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why does illumi want to kill kalluto

Tell me what you think. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Killua refuses and tells Illumi that he will be the one to protect her. @Minix Added the info. Illumi tells Killua that he will kill Gon unless Killua fights him. I mean since hisoka has decided to change his approach but, why he still is putting himself in even more danger? He might have made a different use of Manipulation when he closed a hole in the ground seemingly without touching it, moving the soil with Nen. Think that Illumi's rage in that moment came from a rare instance of humanity and fraternal love in him, or it was just him looking out for what is 'his'? On Hisokas remarks about Illumis extreme measures, Illumi says he had no choice. Cookie Notice Alluka/Something doesn't seem fond of him. Hisoka informs Illumi that he has found a map detailing the airships' paths and destinations. When Illumi and Hisoka meet in the beginning of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, Illumi tells Hisoka about Gon's condition and how Killua intends to use Alluka to save Gon. Silva Zoldyck | Hunterpedia | Fandom Although Gon and Killua have always been relative in terms of power, Killua seems to have pulled ahead with Godspeed. He wants the best for Killua, but his desire for Killua is entirely contrary to what Killua wants. Characters / Hunter Hunter: Zoldyck Family - TV Tropes Illumi also uses it to change his appearance to fool the Phantom Troupe. Otherwise, bide your time.!! Although Illumi has a calm nature, this is mostly ignored when it comes to Killua. As we have seen multiple times, he uses his needle abilities to control whole armies, a pretty burning task. All rights reserved. Hisoka saves Gon from drowning, while Gittarackur takes over the ship's steering wheel after Kurapika bumps his head and loses consciousness. He has a give-and-take relationship with Hisoka, where they both help each other for their own. After this, Illumi tells him that he is assured that there is a way to heal Gon without putting Killua at risk, but he still believes Killua is hiding information. What were the reasons behind Kashmiri Pundits being killed and expelled from Kashmir Valley? Any form of entertainment, information, or discussion centered around the world of HxH is welcome here. Why does Alluka only have the strength of a normal child? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [21] Illumi uses Kalluto to distract the members in the hideout while switching places with Hisoka. Hisoka suggests ambushing the hospital but Illumi tells him it's not a good idea because Killua's friends are wandering there. Another reason is just to kill her, they dont really need her for anything and I doubt a Zoldyck would have a problem killing a sibling if they find them worthless. In return, Alluka will request (After granting said wish) 3 requests, with their difficulties adjusted to how complicated/strong the wish is. Hisoka Morow | Hunterpedia | Fandom He isnt seen genuinely smiling even once throughout the series, making his presence more unique and mysterious. That is how Dad and I molded you. The image below is taken from the wiki . [30] He requests Tsubone to watch while Nanika heals Gon. Why is Illumi's hair long? Hisoka asks Illumi if it was a good idea for him to reveal the location where Killua was. In the Yorknew City Arc, Illumi is seen siding with. He uses his Ren to magnify his aura to an extreme level when hes angry and mainly uses it to instill fear amongst his prays. Defining his deadly persona, its no surprise that he also has a high tolerance to pain. Isaac himself is the only person who survived a fight with him and lived to tell the tale. [34], Enhanced Speed: While the true extent of Illumi's physical abilities is unknown, he is at least fast enough to run through a crowd and stick his needles into multiple targets without being noticed. Any form of entertainment, information, or discussion centered around the world of HxH is welcome here. His fathers mentorship also says a lot about him; as he speaks, it is clear that he believes in every word he says, which is a nod to his lack of choice growing up. However, this partnership is not explored. Here we learn that Illumi is familiar with Hisoka as both had formed a friendship. And this darkness is well molded into his character, and he also tries to instill the same in Killua. And during the ride to the island, he also finds out that his primary target is a guy named Goz. Why can you not divide both sides of the equation, when working with exponential functions? Illumi then tells his brother that he will never make a good Hunter because he cannot break free of his training as an assassin. [24] Thanks to his training, he possesses rare abilities such as strong resistance to poison, high tolerance to electricity, great agility and physical strength, and advanced armed and unarmed combat techniques. Illumi and Hisoka, in a way, are good friends. He wears dark, baggy clothes and a bandana . Illumi replies that he has business there. Instead, he relies on his Needle People to do the job for him. He can also change his appearance without needles, but in this case, he is able to maintain the disguise for around five hours, By placing a needle into the target's brain, Illumi is able to condition them into following pre-set orders as long as the needle remains embedded. Chrollo declares they will meet next when one of them has taken Hisoka's head. 4. And due to this, he is hugely narrow-minded about the world around him. As a brother, he tries to set him on the right path, the path of bloodshed. However, when him and Illumi were hunting Killua and Alluka during the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, it is shown that he delights in the feeling of someone who have a desire to kill him. Illumi is seen using the ability to control more than a dozen people at once, showing his massive reserves of Nen. After the exam, Illumi is seen talking with Hisoka and sharing his desire to kill Gon, an idea that Hisoka dislikes. These traits not only make him the perfect Zoldyck and assassin but also demonstrate a sad and questionable part of his life. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Illumi wonders if Hisoka did this to reveal their location, but Hisoka replies it was just a joke. When Mizuri finds Illumi's ID, the . Having severely disoriented him, he asks what it is that Killua expects from becoming a Hunter. Botobai and Mizaistom interrupt the exchange, with the former identifying Illumi as a Hunter. He only knows what he is, though, and due to this, he is extremely narrow-minded. Any form of entertainment, information, or discussion centered around the world of HxH is welcome here. He thinks Killua is misguided. We had a small timeskip of 8 months. Starting the Prompt Design Site: A New Home in our Stack Exchange Neighborhood. While not as fast as Killuas GodSpeed Mode, he is fast enough to outrun many agile members of the Zoldyck family. In the fateful scene (2011 Anime Ep. Hisoka just wants to fight Illumi and there is a huge chance he will die when fighting the spider, so this might be his last chance. Despite the mutual benefit of their relationship, Illumi always believed one of them would wind up killing the other. Maybe by citing the relevant chapters? Also we are a few spiders short. Amongst these characters, Illumi Zoldyck is someone you cant ignore. He plays his unique part as Killuas elder brother and a prodigious assassin of the Zoldyks. He has very long, jet black hair, with a piece of hair not put back, usually combed behind his head as well as large, black, pupil-less eyes. In the third stage, due to Illumis calm behavior, he was also one of the first to escape the Trick Tower. Theres no fire in you, just darkness. In return, Alluka will request (After granting said wish) 3 requests, with their difficulties adjusted to how complicated/strong the wish is. Although Illumi has a calm nature, this is mostly ignored when it comes to Killua. Illumi can be seen totally devoid of any expression of pain while he looks at his broken and bruised arm. 3 Shionoro 3 yr. ago I actually dont think there will be any 'illumi is a spy' shenanigans. So every Zoldyck wants Killua to become an assassin how're you supposed to influence him if you cant even get near him without getting teleported half way across the continent, I'll tell you how, you cant it's impossible so killing Alluka would be the easiest option. Hisoka will probably win in a one-on-one fight due to his incredible speed and strength. He is even debating on whether to gain Killua's or Illumi's hatred. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Managing team members performance as Scrum Master. Then Illumi enlists Hisoka's help to kill Alluka, thereby preventing Gon from being healed. Illumi is still hesitant about the claim and figures that Killua is hiding something about Allukas ability from him. from Illumi's pocket, the soldier identifies them as VVIP and asks why they are in that place. illumi doesn't kill killua. Make your move only when you're 100% positive you can make the kill. Illumi replies that he has some work there. He also mentions to Hisoka his desire to eliminate his younger sister Alluka. A sinister and deadly fellow indeed. This event makes Illumi crave to control Killua in order to control Alluka's ability as well while all his family members give up their effort and let Killua and Alluka go. 94) when Rammot attacks Killua, taunts him with going to kill Gon next, Killua's feelings for Gon are so powerful that it enables him to overcome Illumi's brainwashing. For more information, please see our Death Note Funko Pop Guide: The Only Guide You Will Ever Need, Choso Jujutsu Kaisen Guide: The Death Paintings Member Explained, Historia Reiss Guide: Attack on Titans Krista Lenz Explained, Daki Demon Slayer Guide: The Upper Rank Six Demon Explained. His attire is mainly green, consisting of a puff-sleeved shirt and a pair of loose trousers. Following Killua's escape from the Zoldyck manor, Illumi was sent by his mother to watch over his brother at the Hunter Exam. Many characters from the series have admitted to experiencing the dense air whenever Illumis around and being too afraid to talk to him. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Reddit, Inc. 2023. It is an order from Kikyo Zoldyck that she never removes her scope. Like his personality, Illumis appearance is also utterly unique to him. (6,9, 12) Do you think there a new members, we didnt see so far? It is narrated and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi. Reddit, Inc. 2023. What would a potion that increases resistance to damage actually do to the body? Killua doesn't seem to like him. The assassin cryptically refers to it as an "engagement ring" and "prenuptial agreement".