One such activist was Harper Lee. She spends her day gardening and her evenings dressed beautifully. In this novel, you can see many symbols of hardships of those affected by white supremacy trying to stop anyone else from getting to the same level, and what happens if you do try to help shape an equal. The town thinks that if she went inside the house to read the bible she might have done something better. ts morbid, watching a poor devil on trial for his life. He is trust[ed] to do right (236) by the people of Maycomb. When Dill asks if she wants to watch the trial, she tells the children that it is "morbid" to watch the trial since Tom's life depends on the outcome of trial. Atticus ignored the rest of the people in Maycomb and went out of his way to support a black man known as Tom Robinson, who was accused of rape. The racism in Maycomb is tearing the people apart whether youre white, black, or mixed you cant walk around Maycomb and not be affected by racism., Lastly, one other aspect of Maycomb is their political views is criticized by the use of irony. That night, Atticus wakes Jem and Scout and informs them that Miss Maudie's house is on fire. When Atticuss daughter, Jean Louise, asks her father why hes fighting for Tom even though he knows hes going to lose the case, Atticus says, For a number of reasons. . When Atticus later asks her about it, she has no idea who put it over her. To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 10 Summary & Analysis According to Atticus, the house is all Miss Maudie had. These chapters serve primarily as a record of Jem and Scouts childhood adventures with Dill and the specter of Boo Radley. 90 lessons Although Boos relevance to the main plot of the novel is still unknown, the compelling human story that these chapters weave around Boo keeps the reader interested in him, even if he serves only as a diversion to the young Finch children at this point. African-Americans were discriminated every single day. This shows that Miss Maudie's is very calm no matter what the situation is and . And they did. She also talks about how she hated the house and that she would like to build a new one, that is smaller and give her more space to plant her flowers. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Miss Maudie then tells Scout that she. Scout answers her and says that she has them on under her dress. Atticus cannot support a principle that he knows to be unjust and immoral. Maycomb is a racist sort of town everyone is so uptight and to themselves. Miss Maudie's tin roof quelled the flames. . He didn't just take the case and go through the motions; he fought as well as he could, using his moral strength to lead him. Miss Maudie even tells Jem and Scout about how she feels about her house turned to ashes, Why, I hated that old cow barn. When she squinted down at me the tiny lines around her eyes deepened. 30 seconds. He stands up and represents Tom Robinson because he believes that everyone should be treated equally in the court of law. (Chapter 8) They are worried that the wind will track the fire to other houses During the fire, a blanket mysteriously shows up on Scout's shoulders. They will help the destitute in Africa while they damn their fellow black citizens. This was an awful stereotype, and sadly, it still can be found in America today. After the fire, the smoke passed over the houses of the neighbors. She has an M.S.Ed. Miss Maudie's reaction and composure following the tragic loss of her home illustrates her optimistic, appreciative personality. eNotes Editorial, 1 Aug. 2018, In chapter 16 of To Kill a Mockingbird, describe the town's reaction to the first day of the trial. To Kill A Mockingbird Flashcards Juliann Urban has taught high school English and has previously held the positions of English tutor for at-risk high school students and lead teacher at a private K-12 tutoring center. For instance, Mr. Ewell, the town drunk, followed and continuously harassed Helen Robinson, the wife of a tried African, The main characters, while at times condescending towards certain colored people in their communities, are shown, in essence, to be allies of the civil rights movement. Atticus is a man with his own mindset and makes decisions based on his conscience, whereas others seem to follow the societal normalities like lemmings. Hopefully, we can continue this change today, because we are still fighting the same, One theme in the passage that may be associated with a larger theme is that equality runs deeper than color. This showed how Atticus did not want his reputation in Macomb to diminish. Miss Maudie is a stronger role model for Scout: she serves as a conscience for the towns women, just as Atticus does for the men, and her sharp tongue and honesty make her the opposite of vapid gossips like Stephanie Crawford. Miss Maudie is one of the few people who supports Atticus defending Tom, and is Jem and Scouts best grown-up friend. The town's response to Miss Maudie's house reveals that they believe the top of the chain is the white people. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you I expect so, said Atticus., Fortunately, both Atticus and the people helping are able to escape those possibilities. Her tomboyish nature, her innocent faith in the inherent goodness of the town of Maycomb, and her naivety about the lives and values of her black neighbors all ebb away for the most part, replaced with a developed understanding of the hatred and evil that is constantly being battled from all sides. Miss Maudie, in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, is telling Scout that it is never ok to kill a mockingbird because they do not do any harm to anyone, and they are kind and are a symbol of goodness. She loved everything that grew in Gods earth, even the weeds. (5) Over all Miss Maudie always attempts to act out of kindness to everything that, Scout starts to see these importances when Scout attends the tea party with Aunt Alexandra. in Social Studies Education. Who is Miss Maudie? What happened to Miss. Maudie replies that she is not going because she has no business to conduct there. $24.99 They also face Maycombs usual disease, which is prejudice. 13. Miss Maudie is a widow who hates her house. This shows that the will always protects those she. Although Mayellas race advances the belief that she is dominant, in reality her class and gender depict her as helpless., In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee suggests the prejudice attitudes of most citizens in Maycomb affect Atticus by motivating him to share and spread his substantive grip on reality in hopes to change the common man's, Harper Lee thinks racism should be demolished because that way, everyone can have the same right and opportunities. Look at all those folks, its like a Roman carnival" (Lee, 161). succeed. To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 8-11 Flashcards Miss Maudie hated the house and was happy to get rid of it. She holds many of the same morals as he does. Miss Maudie is a parallel, or very similar, to Scout and Jem's father Atticus; she mirrors him in her beliefs about right and wrong. He panics and makes her spit it out. As a result, she starts spending much of her time with one of their neighbors: Miss Maudie Atkinson, a widow with a talent for gardening and cake baking who was a childhood friend of Atticuss brother, Jack. Miss Maudie puzzled me. Jem responds that they were just playing with matches. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Though an adult, she maintains a special bond with the young protagonist of the novel, Scout Finch, and her brother, Jem Finch. It is solely courage that takes Atticus to the jail even if it means risking danger upon himself. Another time is during the fire at Miss Maudies. Trynity Walford - Chapter Questions.pdf - To Kill a Harper Lees book brought about the revolution that turned into the civil rights movement. He also wears glasses and never hunts, drinks, or smokes. He defends Tom Robinson even though he knows that, as far as the community is concerned, Tom is guilty even though they have not heard the true facts of the case. Its warmth was enough. 24 | Summary & Analysis, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Chapter 2 | Summary & Quotes, To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 6 | Summary, Boo Radley's House & Quotes, To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 13 | Overview, Summary & Analysis, Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird | Description & Traits, SAT Subject Test Literature: Practice and Study Guide, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 9-10: Standards, Praxis English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038) Prep, College English Literature: Help and Review, 12th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, 10th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, 11th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, AP English Literature: Homework Help Resource, AP English Literature: Homeschool Curriculum, 10th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, 9th Grade English Curriculum Resource & Lesson Plans, Create an account to start this course today. After the verdict in Tom Robinson's trial, she takes in the depressed children, serves them cake, and explains that their father is a rare man who will do what is right even if it is unpopular. Atticus is to defend a member of Calpurnia's church. Describe Calpurnia Scout's mom died when she was two and died from a sudden heart attack. will help you with any book or any question. You'll also receive an email with the link. My cheeks grew hot as I realized my mistake, but Miss Maudie looked gravely down at me. Through her dealings with others, Miss Maudie exhibits much kindness. In which Miss Maudie response was, His food doesn't stick down, does it?(pg##) Miss Maudie means that you might not like what Atticus is doing, protecting African-Americans, but you have no problem eating his food. Scout and Jem return a blanket to Boo. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Especially for people still getting used to the idea of African Americans fighting for their rights, the way the story slowly progresses and matures and darkens into a perspective that is real and almost tangible would have helped them learn the same lessons that Jean Louise Scout Finch, the most crucial protagonist, experiences. To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 5 Summary & Analysis She proffers valuable instruction and loving consolation. Most of the ladies of the town, including Scouts Aunt Alexandra attended a missionary circle hosted by the Finches. The first example is the town's perception of Miss Maudie, an old lady whose hobby is to look after her flowers and keep her garden neat. She believes that Atticus is doing the right thing in defending Tom in . Given what you know of Miss Maudie, explain her reaction to