Lymphedema is when lymph fluid builds up and causes swelling and pain. Moua T (expert opinion). Nearly any cancer treatment can cause late effects. Cancer itself. Health Professionals Associated with Cancer Care, Making Decisions and Managing Your Treatment, Understanding Your Options and Making Treatment Decisions, Questions to Ask Your Doctor When You Have Cancer, Frequently Asked Questions About Advance Directives, Making Decisions for Your Advance Directive, Intravenous (IV) Lines, Catheters, and Ports Used in Cancer Treatment, Tubes, Catheters, and Drains Used in Cancer Treatment and Care, Coping with Cancer After a Natural Disaster, Cancer Surveillance Programs in the United States, Getting Ready for and Recovering from Cancer Surgery. Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society; 2019:25-50. Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2017. More research is needed, but until more is known about the effects of vitamins on chemo, keep these points in mind: Because your cancer care team will give you lots of information about side effects, you might be more aware of physical changes. 2023 Healthline Media LLC. There is a problem with Digestion problems. The spleen is a vital organ for the immune system. Meadors M, Floyd J, Perry MC. People who had certain surgeries in the pelvis or abdomen may not be able to have children. It can also cause changes to the thyroid gland. This can help them identify treatment effects and recommend secondary treatments and precautions for those at a higher risk of bone loss. Symptoms may include: Infertility. There is no set timeline on side effects from chemotherapy. This may accelerate bone loss, leading to broken bones. 2017;5:61. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. This may be more pronounced when chemotherapy is combined with radiation therapy to the chest area. Not everyone who has cancer treatment gets each of the late effects. Depending on your situation, you may also undergo scans and other tests to monitor your cancer during chemotherapy treatment. Cancer survivors often have various positive and negative emotions: Cancer survivors, caregivers, family, and friends may also have post-traumatic stress disorder. What other specialists (such as a cardiologist or endocrinologist) should I see to watch for potential late effects? Accelerated hypertension is when blood pressure suddenly and rapidly rises. Long-term side effects of chemotherapy may occur months or years after treatment. Kalra R, et al. Cancer treatments may harm the heart - Harvard Health ). A registered dietitian (RD) can help people with digestion problems get enough nutrients. Pulmonary rehabilitation. White blood cells play an important role in the immune system and help fight infections. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Long-term results and predictors of survival after surgical resection of patients with lung cancer and interstitial lung diseases. It may help to try foods that are soft and easy to swallow. The severity of these side effects depends on: Many side effects clear up shortly after treatment ends, but some may continue for months, years, or may never go away. Other therapies may also affect the bones and bone density, such as hormonal therapies. Factors that may make you more susceptible to interstitial lung disease include: Interstitial lung disease can lead to a series of life-threatening complications, including: Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Hair loss is perhaps the most well-known side effect of chemo treatments. In younger females, menstrual periods may come back with time. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. AskMayoExpert. Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy This is a common effect of many cancer treatments, along with skin changes and hair loss . It often causes organ damage. Radiation to the chest cavity commonly causes lung toxicity. Other cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy to the chest area, may cause damage to the heart muscle as well. What to expect when having chemotherapy. Some side effects may occur long after treatment is over and linger. Your healthcare team may also be able to suggest a local cancer support group where you can speak with others undergoing cancer treatment. Make your tax-deductible gift and be a part of the cutting-edge research and care that's changing medicine. Many people are familiar with the short-term side effects such as hair loss and nausea, but some side effects may persist or arise months to years after treatment has been completed. If you believe you may want to have children after treatment (for both men and women), talk to your healthcare provider about the options available to you before you start treatment. 