In advance of meeting with others to discuss collaboration on particular research topics, or to discuss the commercial aspects of UT inventions, UT researchers should make sure the parties have an NDA in place stating the parties will not disclose/use designated confidential information. Leadership opportunities are available within the UPC community at the chapter and council level. Judge Robert M Parker Endowed Chair in Law. This peer-led Voices Against Violence (VAV) workshop provides information on challenging the language and behavior that defines rape culture to create a culture of consent. Visit for information. Dedicated MIS faculty members create a highly interactive work environment, both with students and among themselves. Yes, the University will accept electronic signatures on NDAs from the authorized signatories of the other party(ies). November 24, 2018. Third Party-owned export controlled technology: If a third party wants to share their export controlled information with you, the party should provide a description of the information or technology to be entered in Question 3 of the NDA SmartForm on the NDA Information page. OSP News & Alerts The latest news, spotlights, alerts, and highlights. Email: Representatives from UT Austin attend Travis County SARRT meetings to maintain communication View the DMS Resources and NSF Safe/Inclusive Environment Requirements to stay up to date on important new policies. To request access to UTRMS Grants or Agreements Modules, sponsor systems or PI status, please submit an ERA Help Ticket. 780 $--utexas osp 228 VOL: --$--bo xiee 203 VOL: 429 $--527 Others See more. View All OSP Communications. Proposal Servicesassistswithdevelopment and submission of proposals andapplications, while Award Management supports new and active awards, including financial management, research compliance and post-award oversight. These teams will also manage set-up of any related subawards or subcontracts, and after award set-up these teams will manage all contractual/administrative contact with the sponsor. What is a Limited Submission Opportunity? Typical SARRT team members include law enforcement, victim advocates, prosecutors, and sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE). The process to initiate a separate proposal application is as follows: Do not send your application by email to OSP. All finalized research-related NDAs at UT Austinwhether we are the initiating or receiving partymust be signed by designated authorized officials of each institution or organization. TAASA provides education, prevention, and advocacy to victims of sexual assault. (512) 499-4200, Awareness, Prevention, and Educational Efforts,,,,,,,,, Home [] A non-disclosure agreement (NDA), also sometimes referred to as a confidential disclosure agreement (CDA) or a proprietary information agreement (PIA), is a legal contract between at least two parties which outlines confidential materials or knowledge. However, Principal Investigators will be required to sign such agreements acknowledging their responsibilities and affirming their agreement to the terms and conditions of the contract. The Graduate Student Salary & Tuition page can provide additional information related to budgeting with this maximum. Austin, TX 78759 OSP Pre-Award and Post-Award contacts are organized by department/unit and the phase of your award. Total Keywords 532. For non-emergency appointments contact (512) 471-4955. VP Communication: Gabrielle Jabour, eProtocol - UTA - Protocol Management System - University of Texas at 3925 West Braker Lane Austin, TX 78741, Office of Research Support and Compliance (RSC). Mailing Address: Note it can take months to obtain licenses for deemed exports to foreign persons. Authorized university contracts signatories are on staff in the Office of Sponsored Projects and Collaborative Research in Discovery to Impact. This action will allow you to provide comments detailing your request and to upload any supporting documents that might assist the central office staff with their review. If you intend to share the confidential information with non-university individuals or entities, then those individuals or entities should a) have a separate NDA in place with UT which extends to the subject confidential information, or b) be named as a party to the same NDA covering the subject confidential information. VP Finance: Lauren Schordock, The University Panhellenic Council (UPC) governs the thirteen National Panhellenic Conference affiliated sororities at The University of Texas at Austin. If the NDA involves research collaboration with an industry entity then, please reach out to Collaborative Research in Discovery to Impact at Name Sector Phone Email; Mark Featherston Interim Director: OSP: 512-471-8604: Angela Adair, CRA Senior Proposal Analyst: Pre-Award: 512-471-6288: angela.adair@austin.utexas . Note that a Non-Disclosure Agreement with several parties may take more time to negotiate because each party may have concerns or requirements for protecting confidential information. [13] Founded in 1883, UT Austin is considered a Public Ivy. To create your proposal workspace, click Apply. For details on how to get started in a Workspace application, please see. More information can be found at Office of Research Support and Compliance (RSC), Understanding Workspace Roles in Supportive Services Title IX C.A.R.E.S. is ranked #0 in the Science and Education > Biology category and #0 Globally according to December 2022 data. Visit The Title IX Coordinator, a full-time employee in University Compliance Services, is tasked with Traffic Analytics & Market Share - Similarweb There are currently 543 constituencies while maximum seats will fill up to 550 (after article 