So, I guess theres only one small difference. Although youll hear some similarities between the two rhythms, experts suggest that they both have comparsa roots and that neither of them have anything to do with the African country of the same name. However, it is more common for the guitarist to strum or play fingerstyle a rhythm which compli- ments the calve rhythm. Samba - a cocktail of rhythms To get a little closer to the real deal, add eighth-notes on the ride to create an over-arching pattern (Ex. play rhythmic variations with the other hand on the snare. Free Jazz Piano Crash Course: Bass Lines in SambaThe bass patterns in Samba are driven by the left hand. Samba can be defined as a 2 layer rhythm where 1 rhythm is non-syncopated. Although most of the rhythms are Afro-Cuban, youll hear these rhythms in Brazil and elsewhere in Latin drumming. Since gear is such an important part of what we do as drummers, you'll also find gear recommendations and projects shared here at Heres what a 3:2 son clave looks and sounds like. Its a lot of exposed downbeats, so make sure the tempo feels right, the accents are clear, and the roll articulations (lengths) are precise. Included is an instruction and basic hand technique for congas. In this article, well explore everything you need to know about the clave rhythmits origins and the instruments that traditionally were used to play these rhythms. The kick drum is a mixture of the samba shaker accents and the surdo drums. But if you listen to the traditional Afro-Caribbean styles, youll definitely come across the 12/8 African bell pattern. It is also accented by the tumba part on most Afro-Cuban rumbas. clave is to listen, practice, and play in clave-aware settings, the analytically oriented reader may still benefit from the present analysis. Since a lot of Latin drumming on the drum set happens in a jazz or pop setting, we have a lot of freedom to improvise. As a drum set player, mastering these abilities will also help you with funk, rock, and other popular drumming styles. The right hand on the ride toggles between the bell and the surface of the ride (Ex. Youll notice that the kick drum parts for bossa nova and samba are the same. These parts are played on the floor Tom while the tamborim parts are played as a cross stick. The Latin drumming we often talk about comes from the interplay of African, European, and indigenous American cultures. This variation of the Son clave is heavily used in bossa nova music from Brazil, heres what it looks and sounds like. You can play this style with a percussionist, guitar, and vocals or with a much larger ensemble. To create a 2:3 version of this clave you would reverse the rhythm, starting with the group of two and following with the group of three. This is lesson is step 19 / 20 of a LANDR Lesson Plan. The grooves and fills largely follow the song like a jazz tune and are rarely loud or busy like samba. I personally feel it this way because the clave fits into two measures, marking the two sides of the rhythmic cycle with bar lines. The transition from the cscara to the mambo is facilitated by a drum filled called abanico. Michael Spiro calls this fix because its a combination of four and six. 5). The patterns are just a takeoff point. Unlimited mastering & distribution, 1200 royalty-free samples, 30+ plugins and more! T tj New Member Apr 25, 2008 #4 African American music during slavery was performed for religion, other ceremonies, and to drive work. The two most common forms, however, are identified with Matanzas and Havana. Its important to play the fundamental tumbadora (conga drums) parts before filling in too much. Whether its the Cuban shekere accents, the Brazilian surdos, or a songo cowbell accent, these half-note pulses are critical to how Latin drumming is meant to be felt. BONUS : 18 audio tracks to play along Samba, Maracatu, Ijex and Ciranda rhythms. Try their licks, and in the process, you will develop some of your own. Latin drumming fundamentals include understanding the relationship between rhythmic styles and foundational rhythms like clave. So dont be afraid to take inspiration from the clave and use it in your own music. I dont think there is a known reason why Brazil and Cuba developed ideas about clave so differently, but my theory could be combined with a confluence of factors to give you a better answer. Its notated by the sixteenths and accents In the second variation. This drum fill fits with clave and includes a single or double-stroke roll. Songo It immediately brings me back to the big band era, perhaps even Ricky Ricardos band on I love Lucy. It starts like 3 / 2 son clave and the second measure shifts the second hit of the 2 side to the up beat. Most of the drum fills youll play on the drum set are at the turnarounds of the phrases. It lands on beat four of the measure and is accented by tumbao patterns as well as ensemble breaks and entrances, to name a few examples. This technique saves a lot of energy and yields a lot of power. The following is simply a reversal in the basic samba pattern. PDF Latin Rhythms: MYSTERY UNRAVELED - Midwest Clinic Rhythm Notes is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Genre: Electronic. Its one of the most common Latin styles called on the bandstand. This exercise is mostly a coordination exercise to develop some independence. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for SAMBA REGGAE Claves arranged by Sylvie Decobecq for Snare drum (Solo) Browse Learn. It's probably so popular in the jazz and the rest of the pop music world because of its adaptability to drum set. The songo is an Afro-Cuban groove developed on the drum set. This is easily voiced as a cross stick on the snare to simulate the slap while your rack tom works for the open tone. A downloadable e-book (PDF) of the training sheets used in the course. Samba The apito is the whistle that controls the ensemble. This is the pattern used for guaguanc in both Havana and Matanzas. SOUND FILES WILL NOT PLAY UNLESS POWERPOINT IS VIEWED IN SLIDE VIEW. You may find them useful
Carlos Antonio Jobims famous tune Wave oscillates between the bell pattern and the bossa nova clave, for example. A varied collection of rhythms. But that doesnt let us off the hook because tomorrow you could be called for a tango gig. The tambora is a double headed small barrel-shaped drum played with one hand and one stick. The samba reggae is one of my favorite Brazilian grooves to play on drum set. This characteristic of the rhythmic interpretation is found in both Cuba and Brazil. In both clave rhythms, the upbeat of beat 2 on the 3 side is the bombo. Well also explore the son, bossa nova and rumba variations of the clave and well look at some examples of how claves are used in modern pop music. I play both the high and low surdo parts with my right hand on one floor tom, but I would use two floor toms if the opportunity presents itself. In general, the clave rhythm consists of accents extracted from the African bell pattern (explained below). Bossa nova comes from musicians in the late 1950s playing a soft samba with guitar playing the underlying rhythms through jazz chords. The groove that I shared below is the same one youll find performed by Steve Houghton in the essential styles book. The second variation is a better adaptation of the traditional parts on drum set, but many of the Latin tunes require a heavier kick drum to support the band, which is why I think the first variation is more common. Hot tip: Were constantly publishing new articles about music theory, so if you want to keep learning share your email and get new ideas, theory lessons and music production tutorials delivered to your inbox every week! as a non-specialist it is really useful. Sometimes I add an eighth note to anticipate this surdo hit because the samba school players add inner beats with their hand or mallet to establish the feel. I like to play the guira on hi hat with my left foot. I was trying to think of the first Latin drum set style that drummers often learn. You don't play any type of jazz by merely executing this pattern. Traditionally the clave is played by a percussionist on the clavea specific percussion instrument made from two round dowels of wood that are hollowed out to create a high-pitched clicking sound. Happy half term ! The main parts you want to adapt are the timbale rhythms, the guiro, and the conga. Notice how in the 3:2 version, this third note is an eighth note played on the and of two. You may notice that there is a push and pull, a tension and release in these eighth note groupings. If you want to figure how to improvise within this groove, YouTube has several videos of excellent tambora players. Theres more on
Latin Styles. Clave is a two-bar rhythmic pattern that developed from one of the African bell patterns that came to the Americas aboard slave ships. Try practicing the African bell pattern by feeling or stepping the dotted quarter-note pulse. Related: 17 Latin Grooves Every Drum Set Player Should Know. The 3 side has three clave hits, while the 2 side has two hits. The bass drum (known as the "Surdo") is played using just one stick (held in the strong hand). Sometimes the kick drum can be too much for a song, so you can modify the pattern by leaving out the first kick drum on beat one. Typical mambo music seems to lack that "dotted" rhythm. Its basically one drummer versus a whole battery of players in a samba school. As