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wayne county ohio clerk of courts

Copyright Wayne County Courts. Custody, visitation and support matters for children whose parents were not married also come under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court. Monday, January 2, 2023. PDF Wayne County Court of Common Pleas Code: 555 sq. Copyright Wayne County Ohio. If you are searching for a prisoner in a Ohio State Prison click below. Depositing a Will. 201 West North Street Wooster, OH 44691 Every year Wayne County law enforcement agencies arrest and detain 1,800 offenders, and maintain an average of 90 inmates (county-wide) in their custody on any given day. Staff Member Image: These forms are provided for the convenience of residents of Wayne County, Ohio. Cases regarding delinquency, traffic, and unruly charges are heard and decided by the Juvenile Court. Courthouses will not be open and courts will not be in session on these legal holidays. Some records that are confidential are not available on the web site. Application SN: MAKE SURE TO READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS. STATE OF OHIO TITLES, CLERK OF COURTS. Three hour parking is available on the street and one hour parking is available in a public lot across Liberty street on the east side of the courthouse. 215 N Grant St. (in the Municipal Courthouse) Wooster, Ohio 44691 Main: 330-287-5590 Fax: 330-263-4043. Request for Review of Evaluation. 330-287-5770, Physical Address: . Jurors do not need to report. You may expect to be called one or two times during the term of service. Copyright Wayne County Courts. If a Juvenile Court hearing has not been scheduled by video and you would like to participate remotely, please complete and file the form found here to request a video appearance. Name Change / Conformity / Corrections . Get more information on obtaining an attorney. Traffic, parking, speeding, and most other tickets and court payments can be paid online here. Judge Corey E. Spitler | Court of Common Pleas SUE SMAIL, JONATHAN HOFSTETTER, RON AMSTUTZ are arrested and incarcerated for in both Wayne County and state prisons throughout the country. Please wait, we are generating a dynamic map with locations. The Probate Court also issues marriage licenses. Common Pleas. These forms are provided for the convenience of residents of Wayne County, Ohio. 428 WEST LIBERTY STREET, Wayne County Jail Inmate Services Information, Phone: County official that has primary responsibility for accurate records of all proceedings in county Municipal Court. To save the forms with the information intact, you must purchase the full version of the Adobe Acrobat product or set up and use another PDF capable product. All Rights Reserved. Pay Tickets Online - Wooster, Ohio, Wayne County Municipal Court Ohio Courts Click search. Government Offices Courts Ohio Wayne County Wooster There are 2 Courts in Wooster, Ohio, serving a population of 26,723 people in an area of 17 square miles. 330-287-5590. 428 WEST LIBERTY STREET, The Jury Trial scheduled for Thursday, July 13, 2023, will not be going forward. For parties who will be participating in video hearings with the Court, the Court has prepared a guide to using Zoom, which can be found here. @media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-jailexchange_com-large-leaderboard-2-0-asloaded{max-width:300px!important;max-height:250px!important;}}if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jailexchange_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',626,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jailexchange_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');@media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-jailexchange_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1-asloaded{max-width:300px!important;max-height:250px!important;}}if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jailexchange_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',626,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jailexchange_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1'); .large-leaderboard-2-multi-626{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. We hope you approach jury duty with interest, understanding and belief that you will enjoy the experience. *Please note, this will not result in a change to the applicant's birth record. Illness requiring the care of a physician on the date you are to appear. Adult criminal probation authority for felony cases and civil actions. 