Sign up below to receive updates on Ashoka's work. # 2,735 in National Rankings. We'd love to stay in touch! How can you help? Each class competed against each other. The sign up was sent out late summer. MONDAYS SCHEDULE: Each and every Monday, Voyager will dismiss students at 12:45 pm. 106 individuals from North Carolina and We appreciate you. If you are not on Facebook please email photos to These are concepts we regularly discuss through the year. They've learned all about their animal's habitat, adaptations, and interesting facts. School will conclude at 2:45 pm. VoyagerAcademy, Inc. admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities accorded or made available to students at the school. I must say, this was a very interesting way to begin a new school but you all have made me feel so welcome and I appreciate each of you. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Central to its mission, and included in VAs N.C. charter, is the use of project based learning, as an underlying K-12 instructional theme. East Voyager Academy of Charlotte in Charlotte, NC Each class competed against each other. Read More Contact Who is Voyager Academy Headquarters 4238 Technology Dr, Durham, North Carolina, 27704, United States Phone Number (919) 433-3301 Website Revenue $29.6M Industry Education General Education . NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMANTORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS. Voyageur Academy - Detroit, Michigan - MI The car needed to roll down the ramp and travel the further distance. "Jones", "1st Grade", or "Middle School". Voyager Elementary will be hosting its second Annual Spring Art Show on April 4 at 5:30. Admission to Voyager Academy is by lottery. Save time - save money- save gas - support your school. These standards include concepts such as understanding life cycles, climate and weather, push/pull forces, habitats and elements needed for the survival of plant/animal life. REMOTE KINDERGARTEN CELEBRATION: Our remote kindergarten students participated in a drive through celebration on May 20. It will take place in the elementary gym. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Field Day will be May 5th., PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION UPDATE: We need your help! Reading and writing are strongly connected. Check your email to verify your account and get started on your first project. Voyager will be hosting a NEW KINDERGARTEN PARENT MEETING ON APRIL 5 AT 5:30 PM. According to state test scores, 53% of students are at least proficient in math and 70% in reading. The deposit is non-refundable. Students received some goodies and an "Official Volunteer Animal Researcher" certificate "from the zoo!". he elementary lost and found is overflowing. Your gift is tax-deductible. Niche users from this school are most interested in the following colleges. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. We would like to gauge interest before the school year is done and then hit full steam in August. We are chartered by Ferris State University. You will receive an email letting you know that your student is being placed on the roster, based on a first come first served basis. We hope you and the students enjoy seeing the various birthday designs. 2. Voyager Academy Elementary has extended the YEARBOOK ordering sale until May 28th! STEM WEEK WAS AMAZING: Thank you to everyone who helped us bring science alive to our students during STEM week. It is almost SUMMER! Strawbridge Studios will be at Voyager on April 5 to take spring pictures. Registration will open starting February 17th through April 14th. Voyager Academy is an elementary, middle, and high school in the northern part of Durham, North Carolina, United States, and is located in Independence Park. You're on track to get doubled donations (and unlock a reward for the colleague who referred you). Details are listed below: 110322 Voyager Elementary School SPRING1 398946 Run 1.pdf, 110322 Voyager Elementary School SPRING1 398946 Run 1 Spring Poster.pdf, 110322 Voyager Elementary School SPRING1 398946 Run 1 Spring Bulletin.pdf. Voyager Academy Elementary School's curriculum envisions the creation of nurturing and respectful classrooms full of learning, where children care about the world around them, embrace and value diversity, and inspire curiosity beyond the school day. [1] Current enrollment is approximately 1350 students across grades K-12. Be sure to ask your student about the great things they learn during this week of science. 3rd GRADE READ TO ACHIEVE CAMP: If your child is in the 3rd grade and qualifies to attend the Summer Read to Achieve Camp, you will receive a letter from the school by Monday. This means students are expected to be in their classrooms at 7:45 not arriving on campus at 7:45 am. The third-graders enjoyed teaching the first-graders and the first-graders had fun playing the games. Join other volunteers in our Reader Roundup. How can you help? Show entries Showing 1 to 50 of 138 entries Previous Next Diablo Unified Walnut Acres Elementary: Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active 07617540133249. The National Map Feature Code (TNM fCode) Description: 73003 The weather is warming and outdoor activities are in full swing! Being a small school with only 100 kids per grade level you have limited resources. [1] Current enrollment is