long as the parts have the same rhythmic feel, youve done your job adapting the traditional samba to the drum set. Or are they somewhere to be found online? Or, is it straight from the West African bell pattern brought to the Americas via the slave trade? It is mainly characterized by a "different beat" [nb 3] that altered the harmonies with the introduction of unconventional chords and an innovative syncopation of traditional samba from a single rhythmic division. For a deeper dive into the concept of "clave," check out this article. Follow a clave pattern in your bass parts, or use it on the keys or as a way to create and ease tension. The rhythmic elements of bossa nova include clave, a steady shaker, and lower sounding drum like from the pandeiro or, in this case, the kick drum. The origins of Samba, as well as those of other rhythms from Brazil and South american and Caribbean countries, date back to the days of Africa's colonization and African . Since Im limited in terms of how many hands I have free to play the conga part, I play the slap as a cross stick on the snare and the open tones of the tumbao with a rack tom. CLAVE is an African-derived pattern with equivalents in other Afro-Latin music. Check out this article with tips from readers like you. He had a jazz degree from UNT, taught us Afro-Cuban rhythms and samba with traditional instruments, and we learned West African dance drum songs. Related: Son Clave 10 Ways to Play It on Drum Set. Developing a vocabulary for improvising, like I mentioned above, comes from listening to the great players. Samba is the most popular Brazilian musical genre and dance style, with its roots in Africa, specially Angola and the Congo. Choose either Samba A or Samba B from above. This article is an introduction to the fundamentals. The guitar and pandeiro often play these accents, but you'll hear drum set parts adopt these accents. Bossa Nova Bass Ostinato. Since the guiro is one of the most recognizable parts of a cha cha, its not something that you want to leave out. The conga part can be played on the snare drum and rack tom, and the block or guira part is perfect for the hi-hat or block add on. The only other way to pick up the feel of Latin drumming is to go to a Latin American country and experience it in person. Aside from the hand jive rhythms that youll hear on songs by the Grateful Dead, Eric Clapton, and, of course, Bo Diddley, the clave rhythm can be found in many pop songs. The best way to develop a strong Latin drumming improvisation vocabulary is by studying the great drummers. This rhythm is played during the quieter sections of a mambo style song in either salsa or Cuban music. While there certainly are incredible drummers with a firm grasp on Latin drumming who did grow up with a Latin background, I chose to simply develop enough Latin chops to get by on a gig, sound fairly authentic, and not completely make a fool of myself. In other words, the rhythm is implied, but still drives the "feel" or groove of the song. It's probably the bossa nova beat. This lesson will dive into the basics of a rhythmic pattern called "clave", named after the traditional two-stick percussion instrument. It forms the foundation for many salsa and timba songs. Clave Rhythm - A Brief History Of A Sacred Popular Rhythm Listen to how the piano, bass, congas, and other instruments fit with clave. You need drum, tambourine, claves, shaker and ago go bells ( Triangle will do if you haven't any )
The mozambique came from the conga de comparsa carnival rhythms and was developed by Pello el Afrokan. The drum set part on Valerie by Amy Winehouse is the only instrument playing clave. The kick drum accents the upbeat of beat two, which is the bombo note of the three side of clave. Try playing the conga slap as a cross stick on the snare drum and the open tones on a rack tom. The repinique plays the call and the ensemble answers the call with the response in unison. You can change it and improvise within reason. I usually go with the remote hat or a tight cymbal stack on the left side of the kit to make it easier for me to play the toms. I play it on the hi hat or a jam block, but it can be interpreted several differents ways, as it should in different phrases. the clave rhythm. You can add the kick drum on the upbeat of beat two and beat four to bring in some songo drum set parts . A stick on a snare drum can easily replicate these sounds. The bossa nova borrows elements from samba and jazz to make a smooth style. Although the true origins of Latin drumming go back to Africa and indigenous music, were discussing the two most influential centers of Latin music Cuba and Brazil. CLAVE (CLA-veh) An offbeat 3-2 or 2-3 rhythmic pattern over two