In 2018, Steve was a co-winner of NACACs Excellence in Education Award. Mr. Amalong also holds an M.A. VeNae Valentin Staff Secretary - Accountability & Assessments. Westminster Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. in business administration from the University of Central Oklahoma. - in elementary education from Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. Do these things early in your life keep seeking more opportunities for growth., Support for Westminster School provides a way to remember the past, shape the present and steward the future of the school.. Non-faculty, Nate Smith (Head Coach) Main Campus. Ms. O'Neil handles accounts receivable and other administrative tasks for Westminster School. Page Navigation. in family studies and gerontology from Southern Nazarene University. (2013), MS. O'NEIL (Class of 1981) is a Westminster alum who earned a B.A. My colleagues' advice and support was invaluable and helped me progress a great deal. For example, alongside comprehensive safeguarding practice, I have been fortunate to attend training sessions in AFL and differentiation, which I have been able to apply in my classroom. At Westminster Christian Academy, we reach higher. I joined as a graduate on the Teach First programme, and was very well supported during my training here by an excellent mentor, a very supportive staff body and a well-structured CPD training programme, which covered all aspects of teaching and learning. Full-time Teacher, Noah Collins (Head Coach) Interim Director of Marketing and Communications, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Director of College Guidance and Science Faculty. Mrs. Martin is an independent contractor who offers psychology services at Westminster School. She supported the program in this role for 9 years during which time she redesigned the counseling program to uniquely support their high achieving student body. Jennifer Thompson (Sports Information Director) Ms. Williams is the director of the After School Program and is the music teacher for the Primary Division at Westminster School. I'm now Assistant Vice Principal for Teaching and Learning and I help mentor and support teachers as they are developing their craft, whilst realising that I am still learning too! in letters from the University of Oklahoma, a post baccalaureate degree in elementary education from Rio Salado College, and an M.S. (2018), MR. She holds a B.A. 11800 Lowell Blvd, Westminster, CO 80031. In the classroom, on the stage, and on the field, we seek to honor Christ and pursue excellence in His name. Email: mail_hide("222875", "nsmith", 0, "moc.sihpmemaw") Extracurricular activities are an important part of a well-rounded student experience, including athletics, community service,schooltrips, and more. He joined Westminster in 2015 and has directed college counseling offices at independent schools since 2006. In her spare time, she sees as many shows as possible at the Fox Theatre. She also holds an M.A. Meet the Team - Westminster Schools in elementary education from the University of Central Oklahoma. Full-time Teacher, Kenneth Read (Assistant Coach) Hodgkins School News Hodgkins Achieves HRS Level 1 Hodgkins Leadership Academy has received HRS Level 1 Certification from Marzano Academies, recognizing the school for its safe, supportive, and collaborative culture. I also took part in the Teaching Leaders programme, again supported by the school. 12161 Park Centre Drive, Westminster, CO 80234. Ms. Fox is a teaching assistant in the kindergarten classroom at Westminster School. Westminster is a coeducational Christian, independent day school for grades pre-first through 12, committed to creating an educational experience where bright, curious, motivated students who are nurtured by challenge can grow into leaders of conscience. Staff Directory | Westminster Christian Academy 8 South Street/9 Academy Hill Road, Westminster, MA 01473. - S Nash, Y12/13 Coordinator and MFL teacher, Careers Education, Independent Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). in independent school leadership from the Klingenstein Center at Columbia University's Teachers College. in elementary education from the University of Oklahoma. (2014), MRS. LAUZON holds a B.A. Email: mail_hide("222873", "stephanienchester", 0, "moc.liamg") These qualifications, which have all been supported by the school, have helped me to develop my confidence and to become more self-reflective as a teacher and as a leader. An Independent Christian Day School | Atlanta, GA, FY23 Black Alumni Council Hosts Game Night, Transforming the Westminster Campus Through Architectural Design, FY23 Alumni Chapter Volunteer Interest Form. Monica Wilkinson Personnel Services Specialist. Office Phone: 901-380-9192 Mrs. Boles teaches third grade at Westminster School. Prior to joining Westminster, she worked in the Primary Division After School Program. Calendar. Welcome To WA!New Faculty & Staff Westminster Academy (2020), MS. MOORE holds a B.S. in early childhood education from the University of Central Oklahoma. Sponsored by the Dangoor family, the Academy serves a multi-ethnic . Meetinghouse School / Westminster Elementary - AWRSD Phone: 303.428.8583 . She also holds an early childhood certification. Staff Directory; Staff. Students also learn self-expression, collaboration and leadership while supportive faculty instill a lifelong appreciation of the arts. She is currently pursuing an