[2]. Your only joy is in causing death, and even that is fleeting. Illumi mentions his desires to Killua and even assures Alluka of minimum freedom, but Killua refuses. After landing on the island, he wastes no time in finding Goz and goes on to take his badge. This is a trick question, however,the needle in Killua's head makes him unable to attack opponents he cannot defeat. Killua then asks if he wants to kill him, to which Illumi replies that family members are forbidden to kill each other in an "inner mission," implying that he does not view Alluka as a family member and wants to kill her. He possesses large dark-black eyes, adding to his uniquely horrifying and expressionless design. [4], Illumi appears again, sitting with Hisoka in an airship bar, discussing Alluka's ability. Illumi becomes impatient and demands that Killua hand her over. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Illumi also possesses a third set of needles, which he rarely resorts to. Reddit, Inc. 2023. They enable him to change other people's appearance or his own. This was his primary motivation for controlling Killua, who is projected to become the strongest Zoldyck in history. According to him, the transformation is quite painful. Alluka/Something doesn't seem fond of him. Alluka was referred to as a "brother" and "he" quite often throughout and on wiki Kalluto is referred to as he. The soldiers tell Illumi about the curfew and ask him to leave the area. His emotions primarily manifest themselves as feeling and how he treats Killua. [14], The final phase is an elimination tournament where the winners are removed from the tournament and the losers given more chances; winning match results in the victor receiving his or her Hunter License. Another form of this ability is called Needle People. After he is set straight by Mizaistom, Illumi and Kalluto follow him, until he rushes to another urgent matter and leaves them with Botobai and Ginta.[32]. Why did Illumi ask Hisoka to help him kill Alluka? - Reddit His demeanor and bloodlust were very similar to how Hisoka reacted toIllumi's indecision onwhether or not to kill Gon, whom he sees as a threat due to his closeness with Killuaduring the Hunter Exam, albeit on a much lesser extent. During this time, he also learned the use of Nen and started molding it into his character. He fears that Killua will make the wish in a dangerous wayhaving somebody else make a wish and pay the price himself. Killua discovers the needle implanted in his mind long ago by Illumi. Due to this, Illumi should be well aware that Hisoka is interested in keeping Gon alive. So after Gon's fight with Neferpitou gon reached the limit of his nen, sinced he reached an incredible limit of his nen gon he started to die but slowly, Killus brother/sister has the power to make any request come true so killua requested that gon stop dying (something like that) but illumi wanted to kill alluka so that gon wouldnt be able to get better because the whole zoldyck family except for alluka wanted killua to become an assasin and leave gon behind. [22], Killua discovers a needle in his brain that Illumi had planted in order to control him[6] and removes it during his fight against Rammot. Yes, Illumi Zoldyck replaced him as No. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. As to why Hisoka would want someone he is quite close to to kill him, I cannot say. Answer: illumi doesn't kill killua. This proves to be a difficult task due to Illumis pin embedded in Killuas head. He then digs a hole and sleeps in it with until the end of the fourth phase. Illumi hxh Guide: The Manipulator - Manga Insider Compared to his usual set, they have a much thinner and longer shaft with a spherical, yellow handle. The mangas huge success led to 79 million copies being sold and ranked 52 on the My Anime List. For Hisoka, that person is Gon, and for Illumi, that is Killua. It's been established that Illumi has a pretty sociopathic way of thinking, so it might as well be because if Killua's dead, then he won't be able to control him. Your only joy is in causing death, and even that is fleeting. Sporting an expressionless . Killua wakes up Nanika and wishes for Illumi to go home. When the match begins, Illumi reveals himself to Killua. cheated death after a fight with Chrollo, took to hunting the members of the Troupe. Illumi uses large, round head needles mainly to alter the shape of his own body and skin color. As siblings, both share the same bloodline and killer instincts. Maha Zoldyck is currently the oldest member of the Zoldyck Family and Zeno's grandfather. 144), Hunter Hunter - Hunter License sticker (, First Election for the 13th Hunter Chairman, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Dipole antenna using current on outside of coax as intentional radiator? Illumi went as far as embedding a Nen pin in Killuas head that would discourage him from taking on fights with powerful foes. It is said that Kalluto replaced Hisoka. head and tail light connected to a single battery? But Alluka Zoldyck possesses limitless power, and Illumi's insatiable appetite won't let him rest. [16] He mentions that his reason for taking the exam was not only to obtain a license, which he needed for an assassination missionbut also to watch over Killua because of their mother's worries about Killua going off on his own. In the Succession Contest Arc, Illumi is seen boarding the Black Whale. [11], Before the fourth phase on Zevil Island, the examiner,Lippo, gives each of the 25 remaining candidates the number of another's badge. [9] He almost fails the second phase due to Menchi's temper. Zeno said in the video above that Maha's Nen "is very . Illumi calls himself an honest person, though he adds that he cannot answer more questions due to confidentiality. Do yout think something happend there, that is yet to be revealed? He is quite unpredictable throughout the story. Theory: Hisolumi reveal with Killugon connections

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