Learn more the district's Strategic Framework. 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Address: Sun Prairie, WI 53590 BID Recruitment Retention & Policy Committee Meeting Wednesday, July 12, 2023 Agendas & Minutes Locate Meeting Documents Report a Concern Provide Feedback Employment See Job Listing code of ordinances Access City Ordinances Make a Payment Pay Bills Online transparency Financial Information ?6CJ $BF2C6 2?5 |2C<6E $EC66E[ ` r2? Well, heres your extensive guide to some of the fabulous and interesting events in Sun Prairie. Join Explore Children's Museum for our first ever Kids Fest! Calendar Sun Prairie, WI CivicEngage Registration (i.e. Community Art Making Project (CAMP) - Sun Prairie is Blooming! Come play for a bit after work and stay as long as youd like. (65?6D52J[ yF=J d[ 2E a @C c A]>] :? Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. We will gather all of the pictures, and have a Facebook voting contest to see who has the "Best in Snow" in Sun Prairie 2022. You can view multiple calendars by checking multiple boxes. Beginner Adult ESL Classes. Your email address will be used to confirm your account. !C2:C:6] %96 6G6?E :D c_ >:?FE6D =@?8[ H:E9 2 A6C7@C>2?46 2?5 4@>65J D9@H] u@C >@C6 :?7@C>2E:@? YOU get to decide how you want to participate in recess..no gym teachers here! Sun Prairie Public Library Zoozort Mini Zoo, Concerts in the park: The Swing Crew, Supporting the Sun Prairie Public Library Foundation. Mark your calendars, arrange the baby sitters and rally your friends because Adult Recess is back for the 2nd year! 286D _\d] p 42C68:G6C >FDE 24E:G6=J DFA6CG:D6 49:=5C6? We won't share it with anyone else. The full Events Calendar for the city. There will be nostalgic playground games, popular lawn games, music, food and more. Calendar of Events Upcoming Events Thu Jul. Join us for Streets of Sun Prairie on Thursday, June 27 for the first reveal and an artists reception! 1020 Vandenburg St., Sun Prairie - Contact Jenny Divney, Hilltop Campus (Board Room), 220 Kroncke Drive, Facility Calendar, Rentals & Our Facilities, District Taskforce on Student Behavior and Bullying, Food Resources for Students and Community, Resources for Immigrant Students & Families, Historical Class Composites and Yearbooks. Daily admission fee for non season pass holders. Upcoming Calendar of Events for Sun Prairie | Arts And Entertainment See map: Google Maps . Cory Barr Fri Jul. Calendar - Sun Prairie Area School District Step into your favorite luau clothes and join us at the pool for a Hawaiian Luau! Enjoy Dueling Pianos with Marta and Clarrise. Report It Here; Quick Links. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. BELL SCHEDULES; FACILITY USE; 2022-23 CALENDAR AT A GLANCE; APPROVED ACADEMIC YEAR CALENDAR FOR 2022 . Saturday, July 8, 2023 Register with staff at the bottom of the big slide. View All Calendars is the default. Well have about 20 kids visiting us from 9:15-11:15 am on Friday, June 2nd. Secure transaction. Plus, Funny Faces Family Entertainment will be balloon sculpting. List; Week; Month; Subscribe to iCalendar; . View All Events Contact Us Colleen Burke BID Manager Alyse Peters Special Events & Sponsorship Manager Adam Bougie Chair of the Board City Hall Downtown Business Improvement District 300 E Main Street Sun Prairie, WI 53590 Calendar Sun Prairie, WI CivicEngage Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. Calendar of Events | Sun Prairie Ice Arena | Hockey League Games Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. 252AE E@ 2?J 2F5:6?46] u@C >@C6 :?7@C>2E:@? !C2:C:6] %96 DE@CJ E:>6D 2C6 b_\bd >:?FE6D =@?8[ H:E9 3@@Calendar Sun Prairie, WI CivicEngage Office HoursMonday through Friday8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Bartender's License). Calendar Sun Prairie, WI CivicEngage Sugar River Pizza - Sun Prairie - Isthmus | Madison, Wisconsin 3FJ 2 E\D9:CE[ 86E 2 7F? Roberta Baumann. Contact Us Juneteenth Celebration Upcoming Month Week Day Jun 17 2022 Fri Community Room Friday, June 17, 2022 1:30pm - 3:00pm Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Community Conversation Age Group: Family , Children (0 - 5) , Children (5 - 12) , Teens , Adults Registration for this event is no longer open. Below is a Calendar of all our school's events. Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. Starting June 1st, Explore will be closing at 4pm on Thursdays. Your donation helps Sunshine Place spread rays of hope to individuals, families, and children in need. uC:52J[ yF?6 b_[ 7C@> hib_\`_ 2]>] :? We believe in supporting the social, emotional, and academic needs of every child to help them reach their full potential. Discover all the happening things to do in Sun Prairie with us. Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the Notify Me button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events in our community. The flowers will be on display in Cannery Square through August 21. Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. There are many ways to get involved with Sun Prairie Parks, Recreation & Forestry. View all dates. @? Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Enjoy Dueling Pianos with Marta and Clarrise. Events Calendar Explore Children's Museum How can I apply for an Operator's License? 15 amazing schools make up the Sun Prairie Area School District. You have permission to edit this article. -. Sun Prairie Public Library Zoozort Mini Zoo, Concerts in the park: The Swing Crew, Supporting the Sun Prairie Public Library Foundation. Events Calendar for Sun Prarie Public Library. U-Sound at VFW Post 8483. Event Calendar | Sun Prairie Historical Society . SPPRF Lunch N' Learn Series: Family Aquatic Center Bathhouse Renovation Update! E96 A6C7@C>2?46[ G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^DF?AC2:C:6]3F4<2?59@?6JD]4@>^Qm9EEADi^^DF?AC2:C:6]3F4<2?59@?6JD]4@>^k^2m]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mqp#{t* !#xt$%\ {x't !t#u~#|p}rtk^DEC@?8mk^Am, kAm$&} !#px#xtU?52D9j q2C=6J !C:6DE H:== 36 A6C7@C>:?8 2E qF4< U2>Aj w@?6JUCDBF@jD[ U>52D9j[ @? !C2:C:6 u2C>6CDUCDBF@j |2C<6E :D @? - Calendar view Tue, Jul 25 6:00 PM Harvest Moon Pond Sugar Maple Music Festival 2023 Fri, Aug 4 5:00 PM William G. Lunney Lake Farm County Park Online Events See more Well have about 48 4k kids visiting us from 9-11:30 on Wednesday, May 31st. Calendar Sun Prairie, WI CivicEngage Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. Home About Sun Prairie Downtown Sun Prairie Downtown Sun Prairie Events Downtown Sun Prairie Events Streets of Sun Prairie: Dine in the Dream Park Thursday, June 15, 5:00 - 7:30 PM Enjoy story time yoga in the park, dueling pianos with Two Birds, kids activities, and downtown food vendors! Enjoy local brews, food trucks, yard games, and music! [ G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^DF?AC2:C:6]=:3C2CJ>2C<6E]4@>^Qm9EEADi^^DF?AC2:C:6]=:3C2CJ>2C<6E]4@>^k^2m]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8myt##* ux%+!p%#xrz\ {x't !t#u~#|p}rtk^DEC@?8mk^Am, kAm$&} !#px#xtU?52D9j y6CCJ u:EKA2EC:4< H:== 36 A6C7@C>:?8 2E qF4< U2>Aj w@?6JUCDBF@jD[ U>52D9j[ @? Well have about 8 elementary kids visiting us from 9:30-11am on Tuesday, July 25th. Sun Prairie Sweet Corn Festival - Sun Prairie, WI - AARP There was a problem saving your notification. Sun Prairie, WI 53590. sunprairiecornfest.com. Artists from the Sun Prairie community have designed 2.5' x 2.5' tulips and sunflowers. Free Photo With The Easter Bunny at Cabela's Sun Prairie. (65?6D52J[ yF=J d[ 2E (6E>@C6 !2C< (6DE $96=E6C[ ddd }@CE9 $EC66E] %96 E@A:4 @7 E96 7:CDE 6G6?E :D p== %9:?8D uF? Come learn about our vast opportunities and the new Volunteer Matters system! There will be music, games, dances, and more! The featured food is 80 tons of Wisconsin grown sweet corn served with savory butter and sprinkled with salt to your liking. Fri, Jun 30. Family Aquatic Center Bathhouse Renovation Update! View All Calendars is the default. Family Aquatic Center Bathhouse Renovation Update! Thanks to event sponsor Bank of Sun Prairie! Sun Prairie Events Calendar 2023 Local Downtown Sun Prairie restaurants and retail pop-ups will be at the Dream Park to kick-off the Streets of Sun Prairie event series! Our Mission: Futures depend on us to inspire and prepare every child, every day, by providing relevant, engaging, and innovative learning experiences in and out of the classroom. @? Named one of the best food festivals in the Midwest, the Sun Prairie Sweet Corn Festival is always held the third full weekend in August. How can I apply for an Operator's License? Bird Elementary; Creekside Elementary; Eastside Elementary; Horizon Elementary; Meadow View Elementary; . There will be music, games, dances, and more! Events Calendar for Sun Prarie Public Library. Sun, Jul 2. There are many ways to get involved with Sun Prairie Parks, Recreation & Forestry. 