McCullough did not respond to The Tribune's requests to follow up after the meeting. She is also an active member of Macedonia Missionary Baptist church, where she volunteers for the Youth Ministry. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school districts Title IX Officer, and/or Section 504/ADA Coordinator, and/or Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, 304 Adams Street South, PO Box 437, South Bend, WA 98586 (360) 875-6041. School board members are paid a base salary of $2,000 per year and earn $112 per regular board meeting and $62 per executive session meeting. South Bend and Elkhart Community School Corporations are sponsoring the annual Thought Leadership Conference on Wednesday, May 17 and Thursday, May 18 at the Lerner Theatre in Elkhart. South Bend Community School Corporation - BoardDocs I don't get any direct gain.". South Bend administrators are expected to seek a series of approvals from the board on April 17. Wesley said she has included information about her work relationships and companies her family works for in past disclosures. Here's why. The public will be notified per Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-5. The Parenting Institute has secured hundreds of thousands of dollars through two grants with 21st Century Community Learning Centers, a federal program supporting academic enrichment during out-of-school hours. Along with his oversight of the organizations day-to-day operating activities, he leads the implementation of new strategic initiatives around process, technology, safety and culture. Those statements spell out a board member's connection to a contractand any financial gain they expect to receive. I believe it is very necessary to provide resources for our transgender students. Ashley is the accounting and program specialist for the South Bend Heritage Foundation. League of Women Voters of the South Bend Area, American Democracy Project of Indiana University South Bend. Were calling for the reestablishment of neighborhood schools in South Bend.. Currey is currently the Mishawaka school board president and has served on the board since 2009. New board members elected Tuesday are likely to play a pivotal role in deciding the future footprint of Michianas largest school district. South Bend School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. More:'Common Sense' slate takes seat in PHM; One South Bend incumbent loses. All rights reserved. Darryl Heller, director of IU South Bends Civil Rights Heritage Center, urged administrators to consider strategies for safety employed in South Bend schools not staffed by SROs and to discuss investments in mental health services and social workers. South Bend has several buildings fitting that description, including Riley, Clay and Washington high schools. View our non-discrimination policy Outside mental health agencies can also provide support. Wesley's 2018 disclosure lists two contracts between the Parenting Instituteand South Bend schoolsfor its21st Century Community Learning Centers program, and one for an organization called Reposition Inc. Administrators have expressed support for the program and even attempted this semester to partner with a private company to temporarily place off-duty police officers in separate security roles to help fill staff shortages. He is the host of WNIT (PBS) Televisions Economic Outlook show, a weekly program that explores the stories, companies and people helping drive the regional economy. About a dozen parents, students and teachers spoke against the recommendations during the school boards Monday night meeting. Consolidation explained:An in-depth look at when South Bend schools will merge. Appropriate resources should be provided if major problems are indicated in the South Bend schools. They should be engaged not only with students but also with families and community. Community She also said she is not familiar with the state's systembut thatshe files disclosure forms every January with the South Bend superintendent's office. Which stay the same? An identical contract renewing services with the St. Joseph County Police Department was also approved as a part of Monday nights vote. "Blindly sticking to the SRO program means taking the easy way out," Heller said. He is currently the boards vice president. "I look forward to working with each and every one of. South Bend School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender . Please plan accordingly utilizing the 24-pay . Administrators, over the last year, have entrusted a group of consultants with exploring ideas for reshaping school programs and right-sizing the districts physical presence following years of declining enrollment. Thomas (Tom) Smith will continue to serve as the North Township representative. John Glenns school board race is also uncontested. Additional questions and answers are available at She said she would like to spend more time reviewing student enrollment patterns and explore how spaces are being used to advance new educational practices, like STEM-based learning, within physical spaces designed decades ago. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). [emailprotected]) Filing is open for fall school board races. Here's what to know about Ive always believed that when you make a decision, you should always have two or three or four options about what to do, Costello said. This is not this boards problem, OK? Greene opined whether SROs would be needed in the district in five to 10 years. Greene beat challenger Robert Smitty Smith with more than 53% of the vote, according to unofficial results made available by St. Joseph County late last Tuesday night. The conference brings together local, regional, and national leaders from the business, education, and government sectors to create inclusion in a diverse . We have too many buildings that are doing their own thing. School Board Members; Agendas 2022-23; Board Members. She dedicates her career to ensure that educators are highly qualified to better the lives of children. Wesley insists she has taken all the necessary steps to make sure there are no conflicts of interest and that she does not benefit directly from the contracts. Costello is a retired superintendent of Eau Claire Public Schools in Michigan and has spent many years in the South Bend district as a paraprofessional, teacher and administrator, both before and after his time in Michigan. school board at 520 NW Wall Street, Bend, Oregon, 97703. Instead, a committee of city, school district and community representatives, including at least one parent, will review the contract annually with a formal readoption required at the end of the contracts two-year term. Title II Coordinator: Executive Director of Student Services, 520 NW Wall Street, Bend OR (541-355-1060 or [emailprotected]) As for the board's upcoming conflict of interest review, Wesley said she requested that the board discuss and approve disclosures every year. What does it look like? Lobby "I'm running the emergency rental assistance.". School Board / Approved Meeting Minutes Whatever plan the board decides to make, we'll have to be flexible to make changes when needed, Costello said. Wesley, who is. More on local schools: Here's how much each group will get in $400K summer program. Each item affects every other item.. Those programs include tutoring services, STEM activitiesand college visits, according to the Riley High School website. Five are elected by residents of each of the five school board districts and two are elected at-large. Follow her on Twitter: @carleylanich. On the South Bend boards recent vote to approve a contract with the Parenting Institute for summer programs,Wesley againtold The Tribune that she keeps her distance from potential conflicts. Why arent we doing that? McCullough said. However, there is a great deal of work ahead in a number of areas: (1) Ensure that schools have highly qualified teachers and support them; (2) Reduce class size; (3) Support socio-emotional learning with social workers who work in concert with cognitive intervention specialists and provide programs on mindfulness and movement; (4) Partner with local universities with social work programs to create internships; (5) Add counselors whose sole purpose is to support students academic needs (not be used to cover classes and the like); and (6) Ensure that teachers, social workers, paraprofessionals, and others have time, space, and incentives for professional development and professional learning communities. "I typically say you have to commit murder. Thereturns typically disclose compensation received by a registered nonprofits officers, directors and other employees. He has also served on the board of the South Bend Education Foundation. There should be more investment in hiring counselors and social workers as first responders, except in volatile situations. "I wonder what the available pool of respondents in the school corporation is. Follow her on Twitter: @carleylanich. Current state budget drafts propose to increase South Bends education funds used to pay for teachers salary, classroom expenses and more by 4% in the coming year and less than 2% in the year after. directed toward common needs of all children and must also consider the Duane graduated from Park University and holds a B.S. South Bend trustees decided to close Clay High School. How did each ' Greene said. Rea is a graduate of Campbell University in Buies Creek, NC, with a degree in Public Administration. Greene also expressed that hes against school closures during a South Bend Tribune forum in October. tad, and is excited to serve on the Empowerment Zone board to advocate for positive educational outcomes for Westside students and families. The decision before us is mired in a thicket of issues that are, at least for me, emotional, financial and pragmatic, and Ill continue to do everything possible to protect the interest of teachers, staff members, families and children.. Two are stationed in high schools and two others are in middle schools. The South Bend Empowerment Zone and its Empowerment Zone Chief are directly accountable to a non-profit Board. August 4, 2022 at 2:01 AM The South Bend school board meets on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, in the district's downtown administration building. This content is the sole responsibility of the entity that makes it available. Kindergarten registration is now open! and if there's another way to do it, how do we go about doing it and making sure that we're doing it in a way that we're ready to go with whatever's next.". Here's a look inside the new contract