include broilers, hogs, turkeys, miscellaneous crops, and soybeans. Land-grant: Northwest Indian College, Bellingham; Washington State University, Pullman. Wisconsin is known for its role in providing high quality dairy products to our nation. in sales include dairy products, cattle and calves, corn, miscellaneous crops, and broilers. According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, Minnesota ranks sixth in the United States for the value of agricultural products sold. After broilers, soybeans, rice, chicken eggs, and cattle and calves are the strongest commodities for Arkansas. Wisconsin is known for its role in providing high quality dairy products to our nation. There are a few guidelines and To publish, simply grab the HTML code or text to the left and paste into %PDF-1.7 % However, the highest. Arizona is the third largest producing state for fresh market vegetables. Delaware ranks No. include cattle and calves, hay, hogs, barley, and dairy products. With over 53,000 farms on 7.2 million acres of farmland, the agriculture industry is a top industry for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 2 in turkeys; No. However, with its over 47,500 farms, Michigan farmers also rank No. According to Ohio Farm Bureau, food and agriculture is the top contributor to Ohios economy and provides one of eight jobs in the state. 2023 Journal Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. cucumbers, grapefruit, squash, sugarcane, fresh market tomatoes, radishes, guavas, mangoes, passion fruit, watermelon, and kumquats. Tennessees top commodities include soybeans, corn, cattle and calves, miscellaneous crops, and broilers. Land-grant: University of New Hampshire, Durham. Farm Land Loan Interest Rates: Produce Farmers | AgAmerica With its diverse agriculture industry, North Dakota generated $7.6 billion in agricultural cash receipts across 26,000 farms. With nearly 11 million acres, Utah has a diverse agriculture industry. The strong economic contribution is supported by the 77,800 farms and continues to lead the way in hardworking farmers and ranchers . Not only does Mississippi have a strong crop and livestock industry, but its aquaculture industry actually ranks No. Top commodities include miscellaneous crops, cattle and calves, dairy products, hay, and wheat. 4 in cucumbers and broilers; and No. Additionally, Arizona, 455.7 million pounds of red meat and more than 4.2 billion pounds of milk. 2022 STATE AGRICULTURE OVERVIEW North Carolina Survey Data from Quick Stats as of: Jul/14/2023 Farms Operations Livestock Inventory Milk Production Crops - Planted, Harvested, Yield, Production, Price (MYA), Value of Production Sorted by Value of Production in Dollars in the state include nursery and floriculture, fruits, vegetables, crops and hay, and cattle and calves. Top 3 States 1 2 3 1 Flue-cured Tobacco 252.0 (Mil Lbs) 80.4 NC VA GA . 0000015835 00000 n 1 for sorghum production in the nation with 194 million bushels produced which accounted for 55 percent of all grain sorghum. 0000001524 00000 n USDA ERS - Agricultural Production and Prices Here are the 50 states and a variety of unique strengths of each one: Land-grants: Auburn University; Alabama A&M University, Normal; Tuskegee University. With its climate and ability to grow commodities year round, California has a strong fruit and vegetable industry. The Iowa agriculture industry is responsible for 1 out of every 5 jobs in the state. Agriculture is Arkansas largest industry, adding $9.5 billion into the economy. With agriculture playing a major role in the economy, it is no surprise that Arkansas has over. Agricultural cash receipts: $18.4 billion, Land-grant: University of Minnesota, St. Paul. Some of the states with huge production of pig meat from the United States of America namely, Iowa, North Carolina, Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Montanas top commodities include cattle and calves, wheat, hay, barley, and miscellaneous crops. Land-grant: Purdue University, West Lafayette. Crops such as wheat, cotton, and forage bring in $1.5 billion in sales. In addition, apples, snap peas, maple syrup, and cabbage received a second place ranking. , Pennsylvania leads the United States in mushroom production, with an annual production of more than 425 million pounds, valuing more than $330.7 million per year. Montanas cattle industry makes up the largest fraction of sales with 37 percent overall. North Dakota's production of all wheat totaled over 196 million bushels in 2021, including about 174.5 million bushels of spring wheat, 19.7 million bushels of durum wheat and nearly 2 million bushels of winter wheat. North Carolina's Top 10 Agricultural Commodities - Farm Flavor 1 in the U.S. for production of canola, providing nearly 85% of the country's total canola crop in 2021. With $8.2 billion in agricultural cash receipts and 17 percent of the states employment being connected to the industry, agriculture is vital to Michigans economy. Stacker compiled