15 amazing schools make up the Sun Prairie Area School District. Choose Select a Calendar to view a specific calendar. Explore Childrens Museum will bring some games and excitement to celebrate Juneteenth at Wetmore Park! The Adventure Map will contain a list of participating businesses and activity locations. (Bartender's License). City HallDowntown Business Improvement District300 E Main StreetSun Prairie, WI 53590. Hawaiian Luau at the Family Aquatic Center! Well have about 55 preschool kids visiting us from 9am-12pm on Wednesday, July 26th. Saturday, May 13, 2023 No events to display 838 Grove Street Sun Prairie, WI 53590 608-318-5423 Trivia Night: Monday, May 15 Mon May 15 2023 at 06:00 pm WineStyles Tasting Station - Sun Prairie Free. Check out interesting events this weekend in Sun Prairie and plan even your weekdays with us. We believe in continuous improvement in our pursuit of excellence. How can I apply for an Operator's License? Well have about 36 2nd graders visiting us from 9-11:30 am on Monday, June 5th. How many animals can I have licensed in the city? The 1st 50 kiddos will receive a FREE Bank of Sun Prairie beach ball! D6C:6D 6G6CJ (65?6D52J E9C@F89 pF8FDE b_ 7C@> ``ib_\`aib_] %96 7:CDE :? Events & Happenings in Sun Prairie, WI Sun Prairie, WI Events, Calendar & Tickets | Eventbrite Take some time to enjoy Yoga in the Park, stop by the Dream Bus, and Explore Children's Museum will be at the event too! 16 Madtown Pickleball Open Tue Jul. %@>6=6] %96 6G6?E :D @? SP Public Library Dream Bus. Well have about 30 elementary-aged kids visiting us from 1-3:30pm on Monday, July 17th. We bring to you all the events in Sun Prairie from distinctive genres which include something as artistic and creative as a drama workshop to an event filled with absolute thrill and adventure like camping and treks. The event will feature name brand logo apparel, accessories, jerseys, coats, jackets and much more! Calendar . Upcoming Sun Prairie Events Check out what's happening all around Sun Prairie, WI. Create a password that only you will remember. Reach Dane will be at Explore celebrating the end of their school year from 5-7pm on Thursday, May 25th. Any time you have one to share, snap a picture and send it to: rec@cityofsunprairie.com. We believe in the collaborative partnerships with students, parents, teachers, staff, businesses and the greater community leading to educational excellence. Mark your calendars, arrange the baby sitters and rally your friends because Adult Recess is back for the 2nd year! [ G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^DF?AC2:C:6]=:3C2CJ>2C<6E]4@>^Qm9EEADi^^DF?AC2:C:6]=:3C2CJ>2C<6E]4@>^k^2m]k^Am. Adult Recess is a 21+ only free event that allows adults to be kids for a night. Below is a Calendar of all our school's events. Well, here's your extensive guide to some of the fabulous and interesting events in Sun Prairie. Upcoming Events - Society of St. Vincent de Paul Madison Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Recess will take place from 6:00-9:00 pm on Friday, July 21 at Sheehan Park (across from the Family Aquatic Center). Volunteering with SPPRF! Stop by 10am-11am to say hello! We have got 40,000 cities covered worldwide, Discover Online Events - Attend from anywhere , Labor Day 2023 Events & Celebrations In The USA, Back To School 2023 Events & Giveaways In The USA, Halloween 2023 Events & Celebrations In The USA, Oktoberfest 2023 Events & Celebrations In The USA, Lake Oswego Summer of Music 2023 Concert Series, 2nd Annual Cars & Cornhole - Josephine County Fair, Official Party After Terence Crawford and Errol Spence Jr. set fight July 29 in Vegas, Join Sarah Jakes Roberts for the 2023 Woman Evolve Conference, Reptile Super Show (Los Angeles- Pomona) 1 DAY PASS August 12-13, 2023, Old World Wines: Rhone Valley! !C2:C:6[ H96C6 A2CE:4:A2?ED 42? Farmers Market - Downtown Sun Prairie. Pop Up Beer Garden: Supporting the Sun Prairie Library Foundation, Streets of Sun Prairie: Community Art Project. See you there, Sun Prairie grown ups! Come learn about our vast opportunities and the new Volunteer Matters system! Subscribe to calendar notifications by clicking on the Notify Me button, and you will automatically be alerted about the latest events in our community.
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