3 Tips for Transitioning Out of Cancer Treatment, Why I Won't "Get Over" Cancer's Long-Term Effects. In: Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2017. From choosing baby's name to helping a teenager choose a college, you'll make . Make regular appointments with your dentist and eye doctor. Accessed May 17, 2017. Nerve damage may improve with time. Podcast: What Is Peripheral Neuropathy and How Can It Be Prevented or Treated? Impact of pretreatment interstitial lung disease on radiation pneumonitis and survival after stereotactic body radiation therapy for lung cancer. Chemotherapy, steroid medications, or hormonal therapy may cause thinning of the bones, called osteoporosis, or joint pain. This percentage may also increase depending on the drug. You may be able to use oral chemotherapy instead of traditional chemotherapy to treat your cancer. Cancer survivors who received both chemotherapy and radiation therapy may have a higher risk of lung damage. Sometimes the side effects can last a lifetime, such as when chemo causes long-term damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, or reproductive organs. Chemotherapy helps to treat a variety of cancer types. Ask your doctor if the chemo drugs youre getting have long-term effects. Lower levels of estrogen leads to bone loss. Sometimes people with cancer worry about, joke about, or become frustrated by what they describe as mental cloudiness or changes they might notice before, during, and after cancer treatment. The drug can be taken at home, versus in a hospital setting. Many chemotherapy drugs affect hair follicles and can cause hair loss, known as alopecia, within a few days or weeks of the first treatment. the type and amount of chemotherapy you receive, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, known as, pressure, bloating, and gas around the abdomen, acneiform eruptions (skin conditions that look like acne), which side effects are common with your chemo medication, when you might experience side effects and for how long, which symptoms or side effects may need further treatment, when you should call your doctor if you have certain symptoms. For example, left-sided radiation for lung cancer or breast cancer may also affect the heart and damage coronary arteries. Is there anything I can do to help prevent long-term side effects? Though chemotherapy is an effective way to treat many types of cancer, chemotherapy treatment also carries a risk of side effects. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy can come with the risk of side effects. Many chemo drugs lower the number of platelets for a time. Interstitial lung disease can be triggered by many different things including airborne toxins in the workplace, drugs and some types of medical treatments. While this includes cancer cells, it can also affect healthy cells in areas like the digestive tract, hair follicles, and bone marrow. Fingernail and Toenail Problems During Chemotherapy - Verywell Health Institute of Medicine. Survivors of bone and soft-tissue cancers may have lost part or all of a limb. Learn how to manage these and others, People can take several steps to prepare for chemotherapy, including packing a bag for treatment and getting prescriptions in advance for drugs to, The length of time people receive chemotherapy for varies depending on several factors, including cancer type. Learn more about fertility concerns and preserving fertility in men and in women. Drug-induced interstitial lung disease (DILD) can be caused by chemotherapeutic agents, antibiotics, antiarrhythmic drugs, and immunosuppressive agents. American College of Rheumatology. Types of lung problems or diseases that may be caused by medicines include: Allergic reactions -- asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, or eosinophilic pneumonia 5FU Chemo: How It Works, Delivery, Side Effects, and More - Healthline More. The primary signs and symptoms of interstitial lung disease are: By the time symptoms appear, irreversible lung damage has often already occurred. Why Parkinson's research is zooming in on the gut. It may also cause menopause to start right away. Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2016. Hypertension. Chemotherapy drugs can also cause side effects that don't become evident until months or years after treatment. Chemotherapy-induced lung disease (CILD) can be caused by multiple agents. The kidneys work to excrete the chemotherapy drugs as they move through your body. Hair loss is common with chemotherapy treatment. Most chemotherapy drugscause accelerated bone loss. For example, a person who regularly loses their keys may take a picture with their phone each time they set their keys down, or they may choose to have someone else look after their keys when they get home. health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health After all, chemotherapy is one of the most common forms of cancer treatment. In some cases, depending on the reactions your body is having, your doctor may need to adjust the type or dose of chemotherapy. Niederhuber JE, et al., eds. Many drugs can damage your lungs, especially: Lung damage can also result from autoimmune diseases such as: The list of substances and conditions that can lead to interstitial lung disease is long. (2016). Parenting is one of the most complex and challenging jobs you'll face in your lifetime -- but also the most rewarding. Mathai SC, et al. Infertility following treatment varies with the dose and type of chemotherapy medications,and it doesnt affect everyone. Side effects may appear during therapy and can last long after therapy is over. Many people want to take an active role in improving their overall health. Your doctor will likely recommend that you drink plenty of fluids to help keep your system functioning properly. Mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and issues with body image, are common in cancer survivors. These interactions may make side effects worse and affect how well chemo drugs work. However, working with a mental health professional may help a person find ways to manage