Anonymous, 2001 What a creep show those seminars were. I hated him with a black passion for being such an asshole. And I will admit if anyone deserved to be at a place for troubled youth it was me. I got out 100 percent worse then when I went in. But I still new right from wrong. Anita I wish your family the best. Finally one day when I had my scheduled call, my mother asked , Are they listening to you talk. and I said , Yes . Ya Cammeron from river view was charged with sex assault, never heard what came of it. We have missing indigenous girls all the time around the Reservation , its like a hunting ground for the sex trade. Hope hes doing well. Anyone who remembers me please reach out. Those asshole twins never submitted them. Got bored and checked out SPL on GoogleEarth. Im just glad I saw through the BS. It was cool getting sugar and butter and ketchup for like a week I guess haha. Teens are supposed to party late, have sex, try thing whether theyre good or bad. Homes with this school assigned. . It was a long long time ago and I am 44 now and I was 16 then. She is heading toward Highway 200. I kept my mouth shut and the next night they were gone. She has also kept photos from that time, on the rare occasion her parents were allowed to visit. Kids as young as 12 were at this school and they got no exceptions. I said to myself I will never come down here and participate in one of these in the rest of my time here,so when they came up I would tell them please just take me to the Hobbit. She is lucky to have a mother who accepts what happened there. It never goes away no matter how long in the rear view the experience was. From Wisconsin? For the firat few weeks, he and I werenteven allowed to make eye contact. I was there in 2006 i believe I was in courage family the place was hell I never passed level 1 I remember the room at the top of the hill the most the punishment room intervention or whatever it was called I spent most my time there it smelled like piss and or puke it was exactly like a prison sell except In prison we got a mattress and a tv there we got a stinky carpet covered wooden or metal bunk I spent several years in prison and that place made prison seem like a resort its probably half the reason I went to prison it institutionalized me at 15 it made me numb to being incarcerated incarceration felt normal and easy compared to that shit hole if there are any lawsuits I can join please contact me Ended up driving into the little store, as in ~I drove INTO the store~ and everyone but me jumped out a grabbed every cig and dip can in the place. It was basically my job to monitor and discipline the students. You are a testament to the endurance of a restless spirit haha. My son never progressed in the levels and he talked about the hobbit but I had no idea how awful it was. I heard you had a baby a while back! I was Jakes closest friend there and I tried to convince him not to run because I knew he wouldnt make it we all felt the same about busting out of there. Honor family. Here are key facts and figures about Ile-de-France: Population: 13 million. Ill never forget watching her all alone up there and feeling so horrible about just sitting there while the facilitator asks her to move on to her next trauma. I dont know if anyone still checks this site but if so, please let me know if you were in Charity in 2005. Spring Creek was also known as Spring Creek Lodge or Spring Creek Lodge Academy. Cry me a fuking river you unaccountable over sensative pussies! I can remember countless times when they would needlessly call for support staff and watch as 6 male staff pinned me to the ground. If my child ever reads this I want her to know that I am sorry. I too was in Serenity. This attitude and strong will is inherent to my being and I carry it with pride the same way the upper level would feel towards their graduation. I am writing this from a prison cell and it is being submitted on my behalf by another party who told me about this site. I witnessed a staff member force a 13 year old boy to give him oral sex in the bathroom late one night when everyone was asleep WTF! any spring creek lodge people have any luck getting their transcripts?? I hope you feel the same. Remember that tall guy with the flat top and big ass boots that went up to his knees. I didnt want her to catch a ride with a stranger. I remember one time looking up at the people with me and our face masks all had beards of frost hanging off our faces where our breath had frozen there. otto? Theyd even use former Tranquility Bay students to put on the phone where we were made to talk other parents into agreeing to transfer their kids thereinto a far worse program than they were already in. Probably an arm and a leg, just curious. Overall spring creek sucked but it wasnt a bad abusive place when I was there like everyone else has said atleast not in my experience lmao. I can garuntee you she didnt spend all of that money on it. I had considered quitting several times because of the way some of the other staff treated the students. I then began my life in the program. One of the people was a USA Skinhead who was having and identity crisis. I was the only girl graduating with like 6 other guys so didnt exactly have a