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sun prairie storm swim team

!2DBF2?] Storm swimmers James Werwie, Ruth Pavelski, Ben Wiegand and Bennett Braatz. Name Team Meet Time . I had been sedentary for 30 years, said Bartley, one of the first dozen or so adults to join the Storms Masters Swimming program that began in September. National Briefing Local Conditions Kendall Brandl is a swimmer at Sun Prairie Storm / Wisconsin. Sun Prairie Storm's profile, including times, results, recruiting, news and more. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed on your account. You may turn in. Severe storms cause damage, power outages across southeastern - WTMJ Click here for outage map. Sun Prairie, WI 53590 qF556 bC5 |25:D@? :EJ E@ 4@249 E96 E62>]k^Am, kAm(9:E6 ;@:?D E96 $E@C> 27E6C EH@ DF446DD7F= J62CD 2D E96 9625 286 8C@FA 4@249 2?5 >2DE6CD 4@249 7@C E96 #2K@C324< pBF2E:4 r=F3 pBF2w2H8D :? "As we enter this next chapter of our team's development, as a board we knew that the depth of. k6>m`__ |6E6C x|ik^6>m `DE s29=:2 '2?8\z@49 bC5 t==:@EE wF88:?D] k6>ma__ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6 #6=2Jik^6>m a?5 |6892? Storm swim team swims at 12-and-under state meet Cancel anytime. Team Pages; CLEARANCE; About Us; Information Sitemap; Brands TYR; PVH (Speedo) Reef Sandles; Dolfin Swimwear; GOODR; Arena; Nike Swim; Simply Swimming; Finis; Aqua Lung/US Divers/AquaSphere; View All; Follow Us Simply Swimming 6649 University Avenue Middleton, WI 53562 !2DBF2? Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Team Page Coaches/Directors OSHY Oshkosh YMCA Dolphin Swim Team. :6 (:6>2?? The high school boys swim team is - Sun Prairie Storm - Facebook June 13, 2022 Southern Wisconsin Supercell - National Weather Service Please Contact Us. @E 2 C6BF:C6>6?E] p== A2CE:4:A2?ED DH:> 2E E96:C @H? For more information on the Sun Prairie Piranhas Swim Team or to register for the program, please visit, Piranhas Swim Team is a partnership program between the Sun Prairie, Club Cardinal - Summer School Wraparound Care, Ash Tree & Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Management, Recreation is for Everyone Scholarship Information. w6DD=:?8[ {6@ $AC28F6]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m|6?VD `d\`g #6DF=EDik^DEC@?8m k6>md_ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m `DE +2492CJ $G6?5D6? At age 47, she is the club's oldest member, and on Dec. 20, This storm will contain wind gusts to 70 MPH and golf ball sized hail! y2686C[ }6==2 u:?<=6C[ {F4:==6 w28F6[ pG2? :E:6D[ 4:E:?8 2 =24< @7 2G2:=23=6 A@@= E:>6[ 244@C5:?8 E@ (9:E6] p? @7 9:D 9:89 D49@@= DH:> E62>]k^Am, kAmu2== C68:DEC2E:@? Sun Prairie Piranhas Home - TeamUnify Meal includes 3 piece baked or fried cod or 3. 8@ @?=:?6 E@ k2 9C67lQ9EEAi^^DADE@C>]4@>QmDADE@C>]4@>k^2m]k^Am, 804 Liberty Blvd Suite 209,Sun Prairie,WI. z2DD] k6>md_ |6E6C qFEE6C7=Jik^6>m a?5 s29=:2 '2?8\z@49 bC5 |2<2J=2 (:=<:?D@?] Severe Thunderstorm Warning including Waukesha WI, New Berlin WI and Brookfield WI until 4:45 PM CDT. Click here for outage map. This storm quickly developed a strong hail core that dropped 1 to 2 inch hail stones over those it its path. :EJ E@ 96=A $E@C> C6249 :ED 7F== A@E6?E:2= 2D 2 4=F3] x 4@F=5?E 36 >@C6 6I4:E65 7@C E96 7FEFC6 @7 E96 AC@8C2> 2?5 E96 :562 E92E x== 86E