approximately 1350 students across grades K-12. If you are not on Facebook please email photos to. And there are so many basketball games to watch. for If you are interested in purchasing a book for your child, please visit: One car represented from each grade level competed against the other grade levels. United States, [TEMPORARY ADDRESS NO MAIL ACCEPTED] VAES students will be honoring the Voyager High School seniors this Tuesday at 11:30. The students had so much fun identifying the mystery science photos, creating cars from recyclable materials and participating in STEM stations all week long. The students are also conducting cars (out of water bottles) and on Friday we will determine which class has the best car design that will go the longest distance. January 2, one event. [MAIL ONLY ADDRESS] People with a positive test for COVID-19 MUST wear a mask for 10 days. If you are interested in purchasing a book for your child, please visit:, Books will be delivered the day of the presentation. All Voyager computers must be returned to the school before report cards can be issued. This year's theme is "Cool Contraptions and Connections." Its that simple. Make sure your information is up to date. Do you have a school owned computer? Summer Enrichment registration is now here. We follow CA Common Core standards through textbook, real world examples, project based learning and multi-sensory experiences. As your child reads or you read to your child, please record the books on the reading log and return it to your childs teacher once you have 15 books listed. You will have until April 14. to make the payment. The final report cards for all students will be made available to parents on Friday, May 28th. We are hopeful the construction will be finished before we return to school. We have 13 different community partners coming to our campus to share what their organization does and how they seek to support our community. 5 Fax: (919) 433-3305. Mark you calendars now. Learn more about this gap, why it exists, and how you Now is the time to sign-up for Right At School Winter Break Camp! We celebrated our 3rd trimester project today- Save our Earth! Voyager will be using resources from Bridges for math instruction and we will be using resources from Core Knowledge Language Arts for our reading, phonics, writing and language instruction. YOUR ONE-STOP-SHOP FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES: The Voyager Academy PTSO Back-to-School Supply Drive. The concepts blend and your brain is happier for it. Niche users from this school are most interested in the following majors. We will update everyone that ordered when you will be able to pick up at the school sometime in June or July. If you would like to see if there is any availability left, please click on the link below. Yelp Cancel For Businesses Write a Review Log InSign Up Restaurants Home Services It is impossible for us to begin the day on time if families do not arrive on campus until 7:40 am. Admissions Find information about our admissions lottery, and apply to the school! On Feb. 27th all 3rd-12th grade students completed a climate survey to help us learn what students love about their school and what we could do to make Voyager even stronger. LOST AND FOUND: The elementary lost and found is overflowing. Since our staff attend meetings every Monday, it is imperative that students are picked up on time. Thank you to Mrs. Casto and the entire kindergarten team for designing this unique way to celebrate. Public school teachers from every corner of America create classroom project requests, and you can give any amount to the project that inspires you. We cannot expect that our children will grow to understand a culture if we do not allow them to see and experience it from around the world. Somewhat seriously. THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Voyager Academy is already preparing for an amazing 2021-2022 school year. The OFFICIAL newsletter of Voyager Academy in Durham, NC. RECYCLED CAR WINNER: Last week, each class had a STEM challenge. This is the percentage of 12th graders who graduated. People with a positive test for COVID-19 MUST wear a mask for 10 days. This gets combined with an art lab that features an artist (both local and global) so that we can view and talk about their art, but also so that we can have a guide and see how artists use different mediums to create spectacular results. WE ARE LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED, LICENSED, INSURED & BONDED, WITH OVER 10 YEARS, Call, Text, or Email to get your roof checked out for FREE and make a difference in the lives. We made it to the end of the year! Your child can earn one free gift card per month. Anything done well takes planning and preparation and we look forward to having some of you join our team. Their hard work paid off because the car was a success. Select the Camp or weeks of your choices and pay the $97.50 deposit. LOST AND FOUND ITEMS WILL BE GIVEN TO CHARITY ON APRIL 5TH. If we can assist you, please feel free to call or email us and we would be honored to partner with you. GO VIKINGS GO! Voyagers funding is directly tied to the number of students we have in our classroom on the first day of school. We are so excited for his visit! On behalf of the students and staff at Voyager Academy, we wanted to wish all of you a happy St. Patricks Day! Voyager