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uscis refugee travel document

4. An asylum applicant cannot obtain a Refugee Travel Document. If the beneficiary is located outside of the United States, you should also contact theNational Visa Center (NVC)and the U.S. embassy or consulate or USCIS international field office processing the case. Chicago, IL 60603-5517. * Write IMMVI at the top of the Form I-131. 10. Box 8500 Chicago, IL 60680-5371, USCIS If you would like to have your case transferred to a different embassy, consulate, or USCIS international field office, then you must provide justification for the case transfer and show that you can legally be present in the country while your case is being processed. We are working quickly to update and incorporate all of the AFM content into the USCIS Policy Manual, the agencys centralized online repository for immigration policies. Generally, after an individual files Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, and receives an Employment Authorization Document (EAD), they are authorized to work.Ukrainian and Afghan parolees with certain classes of admission are employment authorized incident to their parole and should . Locations marked only as NIV will no longer process follow-to-join refugee cases. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. An Afghan nationalinside the United States applying for Re-Parole under Operation Allies Welcome (OAW): USCIS P.O. Travel documents for foreign citizens returning to the U.S. Form I-131 - Application for Travel Document, date you must apply for removal of the conditions on your status, Form I-131A - Application for Travel Document (Carrier Documentation), contact U.S. For more information about USRAP and the referral process, see our USRAP Consultations and Worldwide Processing Priorities page. Looking for U.S. government information and services? You should file a Form I-131 before you leave the United States and expect processing times of approximately three months. Beneficiaries should review important information about admission and entry requirements on the CBP website underTravel. Certain Amerasians from Vietnam who are admitted to the . Embassies or consulates that only offer nonimmigrant visa (NIV) services will note the designated processing post for immigrant visas (and follow-to-join refugees) on their websites If DHS has reserved its right to appeal, an Immigration Judge Order will not serve, on its own, as proof of asylee status. A-Z Index Your access to and use of this site is subject to additional Terms of Use. ), If advice is needed, you may contact the USCIS District Office near your home for a list of community-based, non-profit organizations that may be able to assist you in applying for an immigration benefit. Parolees in the United States may seek job opportunities if they are authorized to work. The beneficiary also will receive a sealed envelope called a "travel packet" containing the documents for review by a DHS immigration official when the beneficiary enters the United States. RECOMMENDED: Dangers of Refugee/Asylee Travel to Home Country. What is a U.S. Visa? If your case is being transferred, you will be notified by the Department of State. Looking for U.S. government information and services? A refugee travel document is a small booklet, similar to a passport, and is necessary to travel if you are a refugee or asylee. Go to our USCIS Lockbox Filing Locations Chart for Certain Employment-Based Formspage for the filing address based on where you live. No legal authorities available at this time. A copy of an official photo identity document; A statement explaining the reason for a yes response to any question in. CBP Publication Number 0984-1119 Lincoln, NE 68501-7526, USCIS f. Documentation of any legal name change. They will get you the answer or let you know where to find it. Attn: HRIFA (Box 660866) Form I-730. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues refugee travel documents to refugees who have been approved for resettlement in the United States. Travel documents for foreign citizens returning to the U.S. If you are a refugee in the United States and want your family members who are abroad to join you, you may fileForm I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition, for your spouse and unmarried children under 21. Chicago, IL 60603-5517, USCIS Attn: HFRP If you have questions or concerns about any discrepancies among these resources, contact All rights reserved. Dallas, TX 75266-0865. Whoever pays the fee must use a credit or debit card or U.S. bank account. Failure by a beneficiary to schedule an interview appointment will result in processing delays. Find a U.S. Embassy or Consulate 5. During this time you can use the document multiple times. An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, An official website of the United States government, Bringing Your Family to the United States, Filing for a Permanent Residency (Green Card), To protect your privacy, please do not include any personal information in your feedback. P.O. Attn: HRIFA Important Notice:Follow-to-join asylee beneficiaries must complete their medical exambeforetheir interviews with a USCIS officer or Department of State consular officer, and they are responsible for paying the cost of the medical examination. The Advance Parole Card - Form I-131 Travel Document - Boundless An applicant must submit an application for a reentry permit, refugee travel document, or advance parole on the form designated by USCIS with the fee prescribed in 8 CFR 106.2 and in accordance with the form instructions. This document serves as a substitute for a passport and allows entry to over 145 countries. The Fifth Circuit, however, preserved the partial stay issued by the district court in July 2021 and remanded the case back to the district court for further proceedings regarding the new DACA rule. