Like this was taking place around like the womens movement. ELGL is a professional association engaging the brightest minds local government, and were also looking for your feedback. But theyre not necessarily out there, you know, trying to figure out what societys underlying issues and how to address them, right? %%EOF Yeah, I think something thats helped me is like the ability to like code switch, right? The provisions of this announcement do not constitute an expressed or implied contract and any provisions contained in this announcement may be modified or revoked without notice. Its always its but if you never like if you always just shy if you always tell people not to come into organizations then theres never any new blood in there right? Were taking a break from our COVID-19 coverage to talk about Public Works in local government. Well, I have to add that to the list. I totally agree with that. Like, yes. If you have questionsregarding thisprocess, please contact Torrance Unified School District Office 310-972-6215. Torrance, CA 90505 SATURDAY February 19, 2022 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. *Open to Torrance residents only. So we talk about making more inclusive, like, maybe we should, you know, disband city council meetings, right. Oh no, hes okay so hes been around, but he was one of the first people to kind of like encourage me to go that way and some of the other managers on that committee I had reached out to, I had coffee with you know, they were very open to helping someone grow and find their way. Cuz, I mean I also like one summer like worked in for a local government. Information From Torrance Public Works - All lanes of traffic have reopened at the intersection of Crenshaw Blvd. About the Post Library. And one of the things that, that, you know, hell share too is, you know, do you have to build this coalition, you have to build your team of people who support you. But when youre doing a rate increase, you know, I have pressure from, you know, from management and from my director to get as much money as we can, you know, theres, we have tons and tons of capital improvement projects that need to be funded. 1 0 0 RG And then I realized that I could be making $15 an hour as a lifeguard for the summer right. Yeah, thank you for having me on Ben, and giving me the opportunity. But like its still there. Im with you, like, I probably spend way too much time on Twitter, but its also like where I like to learn about [laughter] most of the things I learned about. And they are cash cows. So my oldest, my oldest brother, his name is . 438.5457 479.7814 m No, it took it took a while but it that Ive heard lots of improvement from their HR in general. 14 0 obj <> endobj I hated working at Best Buy and trying to like upsell people, trying to get them to, like apply for credit cards. endstream endobj 31 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream I want to apply my effective rate to the price of my bread. So we already had our police up and running our managers office. Thats All right. 3031 Torrance Blvd. Torrance Public Works, (Cops come, usual B.S.) 1st Amendment Audit And they dont necessarily have to be in government, but its just people who, you know, who know, you know, know what youre capable of. [Laughter] But its actually, its about the illegal and covert abortion counseling service out of Chicago in the late 1960s, early 1970s. How do you make sure that our council meetings stay accessible or make them more accessible? DR HIGHW AY ROLLING HILLS RD CITY OF TORRANCE - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTARTERIAL ROADWAY STRIPING, T-1902022 PROJECT LOCATION MAP PLGRAMERCY ARTESIA BOULEVARD182ND STREET AVEAVEPRAIRIEYUKON 190TH CRENSHAW AVENESVAN HAWTHORNECRENSHAW BLVDCARSON STPLAZA DEL VERDESSEPULVEDA BLVDAMO BOULEVARDAVE PALOS230th STMAYOR REYESCALE ARLINGTON Please use alternate routes. It just, its, its amazing to me. PQBids is a California Corporation in partnership with a panel of construction and government pre-qualification experts. We stop street sweeping and now theyre upset that we stopped street sweeping. So, it was everything, like it was on our end is reassuring all of our services kept going, right? Like, man, if you dont have to come in two or three times a week, thatd be way better. So we have four different enterprise funds. 