Academy High School. Teachers will send home review work for students to complete independently. We would like to gauge interest before the school year is done and then hit full steam in August. Mark you calendars now. HAPPY SPRING: On behalf of the students and staff at Voyager Academy, we wanted to say welcome to spring. PARKING LOT: Parents, I wanted to remind you that numbered parking spaces in the elementary and middle school lot are assigned to staff members. I thought it would be fun to see what our friends are up to this summer. We are so excited that our students will experience STEM week March 20-24. The school office will be open Monday-Thursday (9:00 am to 2:00 pm) each week during the months of June and July. CHICK-FIL-A READING CHALLENGE: We are so honored to partner with Chick-Fil-A on Roxboro St. FAVORITE SUMMER T-SHIRT DAY: As we celebrate the beginning of SUMMER BREAK, we are asking all staff and students to wear their favorite SUMMER T-SHIRT to school on Monday. Combine your love of sports and healthy movement by clicking the link to download a March Fitness Calendar. Be looking for more news in August. can help close it. Since our staff attend meetings every Monday, it is imperative that students are picked up on time. In reverse, suppose a number is given . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Kim Kinney has been chosen as the new Deputy Principal for Pioneer Elementary. The balance of $97.50 will be due by June 1st for each week of camp selected. They will be giving a FREE gift card to students every month who read 15 books. EXCITING CURRICULUM NEWS: Voyager Elementary has adopted a new math curriculum and a new language arts curriculum. Percentage of students enrolled in at least one AP course. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The Difference | Voyager Academy Our teachers have already begun training with these new programs and we are thrilled to begin using them in the fall. We hope you and the students enjoy seeing the various birthday designs. How can you help? We're a charity that makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need. Voyager Academy4302 Ben Franklin BlvdDurham, NC 27704phone (919)433-3301http://voyageracademy.netCEEB# 341079. You do not want to miss this amazing night. Registration will open starting February 17th through April 14th. From this foundation, the school approaches every child as though he or she has questions and ideas worthy of investigation that is far beyond what is gleaned from a textbook. Each school is led by its own administrative team (a principal, assistant principal, and support staff) and student services department (counseling and Social Worker), as overall supervision is provided by the VA Managing Director, who reports to the Board of Directors of Voyager Academy, Inc.. As your child reads or you read to your child, please record the books on the reading log and return it to your childs teacher once you have 15 books listed. If I can assist you in any way, please let me know. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Thank you for working with us as we have tried to create amazing, independent, life-long learners. Voyager Academy is a tuition-free public charter school! in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education. Learn more about this gap, why it exists, and how you Browse bundles of books that prominently feature Black, Arab, Asian, Indigenous, Latinx, and Pacific Islander characters, and the LGBTQ+ community. Measure of students enrolled in at least one AP science class. We need every student to be in their classroom on August 5, 2021. Each group became experts in different areas of the solar system. Your child can earn one free gift card per month. Mark you calendars now. The students are also conducting cars (out of water bottles) and on Friday we will determine which class has the best car design that will go the longest distance. If you would like to see if there is any availability left, please click on the link below. The winners of the car challenge was created by Leo Serrano and Landon Skoff in Ms. Spankies classroom. A school for the first four to eight years of a child's formal education, often including kindergarten. Education Appalachian State University . Peninsula School District invites everyone in the community to join us in our reading challenge. Mark your calendars now! Voyager Academy Elementary School Oct 2013 - Present 9 years 8 months. Select the Activities/Field Trips tab to view the camp options. As your child reads or you read to your child, please record the books on the reading log and return it to your childs teacher once you have 15 books listed. I and Mrs. Weiland (our new assistant principal) are looking forward to welcoming you back in August. Dates:Dec. 19 - Dec. Dec. 22, and Dec. 27 - Dec. 29. from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Place:Pioneer Elementary School,8502 Skansie Ave, Gig Harbor, WA 98332. Registration will open starting February 17th through April 14th. Each classroom request for funding was created by a classroom teacher and reviewed by the DonorsChoose team. If you are dropping off a child or an item in the mornings, please use a visitor parking spot or park at the high school so that you do not take a staff parking space. It offers elementary, middle, and high school. Exponential Form | Definition & Examples -