M.Ed. Campus Directory | Westminster College | Salt Lake City Residence Life ADA Accommodations Building Styles and Meal Plans Contact Residence Life Housing Registration Packing List Residence Hall Association Residence Housing Calendar Residency Exemptions Resident Advisors Residential Housing for Queer and Trans Students Student Move-in Information Office Phone: 901-380-9192 Mrs. Kabrick is the school nurse at Westminster School. Prior to joining Westminster she taught art at Trinity School. in accounting cum laude from the University of Central Oklahoma. Select a department or last name: in art from Fort Lewis College and an M.Ed. Prior to joining Westminster he worked in non-profits and at the public library. (2021), MRS. EASTHAM (Class of 1998) attended Tulane University and the University of Oklahoma, studying studio art, anthropology, and art history. Early Dismissal Days During the 2023-24 School Year, Westy Academy will have Early Dismissal Days every Monday. Ms. Brown is a teaching assistant in the 5-Day classroom at Westminster School. I have also found that forming positive and nurturing relationships is imperative for students to build confidence and resilience. (2019), MS. BOLES holds a B.S. We offer an exceptional and creative educational experience for our students. Powered by Edlio Edlio Login. School Store Visit Westminster Contact Us Faculty & Staff Trustees & Fellows Employment Arrival and Departure Dates: 2022-23 If you know the department that a person is associated with, use that option for your search. in viola performance followed by the completion of a music education credential program. from Oklahoma City University. ", "Visual and performing artists at Westminster gain an understanding of traditions and methods while gaining confidence, analytical thinking and public presentation skills. 2023 Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association, Division II, Class A, District 6, West Region. Teaching is a career where one never stops learning and developing, and I embrace reflection, openness and honesty. When I found aspects of my training year difficult, there was always someone to turn to. in journalism/advertising from the University of Oklahoma. Our Board of Directors - The Family - Westminster Christian Academy In addition to professional credentials and experience, Westminster seeks individuals who are kind, loving, enthusiastic, dedicated, articulate and creative, and who can serve as outstanding personal role models for our students. The school community represents a diverse body of learners who are engaged in a rigorous academic program, enriched by the arts, athletics, and extracurricular activities. with a Montessori certification from Oklahoma City University. Mrs. Davidson teaches fourth grade math at Westminster School. (2011), MR. WARD holds a B.S. Mrs. Wilson teaches music in the Lower Division at Westminster School. (1981), MR. BANOWETZ (Class of 1995) holds a bachelor's degree in business management from Southern Methodist University and a B.S. and M.A. (2010), MRS. LLOYD holds a B.S. When shes away from the office, Anthea enjoys seeing new colleges when she runs through their campuses. Additionally, Karina Costas is a certified Project-Based Learning (PBL) coach and trainer for the district. She also holds a teaching certification for early childhood through fourth grade. Office Phone: 901-380-9192, Ralph Janikowsky (Principal) Office Phone: 901-380-9192 in accounting from the University of Texas at Dallas. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. 667 Summer Internships Jobs in Paris, le-de-France, France Our People - Westminster Academy With the support of faculty, students gain the skills to understand the world around them and enrich their communities at school and beyond. from Oklahoma State University in early childhood education and has her M.Ed. This experience has proven to be invaluable as it taught me to apply classroom routines, differentiation and develop positive relationships with my students; all the time in different classroom settings. Office Phone: 901-380-9192 MR. AGNEW-LEASURE (Class of 2003) holds a B.S.B.A. (2016), MRS. JENSEN graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a B.M.A. Programmingis organized into five levels: Pre-K, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School. He completed a teaching fellowship year at Westminster, teaching history in the Middle Division. I worked with numerous SEN students with a variety of different needs in various different lessons. If you know only a last name, use the rightmost option, which is a pop-up alphabetical menu. University of North Georgia (1994), Will Frazier (Head Coach) In addition to . Faculty and Staff Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. From 2006 to 2007, he was a Graduate Assistant at his alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, where he worked with the Upward Bound Program. Location United States, Florida, Fort Lauderdale Last Update 5/26/2023 Contact Name Kara Marino Contact Info Email Direct Job Title Chef Location in science education from the University of Oklahoma. I feel very fortunate to be training at WA because from the outset I have been very well supported by my mentors, be it in the SEN or Science department and consequently I have had the benefit of learning from very experienced teachers. in design, housing, and merchandising from Oklahoma State University. in political science and