Tourism is demand-driven, so to understand current trends in tourism we must understand how patterns of demand are changing. 29-41. Therefore, five measures of culture are included to capture various cultural amenities; see Table 1. The way that we grow old has also changed over time, and this is another important tourism demand factor that tourism industry stakeholders must consider. 403-421. Rather, a combination of complementary formal and informal cultural attractions is required to maintain tourist arrivals. Alkay, E. and Hewings, G.J.D. 3 No. These changes carry threatsand problems but also opportunities. Heteroscedasticity violates the assumption of constant variance for observations of the error term (Studenmund, 2001, p. 345). Richards, G. 899-922. 3099067 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG 2023 Informa UK Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. Cultural tourism is considered a kind of tourism socially desirable as it fosters the economy and helps to preserve culture. 32 No. Various definitions can be found in the literature; see for example, Silberberg (1995), Richards (1996b), Richards (2000). It is interesting, because Spain has a great historical and cultural legacy, but cultural tourism comprises only a minority of the Spanish tourism market. The insignificant findings for cinema seats and theatres in the GMM estimations are important as they reveal that not all cultural amenities are of equal relevance in stimulating tourism demand. 3 No. The estimates for the seasonal dummies are omitted for the sake of brevity. Determinants Of International Tourism - 927 Words Lisa Noonan is based at the Department of Economics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Visit to discover the latest news and updates, Answers to the most commonly asked questions here, Effects of Turkish railway museums on cultural tourism, The determinants of agglomeration for the manufacturing sector in the Istanbul metropolitan area, Creative cities and cultural spaces: new perspectives for city tourism, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Urban tourism research: recent progress and current paradoxes, An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata, Gastronomy and tourism: profile and motivation of international tourism in the city of Crdoba, Spain, Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, Evaluation of an urban tourism destination, The changing nature of city tourism and its possible implications for the future of cities, The development of cultural heritage in GOZO and its potential as a tourism niche, UNESCO world heritage sites and tourism attractiveness: the case of Italian provinces, Capital city museums and tourism flows: an empirical study of the museum of New Zealand Te papa tongarewa, International Journal of Tourism Research, Assessing the tourism attractiveness of world heritage sites: the case of Spain, Museum and monument attendance and tourism flow: a time series analysis approach, Cultural tourism: an analysis of engagement, cultural contact, memorable tourism experience and destination loyalty, A study of non-economic determinants in tourism demand, Educational dark tourism at an in populo site: the holocaust museum in Jerusalem, Tourism, competitiveness and societal prosperity, Tourism seasonality in cultural destinations: empirical evidence from Sicily, The effects of UNESCO world heritage list inscription on tourism destinations performance in Italian regions, Cultural tourism and temporary art exhibitions in Italy: a panel data analysis, Remodeling international tourism demand: old theory and new evidence, The role of local and regional food in destination marketing, Attributes of destination competitiveness: a factor analysis, Annex C: the culture and creative cities monitor, The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor 2017 Edition, Annex A: the culture and creative cities monitor methodology in ten steps, Annex B: statistical assessment of the cultural and creative cities index 2017, A dynamic panel data analysis of snow depth and winter tourism, Impact of long-term weather on domestic and foreign winter tourism demand, Income elasticity of overnight stays over seven decades, Tourism in Galicia: domestic and foreign demand, An econometric model for international tourism flows to Spain, Budget 2022: a powerful programme of supports for the departments sectors, On the role of cultural participation in tourism destination performance: an assessment using robust conditional efficiency approach, Industry characteristics linked to establishment concentrations in nonmetropolitan areas, Urban tourism and its contribution to economic regeneration, Does trade help to explain tourism demand? Twelve cities are tied at the lowest score of zero. 31 No. (2017), Language tourism destinations: a case study of motivations, perceived value and tourists expenditure, Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol. Ramseys RESET test is also conducted post-OLS estimation to determine whether there are omitted variables in the analysis. 