bars, it is the basis of all Cuban music into which all elements of arrangement and improvisation should fit. Heres a classic example from the great bossa nova artist Carlos Antonio Jobim with Desafinado. The influence of the cha cha can be heard in rock songs like Louie Louie by Richard Berry. This is necessary to be consistent with the final eighth note in the second measure (just before the repeat). Understand the basic elements of bossa nova and samba rhythms. The only difference is the third hit of the 3 side is on beat 4, not the + of beat 4. The guira part is the only other one you could voice on the kit, but I recommend nailing down the tambora. What is the Clave For those drummers out there that are eager to dive in to the world of Latin music, the term Clave, is a rhythmic pattern that relates to latin drumming. This surdo part is notated in the same variation with a heavy accent on beat three of the bar, which is played by the kick drum. This idea of relating parts and licks to clave based on the folkloric tradition is important for developing Latin rhythms on a drum set. The guira is a metal scraping instrument. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. Try playing it on the hi-hat with a stick or your foot. The songo was developed on a drum set and timable hybrid while the soca has been a drum set groove from the start. This incompleteness makes the tresillo an excellent rhythm for building tensionwhich is why youll hear it used often in pop and EDM build-ups as well as reggaeton music. It includes six accents, half of which line up with clave. PDF Latin Drumset Techniques - PAS But this is not playing jazz. This a caballo part is usually played on the shell of the timbale. Reverse Samba Clave As with all Brazilian rhythms, there are many variations on the basic samba. It sounds like a fan and its played with your hands, hence why it is called abanico, meaning hand fan (see Drum Fills below). 5 Clave Variations: How The Clave is Used in Afro-Cuban Music and Beyond The groove below was developed in New York in the 1960s, about ten year after the Cuban rhythm was developed. Although there are a handful of bell patterns in West African music, the few that survived the Middle Passage across the Atlantic are the roots of clave and Afro-Caribbean music. This groove reminds me of pseudo-Latin attempts to play a mambo groove on drum set. Son Clave 10 Ways to Play it on Drum Set, Drumming Styles 28 Beats Every Drummer Should Know, Drum Circles - An Introduction to Unleashing Your Rhythm. Latin drumming is characterized by feeling a strong pulse followed by three weaker beats. As house music borrows heavily from Latin and African musical traditions, its not uncommon to hear clave rhythms within percussive elements like conga or cowbell or within the musics rhythmic structure. Its stick on rim accents and downbeat slaps sound amazing on a snare drum with the snares released, while the low open tones work well on the floor tom. In fact, my teacher would always sing the fill to teach it and make reference. Although there are a lot of parts in the traditional mozambique, the drum set beat includes the main bell pattern and prominent drum conversational roles. Your rock beat will be better because of the cha cha cha, and the attention to clave rhythms will help you develop complex patterns that you can repeat. Here's what a 3:2 rumba clave looks and sounds like. Like most Afro-Cuban based Latin drumming, the drum set parts are voiced by using cymbals for bell parts and snare, toms, and kick for the traditional drum parts. Try variations on the kick drum or filling in between the bell rhythm in different ways. In other words, as you begin to prepare for the accent, you will strike the instrument. The tresillo is often used often in pop and EDM build-ups as well as reggaeton music. The guitar and pandeiro often play these accents, but youll hear drum set parts adopt these accents. This is one of the most common clave rhythms youll hear in Cuban latin drumming styles. It immediately brings me back to the big band era, perhaps even Ricky Ricardos band on, I dont know if it has been just my experience, but most of the drum set books that have a guaguanco groove in it are way off. Related: Conga Solo Tips 10 Ideas to Develop Your Improvisation. You can add the hi-hat on the downbeats to keep a steady pulse, which actually simulates the role of a shekere part. The clave rhythm is so versatile that it can be adapted to any tempo or time signature, and it can be used with various instruments or even electronically produced sounds. PDF Afro Cuban Intro and Basics - This left-hand bass line gives the right-hand line a reference from which to be syncopated.