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS We will no longer issue advance parole documents as evidence of our prior authorization for a TPS beneficiary to be permitted to reenter the United States if the beneficiary travels outside the United States. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Case status information also is available on the USCIS website underMy Case Status. Outside the United States and requesting humanitarian advance parole; Inside the United States with parole previously authorized by USCIS from outside of the United States and requesting re-parole; or. Please refer to the instructions for the form(s) you are filing for additional information or you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283. You may also be eligible to file an Affidavit of Relationship for your spouse, child (unmarried, under 21), or parents. After you arrive, you will be eligible for medical and cash assistance. Phoenix, AZ 85036-0800, USCIS If you are a permanent or conditional permanent resident who has been away from the U.S. for less than one year, you will only need to show your Green Card upon re-entry to the U.S. Use . Re: Recommendation to USCIS to (i) revise 8 CFR $ 223.3(a)(2) to extend the period of validity for refugee travel documents from 1 year to 10 years and (ii) establish a policy of adjudicating I-131 applications for refugee travel documents and reentry permits within 6 weeks, the same amount of time it takes a U.S. citizen to acquire a passport Form I-131 Supporting Document Checklist - SimpleCitizen How do I apply for a Refugee Travel Document? Tempe, AZ 85284-1806, USCIS Box 805371 Refugee Travel Document Checklist: Attach a copy of the document showing your refugee (or asylee) status. Review our. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to You may include a same-sex spouse in your application provided that you and your spouse are legally married. Petition Filing:An individual (petitioner) who was granted asylum in the United States as a principal asylee or who was resettled to the United States as a principal refugee can file an I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition, within the first two years of arrival, with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Generally, you may appeal within 33 days of receiving the denial. E-Notification: If you want to receive an email or a text message that a USCIS lockbox has accepted your Form I-131, complete Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance and attach it to the first page of your application. Vermont Service Center When to FileThe alien must apply for the travel document before leaving the United States. Attn: DACA A lock ( If a beneficiary is ineligible, he or she will be informed by the USCIS officer or Department of State consular officer at the time of interview, and advised whether there is awaiverof ineligibility and what the waiver process is. 2501 S. State Hwy. Is of special humanitarian concern to the United States, Demonstrates that they were persecuted or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group, Is not firmly resettled in another country. In this guide, I'll discuss the refugee travel document processing time. If you are approved as a refugee, you will receive a medical exam, a cultural orientation, help with your travel plans, and a loan for your travel to the United States. The current travel documents (2007 Version) will remain valid until the expiration date on the travel document. TheUSCIS field officethat has jurisdiction over where you live. Attn: FWVP An official website of the ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Also check option 1e or 1f on Form I-131. (if needed to prove the legal termination of previous marriages); e. Death certificate PO Box 650455 TheUSCIS field officethat has jurisdiction over where you live. Floor U.S. Please visitMy Case Statuson the USCIS website to obtain a status on an I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition. Some beneficiaries also must complete amedical examinationprior to interview. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Official websites use .gov For more information, please see How Do I Appeal the Denial of Petition or Application?. You are filing Form I-131 Application Type B or D; You filed a Form I-485 with a fee on/after July 30, 2007; and. A current spouse, child, or unmarried son or daughter (and the unmarried sons or daughters unmarried children who are under 21 years of age), of a current or former service member. 400 Copyright 2013-2023, CitizenPath, LLC. Filing for an advance parole travel document to allow you to return to the United States after temporary foreign travel, you were authorized parole under the HFRP Program. Use . USCIS To apply for a travel document, such as an advance parole document, a re-entry permit, or a refugee travel document, use the I-131 USCIS form. In addition, refugees do not have to pay for fingerprinting/biometrics fees. Click Share This Page button to display social media links. 