36.0091 472.6458 27.309 7.509 re Green Street Improvements - City of Redondo Beach Infrastructure Design $1,013,000 CJ est. But you feel good about what you did. Our qualified plumbers are equipped to handle all your needs for Plumbing in Torrance . Its like you, in California you need, it takes about like nine months from like beginning to end from like, from doing the study to posting like public notices, hearing second hearing and then adoption. Its like, I hate because its like youre always like oh like this is the opportunity to, you know, to improve ourselves and really stand up to the challenge where its like, yes, like it actually is, like it in our community to not go back to what wasnt working. The Post library was meant to serve the needs of Torrance and the surrounding Los Angeles County area. Other plumber services we provide for Torrance include: Heating Air Conditioner Backflow Testing and Repair Hydro Jetting Services Today, Public Works will be prioritizing black bin solid waste collection. Rf ({ So what I what Ive probably what I take away what I will I will take away from my time in public works is how valuable enterprise funds are. Public Works is made up of over 200 employees who provide service to our residents, businesses, and other City departments to improve and maintain the City's streets, sidewalks, landscaping, traffic, sewers, and water system. So these were all unpaid internships for, for about two years, and it was everything working with the seat with the California Public Utilities Commission for like two different parks and rec departments. Like theyre there to pick your trash. So before I went to my, like, pre COVID rant, one of the things that I, that I wanted to address and kind of like, its not necessarily a warning for more of like, now I mean, its a warning, right? That was four years ago. Right, like, but we havent had anyone fax the RFP to us in like decades, right? City managers job, like, we like they cant, like they cant just approach things from like a political perspective, like they have all of their other operations. And I was and City of Torrance, and they were like wildly different. Because eventually I wanted to go into like management and I figured understanding how operations work works is going to be vital to any role that Im in while Im in public service. COVID. Environmental Assessment Form (EAS) Indemnification Agreement Form. I think its a good story. And so, you know, in, in light of the, the, what I call it was called ransomware attack its lets call it the, the technology incident, right? Sign in Angel Lotus Associate Civil Engineer at City of Torrance Torrance, California, United States 93 followers 94 connections Join to view profile So you may be familiar with him. So that it has lasting impact. So youll avoid that that zoom burnout, but its going to take place October 12 through 16. Additional green waste containers are free upon request. Public public works, is, you know, can be sexist, right? For questions and additional information, please contact the Torrance Public Works Department at (310) 781-6900 or visit . And, and then just like on a daily basis, its just like a, like, feels daily of having to pull these full grown men aside, you know, and talk to them about why what they said was wrong, or like, how their remarks or comments or commenting on what one of our engineers is wearing, of how that is inappropriate. RT @TorranceAlerts: Information from Torrance Public Works - On Thursday, July 13, the northbound #1 lane of Western Ave. will be closed from 195th St. to 190th St. from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. to install new signs in the center median. You know, you dont learn much about I think, like normally. 546.5451 603.1638 m And that same week that youre like that I got inundated with all my emails coming in, were told to quarantine. Whether you do it, you know, in public in front of everyone or you take these people aside and you try to explain to them, you know why, like why we dont do that anymore? And that was, thats basically his fault. You can contact Mike Wilson at (310) 781 . Right? endstream endobj 30 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream City of Torrance Public Works Department - Executive Summary Since then, so 16 and just falling on cash, right? Info from Torrance Public Works - Multiple lane closures will occur on Van Ness Ave. between 186th St. and 195th St. on Saturday, May 13 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. due to So Cal Edison work. Its insane and its just like, theres I have issues with like how recruitments are made and from where the pool of candidates come from, its theres people out there doing good work, and I hope their work gets adopted by other agencies. Search for other Legislative Consulting & Services in Torrance on The Real Yellow Pages. And how do we ask, you know, our staff you know, we yes, were in the middle of a global pandemic, youre supposed to stay six feet away from each other except for you guys, because we need you to do your work. And like theres no better feeling of like when it goes well, its almost all worth it right like you worked a year on whatever project youre working on. 2 w Torrance residents may receive up to 2 new filters in exchange for 2 used filters. So its like, its . Like we can do this. I dont need you. value Redondo Beach, CA 90277. I come in every other day. Awesome. There was just like this like relief of like, okay, I can do it, Im worth it someones willing to give me not only is someone whos willing to hire me, three people on the same week are willing to hire me. So applications from local governments and students that want to participate and be matched are due by Friday, July 3. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE APPLICANTS TO READ THE JOB ANNOUNCEMENT. And all of a sudden, theyre way more accessible and it costs like nothing to stream live on YouTube, or do you know, like, zoom meetings? endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream But look how quickly everyone is like adapted. But to, to say that its a book about government services is kind of, you know, its doing a disservice to the actual book itself. City of Torrance on Twitter: "Information From Torrance Public Works So its something that I have, but Ive, Ive tried to, like, make sure I dont lose that ability to, you know, talk to talk to our staff in a way that theyll understand like, I can talk like them with them without talking to them or talking down to them. Executive Summary. Because they are doing amazing work, right? S But one of the things that he shared with me was his difficulty in keeping his own passion lit. The application filing periodcloses Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.Only those candidates who best demonstrate their training and experience and who meet the City's and Department's needs will be invited to the examination process. I saw a, i was sixteen years old and my brother, my brother basically forced me to apply to be a lifeguard, take lifeguarding classes. We should bring on one of the or something on here to talk about rates. Its just like, they just like a short little comment of like, hey, why, why are we doing one instead of both? But there were challenges like specifically like Im thinking and we had an issue in water, right? 0 It was a zoo but I dont know that I would have stayed in that. So if we can do as a community to do our best to make sure they feel appreciated. He brought in his little like, money and like little bag and and I looked at it and I go, like, Oh, you know, I think its less expensive at Target. City of Torrance Recycling Bins: What Goes In & What Stays Out City of Torrance on Twitter: "RT @TorranceAlerts: Information from 547.4188 480.6542 l 20500 Madrona Ave Torrance CA 90503. The Torrance Public Works Department is currently constructing a curb/gutter/sidewalk and pavement repair project on Crenshaw Blvd. But no, I bought, I bought the book, Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast and the Dutch oven like about a year ago and it just kind of like sat on my shelf for an entire year. Treated wood, untreated wood or construction materials of any kind. And what I want to underline that, like, theyre hard conversations, but theyre totally like necessary because thats how you start to change a culture and like change, you know, how folks act in the workplace that, you know, extends to, you know, micro aggressions around race? It was so fast. And he was like, Oh, right, cuz hes like he was so ready to buy it right then and there. To our GovLove audience, ELGL 20 will be going digital. Right. That is, that does sound fascinating. Thanks. So it sounds like water wastewater, is the stuff that youre dealing with. You can visit to tell us a little about you, a little bit about what you think about GovLove. endstream endobj 25 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Okay. I did try interning with a social justice group in Long Beach called the California Conference for Equality and Justice, which is an amazing organization. You just gotta put, you gotta look for those reach assignments or special projects. So Im gonna Im gonna plug my Instagram account here. It will pair graduate students and local governments to create the PAFR and help organizations get that coveted GFOA award. Our plumbers are the highly skilled craftsman and experts in new Plumbing, Plumbing repair or Plumbing replacement including toilet, kitchen sink, bathroom sink, tub & shower. Whats whats the plan? Police Lieutenant Torrance, 2018: $0.00: Scott Cameron: Police Sergeant Torrance, 2019: Glen R. Griffith: Fire Engineer Torrance, 2018: William J Samp: Fire Battalion Chief-Manager Torrance, 2016: But I got used to that disposable income so I started working in retail. And I know part of your quarantine routine, at least from social media has been doing a lot of baking. [Laughter] So now I ive been catching up on, on, on a couple books and a book that I just finished. And probably my favorite one is Berlioz, which is the like Mexican French bread. That that really matters for our seniors because theyre their own fixed income. Annual sales for Torrance Public Works are around 29,375,000. Like its just, what I find out, what I found out from, from working at Best Buy was, I liked, I was probably like their ideal employee in the sense that I helped people find the services that they needed, right? Advertisement. Week three and a half comes, comes around. HELP KEEP HDCW ON THE ROAD Whos gonna pay for all this in the middle of a pandemic and incredible recession? I used to tell people about like that they allow you to kind of stretch and they allow you to like, I dont know, find passion or find kind of your, your interest within maybe, maybe a job thats not as exciting. Like, have you ever stepped foot rin there? And I love that song one because