In total 620,000 died in the Civil War in four years thats how many people died . The South had interior lines. They were also more resistant to the heat and local diseases. The first and clearest advantage at the beginning of the war was the psychological advantage: the Southerner's home was being invaded and they needed to protect themselves, their families, and their way of life. The North had some experienced officers. The South fought a defensive war against the North. Jefferson Davis, meanwhile, favored a simpler plan for the South: Make the Northern armies press the fight, whip them, and push them back North, thereby breaking the morale of the Northern people.
\nGeneral Lee concurred at first but then realized that the Souths limited resources might be better used in a quick and decisive strike to take the heart out of the North. (Of course, as the war progressed, they found that fighting on the home field wasnt all it was cracked up to be. The The Union also had an industrial economy, where-as the Confederacy had an economy based on agriculture. While the North had considerable military advantages, the South was familiar with its own terrain, which made it easier for them to deter northern invaders. It is noteworthy that the South had only one commander in chief for the duration of the war. The Union's war plan included a blockade of the Confederate coastline. Advantages of North and South in Civil War Birth of the USA American Constitution American Independence War Causes of the American Revolution Democratic Republican Party General Thomas Gage biography Intolerable Acts Loyalists Powers of the President Quebec Act Seven Years' War Stamp Act Tea Party Cold War Battle of Dien Bien Phu Brezhnev Doctrine The Union had most of the natural resources, like coal, iron, and gold, and also a well . Even though by the end of the Civil War each side had lost thousands of their men, and much of their morale, both the Union and the Confederate States of America had advantages through the beginning years of the war. However before the start of the Civil War, there was a rush of southern pride throughout the south. will help you with any book or any question. The Union without a doubt had broad advantages. All of these were geographical facts that, when combined with the strategic reality of what the North had to do to win, gave the South an advantage in the war. American Civil War - American Civil War - Secession, Battles, Armies: Although the Union had many things working in its favor going into the war, the Confederacy was not predestined to defeat, as the Southern cause had its own advantages. When the war began, many key questions were still unanswered. Three Ways the Confederacy Had the Upper Hand in the Civil War Farmers played against nobles in ritual ball games. They also wanted to start the Confederacy, which would hold the state's rights over the federal control. Copyright 2008-2016, owned by the Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia, founded 1942, Strengths and Weaknesses: North vs. South. As cluster bombs from the US arrived in Ukraine, Putin said Russia has a 'sufficient stockpile'; The future of Wagner Group is 'starting to take shape' according to the UK MoD. )
\nAlthough the idea of letting slaves fight was out of the question for most Southerners (and most slaves), the slaves presence at home meant the Souths farms and plantations could keep running.
\n \nStrong military leadership: The South had much better luck finding able military leaders right from the start, particularly a courtly and brilliant Virginian named Robert E. Lee and his right-hand man, a former military school instructor who liked to suck on lemons named Thomas Stonewall Jackson.
\nTo win, reasoned Gen. Winfield Scott (the top Northern general, who was 75 and so fat he couldnt get on a horse), the first step was to suffocate the South by blockading its coast. ), Motivation. However(,) the North's leadership was inferior to the South. How did the South react to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the US in 1860? Malaria was rare in the northern states. A defensive stance: The Confederacy didnt have to conquer the North or even win a lot of big battles; it only had to fight long enough for the North to give up its quest to bring the Southern states back into the Union. But Lincoln recognized the worth of Scotts approach. The North had the vast majority of the manufacturing in the country. Since the Southerners were defending their own soil they were intimately familiar with the territory while the Northerners had to rely on maps. How did the election of 1860 cause the Civil War? Each side in the US Civil War had its own advantages. Geographically speaking, the South was exposed. Maya and Egypt c. Chapter 16: The Civil War Flashcards | Quizlet "What geographic advantages did the South have over the North?" The south knew the topography and the weather conditions of the land where the battles were being fought. Log in here. Read a description of each law or amendment and decide if it helped African Americans or hurt them. Though most survive it, malaria can be fatal. Latest answer posted May 16, 2020 at 12:26:07 PM. The South had very few factories to make supplies and even with the supplies they had it was had to distribute it because most of the railroad was in the North. The theater of war was primarily in the South which was its home territory. However, while slavery was a major cause of the American Civil War, there were several other major factors. kept pressing his attack on the south. This gave the South troops an edge, as they knew the land more than the North (Union). At the onset of the war, the North was not prepared to fight a war. Accessed 17 July 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Latest answer posted March 03, 2021 at 11:32:40 AM. What does it mean to call a minor party a spoiled? Northerners had materials such as coal, iron, copper, and metals etc, from a mountain to use/trade. Large swaths of the South are home to the preferred habitats for disease-carrying mosquitoes. What Was One Advantage The South Had Over The North Accessed 17 July 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. These differences included the geography, the economy, slavery, and transportation. It had to destroy the Souths capacity and will to resist. The North had Abraham Lincoln among others. What advantages did the North have over the South in the US Civil War? While the North, on the other hand, had to occupy and invade the South to be winner. What geographic advantages did the South have in the Civil War. Thus being one of the main factors in the Civil War. What advantage did the North have over the South? It also worked in their favor because they were more accustomed to the hotter climate and local diseases. What advantages did the Patriots had during the American Revolution? Explain each. What was Lincoln's response to the developing crisis at Fort Sumter? What years of time was the separate but equal doctrine the law of the land in the US? from University of Massachusetts-Boston. The South had a strong military tradition and a number of trained officers for its armies. 