2.a. At this time and while the stay remains in place, current grants of DACA and related Employment Authorization Documents are valid, and USCIS will accept and process renewal DACA requests and accompanying requests for employment authorization under the final rule. Attn: HP (Box 660865) As a refugee, you may work immediately upon arrival to the United States. PDF Checklist for I-131 Application for Refugee Travel Document If you have a pending Form I-131, you do not need to file a new application. Lincoln, NE 68508-1225. June 15, 2023. Dallas, TX 75266-0867, USCIS Although we have discretion to accept your Form I-131 if you file it after you have left the United States, we will not automatically accept or approve your application. For more information on benefits available to refugees, please seetheHealth and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlementpage. Passports 9 FAM 203.7 REFUGEE TRAVEL DOCUMENTS - United States Department of State USCIS If the beneficiary is located outside of the United States, you should also contact the National Visa Center (NVC) and the U.S. embassy or consulate or USCIS international field office processing the case. A lock ( 2. If you are a citizen of another country and have been living in the U.S., you may need special documents if you leave the U.S. and then return. Postal Service (USPS), FedEx, and UPS deliveries: USCIS Refugee and International Operations *To comply with a U.S. District Courtorder effective Dec. 7, 2020, we are accepting applications for advance parole documents based on the terms of the DACA policy before Sept. 5, 2017, and in accordance with the courts Dec. 4, 2020, order. We recommend that you review these requirements before completing and submitting your form. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. USCIS will continue to accept and process applications for advance parole for current DACA recipients and will continue to accept but not process initial DACA requests. Expedited processing may be available for your situation. A refugee travel document is basically the equivalent of a U.S. passport for asylees and refugees who need to travel outside the U.S. temporarily. 4. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) international field offices. Lewisville, TX 75067-8003. You can only pay with a personal check, debit card, credit card, a reloadable prepaid credit or debit card. Dallas, TX 75265-0455, USCIS If you do not include a fee receipt with your filing, we will reject your application. If you pay by check, you must make your check payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Follow-to-join refugee and asylee beneficiaries are encouraged to get certain vaccinations. Payment if you file at a field office: You cannot pay fees with a money order or cashiers check when filing at a field office. Typically, follow-to-join asylee beneficiaries are instructed to make their own travel arrangements. You may file Form I-131 and apply for a refugee travel document if you have been outside the United States for less than one year at the time of filing. If you have refugee status and want to travel outside the United States, you will need to obtain a Refugee Travel Document in order to return to the United States. Instead, youll need to apply for a new one with Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. There is no fee for refugees to file the Form I-485. But what are the differences between them? P.O. Call theUSCIS Contact Centerat 800-375-5283 (TTY: 800-767-1833) for assistance. Form I-131 is officially called the Application for Travel Document, and can be used to apply for one of several types of travel documents, such as a re-entry permit, refugee travel document, TPS travel authorization document, or the advance parole travel document, which is the subject of this guide. You must include a copy of the receipt notice (Form I-797C) showing we accepted or approved your Form I-821. Citizenship and Immigration Services Part 1. You can find a list of approved panel physicians by country on our Interview Preparation Interview Guidelines web page. NVC sends the petitioner a letter or email telling him/her which office will interview the beneficiary, how to get in touch with that office, and what steps to take next. a. The officer who conducted the interview will advise the beneficiary about travel arrangements to the United States. Refund Policy The legal foundation for requiring these travel documents comes from the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. I-131 refugee travel document time : r/USCIS - Reddit Although vaccinations are not required prior to travel to the United States, they will be required when adjusting status to that of lawful permanent resident. An individual with a United States Refugee Travel Document may be a refugee or an asylee. to apply for lawful permanent resident status if you are in the United . 