its like peak 80s and like happiness, but also its like you just broke up. And what I enjoyed the most was writing these white papers for these council people so that they could take my findings and take it back to their staff and be like, see what the association is saying about preventing drowning. endstream endobj 28 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream No. Before we get into the episode, Ive got a new ELGL annual conference announcement for you. So, so its everything from like figuring out like, what other cities are doing a little bit of research between like neighboring different regions, and then presenting those options back to Council and saying, like, heres what everyone else is doing, heres what I think will work for our community. But its like I didnt like the bickering between county supervisors and council people, which is mainly what I was doing. One of the, one of the committees that we had was for city managers and so I helped develop some of the agenda items for that. And understand that, like, the small accomplishments that we make, like they, they matter, right? All five of us have been through the City of Santa Marias Parks and Rec department, either as a lifeguard swim instructor or rec leader. 2 w Plumbing permits for Torrance are always pulled when required by a highly trained plumber. You do it, it gets put in place. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Torrance Public Works at 20500 Madrona Ave, Torrance, CA 90503. Because theres always something new. endstream endobj 24 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream All I gotta do just to play, and I will get this job. Report this profile . Like I Yeah, I agree with you. endstream endobj startxref Our admin staff has done a split schedule. So Joey for you, how do you think local government will change in the coming years and decades and this might be post pandemic related post, you know, the recent protests and kind of uprisings related or it might just be hey, this is kind of where local government needs to go and shouldve gone there a long time ago. 461.2911 603.5728 m Curbside Recycling Tips Please rinse out containers, but be sure all liquids are drained from containers and all food residue before placing in recycling bins. The Public Works Department is made up of over 200 employees who provide service to our residents, businesses, and other City departments to improve and maintain the City's streets, sidewalks, landscaping, traffic, sewers, and water system. Its a, you know, I studied, you know, having studied political science and like political science, and having studied history and political science and like, general movements, throughout history, its, you know, its like a footnote, but when you actually go in there and you read, know the experiences of these people, and its very powerful. Applications & Forms | City of Torrance All right, so my next question for you, what book are you currently reading? S Like where did you go from there? Customers with regularly scheduled Thursday waste collection may experience a later than normal trash pick up. endstream endobj 23 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Do we offer like more service, expand services? But I baked French, French bowls. Awesome. Like, are we like, Oh, I cant say that anymore, right, like making jokes like this, but its like, no, like, Im not gonna like punish you. Yeah, I totally agree. At Bob & Marc Plumbing, we are committed to our mission to provide Torrance with a professional level plumber service at a competitive price. Green Street Improvements - City of Redondo Beach, Large Water Meter Testing, Removal, Installation and Retesting of Unitized Measuring Elements, Stormwater Basin Expansion, I-179 and Miscellaneous Water Main Replacements, I-153 (405/North High School Neighborhood), Construction of Van Ness Water Wells Transmission Main, Citywide Sidewalk Repair for Disabled Accessibility, I-135, Engineering Design Services for Torrance Airport Stormwater Basin Project, I-174, Construction of Crenshaw Boulevard Rehabilitation. And I get down like Im talking, like actual depression of distancing myself away from my work. Stay updated by joining our mailing list! So its like, go away. Because its gonna come again. You guys are amazing. Butter, butter will fix anything. And how are we going to sell this to our board and council? As a condition of bidding for any project, and in accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 20111.5, prospective bidders are required to submit prequalification documents, which will be the basis for determining bidders that are qualified to bid on projects. Some of them were terrible, some were good. So in public and in Torrance, we have water, sewer, refuse and sanitation, sanitation, no water. Thats Public Works. Hot ashes or coals. So I dont think they have any excuse ever again to say that it will take too long or that theres like a process that we need to go through like no, we did this overnight. Torrance USD - PQBids
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