a list of the most valuable crops grown in North Carolina using data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture state agriculture overview. The value of South Dakotas agricultural production and processing industries represented 8.5 percent of total state GDP. Top. Land-grants: Delaware State University, Dover; University of Delaware, Newark. Local & Regional Food Market News | Agricultural Marketing Service Vermont is actually Americas largest producer of maple syrup. Top commodities include corn, soybeans, hogs, cattle and calves, and dairy products. Top commodities include cattle and calves, hay, and dairy products. Home > North Carolina > North Carolina Crops & Livestock > North Carolinas Top 10 Agricultural Commodities. Land-grant: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Why should you support local junior livestock sales? include nursery and floriculture, dairy products, chicken eggs, turkeys, and cattle and calves. Not only is agriculture a major player for the state economy, but Arkansas also ranks No. In 2016 North Carolina became one of the top 10 states in total organic sales at $145 million, up from $82.5 million in 2015 (USDA-NASS, 2017). Ohio farmland includes nearly 14 million acres to grow and cultivate these commodities. According to Maryland State Archives, agriculture also remains the largest single land use in the state, 2 million acres, or roughly 32 percent of total land area used for farming in 2019. Stacker distribution partners receive a license to all Stacker stories, Crops - Planted, Harvested, Yield, Production, Price (MYA), Value of Production. A system of weed management that includes multiple tactics will help reduce losses in both the short and long term. Everything is bigger and better in Texas agriculture included. In Texas, one in seven employees are connected to the agriculture industry. In Rhode Island, farmland covers 10 percent with over 60,000 acres being involved in agriculture. PDF The Economic Impact Of the Agribusiness Industry In South Carolina Land-grants: Florida A&M University, Tallahassee; University of Florida, Gainesville. The states 9,800 farms created over $1.2 billion in agricultural cash receipts. Maine has 7,600 farms that provide $668 million in agricultural cash receipts to the state. According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, New Mexico ranked first in the nation for chile pepper acreage with 8,313 acres. Florida is known as the Sunshine State, which means it can grow a variety of crops that many other states can not. For example, Florida ranksfirst in the U.S. in the value of production of cucumbers, grapefruit, squash, sugarcane, fresh market tomatoes, radishes, guavas, mangoes, passion fruit, watermelon, and kumquats. Alabama even ranks third in the U.S. in, Alaska is known as the biggest state of the union. While it ranks high in overall production of dairy products, Wisconsin ranks No. No two states are the same, but it takes each and every one of the states and territories and their unique capabilities to make up the amazing industry that we have all come to know and love. But one of their largest contributions is their farming operations. One interesting fact about Utahs agriculture is that the state is the second largest producer of tart cherries in the country. Other. Grapes, apples, strawberries, and oranges top the list of fruits; tomatoes and potatoes are the leading vegetables. Other top commoditiesinclude fruits, floriculture, vegetables, and aquaculture. Although Georgia is known for its peaches, it actually leads the nation in poultry, peanut, and pecan production, while ranking third in peaches. For example, Kansas ranked No. Massachusetts agriculture industry is supported by 7,241 farms on 491,653 acres. North Carolina's Top 10 Agricultural Commodities On April 14, 2021 by Farm Flavor to North Carolina, North Carolina Crops & Livestock In partnership with: North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Scroll through the slideshow to learn more about North Carolina's top 10 agricultural commodities based on cash receipts*. Land-grant: Tennessee State University, Nashville; University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Information most often requested by farmers, the general public, and workers in government agencies are included. There are nearly 39,000 farms and ranches in Colorado encompassing, . With $199 million in agricultural cash receipts contributing to the economy and over 4,100 farms, agriculture is a viable industry integrated within the New Hampshire economy. With over 5,500 farm operations, Connecticut has over 12 percent of its land involved in agriculture. include cattle and calves, hogs, broilers, wheat, and cotton. Iowa is another state known for its strong crop production abilities. Although Illinois agriculture is known for its production of corn and soybeans, it ranks first in the nation in pumpkin and horseradish production. The State Fact Sheets were updated December 