their condition. How Chemotherapy Drugs Work - American Cancer Society Kidney Damage Acute Renal Failure - Side Effects of Treatment Doctors may prepare a person for the short-term side effects of chemotherapy, such as hair loss and fatigue, but there may also be long-term side effects. January 23, 2019 What every physician needs to know Chemotherapeutic agents are widely used to treat solid and hematologic malignancies, and are increasingly used for immunosuppression in the context of autoimmune disease. Some types of cancer treatments may affect the endocrine system. These include neuroendocrine tumors, colon cancer, lymphoma, medullary thyroid cancer and pancreatic cancer. Chemotherapy may cause lung conditions, such as: decreased lung capacity an increase in scar tissue called pulmonary fibrosis Others say that they have a renewed, positive outlook on life because of the cancer. Both of these result in uncomfortable symptoms, including shortness of breath and fatigue. The risk of secondary cancer developing is higher in people who develop cancer at a younger age and with cancers that have a high survival rate. In most cases, chemobrain symptoms improve over time. After treatment, menstrual periods may come back for some younger women. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan). Long Term Side Effects of Chemotherapy - Verywell Health Some chemotherapy complications may be permanent, while others may subside with time. In some cases, however, the causes remain unknown. A low platelet count, called thrombocytopenia, can also occur with chemotherapy. Here are some of the more common side effects caused by chemotherapy: Learn more about these and other problems in Managing Cancer-related Side Effects. Sleep apnea - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? Approximately 30-40% of patients treated with neurotoxic chemotherapy will develop CIPN and there is considerable variability in its severity between patients. It may happen along with CHF (see above). Side effects are different for each person, so its difficult to predict how chemotherapy will affect you. Or ask us how you can get involved and support the fight against cancer. Nausea is another common chemotherapy symptom that may result in vomiting, leading to dehydration and decreased appetite. Other risk factors for nerve damage may include diet, other conditions, and the type of chemotherapy drug. This content does not have an Arabic version. Accessed May 17, 2017. The duration and severity of your diarrhea depend on what's causing it. Nerve Problems or Neuropathy | Cancer.Net Steroids are often given along with chemotherapy or for symptoms and side effects related to cancer. Some survivors may have a higher risk. Medications may slow the damage of interstitial lung disease, but many people never regain full use of their lungs. 8 Common Side Effects. In the process, some kidney and bladder cells can become irritated or damaged. Rehabilitation can help people cope with physical changes from treatment. It is the most common side effect of cancer treatment. Anemia. These include hormone therapy for prostate cancer or surgery to remove the testicles. Chemotherapy-Related Drug-Induced Lung Injury Coping and living well during cancer treatment. Last medically reviewed on September 21, 2021, Success rates help indicate how effective various treatments are. Many cancer treatments may cause a woman to have menopausal symptoms. For instance, platelets help blood clot and prevent bleeding. Chemotherapy drugs can also cause side effects that don't become evident until months or years after treatment. Some side effects may occur during therapy and last long after it is over. Many different chemotherapy drugs are available. A history of diabetes, alcoholism, or malnutrition increases the risk. Your doctor can hear the tinnitus sounds, too. Chemotherapy treatment schedules vary. Leger RM, et al. information and will only use or disclose that information as set forth in our notice of LIVESTRONG: Late Effects of Cancer Treatment. How does chemo affect your lungs? - We fight cancer In: Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. Interstitial lung disease. Note: If a drug has been approved for one use, physicians sometimes elect to use this same drug for other problems if they believe it might be helpful. These include: Some of these uncommon side effects may be minor, while others can be life threatening. Will My Insurance Cover Alternative Medicine? Any chemotherapy drug can damage the lungs. The greatest concern over the long run is the risk of fractures due to bone loss. Canestaro WJ, et al. Mouth, tongue, and throat problems such as sores and pain with swallowing, Peripheral neuropathy or other nerve problems, such as numbness, tingling, and pain, Skin and nail changes such as dry skin and color change, Urine and bladder changes and kidney problems, Chemo brain, which can affect concentration and focus. But because these drugs travel throughout the body, they can affect normal, healthy cells that are fast-growing, too. Overview. Taking aspirin or other related drugs can also weaken blood platelets. But some vitamins might make chemo less effective. Steroid medications may increase the risk of eye problems. Treatment & Care by C.H. Targeted Drug Therapy Side Effects | American Cancer Society These Medications Could Harm Your Lungs - GoodRx
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