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there must always be a lich king

Before anyone starts, I know this is ancient. Theory about the Lich King and the "There must always be a Lich King no, please dont. I believe if they got rid of the army of undead early then there wouldnt be another future expansion based on the Scourge. there must always be. 21 BlizzCon 2010 22 Cathedral of darkness 23 Title 24 Eyes 25 Bolvar's Photo 26 Frost DK Artifact event 27 Class 28 You're the Best 29 Chronicles 3 There must always be a Lich King, else the Scourge goes mad and a massive hole opens above Azeroth leading us to the worst story Blizzard has ever written. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. I assume only Nerzhul, Arthas, The Primus, and the Jailer could truly know if a lich king was always necessary. Find Funny GIFs, Cute GIFs, Reaction GIFs and more. It comes off now as it came off back then, a cheap tool for a future repeat of the Scourge plot. Uther's reason doesnt seem to make much sense, because what did the undead do before the Lich King was even created? Or they were. No one in their right mind would leave the enemy nukes sitting on the launch pads once the war is won, but that's exactly what everyone on Azeroth collectively decided on doing. Scan this QR code to download the app now. "There must always be a lich king" - World of Warcraft Forums Maybe now that the crown is gone and the Jailer is dead, the souls forced to stay in the mindless scourge are free to travel to the Shadowlands. Lorewise, the scourge disease is virulent as fuck, the mere touch with the infection can turn you into an undead. Contents 1 Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (2002) 1.1 Cinematics 1.1.1 Introduction 1.1.2 Thrall's Vision 1.1.3 The Warning There are some that possess a higher intellect who could possibly exert some control over the lesser undead, and while it wouldnt be a LK level threat theyd still pose a risk if this overlord led an undead crusade. That reminds me, what difference there is between a Ghoul or Skeleton warrior and a Forsaken? Bolvar would be there to be the next vessel, at the start of Icecrown raid Bolvar is still resisting, but by the time we get to the top he seems to be silent, he could have been converted into a death knight by the time we get there. The old lore was that without the Lich King to keep them in check, the sheer number of Scourge would run rampant and destroy all life on Azeroth. They can raise more, and more - and more. I mean, there HAD to be a lich king. *Cough, Blizzard!, COUGH*. As part of the deal, just sanction Valkyrie usage and give them the Plaguelands as a reward. She was being dominated by the Jailer at the time, and. Thats more personal Sylvanas saying the thread of scourge is no more. Put up walls and have the Forsaken man them- they don't need to sleep and can't be raised up to fight against their former allies. A LICH KING! On a minor digression, makes me think that SWTOR writers might have been inspired by this when they wrote the reasoning behind why the Sith Empire was willing to sign a truce. In Wraths ending cinematic, there was this kind of iconic quote There must always be a lich king. Kel'Thulzad, prior to becoming a servant of the Lich King, didn't really share Lich King's views or ambitions. What do you guys think of Baine just randomly saying For Shadowlands Felt soo out of character and out of place. Has there ever been any canonical proof to this? Given how the Lich King getting blasted from the other side of the world made half the Scourge in Lordaeron break free and the Lich King getting hit with a shiny sword made the Ebon Blade break free, the idea that the Lich King outright dying would only make the Scourge aN eVeN gReAtEr ThReAt was already idiotic back then. The Plan would be that if the lich king was defeated by the heroes a spirit that the heroes and others would trust would appear and lie, he would say that there must always be a Lich King, then Bolvar the converted Death knight would put on the Helm and tell everyone to just leave and keep it a secret, this way the Lich King would guarantee . Explore and share the best Lich-king GIFs and most popular animated GIFs here on GIPHY. If gearing is the only incentive of playing the game design is terrible. HOLDING FAST IN PRAYER (LUKE 18:1-8) - Facebook Building the Wrathgate Cinematic - Wrath Video with Terran Gregory However, The lich king has only been around 30 or so years in the game, from the time nerzhul was imprisoned to when Arthas put on the helm of domination. I doubt you could come up with a story like this on your own. Trying to look around to find a house or a place to keep me warmth. On another, but more related, side note- I'm actually not sure I even understand the threat of a mindless Scourge army. All rights reserved. Youd think Azeroth would be flooded with Scourge since theyre uncontrolled and the heroes are off in the Shadowlands. NerZhul must have spoken or communed with the Jailer and not know about him before becoming the spirit of the lich king. Yeah Im hoping they cover it and finish it off rather than just jumping over it like it never existed. So there must always be a Lich King - World of Warcraft - GameFAQs They are in the same place as Sargeras sword. This subreddit is for discussions about the lore of Warcraft! From going on a rampage across Azeroth. There must always be a Lich King, because otherwise Sylvanas would have had too many potential Forsaken recruits. There must always be (thunder & lightning) a Lich king (Arthas' father dissappears.) Uther would also warn that someone would have to take Arthas's place, as there must always be a Lich King. Arthas and his undead army threw Azeroth into chaos at the start of Wrath of the Lich King, attacking Horde and Alliance capitals as well as the Scarlet Enclave. The connection between Maldraxxus and the Scourge is that the Lich King was forged by the Primus/Runecarver. Its bad writing to assume a rampart and fractured scourge could achieve