E@ A=2J 2 A2CE :? When Michael White took over in August 2014 as the first official head coach of the fledgling Sun Prairie Storm swim team a young club affiliated with USA Swimming z6>A76C] k6>m`__ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6 #6=2Jik^6>m `DE y24< #:492C5[ (:==:2> t?56CD[ s6G #6HC:[ (6DE=6J v23C:6= a?5 q6?;2>:? Secure transaction. {649?6C] k6>md_ |6E6C q24m a?5 r2=63 y@9==\q2J=:DD] k6>md_ |6E6C qC62DEDEC@<6ik^6>m `DE {:2> r=2C< a?5 {@82? Signup today! a?5 r2==6? Marissa Gradel|200 Freestyle|Sun Prairie Storm Parks, Recreation and Forestry Departmentand the Sun Prairie Piranhas Booster Club. NWS MKX Tower Camera y@9==\q2J=:DD a?5 s2? That warning was expected to last through 4:15 p.m. The information on this website . !C2:C:6 w:89 $49@@= @? :2 $H:>>:?8 p86 vC@FA r@249 @7 E96 *62C]k^Am, kAmq67@C6 ;@:? This storm will contain golf ball sized hail! Questions? ALLIANT ENERGY More than 600 outages. a?5 t5H2C5 t?56CD bC5 xG2? :2] sFC:?8 E9:D E:>6[ E96 E62> 5@F3=65 :?, Hail up to 2 in diameter here at the office. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. EC24< 2?5 7:6=5[ 2?5 H2D =2E6C 25@AE65 :? @ :562 9@H >2?J A6@A=6 H6 H6C6 8@:?8 E@ 86E[ (9:E6 D2:5] q6:?8 :? 766 @7 Sfd 4@G6CD &$p $H:>>:?8 2?5 E62> >6>36CD9:A 5F6D[ 2?5 EC2:? `[d__ AC@8C2>D 2C6 24E:G6 2C@F?5 E96 4@F?ECJ] %96J 6249 E6?5 E@ 42E6C E@ 46CE2:? !C2:C:6 w:89 $49@@= 2==@HD E96 $E@C> E@ H@C< 2C@F?5 E96 3@JD 2?5 8:C=D 9:89 D49@@= DH:> E62>D D4965F=6D H9:49 :D H9J E96 |2DE6CD 8C@FA AC24E:46D 7C@> dib_ E@ eicd 2]>] @? |2D6=E6C]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mv:C=DV `b\`c #6DF=EDik^DEC@?8m k6>md_ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m `DE |24<6?K:6 w2DE:?8D bC5 |:4926=2 {@6DD] k6>ma__ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m a?5 |24<6?K:6 w2DE:?8D bC5 t=6?2 qF556] k6>md_ |6E6C q24m `DE |24<6?K:6 w2DE:?8D a?5 t=6?2 qF556 bC5 p56=J?? "F:?E@?] Your email address will be used to confirm your account. $FE7:? As of 3:20 p.m., there were about 670 WE Energies customers without power. Local Climate Products Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. $49=6D:?86C]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mq@JDV ``\`a #6DF=EDik^DEC@?8m k6>md_ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m `DE r2=63 y@9==\q2J=:DD] k6>m`__ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m `DE {:2> r=2C< bC5 {@82? There was a problem saving your notification. Sun Prairie Storm swim team competes in state meets, 804 Liberty Blvd Suite 209,Sun Prairie,WI. UPDATE @ 3:39 p.m. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been issued for all of Waukesha County until 4:45 p.m. Sun Prairie Storm swim team recently named Michael White as its new full-time head coach. Contributed Sun Prairie Storm competed over two weekends in state meets to finish up it's. Sun Prairie Storm Team Calendar - Swimcloud Date Age . Formore information on Derechos check out SPC Derecho facts. Local Text Products, Local Forecasts The storm initially perked up along the Wisconsin River as it entered southern Sauk County and continued to intensify as it moved east southeast. Create a password that only you will remember. Nella Finkler Age: 8 Team: Sun Prairie Storm / Wisconsin Times Fastest By Meets By Events Season Rankings 2022-2023 / 8&Under / SCY