#BrazilianRhythmicPatterns #SambaRhythms\u0026Variations During the up sections of the song, youll choose cowbells and cymbal bells, for example. Related: How to Play African Bell Pattern 21 Variations For Drum Set. Once you are comfortable with the patterns, try reading exercises and lessons from Ted Reeds Syncopation. I hoe you have fun. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, Its unclear from exactly where or when the cscara pattern was first developed. The rumba clave. Additionally, the left hand may also be developed to sightread rhythms in order to build independence under the samba ostinato that can come in handy in more jazz-orientated improvisational situations. Modern Afro-Cuban styles, like mambo, include a bongo bell pattern that accents the strong half-note pulse. Its clearly based on rhythms that developed after West African music was re-invented in the Americas. Soca is one of two grooves on this list that were developed on drum set. Suggested Rhythm Section Patterns for Common Styles. Drum circles are a fun and engaging way to connect with people and create music together. . SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH. b. Unlike the previous grooves on this list, the mambo requires drum set players to combine parts from a few different instruments. These accents help situate the feel and swing of the rhythm among all of the other instrumental layers in Latin drumming. PDF Samba - St Ivo Academy This fill includes an introductory rimshot on the macho timbale drum and a roll into the downbeat of the section with the mambo bell pattern. However, I dont think its the most sophisticated one. This groove is another Afro-Cuban folkloric rhythm that uses the African bell pattern as its main ostinato to which all other parts are related. Related: How to Play Timbales Basic Grooves and Fills. Likewise, the floor tom can serve as the hembra (low drum). Additionally, the lines between duple and triplet subdivisions are often not clear. Welcome to Rhythm Notes, a site dedicated to helping you level up your hand and stick drumming, today! It will open up new ideas for any style of music. During the down sections of the song, this part is usually played with a cross stick on the snare drum. Youll hear the rumba clave, and various forms of it, in Afro-Cuban folkloric music. The rumba clave is the less common cousin of the son clave, youll hear it used as a variation to the sol clave in Afro-Cuban musicespecially in rumba music itself. The relationship between clave and musical parts and improvisation will be explained in more detail in the sections for each clave. Latin Drumming Fundamentals for Drum Set - Rhythm Notes A Guide to Drum Kit Notation for Latin Music: Bossa Nova Rhythm Notes is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Whether subtly influencing a tracks rhythm or driving the groove as a prominent percussive element, the clave is a potent tool in the arsenal of modern music producers. And its an equally egalitarian rhythm for the drum set player. I think of songo as having a strong half-note pulse on the cymbal, cowbell, or shell of the drum and a bomba backbeat on the and of beat two in each bar. The rhythmic elements of bossa nova include clave, a steady shaker, and lower sounding drum like from the pandeiro or, in this case, the kick drum. Another difference between the two claves is the common side that that they start. The conga part is the harder of the instruments to adapt to drum set. The Tambora is played on the drum head and rim with a stick. Were constantly putting out new articles about music theory so if you want to keep learning share your email and get new ideas, theory lessons and music production tutorials delivered to your inbox every week! Time for Summer Time for Music: 65% OFF 03 d: 06 h: 46 m: 12 s. View offer. Try some tamborim rhythms from samba or modify the bossa nova clave by adding or subtracting hits. The historical roots of the clave are linked to transnational musical exchanges within the African diaspora. Using western classical music as an example, you will notice that the accents are always on the downbeat. In other words, the drum fill is a part of the groove, so respect that, too. The cumbia is simple in its percussion parts and instrumentation. Drum Circles - An Introduction to Unleashing Your Rhythm. It would say Latin or calypso. I had no idea what that meant, no books to reference Latin grooves, no teacher knowledgeable enough to help me, and certainly no YouTube in 1992. The samba is tough to replicate on the drum set. Audio takes you through samba rhythms layering them until you have 5 built up ( samba groove)