331- 2 seats reserved for Anglo Indian but by 104th Constitution Amendment article 331 is null by parliament, before this amendment maximum seat will 552). It is designed to educate university employees on preventing sexual misconduct. This highly interactive one-hour program examines how we negotiate sex and consent, boundaries and safety. Visit for more information. Amash greeted with a standing ovation at Michigan town hall - CNN NIH has release NOT-OD-23-133, updating the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 15.2 to issue additional requirements for foreign subrecipients in relation to documentation of data. Yes, a Non-Disclosure Agreement can have several parties. Republican Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan may have been prepared to deal with critics at his first town hall since publicly stating earlier this month that President Donald Trump has engaged in . If the award terms require negotiation, the award is sent for processing to the Contracts & Agreements team; all others are sent to the Grants & Awards team. 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, Schmidt Science Polymaths Internal Submission Deadline General contact information for OSPoffice members. During these months, VAV holds interactive student-led events and initiatives that guide students in understanding how to prevent sexual relationship violence and sexual violence. Schedule Financial Constitution (pdf) The University Panhellenic Council (UPC) governs the thirteen National Panhellenic Conference affiliated sororities at The University of Texas at Austin. 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, DOE Wind Turbine Materials Recycling Prize Internal Submission Deadline Once the Award has been fully executed (signed/agreed to by both parties) it is sent to Post-Award, for account setup. Human Resource Service Center and Records Customer Service and Records. Calendar The University of Texas at Austin Office of Sponsored Projects Technology Control Plan (TCP) Certification with DEARS 7000 clause addendumPart Individual Requesting and Responsible for Telephone NumberEmail. Do I need to do anything special? For example, the GSC facilitates a number of educational workshops including ones on being an ally, identifying and interrupting everyday sexism, and toward an inclusive campus with transgender and gender non-conforming students, staff, and faculty. Ready to start an application? September 05, 2018 Africa: Register Now for CFA 2018 Ronald H. Brown African Affairs Series In Washington, DC The Constituency for Africa (CFA) announces its collaboration with the African Union. Should my NDA be handled by OSP or Collaborative Research in Discovery to Impact (formerly Office of Industry Engagement)? Both OSP and Collaborative Research require SmartForms in UT-RMS Agreements Module, so if you are unsure, please submit your SmartForm and we will assist with getting the NDA to the correct office. Investigates allegations of student misconduct involving sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking. Do we have to provide the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) or the US Munitions List (USML) category(s) for each disclosure of Confidential Information during the term of the NDA? Yes, with approval of OSP depending on whether the Confidential Information is export controlled. The intent of the ITAR/EAR classification language is to provide a mechanism to alert the Parties to potential export control issues, and allow the parties to address these issues in advance. Office of Sponsored Projects - Office of the Vice President for Departments, Centers, Institutes, Programs, Initiatives, Research Units, Professional Education, Point of contact between applicant and UT Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP), Prepare and circulate Liberal Arts Grants Digest. The program is designed for post-professional students with an educational background in architecture or landscape architecture and leads to a Master of Science in Urban Design (MSUD). Create a Funding Proposal (FP). OSP Pre-Award and Post-Award contacts are organized by department/unit and the phase of your award. Workshops are provided to groups such as Campus Climate Response Team (CCRT), Athletics Staff,and Student Employee Excellence Development (SEED) Program members, Division of Housing and Food Services, the Austin Private Dorm Association, Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), Sorority and Fraternity Life, Student Activities, Undergraduate Writing Center, Faculty Council, department chairs, and various academic departments such as Middle Eastern Studies, French, Italian, Sociology, and School of Social Work. The General Information page of the NDA SmartForm allows you to include the contracting party contact name, email, and phone information. SPECIAL REPORT: Inside abandoned, poorly executed N6.6bn constituency If you are in need of urgent advising please email us at to arrange an appointment with an advisor. The Responsible Employee Resource Guide, a collaboration between the Title IX Office and the Office for Inclusion and Equity, serves as an online and print tool designed to educate responsible employees about their roles and responsibilities, and available campus resources. Point of contact between applicant and UT Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) Prepare and circulate Liberal Arts Grants Digest. OIE serves the University in fulfilling the intent and spirit of equal opportunity laws by providing equitable solutions to complaints against faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors. "Jane Austen on Page and Screen" class. Share. NIH published an interim RPPR instruction guide. Schedule an