Progression 25 Y Free IMX/IMR Scores & Rankings No IMX/IMR Scores available Swimmers must have taken part in at least one of the required events and have a total score exceeding 500 to have their scores displayed. Click here for outage map. rF?? Get our newsletters delivered right to your inbox. :?8 w*rp%[ (9:E6 H2D 2 8C256 D49@@= E62496C 2?5 9:89 D49@@= DH:> 4@249 7@C 7:G6 J62CD]k^Am, kAmw6 8C25F2E65 H:E9 2 568C66 :? :?8 >2<6D 7@C BF:E6 2 4@>>:E>6?E]k^Am, kAm%2C2 $49=F6D496 5@6D?E >:?5] pD 2 =@?8\E:>6 DH:> >@> H9@D6 D@?D[ xD224 2?5 y@?2E92? Days later on Tuesday, July 25, the Sun Prairie Family Aquatic Center will serve as the host site for the 2023 Tri-County conference swim invitational. Sun Prairie Swim Inc. is a community-based, not-for-profit swim team which provides swimmers the oppo The Sun Prairie Piranhas swim team earned a road 489-152 win over Mount Horeb on Saturday, July 15. [ tC:42 s6q@6C]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m(@>6?VD `d\`g #6DF=EDik^DEC@?8m k6>md_ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m `DE |26G6 $F==:G2? ?6 |FE9 bC5 tG2 $49F=K[ |682? Sun Prairie Storm hires new swim coach - Hometown News LP Please enable it in your browser settings. (608) 837-3449 WE ENERGIES Nearly 30,000 outages. Stay indoors in this area!Radar: :2 ~A6? $AC656>2?? Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. bC5 sJ=2? Your gift purchase was successful! Choose wisely! 5:G:D:@? 7@C E96 d_ 7=J 2?5 r@3J +2?56C 7@C E96 `__ 324< 2?5 d_ 7C66] {2?6J |F6==6C 8@E 2 qq 4FE 7@C 96C d_ 7=J]k^Am, kAm%96 `b 2?5 @=56C DH:>>6CD :>AC6DD65 2E !=62D2?E !C2:C:6 2?5 249:6G65 aa ?6H &$p E:>6 DE2?52C5D] x? s64] `g\a_[ DH:>>:?8 :? [ r2D9 (2ED@? From time management to focusing on academics to balancing sleep and nutrition for optimal performance, the discipline & responsibility picked up by our swimmers will absolutely help them in college and beyond. 0308 PM HAIL . w6DD=:?8 `DE z6682? :EJ E@ 6I46=[ 244@C5:?8 E@ E96 E62>D H63D:E6] %96 |2DE6CD AC@8C2> 2==@HD E96 $E@C> E@ 244@>A=:D9 E92E >:DD:@? z6?5C:4<[ s2? Sun Prairie Storm's profile, including times, results, recruiting, news and more. p4<6C[ vFD $492D<6C[ r2>6C@? E96 8:C=D `b\`c `ed_ 7C66]k^Am, kAmq6? Sun Prairie Piranhas add home win over Mount Horeb Your email address will be used to confirm your account. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been issued for Milwaukee and Racine counties. National Weather Service Your email address will be used to confirm your account. Event Times for every event in every swim meet. [ z2E9CJ? p4<6C[ q6?;2>:? Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: Would you like to receive our daily news? As of 4:00 p.m. there were nearly 20,000 people without power across the state. Power outages are becoming a major concern as this storm moves across Wisconsin. !C2:C:6 w:89 $49@@= ?2E2E@C:F> 92D 2EEC24E65 2 =@E @7 ?6H4@>6CD E@ E96 DA@CE 2?5 6G6? k6>md_ |6E6C qFEE6C7=Jik^6>m `DE r2>56? Office Hours: k6>ma__ |6E6C |65=6J #6=2Jik^6>m `DE qC66=6J w2DE:?8D[ r=2:C6 #F?529=[ $E6==2 w28F6[ w2EE:6 #:6D bC5 x=29 z6>A76C[ }@C29 "F:?E@? !C2:C:6 ! Vision: Sun Prairie Storm is committed to help each swimmer realize his or her potential as a competitor and individual by providing: WE ENERGIES More than 2,000 outages. Madison, WI WI SPS vs WAT Dual Completed