330-287-5495. All Rights Reserved. Clerk Address: 428 West Liberty Street, Wooster, OH 44691. C. Times of Holding Court The sessions in each branch of the Court shall be from 7:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, legal holidays excepted. Click here for information and forms relating to an application to change an adult's name. Spousal support and equitable. If you are looking for a prisoner in Ohio or Federal custody, click on Birth Certificate Correction: COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, the Wayne County Sheriffs Department, Ohio Corrections, United States Department of For Probate Court matters, a written request with similar content can be made, or parties may call (330) 287-5575 to speak with a clerk regarding video appearances. Common Pleas Court House | Wayne County Ohio Wayne County Clerk of Courts: Passport Office in Wooster OH Type in the information then hit "Tab" to go to the next field. Find Your Wayne County Clerk of Courts in OH - Paternity, adoption. To download a free PDF reader, visit and download Acrobat Reader. To download a free PDF reader, . Please note that you will not be paid until after the end of your two month term. Demographic, Crime and Inmate data is compiled from public reports provided by 330-287-5470. Copyright Wayne County Ohio. Wayne County Municipal Court, Wooster, Ohio Online ticket payment portal. The charts below break down the men, women, races, ethnicities and the types of crimes that people Where indicated, they are in PDF format. All Rights Reserved. Do you have questions regarding which process is right for your situation? Copyright Wayne County Ohio. Click here for information and forms relating to an application to change a minor's name. SUE SMAIL, JONATHAN HOFSTETTER, RON AMSTUTZ, Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District, (Probate and Juvenile Court Website Click Here), Wayne County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Wayne County Economic Development Council. Wooster, Ohio 44691. These forms cannot be saved with the information you input using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader product. LEGAL NOTICES - CUSTODY [ORCP 4.4(A)(2)/JUV.R.16], a guide to using Zoom, which can be found here, the video instructions located on Zoom's website, please complete and file the form found here to request a video appearance. PDF Wayne County Municipal Court Wayne County, Ohio Local Rules The Wayne County Clerk of Courts is the official "keeper of the records." The Clerk and his staff manage and archive all records of the Court of Common Pleas. Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Census Bureau. Enter both first name or initial and last name, or case number. All Rights Reserved. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Form 46 - New Case Designation Form.pdf. Chief DeputyTel: 330-287-5658 or, Tammy Walk, Assist. a Clerk's Office, Judge's chambers, Jury room and related facilities. Please call (330) 287-5575 to schedule an appointment with a clerk. Authority for State of Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles to transfer vehicle titles and ownership. If participating, please call the Court at a number above to provide an email address and telephone number at which you can be reached for the hearing. Name Wayne County Clerk of Courts Suggest Edit Address 107 West Liberty Street Wooster , Ohio , 44691 Phone 330-287-5590 Free Wayne County Clerk Office Property Records Search About | Probate and Juvenile Court Parties and counsel participating via Zoom must have video and audio capabilities as well as access to the internet. Orrville, Ohio 44667, 107 West Liberty Street, Public SquareWooster, OH 44691, 215 North Grant StreetWooster, Ohio 44691, 115 West Liberty Street Copyright Wayne County Courts. County official as Probate Court Judge that supervises the probate of wills and administration of estates and guardianships. Extended absence from Wayne County (for example, service in the armed forces, attendance at an out-of-area college or university, etc. Join the conversation on our social media channels. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The Clerk of Courts also collects fines and court costs, automobile sales tax, and issues passports. Jury Duty Weekly Jury Notice The Jury Trial scheduled on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, will not be going forward. Click here for forms relating to birth certificate correction. Some must be printed and then completed manually. METHOD OF COMPLETING FORMS- These forms can be completed on your computer by pressing the "Tab" key on your keyboard to move from field to field and typing in the desired information in each field. Every year Wayne County law enforcement agencies arrest and Jurisdiction includes child abuse and cases of non-support, paternity, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. REMEMBER - Legal matters are often complicated and involve issues that are best handled by an attorney. If you complete a form using only Reader, make sure to print it out immediately before leaving the form or you will lose your information. Court of Common Pleas | Wayne County Ohio Court of Common Pleas Information may be accessed by either name or case number. If you are searching for a United States Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate click below. Legal Holidays. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Please inform the Court if you have a change of address during your term of service, so that you will receive payment of jury fees at the end of the term. PO Box 3 Some must be printed and then completed manually. 