Al llegar al parque podrs entregar tu cupn en las taquillas especiales para que tu que tu acceso sea ms gil. Here are my honest Xcaret Xailing reviews and what to expect when using the service: The ticketing process is quick and easy, both online and at the Xcaret Xailing ferry terminal. I saw here on the forums a few days ago that Xcaret will be doing a new ferry service to/from the hotel zone. Km 4.5, El Embarcadero Isla Mujeres, Hotel Zone. Travel by ferry through the Cancun-Isla Mujeres route - Xcaret Park On Isla Mujeres, the ferry goes to the main ferry terminal on the island. Rueda Medina s/n, Zona Federal. Your coupon is good for 1 year from date of purchase. Tu boleto abierto te permite abordar en cualquiera de los horarios disponibles. You will find the lowest prices guaranteed only on our websites. Your coupon is good for 1 year from date of purchase. Recomendaciones Informacin importante Traslado martimo en la ruta Cancn - Isla Mujeres o Isla Mujeres - Cancn, en boleto sencillo o redondo. 10% de descuento Al comprar tu Admisin a parques o Tours (excepto Parque Xcaret) con 7 a 20 das de anticipacin. Xcaret - Mxico, Carretera Chetumal - Puerto Jurez km 282 Int. Inicio Rutas y Horarios Rutas y Horarios Ultramar ofrece servicio de ferry de pasajeros a las islas de Cozumel e Isla Mujeres. Aplican restricciones. Estos ferris saldrn cada hora de ambos puertos ( Cancn e Isla Mujeres ), logrando . The luxury ferries are large, sleek catamarans that hold up to 650 passengers with indoor air-conditioned seating, as well as outdoor decks to enjoy the ocean views. Abierto de Lunes a viernes de 7:00 a.m. a 12:00 a.m. | Sbados y domingos de 7:00 a.m. a 10:00 p.m. Traslado martimo en la ruta Cancn - Isla Mujeres o Isla Mujeres - Cancn, en boleto sencillo o redondo. Of course, you can access the park with food for a baby like milk formulas, baby food, etc. Aplican restricciones. Espacios sujetos a disponibilidad. B Colonia Rancho Xcaret,Playa del Carmen,998-883-3143,Quintana Roo.Mxico.CP 77580. The open ticket allows you to board at any of the available times. Adquiere con anticipacin tu admisin. Nios de 0 a 4 aos de edad entran gratis. Youll take the Playa Express all the way to the last stop in Cancun, which will be the main ADO bus station. You can get by public transportation or car. Conoce ms detalles acerca de cmo adquirir nuestros servicios por medios reconocidos aqu. 15% OFF By purchasing your Admission to parks or Tours (except Xcaret Park) at least 21 days in advance. Bonus: Round-trip hotel transport is included . Xalling es la nueva divisin de Grupo Xcaret. Seguro de viajero. To Isla Mujeres Ferry by Xcaret from Cancun | Marriott We took the Xcaret Ferry and loved it. Vlido exclusivamente para tarjetas emitidas en Mxico. Tu cupn tiene validez por 1 ao y garanta contra mal clima que podrs hacer vlida exclusivamente con 24 horas de anticipacin. Te ofrecemos mltiples opciones al momento de pagar tu reservacin. Book online and save more with us! Download our free app and enjoy a unique experience during your visit. New Xcaret Ferry . . . Where? - Isla Mujeres Forum - Tripadvisor Great experiences start with an X. Next to the ticket office, you will find the Xcaret Xailing store, with everything you need to make your trip to Isla Mujeres complete. Take the car ferry from Isla Mujeres to Punta Sam Isla Mujeres. Spaces are subject to availability. Adquiere con anticipacin tu admisin. Cunto tarda el ferry de Cancn a Isla Mujeres? Travel insurance. Ferries Quintana Roo Descuento para quintanarroenses Ferry Embarcadero - Isla Mujeres Disfruta los beneficios de ser quintanarroense! Hay descuento especial para quintanarroenses y para adultos mayores con credencial del INAPAM. Receive exclusive information and promotions via email. Transpo from Isla mujeres to Xcaret? - Isla Mujeres Forum Yate Otra opcin para visitar este paraso es en yate. Ferry Schedule to Isla Mujeres | Xcaret Xailing You will find the lowest prices guaranteed only on our websites. Isla Mujeres to Xcaret Park - 4 ways to travel via ferry, bus, and car The rivers of the Yucatan Peninsula that come from the very bowels of the earth flow into Xcaret. They have services such as bathrooms for men and women, drinking fountains, and plugs in some areas of the ferry. Adquiere tu boleto de ferry a Cancn ya! The statement adds that Grupo Xcaret seeks to conquer those who wish to navigate the Mexican Caribbean and visit Isla Mujeres, with competitive prices, such as the 500 peso round ticket for tourists with taxes included, 250 pesos for Quintana Roo residents, as well as special rates for senior citizens and children. Choose the best time according to your plans and buy your round-trip ticket. Telfono Cancn: de Lunes a viernes de 7:00 a.m. a 12:00 a.m. | Sbados y domingos de 7:00 a.m. a 10:00 p.m. Copyright 2020 Experiencias Xcaret Parques, S.A.P.I. Click here to book Xcaret Xailing tickets ahead of time and get a 10% discount! You also have the option of getting an open ticket if you don't have a specific departure or return time (subject to space availability). de C.V. Recibe informacin exclusiva y promociones via email. Al comprar tu Admisin o Tour a Xcaret con 21 das o o ms de anticipacin. Board the modern Xcaret Xailing ferry to cross from Cancun to the amazing Isla Mujeres and spend a day between sun, sand and sea. Xcaret, Chichen Itza & Isla Mujeres Catamaran 3 days Combo - Viator Xcaret Promo Code: 10% off a ferry to Isla . Isla Mujeres is a charming place for having a vacation in the Mexican Caribbean. It does not apply for Packages or the Xperience Passport. 