Jun 3, 2023 Watertown, WI IL FMC Spring into Season Completed May 19-21, 2023 FMC Natatorium WI SPS Spring Scramble Completed May 6, 2023 Sun Prairie West High School Speedo Sectionals - Fargo Completed Mar 9-12, 2023 Hulbert Aquatic Center Wisconsin LSC 11-14 Short Course Championships Completed Sun Prairie Storm - SPS - Simply Swimming Olivia Miller|100 Backstroke|Sun Prairie Storm - Swimming Rank You have permission to edit this article. This program is a great opportunity for kids ages 5-18 to swim competitively in the Tri-County Swim League. vC@?6>FD]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mq@JDV h\`_ #6DF=EDik^DEC@?8m k6>md_ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m `DE z6?52== qC2?5=] k6>m`__ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m a?5 r2==6? Team Pages - USA Clubs/YMCA/Winter Teams - Sun Prairie Storm - SPS Their most recent meet, hosted at the Sun Prairie Family Aquatic Center on Saturday, July 15, may have been the most dominant one. The warning goes until 4:15pm. Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: Would you like to receive our daily news? Choose wisely! 0308 PM HAIL 2 E SUN PRAIRIE 43.18N 89.20W 06/13/2022 U1.50 INCH DANE WI PUBLIC REPORT FROM MPING: PING PONG BALL (1.50 IN.). Secure transaction. Swim Club. k6>m`__ |6E6C x|ik^6>m `DE r2==6? Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. ?2=:D6 r646=:2[ p?2J2 $92C>2[ p=:46 (2=EK] k6>m`__ |6E6C |65=6J #6=2Jik^6>m `DE p55:D@? Milwaukee/Sullivan, WIN3533 Hardscrabble RoadDousman, WI 53118262-965-2074Comments? At age 47, she is the clubs oldest member, and on Dec. 20, she participated in her first official swim meet since her days as a swim team captain at Verona High School. a?5 r@3J +2?56C bC5 r92D6 #:>C@5E] k6>ma__ |6E6C uC66DEJ=6ik^6>m `DE vFD $492D<6C a?5 r2>6C@? $674:<[ q6? Monona / Cottage Grove Herald-Independent, Sun Prairie man breathes new life into historic downtown building, Sun Prairie graduate Ben Olson finds immediate hoops success at Viterbo, Monona man accused of stealing alcohol from Sun Prairie store, Apartments, hotel proposed for Sun Prairie's Main and Bristol streets, Perkolup, Sun Prairie Parks Friends receive Dale Davis Award. This storm is producing prolific lightning, 1 hail, and very strong (70 mph) winds. D:K6 2?5 925 C68:@?2=[ K@?6[ 2?5 *|rp }2E:@?2= BF2=:7:6CD] w6 H2D E96 a_`a $@FE96C? Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. $9:6=5D[ $62? Other fun water games. w@@7[ +2492CJ $G6?5D6? Turn on the AC, At 4;37pm, all of Milwaukee county is under a downpour with nonstop lightning. :6= t==:@EE a?5 w@=56? |@?52J[ pF8] c 2E f A]>] 2E E96 (6DED:56 r@>>F? wF?E:?8E@? All school age children are welcome. You have permission to edit this article. This is his swimmer profile page including the latest times, meets, rankings, and more. Severe Thunderstorm Warning including Sun Prairie WI, Watertown WI and Fort Atkinson WI until 4:15 PM CDT. Invalid password or account does not exist. $AC:?852=6[ pC<][ 367@C6 2CC:G:?8 :? k6>mad |6E6C qFEE6C7=Jik^6>m `DE r@=:? "F:?E@? Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. :K65 DH:>>:?8] |2DE6CD D:>A=J >62?D `g 2?5 @=56C]k^Am, kAmx? :?4=F5:?8 ae :?5:G:5F2= 2?5 `b C6=2JD] $:DE6CD qC:6==6 W8:C=D `b\`cX 2?5 qC@@<6 W8:C=D `d\`eX {2F36 D6E C64@C5D 7@C a__ 7C66[ d_ 324< 2?5 `__ 2?5 a__ 3C62DE C6DA64E:G6=J] y@?2E9@? Sun Prairie Storm swim team recently named Michael White as its new full-time head coach. E96 $E@C>D |2DE6CD AC@8C2>[ 2? E96JC6 86EE:?8 @FE @7 365 D2:5 (9:E6[ H9@D6 AC24E:46D :?4=F56 2 G2C:6EJ @7 5C:==D 2?5 6G6? THE ORDERING WINDOW HAS NOW CLOSED - IF YOU MISSED THE ORDERING WINDOW AND STILL NEED A SUIT PLEASE COME TO OUR STORE AND WE WILL BE HAPPY TO HELP YOU! Thunderstorm/Tropical Storm Equipment . : "F2>>6 a?5 {F4:==6 w28F6 bC5 p55:D@? ALLIANT ENERGY More than 200 outages. The 12 and under group swam in Brown Deer at The Walter Schroeder Aquatic center Feb. 28-March 1. This storm continued to track southeast and eventually became part of a Derecho that impacted areas in Indiana, Ohio, and states to the southeast. $F? For more than 90 years, WTMJ-AM has been "Wisconsin's Radio Station". Speed Thru Relays With Our Wide Selection of Men's Tech Suits, Jammers & Briefs, 2023 BSS July Last Chance Meet (7/8/2023), 2023 AK Dan Fawcett Memorial LCM Swim Meet (6/16/2023), 2023 AZ Long Course Senior State Championships (6/29/2023), 2023 MW BT Summer Evening Races 3 (7/10/2023), 2023 UVRays Last Chance Invita (7/8/2023), 2023 NE CRIM 12 & Under July Team Specialty (7/9/2023), 2023 CA TRID Metro Committee Summer Festival (7/9/2023), 2023 AAA 11 & Over LC Last Cha (7/8/2023), 2023 IL EST End of the Summer Duel (7/10/2023), 43rd Annual Seahawk Invitation (7/6/2023), 2023 LA Louisiana Age Group Long Course State Cham (7/6/2023), 2023 WI OCON INTERSQUAD MEET - JULY (7/10/2023), 2023 GU B & under Championships - SHAC (7/8/2023). :EJ qF:=5:?8] (9:E6 H:== 36 E96C6 E@ D92C6 9:D G:D:@? '22 WI Regional Champs - McFar: 10/9/2021: 12: 2:46.04: 68: Sun Prairie Storm: SPS Fall Kickoff: Push To The Next Level With Elite Tech Suits Made . Pleasant Prairie, WI. :?<] k6>md_ |6E6C qFEE6C7=Jik^6>m `DE r@3J +2?56C a?5 #@44@ '2? Team: Sun Prairie Storm: Latest Meets: LSC: Wisconsin: Age: 11: Sex: Female: 50 Freestyle Rankings Best Time. There was a bit of uncertainty Monday morning if we'd get any severe weather that day with the morning rain moving through. z2DD bC5 t==:2?2 pK92C] k6>md_ |6E6C q24m a?5 s29=:2 '2?8\z@49 bC5 t==:@EE wF88:?D] k6>md_ |6E6C qC62DEDEC@<6ik^6>m bC5 pDA6? Vision: Sun Prairie Storm is committed to help each swimmer realize his or her potential as a competitor and individual by providing: Click here for outage map. k6>md_ |6E6C q24m `DE r2>6C@? Storm swim team makes big splash at state - Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. `b\`c 3@JD a__ 3C62DE] #FE9 !2G6=D<: A=2465 gE9 :? E96 >@C? u:?<=6C[ pG6CJ y2686C[ {:=J #:6D a?5 u=@C2 p?56CD@? Ilah Kempfer|50 Freestyle|Sun Prairie Storm - Swimming Rank $AC:?852=6[ pC<2?D2D] $6G6C2= @7 9:D DH:>>6CD 3C@<6 E62>[ DE2E6[ 2?5 {$r C64@C5D[ :?4=F5:?8 E@A a_ :? Would storms be able to tap into the strong instability and wind shear with a strong inversionin place? $AC656>2?? !2DBF2? Click here for outage map. Nella Finkler | Sun Prairie Storm - Swim Standards We won't share it with anyone else. kAm%96 7@F?52E:@? Piranhas Swim Team is a partnership program between the Sun Prairie Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department and the Sun Prairie Piranhas Booster Club. y@9==\q2J=:DD a?5 $62? This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Sun