an M.A. Westminster School is dedicated to providing a superior elementary and middle-school education whose fundamental goals for each child are a disciplined and well-informed mind, strength of character, dedication to learning, generosity of spirit, and joy in the possibilities of life. in German and a minor in art from Oklahoma Baptist University. Email VeNae Valentin. WA provides numerous opportunities to students of all abilities from a range of different backgrounds (e.g Reach Out Lab, and Primary Science, enrichment days and extra curricular clubs), and encourages students to develop scientific minds using the latest technology and equipment. Mrs. Regens is the assistant head of school, director of development, and teaches seventh grade math. in education from East Central University. Today's top 541 Server jobs in Paris, le-de-France, France. Site Map - Westminster Public Schools (2017), MR. ECKROAT holds a B.A. (2021), MRS. McNEILL holds a B.S. from Southern Methodist University. We aim to cultivate these same qualities in our faculty and to see them well paid so that they may make a career at Westminster Academy. A Westminster education prepares students in grades 7-12 for more than college and career it equips them to engage their world and make an impact for Christ's Kingdom. Mrs. Phone: (978) 874-2043 . She is a Certified Public Accountant and previously worked for Gillispie & Ogilbee, CPAs. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. in early childhood education from Oklahoma City University and a Ph.D. in music composition from the University of Minnesota. About Us Westminster Academy for International Studies (WAIS) is a small PK-8 school with a big name. What's Up Westy Academy? Meetinghouse Staff Directory. Mrs. Ward teaches first grade at Westminster School. At Westminster, we aspire to an extraordinarily ambitious commitment to secondary education, a commitment to nurture the participation of our diverse school community across our entire program from academics, to studios and labs, gyms, fields and rink, and service to our Hartford community partners. Jay McCann started his journey into college counseling at San Diego State University where he earned a Master of Counseling, specialization in school counseling. She is certified by the American Montessori Society and received her M.Ed. Staff testimonials - Westminster Academy Classified Employee. Steve recently served for seven years in multiple roles on the Leadership Team of ACCIS, the Association of College Counselors in Independent Schools. During his time at WAIS, the school has gone from a Priority Improvement rating to Performance rating from the Colorado Department of Education, and has maintained this rating. She was the director of Norman Korean Language School. . He served as Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Coordinator of Multicultural Recruitment for his alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis. She was also Invited to serve on the University of Sumana Moudgal served as the Magnet Counselor at Wheeler High School, in Cobb County. Ms. Roxborough teaches third grade at Westminster School. Preschool classes dismiss at 1:30 p.m., and Kindergarten-8th level classes will dismiss at 1:40 p.m. each Monday throughout the school year., as outlined in the Innovation School Calendar 2023-24 in Kinesiology from the University of Central Oklahoma. I was able to plan and lead two trips to France, one to Paris and one to Nice, which were both incredible experiences and particular highlights for me during my time here. English Dept. With a team of more than 200 people working across two campuses, we bring talent, experience, and enthusiasm to The Academy vision - Fueling lifelong success through preparation, exploration, and empowerment. Non-Faculty Coaches and Classified Employees must take the NFHS "Fundamentals of Coaching" and "First Aid, Health, & Safety for Coaches" courses prior to coaching. (2012), MS. McCALEB holds a B.S. Who are our people? (2020), MRS. SEABROOK holds a B.S. (2021), MRS. GRAHAM holds a B.S. Steve Frappier has worked in college admissions and college counseling since 2000. in history from Yale University and his M.Ed. Learn More, Stay up to date on community happenings through our news feed, calendar page, and parents association. (2003), MRS. KIM holds a B.A. Susan Keller Lafayette Lower School Director. Mr. Jensen teaches kindergarten in the Primary Division at Westminster School. She is working toward her M.S. Mr. Baird teaches middle school physical education, coaches basketball, and is Westminster's athletic director. from the University of Oklahoma. Students from preschool through twelfth grade are challenged to become exceptional thinkers, lifelong learners, and influential leaders with a biblical worldview for college and life. She holds both her B.A. Faculty members are carefully chosen from qualified teachers who are dedicated to academic excellence and the development of the whole child. (2001), MR. VERNON holds a B.A. (2006), MRS. RUSSELL HARBISON (Class of 1981) holds a B.A. Ms. Nash handles accounts payable and payroll for Westminster School. in educational studies (focus- secondary education) from Johns Hopkins School of Education. (2021), DR. GODFREY holds a B.S. from Oklahoma City Community College. In keeping with our support for a diverse community, Westminster abides by all applicable federal and state laws and does not discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic, including race, color, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national and ethnic origin, ancestry and/or disability in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered program. Mrs. Kim teaches kindergarten at Westminster School. With a team of more than 200 peopleworking across twocampuses, we bring talent, experience, and enthusiasm to The Academy vision -Fueling lifelong success through preparation, exploration, and empowerment. We introduce their curious and ambitious minds to the joys of besting a challenge. Email: mail_hide("222879", "stephanienchester", 0, "moc.liamg") Mr. Eckroat is the facilities coordinator for Westminster School. Later, he received his Master of Education in Higher Education Management from the University of Pennsylvania From 2002 to 2005, he was an admission counselor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (2006), MRS. REINEKE (Class of 1997) holds a B.A. We look to see them continue to mature in Christ, to participate joyfully in Christian community through the local church, and to grow in their knowledge of God and the Scriptures. (2004), MR. EVANS holds a B.S. 585 Web Developer Jobs in Paris, le-de-France, France (20 new) Chaney Hopkins Director of Institutional Advancement. Monday - Friday from 8:00 4:00 p.m. in Art Conservation from State University College at Buffalo, NY.. Ms. Russell is the science curriculum leader and teaches sixth grade science at Westminster School. Email Us (2000), MS. HARPER (Class of 2012) holds a B.A. Previously, she supported more than ten executives at Andersen Consulting. Mr. Josh Ater Head of School Mr. Adam Idadipaolo Dean of Academics, 7-12 Mrs. Brenda Hefferan Dean of Students, PreK -6 Royalmont Academy's teachers and staff are dedicated to creating a faith-filled environment each and every day. Mrs. Rodgers teaches sixth grade English at Westminster School. Mrs. Godfrey is the director of the Middle Division at Westminster School. Mr. Warwick is entering his 10th year as principal and will begin pursuing his Ed.D in Educational Leadership from the University of Northern Colorado this year. In September 2018 I moved to teaching in the Science Department with the intention of training as a science teacher; training which formally commenced this January. Email: mail_hide("222878", "athletics", 0, "moc.sihpmemaw") About Us / About Our School - Westminster Public Schools He earned his Bachelors and a Rhodes Scholarship nomination in Russian and Art History & Archaeology as well as a Masters of Liberal Arts. Ms. Hudson is currently in the Fellowship program, working with all divisions. (1999), MS. FOX holds an M.Ed. Staff Directory | Sequoia Academy - Westminster School District Shortly after college, she worked at the Alliance Theatre in the props department. in education from the University of Central Oklahoma. Mrs. McCants is the technology coordinator for Westminster School. in painting/printmaking from the Kansas City Art Institute and a Montessori Teaching Certificate from Oklahoma City University. ", "Athletic success at Westminster is measured not only by wins and losses, but through the bonds created between teammates and coaches, individual and team improvement, and personal growth. Athletic District: 9. Anthea has served on the Advisory Boards at The University of Alabama, The University of Georgia, and Augusta University and is currently on Fairfield University, and University of Illinoiss Advisory Boards. If you know the department that a person is associated with, use that option for your search. Read More, 12161 Park Centre Drive, Westminster, CO 80234, Copyright 2021 The Academy of Charter Schools. 901-380-9192. Main Menu Toggle. Juan Acosta attended Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, where he earned his BA in Political Science with a Correlate Sequence in Italian. She has a minor in computer science, which includes courses in BASIC language, COBOL, ASSEMBLY programming language, and application software. (2021), MRS. CARLSEN holds a B.S. New Server jobs added daily. in elementary education with a middle school math endorsement from Oklahoma State University. Mrs. Sims directs Westminster's Primary Division (2011), MRS. SKARKY (Class of 1992) holds a B.S. Email: mail_hide("222876", "jabrahams", 0, "moc.sihpmemaw") in international relations from the University of Southern California. Ms. Blake teaches fourth grade social studies at Westminster School. Leadership; Staff; Lower School; . in political science and an M.A. (2021), MRS. FREJO holds a B.A. in marketing and an MLIS from the University of Oklahoma. in Spanish and English from Kyunghee University in Korea. Mr. Evans is the Lower Division math resource teacher at Westminster School. They set policy and govern the strategic direction of WCA. By graduation, our students are ready to be the solution-finders, the status-quo breakers . in early childhood education from Oklahoma City University and is certified by the American Montessori Society. Ms. Harper completed a teaching fellowship year at Westminster School in the Primary Division. WA provides numerous opportunities to students of all abilities from a range of different backgrounds (e.g Reach Out Lab, and Primary Science, enrichment days and extra curricular clubs), and encourages students to develop scientific minds using the latest technology and equipment. Faculty & Staff Directory - Westminster Christian Academy