1, 2021 to revise farm financial indicators and top agricultural commodities. Top commodities include corn, soybeans, hogs and cattle and calves. Top commodities include dairy, almonds, grapes, cattle and caves, and strawberries. Land-grant: South Dakota State University, Brookings. To support the multiple farms, there are more than 170,000 jobs in Colorado related to agribusiness. To that end, most Stacker stories are freely available to - Top agricultural commodities sold: Aquaculture ($29.8 million); nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, and sod ($13.0 million); cattle and calves ($1.1 million) Alaska's climate is certainly unique with its abundance of sunlight and famously clean air. With nearly 80,00 farms, Kentucky producers and agricultural production represented 6.4 percent of total state GDP. For example, Oregon. North Carolina Agricultural Statistics Commodities Commodity . dairy, almonds, grapes, cattle and caves, and strawberries. The. Although New York is known for its fast-paced lifestyle, the agriculture industry is very important to its economy. The state's 46,418 farmers grow over 80 different commodities, utilizing 8.4 million of the state's 31 million acres to furnish consumers a dependable and affordable supply of food and fiber. There are nearly 25,000 farms in South Carolina amounting to nearly 5 million acres of farmland. Land-grants: College of the Muscogee Nation, Okmulgee; Langston University, Langston; Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. Maine farmers are the stewards of many diverse commodities across 1.25 million acres. The states 9,800 farms created over $1.2 billion in agricultural cash receipts. other property-type income, and indirect business taxes. New numbers show agriculture is #1 industry in N.C. - Spectrum News Nebraska is known for its deep roots in agriculture including, having robust livestock and crop industries across its 46,000 farms. There are nearly 25,000 farms in South Carolina amounting to nearly 5 million acres of farmland. In addition to having a large cattle population, Idaho ranks first nationally in potatoes, peppermint, alfalfa hay, and trout. Land-grants: Clemson University, Clemson; South Carolina State University, Orangeburg. Even more vital to the economy is the jobs the agriculture industry provides to Montana one out of every six Montana workers is employed in an agriculture-related field. Delawares. Oats - Annual production: $3.7 million - Top states: --- #1. There are more than 2 million farms in the United States, about 98% of which are operated by families, individuals, family partnerships, or family corporations, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. Agriculture, food, and related industries contributed $1.109 trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019, according to the most recent data from USDAs Economic Research Service (ERS). 1 nationally in the value of agricultural sales per farmland acre at $2,791! Though not ranking in the top 10 commodities in the state, Alabama's greenhouse and nursery industry is growing quickly. Country roads, take me home Not only is West Virginia synonymous with country music, but also country living and the agriculture industry. 0000008421 00000 n More African Americans are operating farms now than ever before, likewise for Hispanic and Latino farm operators. In Rhode Island, farmland covers 10 percent with over 60,000 acres being involved in agriculture. Arizona has a strong and unique agriculture background. The farm agriculture sector's share of North Carolina's economy is larger than many neighboring states in the Southeast. The number of farms expanded by 2 percent between the 2012 and 2017 Ag Census. Generating over $7.5 billion, the 25,000 crop and livestock farms make a major impact. Other top. Vermont is actually Americas largest producer of maple syrup. Land-grant: University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Maine leads the nation in wild blueberry production and ranks second for maple production, but potatoes actually lead the state for Maines biggest commodity. According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, the Aloha State leads the United States in macadamia nut, papaya, passion fruit, taro, bananas, coffee, pineapple, and ginger root acreage. Top commodities for Louisiana include soybeans, broilers, corn, rice, and sugarcane. There were more than 116,000 producers on Illinois farms in 2017 and more than 33,000 of them were women. However, the state also has a strong apple and maple production as well. Defined by the U.S. Department of Agricultures Economic Research Service, cash receipts refer to the total amount of crops or livestock sold in a calendar year. North Carolinas agriculture economy is supported by 46,000 farming operations, which brought in $10.6 billion in agricultural cash receipts in 2019. Not only is Hawaii a beautiful state, it also has a unique agriculture industry. Land-grant: University of