that outlines SROs' role in schools. Marc Gumm, Sheldon Scott and Jill Smith are contesting for one at-large seat on the board. Hughes: The South Bend Community School Corporation celebrates all students. Members are also offered the option of buying health benefits offered to other school corporation employees. Board members are elected by voters community-wide and represent the entire school district; however, they must reside in one of five zones or be elected as At-Large. As the representative for the Clay Township area, Greenes campaign came to be defined by questions over the future of Clay High School. Most board members did not directly say how they plan to vote upon first hearing consultants' recommendations last week, but used their board comments. When asked directly after the school board meeting, McCullough did not say specifically who or what organization her comments were about. I hope the community will rally around South Bend schools and those leading, participating in and impacted by the change as we build an agile system to meet current and future needs of our students, educators and community.. Find board agendas, supplemental information or minutes of board meetings in the District Meetings Library. It's like any plan. Jim Garrett and Jamie Woods, who both currently sit on the board, will continue to serve as Penn Township members. Review the District Calendar to find dates and times of upcoming board meetings. MetaSearch is intended for research, information and reference purposes only. Could one or more South Bend high school close? Here's what's on the Email South Bend Tribune education reporter Carley Lanich The corporation brings in just shy of $22 million each year through its referendum and uses about $19 million to cover expenses the district could previously afford before tax caps were enacted. The school board Im removed to as little as possible so I dont have any direct input.. Kempf: The current performance of schools in my district have significantly raised within the past couple years. But he said the board will receive conflict of-interest training with an attorney next month, and that thesituation with the Parenting Institute could be used as an example. The roles, responsibilities and expectations for SROs need to be clear. I personally believe these amazing programs can honestly make huge improvements with our scholars across the entire school corporation. 1:07. Some, however, still looked for clarity in the contracts and advocated for alternatives to police in schools. Proposals for consolidation will be presented as several individual items, meaning the board can choose to accept some, all or none of the steps to consolidate. Smith said that despite losing his election, he will continue to advocate to Save Our Schools in Clay Township. Many South Bend Community School Corporation (SBCSC) employees had already been transitioned to a 24-pay (semi-monthly pay) schedule in 2022. "That would be a worthwhile way to look and say 'Is this the best way to provide a safe learning environment for our students?' Kempf: It is very crucial and one of my top priorities to protect the physical and emotional well-being of our scholars. Consolidation:Which schools change? contact the person closest to the situation first to have their issue Sitting next to Smith in an ABC57 forum in September, Greene said the high school wouldnt be reconfigured into a career center another idea broadly discussed in the spring. First day of HS Soccer/Volleyball practice, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM One thing that has been made clear is that the status quo cannot continue to exist.. Slavensof the Indiana School Boards Associationsaid members are encouragedto file disclosures at the beginning of each year. Costello wins District 2 seat on South Bend school board - ABC57 Our elementary level scholars needs more out-of-school learning opportunities in their buildings to better support their academic and social needs. SROs are sworn law enforcement officers and can assist with safety and crime prevention in schools. Board member Stuart Greene submitted a form to the district saying he does not have any conflicts and member Ruth Warren disclosed a her relationship as a contract employee with The Family Connection, Kubicki said. Name: Title: Location: Search. Dale Groves, who currently serves as the secretary of school board, is the only candidate to file for the District 1 seat. There is every intention to put money toward Clay, the question is, 'Toward what? Other issues, such as transportation, outsourcing, teacher retention and safety, also are all at the front of mind. Email South Bend Tribune education reporter Carley Lanich at Email South Bend Tribune education reporter Carley Lanich at 1:09 SOUTH BEND Police officers will stay in South Bend schools through at least the end of next school year under a contract approved by the South Bend school board Monday. Greene: My sense is that students will create the spaces they need, but it is important that adults hear what students express and walk the path beside them. Cummings said through a spokesperson,"This is board business.". The organization had failed to file tax returns for three consecutive years, according to an IRS database. There should be lots of questions about