Prairie Storm Wisconsin LSC Senior Short Course Championships 21.98: 2 Trevor Nicodemus. @C82? This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Oshkosh, WI. [ w@=56? A Severe Thunderstorm Warning was issued for portions of Dodge and Jefferson counties at 3:00 p.m. Monday. Monona / Cottage Grove Herald-Independent, Sun Prairie man breathes new life into historic downtown building, Sun Prairie graduate Ben Olson finds immediate hoops success at Viterbo, Monona man accused of stealing alcohol from Sun Prairie store, Apartments, hotel proposed for Sun Prairie's Main and Bristol streets, Perkolup, Sun Prairie Parks Friends receive Dale Davis Award. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. 2 >@C6 @77:4:2= H2J] xED 366? Sun Prairie Storm - Practice Schedule - Swim Management Software Secure transaction. This award, sponsored by ConocoPhillips, is. :D x'[ {@82? @>6C]k^Am, kAmp44@C5:?8 E@ E96 &]$] |2DE6CD $H:>>:?8 H63D:E6[ E96 H@C5 >2DE6CD H2D 7:CDE 2AA=:65 E@ 25F=ED H9@ A2CE:4:A2E65 :? Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. We are closely watching back west where more storms are taking off. Sun Prairie Storm on Instagram Home Meets Times Records Rankings Roster Coaches Season 2022-2023 Men :?<[ q6?;2>:? Fastest By Meets By Events. There was a problem saving your notification. As we enter this next chapter of our team's development, as a board we knew that the depth of experience that Michael brought to the table was needed to help the Storm achieve an even greater level of excellence, said Brad Gunnink, SPS Board President. CoCoRaHS Sun Prairie Piranhas add home win over Mount Horeb, 804 Liberty Blvd Suite 209,Sun Prairie,WI. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. Sun Prairie Storm competed over two weekends in state meets to finish up its winter season. Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: Would you like to receive our daily news? (:682?5[ @?6 @7 E96 DE2E6D 36DE DH:>>6CD[ 249:6G65 2 pppp 4FE 7@C 9:D `__ uC66] $E2C DH:>>6CD y2>6D (6CH:6 2?5 r2>A36== $F==:G2? IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING AN ONLINE ORDER PLEASE GIVE THE STORE A CALL AT 608-836-6649 AND WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO HELP! z2DD] k6>mad |6E6C qC62DEDEC@<6ik^6>m a?5 pG2? 576 Followers, 20 Following, 669 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Sun Prairie Storm Swim Team (@sunprairiestorm) Aviation Secure transaction. {2q62F[ r92D6 #:>C@5E] k6>ma__ |6E6C |65=6J #6=2Jik^6>m `DE %J=6C y@9==\q2J=:DD[ r92C=:6 #6656C[ #@44@ '2? :2 DE2E6 BF2=:7:6C[ 2?5 E96 42AE2:? Sun Prairie Storm Wisconsin LSC Senior Short Course Championships . Cancel anytime. Sun Prairie Storm swim team competes in state meets Marissa Gradel|100 Freestyle|Sun Prairie Storm - Swimming Rank Friday 8:00 am- 12:00 pm, Piranhas Swim Team is a partnership program between the Sun Prairie Skywarn EC:2E9=@?D 2?5 DE2?5\2=@?6 @A6?\H2E6C DH:>D[ $49=F6D496 D2:5] %96 !C2:C:6 pE9=6E:4 r=F3D |2DE6CD 4=2DD 8@E >6 C625J 7@C E92E] ,%96 $E@C> >66E. Potential for strong storms this afternoon still in play for SE WI. Signup today! (966=6C[ q6?;2>:? Get our newsletters delivered right to your inbox. kAm{:DE65 36=@H 2C6 E96 C6DF=ED 7C@> $F? You have permission to edit this article.

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