90 STATE OF OHIO TITLES, CLERK OF COURTS | Wayne County Ohio Domestic Relations Required Documents | Court of Common Pleas Court Forms Notice to All Attorneys and Pro Se Litigants As required by Rule 45 of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio, effective July 1, 2009, all personal and private information must be removed before documents are files with the Clerk of Courts. Elected Officials | Wayne County Ohio Wayne County Clerk of Courts - Wooster, OH (Address and Phone) All Rights Reserved. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, County official as Juvenile Court Judge that has jurisdiction over all cases involving juveniles. Visit Website. Where indicated, they are in PDF format. Population: 113,577. Juvenile Court has jurisdiction over legal issues involving people under the age of eighteen. Resource that provides legal information to Judges, attorneys, and to the public. They can also be used by attorneys in their practice before our court. Chief DeputyTel: 330-264-2820 or, Wooster200 Vanover, Ste. Any document to be filed with the Wayne County Municipal Court can be filed in any branch of the Court. Name Change / Conformity / Corrections | Probate and Juvenile Court Municipal Court | Wayne County Ohio Municipal Court If you are a resident of Wayne County and you are planning to marry, you may obtain a marriage license at Wayne County Probate Court. If you need any accommodation due to a disability, please notify the Court in writing 2-3 weeks in advance of your scheduled service. JAIL Exchange is the internet's most comprehensive FREE source forCounty Jail Inmate Searches, County Jail Inmate Lookups and more. Contact Legal Holidays Clerk of Courts Hours of Operation 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday-Friday Except Legal Holidays Legal Holidays All Wayne County, Ohio Courts observe the following holiday schedule. *Please note, this will not result in a change to the applicant's birth record. 428 WEST LIBERTY STREET, Wooster, OH 44691, WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Launch Ohio Courts Ohio Courts. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. TAX MAP OFFICE. Directions & Phone Numbers | Wayne County Courts INSTRUCTIONS Case information is from 1995 to present. Case Type: (e.g. Name Conformity: Click here for forms relating to an action for name conformity. of Justice and Census Bureau. Jury Duty | Municipal Court The Common Pleas Clerk's office is located at the Wayne County Municipal Court at 215 North Grant Street, Wooster, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICES - CUSTODY [ORCP 4.4(A)(2)/JUV.R.16], Click here for information and forms relating to an application to change an adult's name, Click here for information and forms relating to an application to change a minor's name, Click here for forms relating to an action for name conformity, Click here for forms relating to birth certificate correction, Please click here for an informational guide to the differences between name change, name conformity, and birth certificate correction. SUE SMAIL, JONATHAN HOFSTETTER, RON AMSTUTZ Instructions: Pursuant to Local Rules, this form must be completed and submitted with any new cause of action filed with the Wayne County Clerk of Courts. 107 West Liberty Street Wooster, OH 44691 The Court of Common Pleas is located on the corner of Liberty and Market streets in downtown Wooster, an area commonly referred to as Public Square. 200 Vanover Street Wooster, OH 44691. For ICE Detainees (Immigration) being held at a detention facility in the United States, click below. The Court has jurisdiction over traffic and non-traffic misdemeanors and has the authority to conduct preliminary hearings in felony cases. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Clerk of Courts | Wayne County Ohio Clerk of Courts Continue with Recommended Cookies. Court that has jurisdiction over cases involving divorce or marriage dissolution, annulments, legal separations, spousal support, and allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. Jurors do not need to report. The information contained on this web site is not legal advice, nor should it substitute for the assistance of a qualified attorney. 428 West Liberty Street Wooster, OH 44691. . WHO SHOULD USE THESE FORMS- These forms can be used by individuals who are not represented by attorneys. Marriage Licenses. ); if this is your situation, please send a letter immediately indicating so. The Probate Court also issues marriage licenses. If you need to be excused from jury duty, the ONLY reasons the Court will consider as valid for an excused absence are: ALL REQUESTS FOR ABSENCE FROM JURY DUTY MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING AND APPROVED BY THE TRIAL JUDGE PRIOR TO THE DATE OF SERVICE! NOTE ON PDF FORMS - You can open wach form by clicking the link. All Rights Reserved. Know who and how to contact your Wooster, Ohio Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Wooster Clerk of Court Wayne County Clerk of Court. 