the loss of her house in To Kill a Mockingbird. to kill a mockingbird chapter 5-8 Flashcards Miss Maudie''s reaction to her house burning down isn't one of hatred , but rather a testimony to who she is as a person. The night of the incident was also the night of the first snowfall in Maycomb County since 1885. I need the description of him as of the end of chapter 11, when he's between 10 and 12 years old. Still others carry an air of mystery like the secretive Boo Radley. This is clearly showing how people come to watch the eradication of the home, the yard and the precious flowers that Miss Maudie cared so much for, without much help as people knew there was little to nothing they could do under the literal fire of racism. Even though Atticus clearly proves that Tom is innocent, Atticus could [not] in truth say that [they] had more than a good chance of winning the case (Lee 242). In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, each character faces a series of events which contributes to their development and growth. Miss Maudie Atkinson Character Analysis The people couldnt find any lawyer when Tom Robinson is convicted in the case except Atticus Finch because most people in Maycomb, Alabama is racist and he would do a good job as a lawyer defending black, In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee The main character,Scout, grows up in the town of Maycomb as her father Atticus, the town lawyer, is faced with a case for a black man raping a white woman. He is well respected and well off in such desperate times, but when he decides that he is actually going to defend Tom Robinson, earns much distaste toward himself from the towns people. Mainly just furniture but almost everything was lost. He was spending the summer with his aunt miss Rachel and would be spending every summer there from now on. Uncle Jack acknowledges this when he tells Scout that "the best defense to her was spirited offense." Multiple-choice. Rather than feed Scout the town gossip about the Radley family, Miss Maudie attempts to dismiss the topic: "Arthur Radley just stays in the house, that's all. In To Kill a Mockingbird, what is a foot-washing Baptist, according to Miss Maudie? In other words, a community's universe of obligation consists of those its members believe are worthy of respect and protection. He explained to Jem that he had destroyed his (Bob Ewells) last shred of credibility at that trial (Harper Lee, 1960, p.218). To Kill a Mockingbird exemplifies the way the character of Atticus Finch either uses ritual or abandons it in order to develop certain character qualities within his children. Miss Maudie is one of the few open-minded, nonjudgmental people in the town of Maycomb (where the story takes place). The house symbolizes racism and even though it burned down, the ashes will always be a reminder. We went down Miss Maudie's cool new steps into the sunshine and found Mr. Avery and Miss Stephanie Crawford still at it. She claims that with the old house gone, she can build a smaller house and have more room for her flowers. To Kill A Mockingbird brought to life the injustices of the South towards Negroes. . Her arm is . Miss Maudie is angry with the women at the Missionary Circle meeting. In Chapter 8, Miss Maudie's house burns to the ground. True. During school, Scout explains to Miss Caroline that Walter couldnt pay her back, as the Cunninghams never took anything they cant pay back, but was met with a hard lecture (26). Scout is no exception. Additionally, Miss Maudie kills the weeds in her yard with poisonous spray to ensure that her whole yard is not destroyed. The growth in Scout's maturity and understanding is seen in the way she treats others, and handles the tensions during this time. All of these changes are influenced by Atticus and the way he raises her and is an example for Scout. Describe what happens the night Miss Maudie's house burns down. In these chapters, the first person other than Atticus to display a sympathetic attitude toward Boo is Miss Maudie, who, like Boo, emerges as an important character in this section. The author utilizes the impressionable children observing the people of Maycomb to further emanate his point. In that speech he says, our courts have their faults, as does any human institution, but in this courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal (205). Purchasing In Chapter 16, Jem and Scout watch as citizens from all over Maycomb County arrive in town to watch the Tom Robinson trial. Thought of settin fire to it a hundred times myself, except theyd lock me up.Why, Ill build me a little house and take me a couple of roomers andgracious, Ill have the finest yard in Alabama. Miss Maudie reveals that she doesnt quite care for her old, spacious house; instead, she favors a small house with an immense garden. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, what happened to Miss Maudie's house? Unlike other women in her life, Miss Maudie is entirely accepting of Scout and acts as something of a role model for her. This fire was not just a literal fire, but it was also a symbolic fire. In 1960, she wrote the novel To Kill a Mockingbird that captivated the nation, causing positive change as well as conflict. This is first demonstrated when Scout broaches the subject of Boo Radley. Accessed 17 July 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. When Atticus asks Jem where his pants are, Dill interjects that he won Jems pants in a game of strip poker. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. This shown when Miss Maudie's house catches on fire, as the onomatopoeia muffled scurrying sounds gives the idea that everyone in the neighbourhood (including Mr Nathan Radley who very seldom mingles with others) wakes up from their midnight sleep to help to save Miss Maudies belongings and to put out the fire. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. A+ Student Essay: Boo Radley's Role in Scout and Jem's Lives and Development, Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird Background. What advice does Miss Maudie give Scout in Chapter 5? Why doesn't Miss Maudie go? Everything you need for every book you read. Accessed 17 July 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Subscribe now. Continue to start your free trial. Latest answer posted April 15, 2021 at 5:47:22 PM. Miss Maudie can be considered a parallel character to Atticus Finch, based on her general worldview and her ability to stand up for what's right and good in Maycomb. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Wells: Biography, Books & Short Stories, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. She used Atticus Finch to represent pure justice and against racism. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Even with this terrible wreckage of Miss Maudies home, Harper Lee demonstrates that no matter what happens for the support of black culture, good changes will ensue. They escape under the fence by the schoolyard, but Jems pants get caught on the fence, and he has to kick them off in order to free himself. She shows that she doesnt get upset about the trivial things in life. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Throughout the story we see many coloured people targeted by the higher class, but the most controversial injustice was when Tom Robinson was wrongly accused for raping Mayella Ewell. Citizens of the South did not trust black men. Similarly, the citizens knew that Tom Robinson would be arrested after his trial. An example of this is Boo Radley. After the mad dog incident,which was when a dog named Tim was not alright and Atticus shoots him, Jem is astonished at his fathers shooting abilities because at first, he thought his father couldnt do anything. During a womens tea Miss Maudie compliments Scout on her looks, and asks where her usual attire (overalls) might be? He is one of many victims populating a book whose title, To Kill a Mockingbird, suggests the destruction of an innocent being. After Scouts observation of Miss Carolines reaction to Walter Cunninghams attitude, Scout realizes she cant judge a persons actions without being in their position. On, I found an article supporting my analysis that Miss Maudies house fire is symbolic of community unity. Rather than being disappointed that her house burned down, she was delighted about what resulted from. Miss Maudie is a friend, role model, and mother-figure to Scout and Jem. When the fire occurred, the Maycomb community stepped up to help their fellow neighbor Miss Maudie. This mob quickly disperses with the help of Scout Finch. She also takes the time to explain to Scout the ways of the world: 'You are too young to understand itbut sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of - oh, of your father. Father, lawyer, and friend, the gentlemanly Atticus Finch hopes to shape the character of his children. In chapter 8, Maycomb experiences its first snowfall since 1885, and the town ends up canceling school. Being from an unfamiliar town influenced her actions, as she thought the children would be similar to the ones from her old town. Through the eyes of Scout Finch, the novel's protagonist, the reader comes to know Miss Maudie Atkinson. Atticuss wife is dead, leaving Scout with Miss Maudie and Aunt Alexandra as her principal maternal figures. He always spoke nicely to me, no matter what folks said he did. Miss Maudie uses her "acid tongue" to stand up for herself and others. Miss Maudie very generously lets the Finch children and Dill Harris play in her gardens so long as they do not trample her azaleas. Instead, she said, Just think, Ill have more room for my azaleas. (97) Also, she doesnt decide to get angry at the foot washing baptists, (59) for telling her that her flowers were a sin. Throughout the book, she even occupies somewhat of a grandmotherly role in Scout's life. Unlike other women of her age and social status, she speaks to the children and forms a close bond with Jem and Scout. A stark contrast to the neighborhood gossiper Stephanie Crawford, she speaks judiciously and astutely. Miss Maudie puzzled me. After Scouts time with Aunt Alexandra, Scout finally understands what it means to be. Boo makes his presence felt in these chapters in a number of ways. She did this for fear of Scout being exposed to an unfamiliar culture and gossip by the townspeople. Why does miss maudie hate her house Miss Maudie is not upset at the fact that her house is broken down, she is being strong and courageous. Another instance of poor treatment of coloured people is the second class citizen mentality amongst the Caucasian people of the town. Explain. Video Course 41K views Analysis of Miss Maudie in To Kill a Mockingbird Miss Maudie is a parallel to the character of Atticus Finch, Jem and Scout's father, meaning they share many. The mood indeed is almost festive, at least on the part of the white poplulation.
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