Appointment English Language Center Student Advising Access is typically granted within 24 hours; to ensure access by the deadline date, it is recommended to initiate this access as soon as possible. Staff Directory | Human Resources | The University of Texas at Austin What should I put in the Requested For section of a new ticket? However, if you are not a US citizen or permanent resident and/or you intend to share the confidential information with foreign persons, such as foreign graduate students, you should provide the following information to OSPs Export Control Officer, David Ivey, at 512-475-7963 orivey@austin.utexas.eduabout the foreign person(s) who will have access to the export controlled technology: OSP may be required to submit a deemed export license application to the U.S. Department of Commerce or to the U.S. Department of State to be able to provide access to the export controlled technology to the foreign person(s). (Pre-Award) Make an Appointment | Texas Global VAV sponsors a student organization that meets weekly and hosts violence awareness events on campus throughout the year. Visit for information. 8. This information is not required for you to submit the agreement request so OSP can begin their review. Sorority and Fraternity Life - Office of the Dean of Students Once the award has been finalized, it will be routed to the Post-Award Contact who will help with setting up your funds into a 26-account for spending. Office of Research Support and Compliance (RSC), Alcohol and Addiction Research, Waggoner Center for, Center for African and African American Studies, Center for Brain, Behavior, and Evolution (CBBE), Center for Business, Technology and Law (CBTL), Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CCBB), Center for Energy and Environmental Resources (CEER), Center for Health and Environment: Education and Research (CHEER), Center for High Energy Density Science (CHEDS), Center for Information Assurance and Security, Center for International Business Education and Research, Center for Materials Science Engineering Program, Center for Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Materials, Center for Molecular Carcinogenesis and Toxicology, Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL), Center for Planetary Systems Habitability, Center for Research in Electronic Commerce, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Thomas Jefferson Center for Study of Core Texts and Ideas, Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment, Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology (CSSB), Center for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, College of Education - Communications, Office of Instructional Innovation, and Information Technology Office, Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC), Crisis Information and Management System (CIMS), Dell Pediatric Research Institute (College of Natural Sciences), Dell Pediatric Research Institute (College of Pharmacy), Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory (FSEL), Finance and Administrative Services Institute, Humanities Research Center, Harry Ransom (HRC), Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology (ICMB), Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy, Institute for Public School Initiatives (IPSI), Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis (IUPRA), Institutional Reporting, Research and Information Systems (IRRIS), Jackson School of Geosciences Non-Vertebrate Paleontology Lab (JSG-NPL), Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services, Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), Office of the Associate Dean for Research, Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, School of Design and Creative Technologies, Technology and Information Policy Institute (TIPI), Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL), Texas Institute for Drug and Diagnostics Development (TI-3D), TX Inst for Discovery Edu in Science (TIDES), Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors, Federal flow through FDP agreements (UT is a subrecipient to another entity that has received a Federal award) and negotiation review is not required, Contracts and other incoming agreements that require review for negotiation and acceptance of terms (federal, state, non-profit, etc. Hours Call Center Hours: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Walk-up counter service at the TxTag Customer Service Center is available: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. This student-run volunteer group provides walks to and from campus to UT Austin students, faculty, and staff with the help of student volunteers. (Pdf) Winning the Moot Court Oral Argument: a Guide for Intra-and Access student policies related to admissions, academics, assessment, conduct and supervision as well as the student professionalism conduct reporting form. President Elect: Chandler Eby Managed by University Health Services. Once an opportunity has been identified, The University recommends using UTRMS for proposal preparation. I came to the conclusion that there is a plurality of ideals, as there is a plurality of cultures and of temperaments. They also provide training to various student staff across campus including Orientation Advisors, Resident Assistants, and Graduate Research Assistants. The University of Texas at Austin ( UT Austin, UT, or Texas) is a public research university in Austin, Texas. Music in Latin America - LANIC Visit for information. Constituency for Africa - When new awards arrive at OSP, they are assigned to either the Contracts team or the Grants & Awards team within Post-Award. The Federal Government and individual sponsors have proprietary systems through which your