deep bond with my group, but they were all nice guys I just didnt know them at all and sort of stayed on separation. I wish I was as brave as you. But yeah I only passed the one seminar, played along, realized at the end of it that it was just straight up emotional manipulation and brainwashing. After reading all this, I dont want to hear any of Mr. I was in quest I believe in 2000 2001. talking to adolescent girl about this and in front of his wife no less !!!!! Hopefully hell continue doing what hes been doing for the last ten years flying around the world on blood money and watching his emanciated baby factory of a wife try to run marathons til she falls over dead. Im not gonna say it was the worst time of my life, but it was after all I did learn some stuff I used today, How to read people, use the word manipulation!!!! My experience at SCL showed me the more cruel and evil side of human nature. I played the game. I was in and out of jail until my late 20s until i got my shit together and now have a family and own a business. Its obviously worked out well for you and you deserve every ounce of success and happiness you get in life. I got my nickname because after failing out of my first seminar on the first day I gave up on the ridiculous program. A year later I ran out of money and needed to remove my son from the program. I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and never saw a train in an unpopulated area. Do you honestly think Mike Linderman is all that bad? I was admitted in to University because of her hard, fast work. I spent two winters in that hell hole. What is their to do to be active in lawsuits? @sirroderickciff345 Blessings to you all. WTF a boy of 16 with his sex drive in high gear being called a sex addict for kissing a girl. Was there some loop hole where they forced you to stay? Did i have a problem growing up as a child, yes, thats why my grandmother sent me there, however no one helped me. Got bored and checked out SCL on GoogleEarth. Dude that was me jake and Eugene but I didnt make it out the window in time. Hey. All in all it is all as it is supposed to be. Kids trying to commit suicide was a weekly issue. Not to mention whats his name who ran the seminars that guy was a damn psycho. Jessica, I think I remember you. I tried to comply once against my better judgment. I knew I had a family that loves me. I was buddies with Chris & Stewart (Pissy & Pooey affectionately) Wasnt too friendly with Dan Barnhart but was with his girlfriend Amy (sp) Ulmansek and I could name a few more if you want. I was there from 1998 to 2000. My father had me kidnapped and taken In cuffs to another state where I wasnt legally an adult. Reading about Josh Lambert is shocking. Finally after building up enough negative points I pretty much spent my days in worksheets or the hobbit where in the former u were forced to sit on a wooden box all day in a stall and the latter was basically a makeshift Guantanamo cell with a bloody carpeted piece of plywood to sleep on and two meals of a kidney bean burrito each day. I stayed at Brightway for about 2 weeks before being flown to Montana. Cameron, Chaffin, Ken Kay and all the rest deserve to rot in a special place in their Mormon hell for child abusers. She at-least had a mother. I remember they would humiliate people individually I front of everyone bring up serious issues like rape and abuse infront of everyone. But after they saw that he and I wwerent causing iasues, they let us interact and hang out at free time which is when most jumpings occured. Home office. Looking back we were just kids and the most important time of a young mans life his adolescence. Danny and Gabe, I am so glad to talk to those whom made it through that insane school and I would love to talk to those whom I was there with . I told the attendant to be on the lookout for her and to help her is she gets there. What lines, why is food an issue, what work parties???? I vaguely remember that if that is you. yours might be my favorite comment on here lol i totally relate, Nick I think I remember you honor around the same time do remember the fight with dignity. His wife was hot though. Dhuston614@gmail if anyone wants to talk to me from bAck then. Where is the success? You did a good job describing what went on. I have bad memories and that place took a lot of my good qualities and I didnt leave with them. I was there from 04 to the end of 05 had to join the army at 17 to get out of that place . I felt like I abandoned you manstill haunted by that shit. This place did nothing in the form of help and guidence for teens. This is the shit that bugged me out about this place you had kids trying to be super cops to other kids. Her name was Emily Gleason. But shipping a child away is no option. Cameron had a running tab at the local bars. The Pullans were alsoinvolvedin Camas Ranch, an apparent attempt to remake a portion of the facility into an 18+ program, which failed. Places like this do not help kids. There were only about 20 boys at Spring Creek when I arrived we were the first and opened that damn hell hole like prisoners opening up a new yard. Most who praise these places are shills who profited off of it. I remember when I finally made it to jr.staff