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Keith D. Dickson is Professor Emeritus of military studies, National Defense University. After refusing to recognize the Confederacy as its own nation, the American Civil War commenced in 1861. How did it gainsay the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the 1850 Compromise? Throughout the period of the Reconstruction, the northerners and southerners viewed and treated blacks differently. American Civil War - Secession, Battles, Armies | Britannica (Hi) The South did have the advantage of good officers to train the soldiers, but they had very few people for the job. Thus as Union forces attempted to move south they had to cross all the rivers and the Confederates could defend them. The South had two major advantages. The South was able. 1) blockade the south 2) split the south using the MR river 3) take control of the capital of the confederates. "What advantages did the South have over the North during the Civil War?" The Civil War was fought on U.S soil during the 1800s for the cause to bring the nation back together and later in the war, to end slavery. The majority of Northern recruits were city born or worked on farms. Home-field advantage: Much of the fighting was on the Souths territory because the North had to conquer the South to get it back into the Union. As a result of their past experiences during the Mexican war, they had solid and outstanding military officers. The South on the other hand , had less men and guns and ammo in fact there were 22 million people North and only 9 million South and out of that 9 million only 5.5 were white . PDF The Union and Confederacy - Core Knowledge What advantages did the North have over the South in the Civil War? Advantages of the South included: Highly skilled generals in their army. In which area did the South have an advantage over the North in the ), The South had soldiers who were devoutly dedicated to preserving the Southland. eNotes Editorial, 1 May 2020, chapter 16 Flashcards | Quizlet Some of the advantages for the north are that they had almost 4 times as many free citizens, they had many people to grow food and to work in factories making supplies, they had more than 70% of the nation's rail lines, they had a strong navy and a large fleet of private trading ships. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. The North had several, many of whom were removed by President Lincoln from command. Why did the Union beat the Confederates? Being closer to home, the South was able to keep their supply lines significantly shorter than the Northern ones, and so were able to get food, ammunition, and medicine to their soldiers much more quickly than the Northern army could. What were some advantages that each side had during the Civil War? The north had a enormous industrial advantage as well. It was ironic that he had studied under Gen. Robert Anderson, whom he defeated at the Battle of Fort Sumter. Psychological Advantage. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. The Union had many advantages over the Confederacy. The South had to play defense. It is doubtful that the South had it more easily strategically. In the South the president was Jefferson Davis not of the U.S.A but of the Confederate States of America . What is a similarity between They were unprepared for war. (4 points) They both had class-based societies. Latest answer posted May 16, 2020 at 12:26:07 PM. They included: The South only had to fight a defensive war while the North had to conquer the South. Most of the fights took place within the Confederate territory. North: war high moral purpose South: people dug in even deeper to fight their way How did the war affect the economies of both North and South? Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. The South had short interior supply and communication lines. The North won the Civil War because they had more guns , men , and more ammo . . The North had many advantages over the South in the Civil War. During the Civil War, the North had a population of 21 million, whereas the South was just 9 million. codices Good or bad, geography was always an essential factor economically for those who lived in the early southern, middle, and northern colonies. steep advantage. Slavery did not become a moral cause of the Union effort until Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. stelae, Compare the emergence of advanced civilizations in Meso and South America with the four early river valley civilizations. ), The North was the invader. For example, in 1864, Confederate General Joseph Johnston faced Union general William Sherman in northern Georgia. While the North had some significant advantagesincluding a sizable population to serve as soldiers, an industrial base with factories to produce necessary materials, and a navy which could be deployed to fight along the coastthe South did have some geographic advantages over the North. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. North: Had a larger population, had a great industrial advantage, the north controlled the seas, the North had more troops to fight the war. Chapter 9 The Civil War Flashcards | Quizlet Both societies practiced mummification of the dead. The Union won this battle because of material, economic and population advantages and the role that the African-Americans played in the war. While southerners still succumbed to malaria, they tended to be more resistant to it overall because of a lifetime of exposure. General Robert E. Lee was aware of this advantage when he wrote in 1863 that "[Union] troops ordered from Virginia to the Mississippi at this season would be greatly endangered by the climate. General Winfield Scott had offered command of Union forces to Robert E. Lee, who declined because his conscience would not let him fight against his native Virginia. South did have several advantages of over the North. The South During the Civil War - Library of Congress Farmers provided food and labor for the cities. If they were able to employ the same type of force like the north had they would have had a better chance at winning the war. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, What advantages did the south have over the north during the civil war?.