131 South Dearborn-3rd Floor Any current legal guardian or surrogate of a current or former service member when the guardian or surrogate files Form I-131 to request parole concurrently with the service members Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. A motion to reconsider must establish that the decision was based on an incorrect application of law or USCIS policy, and further establish that the decision was incorrect based on the evidence in the file at the time the decision was made. h. A photocopy of the biographical data page of the beneficiarys passport, if available. A copy of the approval notice of a separate application for replacement of the alien registration receipt card or temporary evidence of permanent resident status. If you are a foreign citizen re-entering the U.S., the documentation you need may depend on your immigration status: If you need help, contact U.S. Appendix C: Refugee Status and Documentation Each document posted on the site includes a link to the corresponding official PDF file on What are the government fees to apply for a Travel Document? Attn: NFB 121 Business In general, if you are seeking immigrant status (green card) and depart the United States without Advance Parole, you may be inadmissible to the United States upon return, or even if admitted, you may be found to have abandoned your I-485 application. Lewisville, TX 75067, USCIS If you file this form to request an advance permission to travel for CNMI long-term residents document and depart the CNMI without having an advance permission travel document, your status will automatically terminate. At a Glance: The United States offers a refugee travel document for refugees and asylees who need to travel abroad. Box 660865 Beneficiaries of Forms I-730 filed by refugees are known asfollow-to-join refugees. Official websites use .gov For more information on the referral criteria, see theUSRAP Consultations and Worldwide Processing Prioritiespage. Form I-485. Box 805283 U.S. re-entry permit - Wikipedia Advance Parole Type E (humanitarian parole). we refined the filing locations for certain applicants filing Form I-131 . Follow-to-join refugee beneficiaries may request to process their cases at another immigrant visa processing U.S. embassy or consulate that is different than the one designated. A copy of any document issued to the alien by DHS showing present status in the United States; An explanation or other evidence demonstrating the circumstances that warrant issuance of Advance Parole. How will I know if my case has been transferred? 1.a. Links to external websites are provided as a convenience and should not be construed as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of State of the views or products contained therein. Attn: NFB There is no cost to file a Form I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition. The DHS Form I-571, which is a United States Refugee Travel Document, does not distinguish between refugees and asylees. 2108 E. Elliot Rd. 2108 E. Elliot Rd. Your appeal must be filed on Form I-290B. You can find the edition date at the bottom of the page on the form and instructions. Lewisville, TX 75067-8003. When you are admitted to the United States you will receive a Form I-94 containing a refugee admission stamp. secure websites. Share sensitive information only on official, Attn: DED Box 660865 A Refugee Travel Document is a travel document (very similar to a passport) issued to a refugee or asylee that allows him or her to travel abroad and return to the United States. On October 24, 2019, U.S. Suite400 Dont forget to sign your form. Travel Document with Form I-131 Online - US Immigration Lawful permanent residents who obtained their status through refugee or asylum status may also apply for a travel document. Refugee travel document applicants Temporary Protected Status (TPS) applicants Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) applicants Parole in place (inside the U.S.) for service members and their family Parole Document for current and former service members outside of the U.S. Current and Former Service Members and Qualifying Family Members For a more complete list, you can visit Visa Issuing Posts in order to confirm whether an embassy or consulate nearest to your residence will process your follow-to-join refugee case. A copy of the U.S. consular appointment letter, if you are traveling to Canada to apply for an immigrant visa. Filing an initial application under the HFRP Program, and you need to file for all eligible relatives associated with the Form I-130 at the same time so they can be processed together. Application for Travel Document | USCIS Refugee Travel Document, to implement Article 28 of the United Nations Convention of July 28, 1951. Refugee Travel Document Processing Time - Blog | Ashoori Law Please do not mail cash, personal checks or travelers checks. I was granted asylum recently and I must leave US in 6-7 months, I'm not planning to visit the country I'm seeking asylum from. In the box entitled Additional comments or questions not in the above list, you should include a justification for requesting the different location and note that it is in regards to follow-to-join refugee centralization.. Please follow the instructions in the notice. Federal Register :: Implementation of a Family Reunification Parole The following priorities are available to Afghan Nationals: Under United States law, a refugee is someone who: A refugee does not include anyone who ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. You must submit your filing fee before going to a U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate to file your Form I-131A. After your appeal form and a required fee are processed, the appeal will be referred to the Administrative Appeals Unit (AAU) in Washington, DC. The information on this link should be used as a general outline of what an interview is like. Department of State contact information is available atContact Us. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues Refugee Travel Documents to persons with refugee or asylum status (and in some cases to lawful permanent residents who obtained their permanent residence through refugee or asylum status). Please see the DACA Litigation Information Pagefor important updates and information related to court rulings on the DACA policy. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Box 8500 INA 212 states that any immigrant who does not have the correct travel documents will not be admitted to the United States. Filing your Form I-131 alone, and your Form I-485 receipt notice (Form I-797C, Notice of Action) begins with: Go to our USCIS Lockbox Filing Locations Chart for Certain Family-Based Forms page for the filing address based on where you live. The beneficiary interview requires careful preparation, including having all required original documents available for the interview. Review our. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Copyright 2013-2021, CitizenPath, LLC. The original and a photocopy of the following civil documents for each beneficiary, as applicable. How to Use the USCIS Policy Manual Website (PDF, 2.99 MB). Certified English translations of non-English documents (if applicable). Please check our Filing Addresses for Form I-131page for information on where to mail your application. Please click here for more information on USCIS field offices. Attn: HFRP (Box 8500) Be prepared to present your Refugee Travel Document when you return from abroad. PDF Form I-131, Application for Travel Document - USCIS Due to processing changes, follow-to-join refugee cases processed by Department of State embassies and consulates will only be processed at embassies or consulates offering immigrant visa services, or U.S. If you are currently on assignment away from your permanent residence, you may file your Form I-131 at either the office with jurisdiction over where you currently live or over your permanent residence. Attn: DED (Box 805283) An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. If the alien is basing his or her eligibility for Advance Parole on a separate application for adjustment of status or asylum, he must also attach a copy of the filing receipt for that application. 3. Citizenship and Immigration Services can issue a travel document faster in some cases, such as: extreme emergent, humanitarian or national interest situation; severe financial loss to an individual or company; USCIS compelling interest; request of a non-profit organization that is of the social and cultural . Yes, the results of a still valid medical exam completed in another location can be transferred to another embassy, consulate, or USCIS international field office. Other evidence of relationship between the beneficiary and petitioner, such as photographs, available school records, family correspondence, phone bills, documentation demonstrating financial support, and other proof that the relationship is genuine. When a case is ready for interview, the embassy will send the applicant or petitioner a letter with instructions explaining how to schedule an interview appointment. Lincoln, NE 68508-1225, Filing your Form I-131 together with your Form I-485. If you file this form to request an advance parole document and depart the United States without having an advance parole document that is valid for the entire time you are outside the United States, we will consider your Form I-131 abandoned. Eligible individuals can apply by submitting Form I-131 along with supporting documents. Elgin, IL 60124-7836, USCIS Can I use my still valid medical exam at a new processing location? P.O. Include the fee receipt from the U.S. Embassy or Consulate when you file your application package. Without a refugee travel document, you may be unable to reenter the United States, or you may potentially face removal proceedings. Suite400 You must file within two years of your arrival to the United States unless there are humanitarian reasons to excuse this deadline. A lock ( A locked padlock ) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, Application to Replace Citizenship Document, Apply for Certificate of Citizenship (N-600), Advance Parole, Reentry Permits and Travel Documents (Form I-131), Form I-131, Application for Travel Document, Dangers of Refugee/Asylee Travel to Home Country, Have refugee or asylum status but are not a lawful permanent resident (green card holder); or. While you are waiting for your EAD, you can present your Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, to your employer as proof of your permission to work in the United States. National Visa Center (NVC) Pre-Processing Case Assignment:If the beneficiary of an approved petition is located overseas, USCIS sends the approved Form I-730 petition to theNational Visa Center (NVC). If any of the forms pages are missing or are from a different form edition, we may reject your form. If your re-entry permit has been lost or stolen, you may be able to re-enter the U.S. by applying for carrier documentation. Status and Documentation Requirements for the ORR Refugee - ACF Tempe, AZ 85284-1806. PDF What Is the USRAP? - USCIS For FWVP re-parole requests, refer to the Humanitarian Parole Applicantssection below.

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