and I somehow managed to get into the HR building and do paperwork for a couple weeks. I was pretty much gone for the Summers staying at a friends house near the beach surfing everyday with my three best friends smoking, drinking, taking ecstasy,acid, getting arrested,steeling my brothers car and driving it to Pennsylvania. I had already seen where parents had decided to take their kids back and the school PUT THE KIDS OUT. When we arrived in Montana there were only a handful of kids already thereI think you & I were part of the 2nd group to arrive, and there were maybe 5 of us I think who arrived in that van trip? World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools Im looking for a friend name Tyler he from Montana I think. In those sad cases it was just poor parenting. So yes I was a pain im sure. We could only eat three meals a day, plus one snack, so when we snuck extra pop tarts for friends that was a triumph. That was the worst year of my life. We planned it last second coming back from eating and we said right before we go back in this building were going to take off for the mountain. I have been on anti depression meds and thousands of dollars in therapy. My name is travis hull. THANK YOU!!! One lobe and blessings to everyone. Ihave been trying to find one person if anyone is still in contact. Paris le-de-France destination - official website | VisitParisRegion I was in Serenity family in 2002. They meant to make us weak and docile through shock. I dont understand it. We never to knew when we would return home. I dont spell so good was staff form about 2003 to 2006. What can I say about the program. I cannot imagine the betrayal you kids felt, having your parents trick and abandon you. i once ran away while on a transport in missoulaa douche named cliff was our family father at the timeso many memorieswhat a shit hole, I was in Excel as well. I was still in denial about the whole situation waiting for my Mom to show up and say just kidding but she never came. Your kids likely do not need to be shipped off to get help. This kind of attitude, the kids were bad, they deserved it is a classic staff response to survivors speaking out about the program. Im looking to buy up some land in MT, something with river access. What the hell is going on up there? I hoped she did not get in a strange car. As soon as my parents came up for one of the seminars, they were like I think even your little rep person Ms Kathy is spun out of her mind. Needless to say it struck me as odd. Most people here have bfs/gfs and leaving their IG handle and e-mail. Ive known people who have done it. When were you there? Pathfinders with Mile Parr!! That morning we drove deeper and deeper and higher and higher into the forest on a mountainside. I was 14. Everyday for a year and a half. Shit!!!!! I was at the Montana website. After sitting in isolation for about 3 weeks I was finally back to my next way out of here. I dont remember alot of peoples names from then but I do remember jay and Eugene and gabe. The futility of compliance with a nonsensical, arbitrary set of rules where years of confinement are worth more than good behavior led to daydreams or what they refer to as run plans. I was curious, is this the same place that is mentioned in Mike Lindermans book, The Teen Whisperer ?? I wouldnt believe it if I hadnt seen it with my own eyes. Dan Peart I dont know how Chaffin and his brother sleep at night. The state oversight board for Montana's private programs for troubled teens and adolescents was established after a 16-year-old girl killed herself at Spring Creek Lodge, the now-shuttered. Im just a MOM and a believer, one who loves her children more than life itself and who is even more inspired after hearing your stories to do everything in her power to show her teen daughter love, grace, empathy, forgiveness, and direction, so she can go out into the world with hope, happiness, and unlimited opportunity. There were twenty bunk beds in our dorm all along the walls. That place was horrible. Didnt they make David roll around in the mud to get dirty since he liked to be sharp dressed normally? I contacted him and said there needs to be accountability having his audio tapes played at every meal in each facility around the world. No one gets what happened at SCL. I never believed the kids were bad. I was there may 2001 to april 2002. So in all, it was 2 vs 6. Learn how your comment data is processed. Anybody remember that kid Torrey? I was in Destiny family. What was the name of that little room where you went during the day to avoid school? She looked at me and she looked away. i havent heard the term before. Did you wear glasses? The mental torture they put you through was insane. They wanted my stepdad to shave his legs and dress as a female. I can honestly say I was glad I went to spring creek because I did 10th thru 12th grade of high school in just 10 short months, I would have never received a high school diploma if it wasnt for spring creek. Did you ever get jumped in the woods, told to keep quiet to the press, beaten, abused or humiliated? So many bad memories. He agreed, and I got out by the start of 97. My name is Devin, and I was in Integrity family in 2000. We had one guy named Joey