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the nemesis transformers wiki

When these explanations were done, the clone's core AI suddenly asserted itself, and he began taunting the Autobots, even manifesting a Decepticon symbol on his body. The secrets of its creation remain mysterious, but one thing is known for . He is imbued with many of the Autobot leader's abilities but lacking all moral restraint. Nemesis Prime is the dark mirror of Optimus Prime, striking terror into his victims' hearts while wearing the face of their hero. As the Maximals await their doom inside the Ark and Rattrap comments on how they're "all gonna die", he's missing his. Ratchet was handed over to Predaking for extermination but managed to turn the beast against the Nemesis crew by convincing him that the Autobots were set up to kill his Predacon clones. Different pieces of supplementary media have offered a variety of conflicting information: 2011 Beast Wars: Transformers Seasons 2 & 3 (Shout! Once Soundwave's work was complete, the Nemesis, as it was now referred to, pursued the Ark as it departed Cybertron, and engaged it in a fierce ship-to-ship battle in front of the wormhole of a space bridge. Unite for the Universe #2, Eons ago, the Nemesis was commanded by The Fallen.[1]. Tertiary Color Optimus Prime and Bulkhead made it aboard the Nemesis and stole the power source back, but Optimus proceeded to go on a rampage through the ship's corridors until Megatron had him GroundBridged out. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. The relic ordered Megatron to continue his pursuit of the AllSpark since, once freed, the Cube would seek out a harvester. Nemesis (Transformers) | Neo Encyclopedia Wiki | Fandom After failing to retrieve the weapon or otherwise blast it out himself, he ordered the Decepticons to carve out the massive boulder in which the sword was embedded so the Nemesis could carry it away. Attempting a test run in a human settlement in Australia, Nemesis Prime was thwarted by a contingent of Autobots led by Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus. Optimus Prime - Wikipedia As the Autobots began restoring Cybertron and hunting down Shockwave and Starscream, Bumblebee was made the captain (and sole crew member) of theNemesis. Trypticon never reveals his name on the show and he only refers himself as "the vessel". There are also stasis beam cannons attached to both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the hull. Renegade Rhetoric (2), 2016/05/12 Subsequently, however, Nemesis Prime made a play for leadership of the Decepticons, gaining the loyalty of Frenzy and Crash Test. Kingdom webpage[4], Nemesis Prime was a spectator of the second week of the Speedia 500 on Velocitron. It was challenged by a teleporting elf who fought valiantly but was twisted into a scratch-back. After Dinobot flashes between himself and the original Dinobot, his voice no longer has the electronic effect. He took control of their systems and locked anyone who interfered in his mission of decoding the Iacon database, into stasis. The ship was used in the final battle againstUnicron, despite a failed attempt at re-taking it by Starscream andKnock Out. Tigerhawk tells Primal to rally the Maximals and that he will remain to fight. The damage to the transceiver forces the Decepticons to use Earth-based telescopes to target Cybertron so that Megatron can fulfill his plan to use Dark Energon to resurrect all of Cybertron's dead. The Nemesis was still a functioning, fearsome battleship, and that's all he required. In the Japanese version of the franchise, the Decepticons are called Destron[2] or Deathtron (Japanese: Desutoron). The ensuing battle spread all over the warship, and resulted in Cylas's death, and Airachnid being freed from her stasis pod, though she and her Insecticon army were bridged to a moon of Cybertron by Soundwave. Nemesis Basic Information Alias (es) Trypticon (original name) This ship The Decepticon Warship The Warship The 'Con Warship The Decepticon Vessel Status Destroyed (crashed above the Well of Allsparks) Affiliation Decepticon Autobots (formerly) Physical Description Primary Color Dark Purple Secondary Color Grey Tertiary Color Red Equipment This was eventually remedied by Megatron's capture of the Plasma Energy Chamber, which provided a nearly unlimited source of fuel directly from Cybertron's core. To this end, Arkeville twisted Prime's imported essence to evil with a rewriting program, but the clone still lacked life. If it makes you feel better, the Autobots don't have any idea where it is either. During his battle with Megatron, Predaking was ejected from the ship. ), Convoy(atmossafariTIGERCAMOYELLOWVer. Rattrap, however, is more happy to be going home and points out that they won't have to see Megatron 'til they get there, as the Predacon is tied to the hull of their shuttle. Welcome to Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki. Why do you ask? The Nemesis is a fearsome and heavily-armed Decepticon warship, originally under the command of Megatron. Optimus urges Dinobot to save himself, but he simply bids farewell to Primal and remains as the bridge explodes around him. Transformers Wikipedia:WikiProject Transformers Template:WikiProject Transformers Transformers articles By the end of the series, of the original ten Maximals and Predacons, only Optimus, Cheetor, Rattrap, Rhinox, Megatron, and Waspinator survive the Beast Wars. This page was last modified on 20 January 2023, at 15:08. After Cliffjumper is beaten, he is taken to the ship and executed by Starscream. Megatron immediately followed the AllSpark on his own with his interstellar alternate mode. But before the legion of the undead are able to exit the vortex, the space bridge, and presumably Megatron with it, is destroyed. The ship is covered in numerous wings and vanes. The Transformers characters were developed for an