38 No. The null hypothesis is constant variance. While the reference periods vary for each of the variables, this should not be a problem as the variables have been used collectively as inputs in The Culture and Creative Cities Monitor 2017 to form the overall aggregate C3 index. This is particularly positive for cities that are not endowed with numerous cultural sights and landmarks and for cities that do not house many museums. Initially, almost 200 indicators were considered for inclusion in The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor based on a literature review and expert consultation. To carry out our analysis, we construct and estimate a binary probabilistic (logit) model to detect the main determinants that condition the likelihood of taking a cultural trip. In words of Richards (2014), analyzing the determinants currently acting on cultural tourism, and likely to impact on its evolution in the near future, is a necessary requirement to outline the potential routes toward the future of cultural tourism. The Effect of Tourism Services on Travelers' Quality of Life. What is domestic tourism and why is it so important? Introduction. 1-8. They do, however, acknowledge that it is difficult to assess the extent to which image impacts on tourists destination choice (Van den Berg et al., 1995). Additionally, the estimated model presents a high forecasting capacity since more than 79.9% of the in-sample cases were correctly classified. GDP per capita is a proxy for income. Patuelli, R., Mussoni, M. and Candela, G. (2014), Cultural offer and distance in a spatial interaction model for tourism, Economics and Business Letters, Vol. A. Rodrguez Martn Published 2020 Economics Tourism Management Perspectives View via Publisher Save to Library Create Alert Cite (2006), An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata, Stata Press, Texas. It is important to note which determinants have the most significant impact on growth and development DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: An examination into the concepts of tourism destination . 135-144. defined as an effect brought about directly or indirectly by tourism policies, tourism-related establishments and infrastructure, and tourist behavior. (2013) find that theatres in Tel Aviv tend not to offer English or French language translations. Specifically, the term "island tourism" refers to the phenomenon of the development of tourism on an island that advances the establishment of family guesthouses, corporate hotels, and other related commercial areas, as well as an integration of the island's scenic spots and urban developments, which in turn can influence the island's local popu. All continuous variables are in natural logs. 1, pp. See European Union (2018a) for full details of data imputation techniques. This national survey is monthly conducted by the Spanish Statistical Office. Most of the indicators are denominated in per capita terms to enable cross-city comparison (European Union, 2018a); see Table 1. They are available upon request. 5, pp. (2010), Tourism demand modelling and forecasting: how should demand be measured?, Tourism Economics, Vol. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Cuccia, T., Guccio, C. and Rizzo, I. (2007), Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives, Psychology Press. Garn-Muoz, T. (2009), Tourism in Galicia: domestic and foreign demand, Tourism Economics, Vol. (2006), Developing industrial heritage tourism: a case study of the proposed jeep museum in Toledo, Ohio, Tourism Management, Vol. Customers are becoming more interested in self-improvement as part of the tourism experience with an emphasis on health, wellbeing, education, skills development and cultural appreciation. These variables control for other factors that may also impact on tourism demand in European cities. 1, pp. These determinants are based on tourists' individual experiences and expectations. Focusing on the case of cultural tourism in Spain is a feasible, interesting and important case of study. (2021) who find evidence of institutional quality having a positive impact on tourism arrivals in India. Therefore, cinema facilities are unlikely to be a key amenity in attracting tourists to the city. The results reveal that the dependent variable, tourist overnight stays and the independent variables sights and landmarks, museums and concerts and shows are normally distributed, while the other continuous variables are not. Some things to consider include-. 63-74. When examining the work-leisure continuum it becomes apparent that time pressure will be a determinant of the type of tourism sought. 1000-1007. Education levels also have a significant impact on tourism demand. With above-average wealth and relatively fewdemands on their time the elderly make up an increasingly large part of the tourism market. Italian and Irish cities, however, are not represented in the top three cities for cinema seats and theatres. 3099067, The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry. One of the most comprehensive definitions is provided by World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): Cultural tourism is a type of tourism activity in which the visitors essential motivation is to learn, discover, experience and consume the tangible and intangible cultural attractions/products in a tourism destination.