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trickery cleric multiclass

Youre slippery and efficient in and out of combat. Bonus proficiencies: Heavy armor, martial weaponsBonus cantrips: NA. Destruction is sometimes the precursor of creation, says Tashas Cauldron of Everything. Gotta close the deal! This enables the Tempest Clerics Channel Divinity to apply to spells like Fireball when transformed to deal lightning damage. Cast an enchantment spell as a bonus action. I will add the multiclass idea to the article! You may be interested in our multiclassing combinations article that goes through each class and the basic principles around multiclassing with them. Necromancy cantrips are Chill Touch, Spare the Dying, and Toll the Dead. If you snag polearm master, you can rock a shield and still get three attacks regularly thanks to your bonus action pommel attack. Cleric Youll be healing others while healing yourself. Alternatively, you could be a High Elf for your race to gain the cantrip, but Arcana will do well for you otherwise. If you want to concentrate on an alternative to Hunters Mark, Bless or Divine Favor work great, especially if youre attacking multiple targets in a single round. Trickery Much like the deities that inspire the class, a trickery cleric doesn't have to be just one thing, and the options for building one reflect this. trickery Id prefer to pick one or the other. Trickery Dovenwolf. The Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath (not to be confused with the spell Destructive Wave) allows the character to deal maximum damage with a lightning or thunder spell when it matters most. Clerics and Druids are easy to multiclass together because they both use Wisdom as their common spellcasting ability score. Just because youre not sticking with a single class doesnt mean you should feel more excessively burdened than other characters to narrate your characters progress. These two subclasses pair well with one another thematically as well. The Eloquence Bard is very powerful as a support role, and the Life Clerics armor and healing bonuses can only help. Rogues dont need to use two-handed weapons, so they can use a shield to boost their Armor Class. WebTrickery Domain Cleric Multiclassing Recommendations Shadow Sorcerer (12-19) / Trickery Cleric (1-8) While the Trickery Clerics domain features are famously subpar, its Five levels of Light Cleric gets you several fire spells, including Fireball. You could potentially take even more levels of War Cleric if you dont care much for the level-fifteen Ranger subclass feature, Shadowy Dodge, but I like it. For clerics, thats the Trickery domain cleric. WebTrickery Cleric (1-3) / Illusion Wizard (17-19) Strap on your armor. Notes: Excellent domain spells that dont require high Wisdom to be effective. The thought feat sounds like a neat idea also the dwarf would let me get over the lower hit dice per level, sounds neat. Polymorph, Mirror Image, Dimension Door, and other domain spells are excellent. Youll have ranged and melee options, and a variety of ways to utilize your bonus actions and reactions. Heavy armor will be better than the usual Hexblade medium armor, plus you get a shield. Your Wildfire Spirit will empower your healing spells or intensify your fire spells. Some would call you an optimist, but to you, youre a realist. Fighter gives a fighting style to improve your weapon attacks but doesn't offer heavy armour when taken through multiclassing. Focus on choosing spells wisely and you'll be great! 5e] Blood Hunter / Cleric multiclass Cleric Ill offer a few recommendations that sound fun to me, but I wont be able to scratch the surface of this subclass and its multiclassing power. Also as a tank, you are protected against sneak attacks. Do also note that, thanks to the magic of multiclassing, we have 2nd-level spell slots right I think there is awesome roleplay potential with the different 'aspects' or personalities pouring out of this poor soul. Get Cleric to level 8 if you want the ASI, Divine Domain feature, and Destroy Undead increase to CR 1. Gaining heavy armor proficiency is incentive for a Strength-based Ranger with high Wisdom, which I appreciate. Gloom Stalker is already a solid subclass. Both classes can use Dexterity and Wisdom, so you wont need to sacrifice defense for offense or vice versa. Trickery Welcome to Flutes exhaustive guide for Cleric multiclassing character builds. Trickery vs Twilight cleric multiclass for a Horizon Walker #1 Nov 6, 2020 InsaneQR View User Profile View Posts Send Message Acolyte Join Date: 7/11/2019 Posts: Youll also always have a few beast spells prepared with Nature. WebCleric: Trickery Domain Gods of trickery such as Tymora, Beshaba, Olidammara, the Traveler, Garl Glittergold, and Loki are mischief-makers and instigators who stand as a constant challenge to the accepted order among both gods and mortals. Second wind gives you another option to save a healing spell slot. Summary of domain features: Charm beasts and plants, react to give a creature resistance to elemental damage, gain bonus cold/fire/lightning damage to weapon attacks, command charmed animals and plants. Trickery Cleric The prestigious Life Clerics have interesting interactions with spells like Goodberry and Healing Spirit. General Notes on Cleric Multiclassing Arcana Domain Death Domain Forge Domain Grave Domain Knowledge Domain Life Domain Light Domain Nature