive committee for the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, and board member for the United Way of Greenville County. One solution is mentoring. from Yale,and aPh.D. in sociology and social policyfrom Harvard. Forgot account? Ministerialdirektor Hubert Bittlmayer, Department Head of the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Dr. Monika Prasch, presidential office, manages the Administration Board.Lange Point 1285354 FreisingTel. As a perfect complement, Millicent Dickey procured a donation of crayons from the Clover School District. Our students develop intellectually from a challenging and supportive academic experience and, through high-impact, real-world experiences and mentoring, graduate ready for accelerated career and community impact. For nearly two decades, Heather helped build the non-partisan think and do tank Demos, serving four years as president. When you live and learn in community with others, you develop deeper bonds, build better support systems and form stronger friendships. College & university. Smart Start. from Furman University (where she was a Truman scholar),an M.Sc. He also is the diversity and economic inclusion consultant for the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce. Final step The LfL is member of the DAFA, a German science and research alliance. Our 1 Coach, 3 Students, 1 Summer plan utilizes texting between coach and student to provide the critical mentorship necessary to see these students successfully transition into higher education. Interviews may be conducted; please monitor your email. The Start Smart Coaching program addresses this head-on by partnering coaches with students to provide support and encouragement throughout the summer to improve college enrollment. She frequently presents on philanthropy and volunteerism, and often provides expert consultation to corporations, community leaders, and nonprofits. The new team will be announced by April 22, 2022. He provided updates, feedback on ideas, implemented new tactics, and even hauled the Fresh Stop: Mobile Market to our final class day for show and tell.. A study published in 2021 by the Society for Research in Child Development suggests multiple benefits of quality early learning experiences, including reduced disparities between low- and higher-income childrens educational attainment and financial earnings later in life. At the same time, a global pandemic that has disproportionately impacted Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color caused many of us to examine disparities within healthcare and society at large. Furman students are academically challenged and leave Furman as lifelong learners who are changing the communities around them. Whether alumni of Furman, the parent of a Furman alumni or a friend of Furman, we consider everyone who supports this institution a member of the Furman family. August 31, September 7, September 14, 2021, Presented by the Riley Institute and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in partnership with South Carolina ETV. Scientifically proven results form the basis for our work. Also, during the 2023-2024 school year, several members of the Career Connections group will participate in STEPs afterschool program by hosting field trips and/or placements for students.