that beat the hell out of a kid or a staff memeber with the metal tub from the vacuum cleaner one night. I feel awful for all of you having to go through all of this. I was in Quest I think and our family father was Al. We walked heal toe and couldnt look up out of line or we would loose points which ultimately made you a prisoner longer. I was in excell family. My Dad had lied to mehe said I was going to music school and then surprise: I got abducted by two Samoan guys in an airport in Reno, and I had no idea what was happening or where I was headed. I was dropped of at a homeless shelter on my 18th b-day. The worst for me was the emotional abuse. Hello!!!!! I was gonna go back this year for closure of some sort. Those of us that spent time in Wisdom, Courage, Unity, legend, serenity, eternity etc. Really hated Colby and his Colby-quences. They seem to be sold by Masternet Youth Services Merry Christmas homie I self correct I mean uhh and happy new year. and Brock and Scottand Damon (?) Did I enjoy being there, no. I understand that being given level 5 may have seemed like such a dope reward for hardly having to work for it but looking back on it now I just think what a joke the whole moving up thing was. So if you Excel in school its probably going to work out for you. Josh was a fucking great guy in my opinion during the time I knew him. That Im too old to go, but still end up there. Honestly I think they got off on that. Based on your results you have exactly what you intended.. I was in Dignity, and I remember a lot of shit that happened there. Rebecca, i was part of that naked girls running. It was like $10,000 or something like that a month. Message me Remember Eric Sweptston? Yes you were brain washed I feel so sorry for you. Take care. The residential treatment program. And eventually to Jamaica. Mariam, I am so sorry to hear about kareem! Holy shit, its Brandy! Caught Cliff going through my things in the back room he was looking for a way to get rid of me. It has taken a long time to search for this site but Im glad I did. I plan to go public with this if he doesnt respond to me by July 15th. We will have to transfer her to another level facility.. Try to put me in the hobbit now. Yeah I remember when you would break dance. Finally I somehow stuffed my shit together in the pack and finally they helped me after my pack fell apart because I packed it one handed. I was there from dec 05 dec 07. Staff worked us like slave labor chopping down trees. Seans story, 2003 I was in Spring Creek Lodge from 2002 to 2003. While I try not to judge others, as I dont know the particulars of what theyre going through with their kids, I just wouldnt and couldnt ever do that and feel that sending your kids away is giving up on them. It was completely unexpected, I didnt get to say goodbye, and I was permitted to return home like I wanted. To past survives be well and good luck , Wow, 4 or 5 years before I was there. I simply went looking for updates on Spring Creek and was shocked to find this. I was at SCLA from 03-04 and I never once saw a kid get injured who didnt run/fight staff me ever to get restrained. One time I tried to bring it up chaffion and was told to keep quiet about it and I must of been wrong about what i saw and heard. Montana. Spring Creek Lodge Academy Withdraws From World Wide - PRWeb I was there 2002-2003. I was unaware that a website like this existed until a girlfriend of mine told me about it. Alcoholic step father, beaten often, brainwashed and belittled etc. Yes, Gabe, I remember having to wear only flimsy brown slippers and boxer shorts and walking that way outside while it was snowing. You guys hurt me mentally, physically, and sexually. I think I remember Chelsea. I work for the railroad and happened to be in Heron Montana working this last week. Who the hell do you think you are????? Feel free to reach out if you would like, my email is, I was in integrity family all I know is that place saved my life ., Thank you Jessica. If anyone remembers Kyle Thompson please get In touch with me Were you from AZ. I was at Spring. and therapeutic programs. Three years in the program, never made it above level one, never went to a single seminar, and rebelled just enough to not get transfered to Jamaica. We were only given lentils to boil for protein. Shit i remember when they had the riot at one of the out of country locations and they shipped a bunch of students to SCL. We were in the same family. I remember working in the kitchen as often as possible because we could cut up and have a good time. Hope youre doing well Billy and lifes treating you good. and helped me put my pack together. It didnt start feeling like a cult till I went to my first seminar where you couldnt pass unless you forced yourself to cry. I was just going through a phase in life at that period in time. Finally , stinking to all high heavens we came outta the desert all lean and hungry. Im actually starting to write a book about my life and how this place screwed my up so so bad. The Pullansserved as owners and administrators of the SCL facility until 2009, when the school was closed. I saw level sevens crushed because they lost all their points for a trivial reason. And collin is a big, built, corn