It was created by the Cuban band Los Van Van and its drummers, most notably Jos Luis Quintana (Changuito). Ready to master the clave? Pronounced (Klah-Vay), this term has more than one meaning, which; unfortunately to most, is a mystery. Samba Drumming - CGuide Note that the leading tie-note is now an eighth note. This is perhaps because the clave is phrased in two measures one measure per side. For more variations on the African bell pattern, see number 13 on this list rumba Columbia. Samba rhythms Sheet music for Drum group (Solo) | The rhythm effect Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Drum Cadence by Misc arranged by Alejandro Martin Dufau for Drum group (Solo) . This context is most apparent in the use of different clave rhythms adapted from African bell patterns. To add a third voice we move up to the ride cymbal to simulate the hi-end of the often-used triangle. Although there are specific parts in a samba that play clave rhythms, it is not the key to Brazilian music. 4). The most important part of samba is the shaker part. The Steve Houghton songo was the first variation of the groove I learned after studying the Essential Styles books in high school. On the drum set, the main parts are usually focused on the drum parts and bell pattern. Its important to adjust your rhythms to accommodate each song. The tamborim parts were the most interesting because I heard rumba, son, and clave rhythms with added Brazilian rhythms. George Michaels Faith is a song that uses clave as the predominant rhythm played by almost all of the rhythm section instruments. The music of Brazil has some specific characteristics. Start Free Trial Upload Log in. So drummers arent far off or wrong by using this terminology. The clearest arrangements were often written in cut time. The clavepronounced clah-vis the underlying rhythm pattern used in Afro-Cuban and Latin American musicit is used particularly in mambo, salsa, Brazilian bossa-nova music and other forms of Latin jazz. So, practice clapping out clave patterns on your own, learn to identify them in the music you hear and have fun experimenting with them in your own creations! SAMBA ! Usually played at - Yumpu One or more percussionists could accompany the guitar, but the vocals and guitar became the focus, especially with songs like Girl From Ipanema.. The rhythm most commonly called the African pattern is a 12/8 meter pattern with two phrases. The first variation is commonly played at the beginning of a song in the rumba Columbia. F, d. In Cuban music, the clave is a rhythmic concept around which all the music is constructed. Knowing how to play the ballroom rumba has helped me a lot on both big band and blues gigs. Related: How to Play African Bell Pattern 21 Variations For Drum Set. The tango nuevo is what I think of when someone says tango. Key: C major, A minor. The final part to consider when adapting a cha cha to drum set is the guiro part. Drum fills are critical to Latin drumming. The second fill doesnt have a name that I could find or that Ive ever heard. Clave can be played on a jam block or cross stick on the snare drum, for example, while the cascara can be played on the rim of the drum, the shell of the drum, hi hat, or the ride cymbal, including the bell. Minimalism Minimalism became popular is the USA in the 1950s. But first, we need to analyze the African bell pattern. Samba Rythms for Drums Sheet music for Drum group (Solo) - Conditions. The tango is a style that everyone knows yet you will almost never see it on a chart or setlist. And it's also the name of a percussion instrument, a pair of wooden sticks used to play this pattern. Instead of being played on the and of two, its instead delayed by one-sixteenth note written on the a of two. The tambora and guira are traditional merengue instruments. Cscara should be played with the traditional accent pattern. The segundo drum part can be played with a high or medium rack tom on the drum set. If you place your left lower palm on the drum while playing the cross stick, it mutes the head and changes the timbre of what youre doing with your right hand. The percussionist may be the primary instrumentalist playing the clave, but in reality, everyone plays to the clavesince in Latin music it represents the center of rhythm. Some drum set players call the bemb rhythm a naigo drum beat. If its the up section of the tune, Ill play it on a cha-cha bell or the bell of the ride cymbal. We can simulate this style of call and response by using the snare to call in the lower sounding drums. Rhythm Rules: Brazilian Guitar 101 - Premier Guitar Try adding a cscara pattern in one hand and a kick drum on the upbeat of 2 in every measure. The dreaded words on my junior high jazz chart used to haunt me.
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