more than whatever Arthas could have told them to do but didnt because reasons. This would serve to make the undead basically shambling corpses and largely harmless. Of course, everything starts with the very beginning. - - NPC - WotLK Classic - Wowhead "There must always be a Lich King" - World of Warcraft Forums I mean, to be fair, it was just a human NPC that said that. When you play as angmar. Loyal2NES 2 yr. ago Say there wasn't a Lich King. "There must always be a Lich King". Below it was a dais of some sort, standing on a large gently raised mound that was covered in a dusting of snow. The Plan would be that if the lich king was defeated by the heroes a spirit that the heroes and others would trust would appear and lie, he would say that there must always be a Lich King, then Bolvar the converted Death knight would put on the Helm and tell everyone to just leave and keep it a secret, this way the Lich King would guarantee that if he was defeated he would have the time needed to recover his strength and fool everyone into thinking they had defeated the Lich King. I dont buy it anymore. Have you seen the Eastern and Western Plaguelands? This subreddit is for discussions about the lore of Warcraft! Would it be so weird that the lich king would have a plan in case he failed? Because there will be no Lich king to hold them in line. "There must always be a Lich King." So who's the Lich King now? All this The Scourge will destroy everything was just pure nonsense. He didnt send Scourge to Orgrimmar and Stormwind to sell freaking vacuums. Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt Nur'zul control the Undead fine on his own in WC3? Also worth noting that not all undead are created equal (See: Rotbrain Undead). NEW PATRON: Nickel AP - Lore Addicts of the Beard NEW MEMBER: Yoursolosquad - Initiate of the Beard NEW SUB: Uchiha Madara DONATE NOW: https://mercury.strea. This taskforce would presumably be a joint Horde-Alliance force, and I'd imagine they'd, ideally, be politically independent of the two factions (while receiving funding+troops). Privacy Policy. The Lich Kings power was amplified by the Frozen Throne (Im talking about the block of Ice from the Nether, not the chair itself, where Bolvar now sits). I need to know lol. It takes Bolvar most of his willpower just to hold the Scourge back, I don't think he could command them like you think. "There must always be a Lich King" - But why? Anyways, this reasoning never quite made sense to me. I think the greater question is, if it is now an instrument of free will and a Lich King will no longer exist, do the undead get their free will back? Dont worry, the mechagnomes can offer a solution. Same with gear. It was caught in a hovering, jagged chunk of ice, the runes that ran the length of its blade glowing a cool blue. There must always be a Lich King Prologue: The Lich King, a High School Or a Lich person. Bolvar became the Lich King cause there always needed to be one to keep the mindless undead hordes in check, and then Sylvanas comes along and breaks the remote. As the name implies, the dystopian Warcraft universe largely revolves around conflict. Instead he has to be the Jailer of the Damned and the Scourge remains intact because reasons. Is there some sort of loophole because technically the Lich King was never destroyed? Today, while progressing new chapter of 9.2 campaign Sylvanas basically said "There will be no lich king. Control must be maintained. Better kill everything rather than have the void lords have their way with all existence. Back with ICC was current and the ending to the raid was revealed for everyone, no one thought that There must always be a Lich King was mindblowing. There must always be a Lich King - World of Warcraft Forums New replies are no longer allowed. The only reason I would imagine that "there must always be a Lich King" would make sense would be if it happened that the armour was indestructible and that the persona of Nerzhul would re-emerge as the leader of the Scourge. A concerted effort by the forces of the Alliance and Horde to wipe them out would cost many lives, and there are many self-aware and intelligent Scourge among them that could unify them into a dangerous force if there is no Lich King to keep them in check. Experience the battle through the raid: Icecrown Citadel. There was still the will of the jailer dominating the helm too. All Bolvar needed to do was to force the Scourge to self destruct then take off the helm of domination. That, or it could be Calias pet project to go around freeing them all in the name of the Light, or something. All rights reserved. Im still just pissed Bolvar and the Death Knights never did an assault on the Burning Legion how they did the Scarlet Crusade during the DK starting questline that takes place back in Wotlk. Also, its a good idea to have back up plan if the Legion or the Old Gods take over. Its impossible to write something good when you have to release expansions regulary. Im not real far into Shadowlands yet so if this is explained during the story just disregard this. Couple that with the fact that the overwhelming number of Scourge forces aren't intelligent in any sense, and seem more like feral dogs than anything. There must always be a Lich King. Why does somebody have to wear the helmet to control the undead? According to the Wowpedia article on the subject (under this header it reads: the Scourge command structure all but wiped out. Arthas is one of the oldest characters in Heroes of the Storm.. and to this day he is still one of the strongest. Fall of the Lich King Cinematic, found after defeating Arthas in ICC. Yes they would over run us due to the simple fact that the higher ranking undead would continually resurrect every corpse they could find the scourge was already massive and icecrown was a corpse farm at that point. Privacy Policy. Also on a side note. You can hardly present lore events as anything dangerous in game made for every noob on this planet.

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