Domain Order Domain Peace Domain Tempest Domain Trickery Domain Twilight Domain War Domainvar pd_tags=new Array;pd_tags["10976420-src"]="poll-oembed-simple"; Dont forget that multiclassing requires minimum ability scores in both new and prior classes (as described on page 163 of the PHB, or page 54 of Eberron RftLW for Artificers). This is one of the most powerful spellcasting multiclass concepts Ive ever seen. You could also use Steps of Night to fly in your beast forms, or just to float above enemies as you have Spirit Guardians or Call Lightning going. i used it, and i guarantee it works. The Nature Clerics domain spells are on-theme for Rangers as well. Divine Tomfoolery - A Guide to Trickery Clerics - Giant in The Sorcerers Metamagic feature will enable you to twincast spells like Polymorph on several of your allies at once. You can grab one level of Cleric in the early phases of the game, and take three more levels when you think youre done taking Ranger levels. Your character will also gain proficiency with medium armor and shields. An almost Undead Pirate feel. With the Arcana Cleric, you can learn Green-Flame Blade as a cantrip to trigger the fire damage on the same turn. Booming Blade is the better choice because you can use it to attack a creature, and then disengage as a bonus action to move away from the creature; that creature will decide whether to pursue you and take the additional Booming Blade damage or stay put. Going the other way, a single level of Trickery Cleric would give armor/shield proficiency, Healing Word, and quite a few other quality of life abilities to a Sorcerer (Wild Magic Sorcerer 19//Trickery Cleric 1). WebIn short, I would only dip a level or two in cleric or grab magic initiate. Druid spells will be helpful if you go this route. Excellent for getting bonus cantrips and skills, and heavy armor proficiency. Notes: Necromancers are a popular character concept. Your Tempest Cleric becomes a baller with Divine Smite. Channel Divinity to basically tell a creature Hands up! The character will have martial weapon proficiency to allow diverse magic weapons to be attuned. Fabrication time! Its a cool combination that wont be immediately obvious to the casual player, but its a fun option for those who want to interact with animals at will. This one is not optimal due to the division of Wisdom and Intelligence stats required to use each classs spells effectively, but I like the thought of it because light and illusion meld together. trickery cleric Choose a race with resistance to some damage, then gain more damage resistances from the Forge Cleric (fire) and the Transmuters Stone (elemental damage). Youll be able to deal massive damage to singular surprised foes if you play your cards well. Check out the DPR graph at the bottom. Its just a cool way to gain elemental damage resistances. WebTrickery cleric and possible multiclass for ice windale campaign? Again, make sure youre ok with missing level twenty as a Druid (or confirm your DM will let you go above level twenty). Arms and eyes upraised toward the sun and a prayer on his lips, an elf begins to glow with an inner light that spills out to heal his battle-worn companions. Clerics are among the most diverse and interesting classes in 5e DnD. First mastermind, the languages, and learning local tongue could be great. I've read in multiple sources it's best not to multiclass clerics but with 3 levels in sorcerer and the metamagic adept feat that would give me 4 meta magic options, 5 sorcery points, and access to other support/movement spells like misty step. Druid pairs better with a cleric than most D&D spellcasters. The Evocation Wizard will have its own maxing damage methods, allowing for several options to maximize damage for stormy spells. Both forms of Channel Divinty give you opportunity for stealth and Sneak Attack, plus you can help someone on the team with Tricksters Blessing to not be bogged down by bad stealth. Disarming Attack can be used with melee or ranged attacks to make an enemy drop something theyre holding, such as a wand or weapon. Thanks, Case! Add more Bard levels if you want more Glamour subclass features. The Traveler, God of Chaos, Deception, and Change in Eberron and Exandria. So you don't have to be as MAD for cleric/paladin as in 5e. At level one, youll gain heavy armor proficiency for your Wizard to be tanky, a skill proficiency in Persuasion or Intimidation, and youll gain an ability that enables your allies to attack a reaction. Its also helpful to multiclass into a corresponding class/domain. Star's Dragon form is a pretty good benefit for a Cleric at Druid 2. The caveat would be that if gaining Shillelagh is the main goal, another option to get it would be the new Druidic Warrior Fighting Style for Rangers in Tashas Cauldron of Everything since it allows a Ranger to learn two Druid cantrips. Fantastic Wisdom synergy if you use Shillelagh. The Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary feature would also be useful since you could use it to support allies without needing to concentrate or rely on a high DC. Notes: Not the best utility gains, but a cool Channel Divinity. Realistically though, Clerics are an incredibly solid single class, theres not much reason to multiclass. Summary of domain features: You have some of the best darkvision in the game, and you can share it with allies.

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