fed country boy. They talked about getting a translator. When I see Bill Gates I cant help but to think of Steve Cawdrey Same build maybe. the only time i tried voting up for 3 all stars i fucked up. The padded rooms etc was just so crazy. The behavioral boarding school was called Spring Creek Lodge Academy. I am hopeful to find some of the people I met during my time there. He justshuts down. My nightmares were mostly about feeling trapped and having no sense of control over my own life. I repressed memories about my transport and time at SCL for years. I begged my mom in letters to let me stay in the middle of nowhere in the snow and not send me back but of course my family rep from SkyView insisted I return and complete the program (Obviously for money, doing her job). My name is Scott Swayze and I was in Spring Creek Lodge from 1996 until October 1998. It would be priceless to talk to those whom understand. He was an instant friend. Im using a fake name but my mom said shes been here and I asked her for the name to do research, this place was a hellhole! thus the difficulty. Curious that he wrote a book and actually admits to being a wwasp employee. Lol being on the PR committee got to go to baseball games and fairs. Let me know if you were in unity around the same time. Thank you. I still have moments where I age regress to the age I was in the program when I get really upset. The more eyes on this the more this facility will have a spotlight on them. One activity was the lifeboat and you had to go tell all your fellow prisoners if they lived or died. Then I backed out and drove back up the road without the lights on the whole way, then made the left onto SCC dirt road, parked the van and smoked til mid morning when the cops grabbed myself and 1 or 2 others.didnt say a thing, so they dumped me in the woods for 16 days with less shit than they sent me out on survival with until 2 monsters scooped me up without a word, stuffed me in a truck, then a plane and dumped me off at Provowhere I stayed until April 24 1992 ~ anybody out there I might remember? Mr. Dave was good people. Jessica I emailed you and I never got anything back. Our rare trips to the little library (which I was usually barred from attending) were depressing. he said he was an ex alcholic and talk about bringing home to work with you. No wonder my counselor at school had so many questions when I told her I went to Spring Creek. Everything was designed to turn you into a shell of a human so you would be grateful when they let you have butter in your oatmeal, or ketchup on your burger. Oh and that staff who was our boss that kicked that student, the student and parents filled charges on that staff. My friends were Jeremy Witmer, Thom Carhart, Mike DeAlba, Eric Henderson, Chris Gueiterz (i totally spelled that wrong), Travis Hanson, James Westlund, James Boatright, Chris Miller, Jim Oetter and many others whose names escape me. Because when I got home from spring Creek I lost a huge part of my identity I didnt have that free spirit that I had I didnt really fit in with my lifelong friends in the same way. I was there jan2005 to 0ct2006 I was was Serenity. Holy shit I cant believe I found this page. I was also there before the 90s nicely done with your post, ive told a few people the same story pretty much verbatim, weird. Crazy. I also like to think of it as an Orwellian concentration or internment camp for minors, but I suppose the term private prison might be less offensive. Mike was my therapist for over 2 years. Fucking wild. I saw kids slit there wrists, abused by staff, and bullied by many. In fact when my stepdad,mom,and brother went to theres in Miami. I was also suddenly given an A+ in my chemistry class which WAS SUCH A JOKE. Instead it just made us a little crazy to varying degrees. My friend Jennifer and I decided we would find out. And just love them and support them as much as you can through it them try to understand what there going through. Biscuits and gravy were all the rave until you had it a million and 1 times. I actually found this page because I had to list my graduating school which was spring creek. Dont look back, and dont try to lose yourself in some routinejust live. I owe my life to him. Remember going in there the first time and going Where the fucks the worksheet at?!!! A copy of this entire Agreement - signed and completed., Wow, pretty crazy to come across this site. I didnt do drugs or break any laws, cut myself, or even have sex. Also, notice how she directs all her insults to you as in, she never was one of us Sounds to me this is nothing more than another industry troll trying to justify the abuse they profited from. Lol. He probably wont remember me, but I remember him as he was assigned to my family a lot. I secretly carried my stepdads handgun to school every day and kept to myself. I was ghost. Again Im sorry and hope you all do well in life, i could say more but its in the past. I wished I would have run sooner. My last meal was an egg mcmuffin. Kay. The pit with Tom Sawyer and huckleberry Finn. man was i wrong. She just went through trying to get her transcripts with no luck. This wasnt a law? They look like the reason god gave us flame thrower s lol lets toss some salad.