proposal will be submitted and your award managed. Want to uncover more opportunities? UHS provides medical care and patient education to enrolled students at The University of Texas at Co-Director - Capital Punishment Center. Visit for information. The task force is led by the Title IX Coordinator and brings together administrators, faculty, staff, and students from across campus to inform and support campus-wide Title IX efforts. Map, The University of Texas at Austin Although not active, legacy RMS is still available in read-only/inactive format today. University of Texas at Austin - Wikipedia 3925 West Braker Lane At UT Austin, NDAs only cover UT Austin-employed individuals who have consented to the terms of confidentiality and signed the contract. The workshop is co-facilitated by staff from Title IX and the Office for Inclusion and Equity audience. If the parties to the NDA include the University, you should create the NDA request and submit to OSP immediately for review. VAV provides the campus with tools to identify and interrupt interpersonal violence, support survivors and build a campus that values and promotes healthy relationships and consent. OSP will give the agreement top priority and will sign it as soon as possible if the terms are acceptable. For more details, view A Primer on The University Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23 Where the money comes from Where the money goes The UT Austin Police Departments mission is to protect and serve all persons within the UT Austin community, while protecting the resources of the university. Reading Time: 9 mins read. Non-Disclosure Agreement Processing - Office of Sponsored Projects Can NDAs be executed electronically and emailed instead of the typical exchange of two original fully signed copies by US Mail or overnight courier? UT Austin Campus Response, Prevention Efforts, and Resources to Address Sexual Harassment, Stalking, Dating/Domestic Abuse and Violence, and Unwanted Sexual Contact. See below for additional information. Visit for information. The Title IX Office provides direct training and workshops on Title IX reporting and responsible employee obligations. The mission of the OSP is to assist faculty and professional research staff in their efforts to secure and ensure proper stewardship of external funding. We do that by assisting research faculty and staff with the following: proposal review, authorization, and submission; award negotiations and acceptance; account management; close-out, reports, audits, collection; professional development and education; export control, and research compliance. For 24/7 crisis hotline contact (512) 471-CALL (2255). 512-232-1346. Electronic Research Administration The Office of Sponsored Projects can help you obtain access to internal and external electronic research management systems required for proposal submission and award management. Non-UT employed undergraduate students are NOT covered by UT-negotiated NDAs. Photo by Marsha Miller. I am attending a meeting off campus and, when I got here, I found out that one of the requirements of the meeting is to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before any information will be provided to me. Electronic Research Administration - Office of Sponsored Projects The joint request seeks an invitation for membership in the SEC starting on July 1, 2025. (512) 471-8871. When a Non-Disclosure Agreement has been negotiated for my project, should I obtain signatures from all personnel working on the project that indicate they have read the Non-Disclosure Agreement and understand their obligations under the Agreement? Subscribe . Austin. UT students who have experienced a sexual assault may choose to receive a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) at University Health Services (UHS) at no charge during business hours. Additionally, upper division students can participate in a Theater for Dialogue academic course. For general questions or for those outside the University wishing to enter into a NDA with UT Austin, please send an email to Sunset Advisory Commission Invites Public Input on the Office of Public Utility Counsel. Are my students covered by NDAs on which I am the PI signatory? NDAs can be mutual, meaning both parties are planning to exchange confidential information with the other, or they can be one-way, meaning only one party will be disclosing confidential information. oversight and coordination of Title IX related matters including compliance, prevention, education, Isaiah Berlin on pluralism - University of Texas at Austin More information at Once you have created and submitted the request, call OSP at 512-471-6424 to let the office know you have submitted an NDA request for emergency review. Questions related to Export Control issues related UT personnels receipt or delivery of confidential material should be directed to the Export Controls Officer, David Ivey, at 512-475-7963 Organization Charts Learn about organizational structure of the OSP. NIH Neuroscience Development for Advancing the Careers of a Diverse SOS provides a neutral, impartial, and private environment for students to voice concerns and provides information and assistance to students who have university-related questions or complaints. Complete the application package and when final, click Complete and Notify AOR to release the application package forward to your Proposal Analyst within the workspace for submission. I am unfamiliar with this tool, how can I learn more about it? Brook Davis, Manager, Proposal Services,, Sheena Moore, Grants Administrator,, Lindy Aleshire, Manager, Award Services, is the central portal for federal grant opportunities.
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