whether the corporation is supporting any of our schools I would hope now the elections over that the community would come together at some of these fora that I want to host with constructive ideas.. If such legislation were to pass, a family of four making up to $240,000 could send their students to private school on a scholarship, while charter schools could petition to buy for $1 public school buildings operating under 60% capacity. Prior to coming to the Chamber, Rea served as the Mayor of the City of Mishawaka for 6 years. South Bend school board member Leslie Wesley's firm raises questions SOUTH BEND Two new names will take seats on the South Bend school board in January following last week's midterm elections. heard. Five seats are elected by district and two seats are elected at large. Meetings are scheduled to be live-streamed on our YouTube Channel. BLM and NAACP want South Bend Police out of the schools - WNDU community members make up the Bend-La Pine Schools Board of Directors. 215 South Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Kate Lee 215 S. Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd. After months of debate about how best to ensure students' safety and whether police should remain in the buildings, board members voted 4-3 Monday night to continue a longstanding relationship with city and county police departments. Jeff Rea is the current President and CEO of the South Bend Regional Chamber and the Greater Niles (MI) Chamber, a role that he has held since September, 2010. This is encouraging especially after the Pandemic. Probably not. She expressed her concern that administrators may already have their mind set about closing schools, though she said shes not sure which schools specifically are under the microscope. South Bend Jr./Sr. - Official Athletic Website - South Bend, WA It is equally important o understand how power works in different contexts the classroom, the hallways, cafeteria, sidewalks, and the community and how power can silence students who are poor, non-binary, black and brown, newly-arrived and undocumented, neurologically diverse, and differently abled. 304 Adams Street South, South Bend, WA 98586. "I'm not running the (education) programs," she said. I am confident in the effective abilities and skills of our school counselors to address students with gender identity questions. The Tribune is partnering with the League of Women Voters of the South Bend Area and the American Democracy Project of Indiana University South Bend to publish candidates' answers to questions on the issues. Hiestands passion stems from the belief that high quality education comes from high quality educators. Kate Lee will serve South Bends first district, which covers much of east-central South Bend, including the neighborhoods nearest Adams High School. Jared McQueen will serve as an at-large member of the school board. The members are appointed by the following elected officials: Governor appoints four members. Recommendations for consideration include: When asked by media Tuesday about next steps, Superintendent Todd Cummings expressed confidence the board will likely accept the plan as a living document that well work on over the next few years.. If the board chooses not to close the building, the district could have fewer resources to pursue other projects. During the meeting where those contracts were approved, board member Jeanette McCullough asked the board to conduct a review to ensure it was not violating any policies. South Bend Community School Corporation announces public schools closure; South Bend City Council, School Board announce historic joint meeting; New bus routes on hold until August 2020 ; Winter Break meal pick-up; Superintendent's "Talks with Todd" schedule for 2020 confirmed; South Bend School Corp receives $5.5 million grant for . Board of Directors Board Meeting Dates & Times, The second Tuesday of every other month, unless otherwise specified. School Board meetings are broadcast live on WETL 91.7 FM. School board members are continuing to collect feedback leading up to their anticipated vote on consolidation next month. Brian Kubicki, an attorney for South Bend schools, said the district found record of forms filed this year for two school board members. (7) Oversight: Is there agreement about what entity will provide a regular review of the policy? Eight primary pathways that the School Board must remain as guidelines to improve students academic performances are vision, standards, assessment, accountability, alignment, climate, collaborative relationships, and continuous improvement. Changes within these pathways will provide our students with the opportunity for increased student learning through the avenues of effective teaching. The consultants proposals come after more than a year of planning and include major undertakings, such as closing Clay High School, building a new career center and realigning student feeder patterns throughout elementary, middle and high schools. Wesley later declined to answer additional questions about her agency, saying it merged with another organization and is changing its name. Stephanie is a lifelong resident of South Bend, having graduated from the former LaSalle High School on the city's Near Westside.
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