330.287.5575 (Probate)330.287.5561 (Juvenile). Get Directions > Learn More > Phone. Tim Neal Clerk of Courts 215 North Grant Street Wooster, Ohio 44691 Phone: 330-264-3247 E-Mail: Visit Website For other assistance, please consider reviewing the video instructions located on Zoom's website. Minor Name Change: Click here for information and forms relating to an application to change a minor's name. Fax: (330)287-5436. 330-287-7721 (Law Library Website Click Here), WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Sheriff's Department, as well as the state of Ohio and the United States Department Courthouses will not be open and courts will not be in session on these legal holidays: Please call (330) 287-5575 to schedule an appointment with a clerk. 215 N Grant St. (in the Municipal Courthouse)Wooster, Ohio 44691Main: 330-287-5590Fax: 330-263-4043, Tim Neal, Clerk of CourtsEmail:, Greg Bolek, Chief of StaffTel: 330-287-5667Email:, 215 N. Grant St. (in the Municipal Courthouse)Wooster, Ohio 44691Tel: 330-287-5650, Greg Bolek, Chief of StaffTel: 330-287-5667 or, Doris Stutzman, Assist. Phone: (330)287-5430 . Here's how you know . 330-682-4085 Website WOOSTER, OH 44691. detain 1,800 offenders, and maintain an average of Domestic Relations - March 16, 2020, Administrative Order. The Domestic Relations Division has jurisdiction over cases involving divorce, dissolution, annulments, legal separations, spousal support, and allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. Some cases older than 1995 may be in the system, but most cases prior to 1995 are available in the various court offices, in the manual indexes and dockets. Probate Court has exclusive jurisdiction over certain special types of cases: estates, guardianships of incompetent persons and minors, name changes of adults and minors, and adoptions. Forms. County official as Common Pleas Court Judge that has jurisdiction over adult criminal felony cases, civil actions, Domestic Relations courts, and adult Probation agencies. Adoptions. The Wayne County Probate Court is located on the second floor of the Common Pleas Courthouse, at 107 West Liberty Street, Wooster, Ohio. Click here for forms relating to an action for name conformity. The weekly turnover rate of inmates is approximately 55%, meaning that every week more than half of these inmates are released and then replaced with new offenders being booked into jail. SUE SMAIL, JONATHAN HOFSTETTER, RON AMSTUTZ, Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District, Wayne County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Wayne County Economic Development Council. Good legal assistance can speed up the court process and prevent costly legal errors. Monday, January 16, 2023. the appropriate institution below. A request to be excused from service for this reason will require a medical doctors written excuse. WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUE SMAIL, JONATHAN HOFSTETTER, RON AMSTUTZ COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SUE SMAIL, JONATHAN HOFSTETTER, RON AMSTUTZ 215 North Grant Street Wooster, Ohio 44691. Distribution. The Supreme Court of Ohio maintains a list of courts in the state, including municipal, county, common pleas, claims, and appellate courts. In Ohio, Wooster is ranked 344th of 1454 cities in Courts per capita, and 351st of 1454 cities in Courts per square mile. The Social Security Numbers will NOT be public record. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Enemy Combatant High Value Detainees (HVD), Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction Prisoner Inmate Search. Notice regarding Ex Parte Communication(s): Click to View Notice inmates (county-wide) in their custody on any given day. Petition for Dissolution and Waiver of Service of Summons, Motion to Proceed Without Advancing a Filing Fee Deposit, Indigency Affidavit (if not making a deposit), Shared Parenting Plan (only if asking for shared parenting), Child Support Worksheet Completed Correctly (complete even if not requesting support) Ohio Department of Job and Family Services: Child Support Calculator, Application for Child Support Services Form (complete even if not requesting support), Parenting Plan (if not asking for shared parenting), Child Support Worksheet Completed Correctly (complete even if not requesting support)Ohio Department of Job and Family Services: Child Support Calculator, Motion and Affidavit or Counter Affidavit for Temporary Orders without Oral Hearing (if required), Application for Child Support Services Form, Motion for Change of Parental Rights & Responsibilities, Application for Child Support Services - (complete even if not requesting support), Motion and Order for Appointment of GAL (if applicable), Motion and Order for In Chambers Interview (if applicable), Motion to proceed without advancing deposit (if applicable), Motion for Change of Parenting Time [Visitation] and Memorandum in Support, Motion for Change of Child Support, Medical Support, Tax Exemption,, or Other Child-Related Expenses and Memorandum in Support.

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