American market after Hasbro representatives visited the 1983 Tokyo Toy Show. When the Autobots boarded the warship, they severed the anchor, the Decepticons instantly switching to a backup towing system on the underbelly. Though he once turned into Trypticon Station, a neutral scientific outpost, Trypticon's intelligence is only just enough to make him an effective warrior, even if it hardly seems needed with his vast array of weapons. However, it's possible that they didn't know he was still alive. Nemesis Prime initiated the battle by blasting Megatron and stood his ground against the factions. Though Sideswipe attempted to then ram the Ark into the Nemesis, a much more powerful tractor beam, fired by the Curator immobilized both ships. Destroyed (crashed above the Well of Allsparks) His Dark Matrix and dark ion blaster were his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his maliciousness, brutality, desperation, and single-mindedness. Predacons Rising. It moves anywhere, Megatron wishes to anywhere on Earth including the vastness of space. Dinobot objects, asking where the honor is in such an act, but Megatron fires anyway, killing Inferno and Quickstrike in the process. Unfinished Business, Part 4, Nemesis Prime was the product of a mad plan by Straxus, who put a lowly, unknown warrior through an excruciating rebuilding process, tortuously reforging him into the very image of Optimus Prime. Equipment Hurt, MECH leader Silas - integrated into the corpse of Breakdown - approached the Decepticons in an attempt to join their ranks, offering Project Damocles, a space-based particle cannon, as a token of friendship. The guilty Vehicons meekly kept their mouths shut. Bot Shots Battle Game! He and Megatron duke it out, but the Predacon clearly has the advantage. It landed next to the Well, now charred and useless. Dark Purple Endgame, Part I, It showed up on the outskirts of Autobot-controlled space almost immediately after the legendary AllSpark was discovered by Optimus Prime and his crew of space bridge repair-bots. As it was in the process of doing so, the Autobots suddenly attacked, with Optimus Prime charging in after the Star Saber. When asked whether Trypticon was alive after that first sparking or not until Shockwave, Trypticon seems to suffer from mass-displacement. Smokescreen retrieved the Forge from the ship when prompted to save a dying Optimus Prime. Orion Pax, Part 1 Starscream fled the ship, but his visit raised Orion's suspicions and he accessed the Decepticon database to find out the truth. However, the dark secret of the Nemesis (other than all that Dark Energon) is that the ship is actually the vehicle mode of the most feared Decepticon titan Trypticon. Beginning with the original Generation 1 cartoon, the Decepticon rallying cry has been "Decepticons attack! Red "Negative." However, the ship has been offline too long, and Rhinox and Blackarachnia are having trouble restoring power. The dorsal surface of the ship is a large, long, flat area that serves as a flight deck, similar to that of modern aircraft carriers, with a hanger bay entrance towards the front of the ship. Megatron can fly there in a short period of time, and a planet that greatly resembles Saturn can be seen immediately nearby, which would suggest the Nemesis crashed on one of Saturn's moons. '", "Destroy them!" Nemesis Prime is a Decepticon from the Generation One continuity family. As Optimus and Megatron duelled, the space bridge began tearing both ships apart, and ultimately sucked both ships through to parts unknown. He ambushed Blackarachnia, who was also seeking the AllSpark, but not before she planted a tracking device on his back. As Trypticon Station was configured to receive fuel from the Geosynchronous Energon Bridge in Crystal City, the Decepticons were able to transfer an initial supply, but not nearly enough for the ravenous rate at which they were consuming Dark Energon. After Agent Fowler was knocked out, the remaining humans made it to the ship's power core, where the Nemesis was finally able to detect them and used the crane that normally fed energon into the core to try and eradicate them. Across the vastness of space, The Fallen felt Optimus' death and freed himself from the harness restraining him to the Nemesis, then headed for Earth. The ship was never referred to by any name in the original transformers series from 1984, the name 'Nemesis' is first used in the series finale of Beast Wars, a sequel to the original cartoon. ", "I'll say one thing for my namesake, he liked his artillery big and plentiful. Proceed on your way to oblivion.This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release. The Dark Spark was introduced in the 2014 video game Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark, which established its ability to move between universes. It had no thoughts or allegiance to either Autobot or Decepticon and merely craved destruction. When Starscream returned he found he had lost his bargaining chip. Go! Nemesis (Animated) - Transformers Wiki Where there is Optimus Prime, Nemesis Prime is never far behind. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. The characters were modified and the coloring was changed; notably, Optimus Prime was colored red, white, and blue. Binal Time, What happened to Dr. Arkeville after that is unknown, but soon after activation, Nemesis Prime began to make his move. Dr. Arkeville, seeking to create an evil leader greater than Megatron, used a subspace impulse cloner to duplicate Optimus Prime (with a snazzy black-and-teal paint job). It was taken into battle for the last time when Unicron returned to the planet, raising an army of Terrorcons with which to destroy Primus. Thirst, When Megatron resolved to rebuild the Omega Lock, Minus One it was constructed on the underbelly of the Nemesis by the time Ratchet had been brought aboard to finish his work on synthetic Energon. Despite Darkmount, the command staff of the Decepticons spent much time of its bridge hunting for Autobots. The name or term Nemesis refers to more than one character or idea. When wearing the paintjob, he would comment that it "felt odd" and that it made him a real "robot in disguise". The three fliers aimed to sabotage the station's coolant but failed to account for back-up systems allowing the bombing to continue. They are depicted as a faction of sentient robotic lifeforms led by Megatron, identified by a purple face-like insignia. Despite your immense power, you failed to destroy the Autobots. Evil clones of heroes are practically staple in hero fiction, and Transformers is no exception. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. It immediately began its mission, decoding the Iacon database and heading towards the first of the coordinates in New York City. It is the main flag ship of the Decepticons, the franchise's primary antagonists. This station orbited Cybertron and was under the command of Starscream, after being demoted from Commander of an Energon seeker squadron. The warp holes were extinguished, and the clone announced that it had used the power of the spark that now inhabited it to preserve the "Binal-Time" that the Autobots inhabited. When the Autobots tried to leave Cybertron, the station's gun began blasting the transports. His creator having since perished, Nemesis Prime became a threat to all, skulking in the dark parts of Cybertron and targeting both Autobots and Decepticons in his murderous insanity. Despite Megatron's best efforts, Optimus managed to pull the sword from the boulder and then cleaved the rock in twain when Megatron had the Nemesis drop it on the Autobot leader out of spite. Megatron was frozen, and Nemesis Prime calmly seized the opportunity to take power, ordering Shockwave to gather as many Decepticon bodies as possible. ), "'I am that which is, which was, and is yet to come! Having survived the attack, Nemesis Prime and Galvatron were left stranded in space only to be found by Unicron once more. After capturing and getting information from Arcee and Cliffjumper he ordered the ship to Earth so they could acquire the Energon there and destroy Optimus Prime. If it weren't for the overlay you'd think this was Optimus. Upon defeating Autobot leader Zeta Prime, and later Omega Supreme, Megatron succeeded in his quest. Megatron activates its tractor beam, and Primal enters the Nemesis. In the various iterations of the franchise, the Nemesis is the flagship of the Decepticons, the franchise's primary antagonists. 2004 Beast Wars: Transformers The Complete Third Season (Rhinomation) Convergence chapter 4. Sometime later, after repairing the shuttle and rigging a transwarp cell to it, the Maximals leave Earth for Cybertron. The Nemesis is first seen hovering over the energon deposit that is found by Cliffjumper. A Bridge Too Close, Part I, Megatron and his men later returned to seize the remaining protoforms as well as ransacking the ship for raw materials. The Nemesis is a Decepticon spaceship in the fictional Transformers universe. After the Ark returned to Cybertron, Optimus Prime's vision in the Dead Universe came true, and Nemesis Prime tracked down the AllSpark and battled both Optimus and Bumblebee. WhenUltra Magnuswas severely injured Ratchet returned to Cybertron and monitored him in theNemesissick bay. Convergence chapter 1, After many years of hard fighting and the Autobots finally losing the civil war, Optimus Prime decided to capture the AllSpark and hurl it into space, so that Megatron could not possess it and corrupt it. Megatron has raised the Nemesis from its watery grave and has begun a random attack on everything in sight, all the while quoting the Covenant of Primus. The Nemesis is the starship used by Starscream and the Decepticons in their search for the lost Megatron and the All Spark. The Fallen seduced Megatron with dreams of power, ordering him to obliterate all that defied them, including Optimus, his mostly non-combat scientists, and soldiers who did not join Megatron's new "Decepticon" army. Optimus, Ironhide, and Bumblebee went to investigate the crash and battled the Titan, first overloading his shoulder-mounted weapons systems, then attacking his heat vents, before destroying Trypticon's auxiliary power cores. The Decepticons used it to turn Optimus Prime into Nemesis Prime, who turned the defense systems of the Spy Changers' base against them. When the fortress was created, the final act of the warship was to destroy theAutobot base using its main cannon. See Trypticon (disambiguation), Nemesis (disambiguation). His mission was to preserve the Binaltechs, as their existence would, in the future, bring about the Alternity, a "great existence" involving beings who would ensure prosperity and protection across the multiverse. To repair it, Megatron used Dark Energon which brought Trypticon back to life, though Megatron or the others did not seem to recognize him. You can help Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki by expanding it. Towards the end of the series after the demise of Megatron and the defeat of the Decepticons, the Nemesis was commandeered by the Autobots and used to reformat Cybertron. When Optimus returns to the Maximal base and tries to communicate with Tigerhawk, his right wing is missing. Nemesis Affiliation Decepticons Allies Predaking, Skylynx, and Darksteel (formerly) The Nemesis Crew was a group of Decepticons, led by Megatron, stationed on the Decepticon warship, the Nemesis . However, Megatron found he needed to access the Core of Cybertron to continue to power their Dark Energon supply. When he returned to the solar system, Soundwave was briefly confused to find another Nemesis on Mars until he figured out that it was a different ship by the same name.

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