Massachusetts, Amherst. However, the census also showed that North Dakota ranked first in the nation for the production of all dry edible beans, navy beans, pinto beans, canola, flaxseed, honey, dry edible peas, Durum wheat, and spring wheat. Chapter 10: Weed Management | NC State Extension Publications In 2017, Minnesota producers, which includes 68,800 farms, sold nearly $18.4 billion worth of products. The highest ranking, poultry, actually accounted for 57 percent of Georgias total market value of products sold. Arizona is the third largest producing state for fresh market vegetables. There are over 56,000 farming operations throughout the state, working on just over 15 million of farmland acres, according to the Indiana State Department of Agriculture. That year, the state harvested 1.72 million acres of canola, producing more than 2.3 billion pounds of the crop. U.S. Department of Agricultures Economic Research Service, Braswell Family Farms Provides the Best Possible Eggs for Consumers. 0000005558 00000 n According to. Last but certainly not least is the wide open spaces of Wyoming. Agriculture is a cornerstone of Washingtons economy, with 39,000 farms operating on more than 15 million acres. PDF Farm Income Prices Received Prices Paid North Carolina has been the leading sweet potato producer since 1971, accounting for over 60% of all sweet potatoes farmed in the United States. With a mascot with the nickname Cornhuskers, you know the state is centered in agriculture. North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. California is also the worlds top producer of almonds! One interesting fact about Utahs agriculture is that the state is the second largest producer of tart cherries in the country. Connecticuts greenhouse and nursery products account for over 40 percent of the states total agricultural production. According to, Virginias Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. When talking about Louisiana agriculture you also have to highlight the growing crawfish industry. for Washington include apples, dairy products, cattle and calves, wheat, and potatoes. For example, in 2002, there were only 15,170 farms. Top commoditiesinclude poultry and eggs, cotton, peanuts, chicken eggs, and pecans. Idahos agriculture industry is diverse and vitally important for its economy. 0000026440 00000 n The 2017 Census of Agriculture found that Texas ranks first in the nation for total number of farms with just over 248,000, which account for more than 127 million acres of agricultural land (managing almost 74 percent of the states 268,581 square miles). restrictions, which you can review below. , every job in agriculture and forestry supports 1.7 jobs elsewhere in Virginias economy. Washington is the number one producer of apples, blueberries, hops, pears, spearmint oil, and sweet cherries in the U.S. The number of farms expanded by 2 percent between the 2012 and 2017 Ag Census. The data below has been pulled from multiple reliable resources like state agriculture departments, each states Farm Bureau, the U.S. Department of Agricultures National Agricultural Statistics Service 2017 Census of Agriculture, the USDAs ERS, and the USDAs National Institute of Food and Agriculture(NIFA). According to, , Wisconsins 1.28 million dairy cattle produced more than 30 billion pounds of milk, a national leader next to California. Land-grant: West Virginia State University, Institute; West Virginia University, Morgantown. With over 53,000 farms on 7.2 million acres of farmland, the agriculture industry is a top industry for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Chapter 1: Introduction | NC State Extension Publications your CMS. The strong economic contribution is supported by the 77,800 farms and continues to lead the way in hardworking farmers and ranchers . Pumpkins. However, that number grew by about 9,800 in 2017 for a total of 25,044! With over 27,000 farms, the value of agricultural products sold in 2017 was over $3.1 billion in Louisiana. Agricultural cash receipts: $20.2 billion, Land-grant: Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View; Texas A&M University, College Station. 0000007192 00000 n North Carolinas Top 10 Agricultural Commodities, Use your ← → (arrow) keys to browse. The agricultural industry directly provides employment to 25,920 individuals and produces an annual market value of over $475 million in agricultural goods. The state is known for its strong crop production, combined with their livestock industry Iowa has 86,000 farms in its state. Generating over $7.5 billion, the 25,000 crop and livestock farms make a major impact. With nearly 80,00 farms, Kentucky producers and agricultural production represented 6.4 percent of total state GDP. , agriculture also remains the largest single land use in the state, 2 million acres, or roughly 32 percent of total land area used for farming in 2019. States with the biggest agriculture industry | KGET 17
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