77500. It's th. Xcaret Plus with Catamaran to Isla Mujeres Cancun, Mexico 22 to 23 hours (approx.) Sin embargo, hay algunas que destacan entre los visitantes como, Playa Norte que en 2020 fue reconocida como una de las 25 mejores playas del mundo segn los Travellers Choice Awards. Tenemos multiples formas de atenderte, elige la que prefieras para iniciar una conversacin, Te recomendamos acceder a tu cuenta Xcaret, La conversacin continuar en esta ventana, no la cierres la ventana. I choose to sit in the front and the sailing felt much smoother since the boats are so large. Your purchase includes a weather guarantee that is valid before using your coupon (not refundable). Operated by Autocar Cancn, Turicun and Ultramar Ferry, the Xcaret (Station) to Isla Mujeres service departs from Xcaret and arrives in Isla Mujeres. Drive from Punta Sam to Xcaret (Station) $540 - $620. Si tu ropa est hmeda o tienes arena, te pedimos utilizar los espacios externos. If you want to know more about this beautiful destination, travel from Cancun to Isla Mujeres and visit the island known for being the place where the first rays of light enter Mexico. 10% de descuento Al comprar tu Admisin a parques o Tours (excepto Parque Xcaret) con 7 a 20 das de anticipacin. The nice thing about Xcaret Xailing is that tickets can be booked online on the official website in advance and youll automatically receive a 10% discount. On my journey, there were only about 10 of us onboard so we practically had the whole boat to ourselves! Xcaret Xailing is the new ferry service in Cancun, with Isla Mujeres, Magic Town, as its destination. Here are the current prices for Xcaret Xailing. Pet area. Free access to the Scenic Tower of Cancun. No se permiten realizar cambios de fecha el mismo da de tu visita. Yes, Xcaret Xailing is slightly more expensive than Ultramar, but the ferry offers a superior experience with more amenities and a much larger boat. Isla Mujeres: Xcaret Ferry from Cancun 2023 - Viator To Isla Mujeres Ferry by Xcaret from Cancun 22 Reviews Badge of Excellence Cancn, Mexico Share Save to Wishlist From $17.40 Lowest Price Guarantee Select Date and Travelers Check Availability Reserve Now & Pay Later Secure your spot while staying flexible Free cancellation Up to 24 hours in advance. How to get to Isla Mujeres from Cancun - Xcaret Park Xcaret - Mxico, Carretera Chetumal - Puerto Jurez km 282 Int. And if you want any food and drinks, they are happy to assist. January 20, 2022 Everything you need to know about the new Xcaret ferry service. HSBC con pagos desde 3 a 15 meses sin intereses. The parking rate for people visiting Isla Mujeres using the Ferry by Xcaret services is 15 MXN per hour, and from 12 hours is a 180 MXN fee per day that contemplates a 24-hour stay. Yes, you will find lockers for rent in El Embarcadero facilities, so you can leave some of your belongings in a safe place. He also stressed that thinking of offering a spectacular experience from before boarding, the ferries will depart from the Isla Mujeres by Xcaret Embarcadero, strategically located on Kukulkan Avenue, in the Hotel Zone of Cancun, which has its own parking lot, restaurant, shop, wifi, and the iconic Torre Escnica de Cancn. No se permiten realizar cambios de fecha el mismo da de tu visita. Once boarding begins, youll be asked to show and scan your ticket before proceeding to the ferry dock. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Take the Ferry of Xcaret Group from the Embarcadero Isla Mujeres, located in the Hotel Zone of Cancun, on Km 4.5, a strategic point easy to access from all around Cancun. Car ferry, drive 1h 59m. Get your ticket To Isla Mujeres To Cancun Travel by Ferry to Isla Mujeres from the Cancun Hotel Zone! Xcaret Xailing | Ferry Cancun to Isla Mujeres Cancun, Quintana Roo. 20% de descuento en la compra de combinaciones de tres o ms parques o tours. The transfer takes between 25 and 30 minutes. Its location is at Embarcadero Isla Mujeres by Xcaret in Cancuns Hotel Zone, exactly, at km 4.5. Verify the valid payment options for your currency. When you arrive at our parks, you can redeem your ticket at any of our special ticket windows for quicker access. After you purchase your ticket, youll be directed to the queue area where youll wait in line until about 10 minutes before departure. Ros subterrneos y lo mejor de Mxico en ms de 50 atractivos, Un da todo incluido en la maravilla natural de la Riviera Maya, El parque de tirolesas ms visitado del mundo, El nico parque con ros rpidos y seis originales actividades de aventura, La ms tradicional y animada fiesta mexicana, Rappel, tirolesas, kayak y ms en los cuatro tipos de cenotes, Djate guiar por los expertos a la maravilla del mundo moderno, El tour arqueolgico en el que adems visitas Xel-H o Xenses, Sube la pirmide ms alta de la Pennsula de Yucatn. There are several channels to attend any inquiry, such as our phone numbers or chat service. No, Xcaret Xailing currently only runs between Cancun and Isla Mujeres. Los ferries parten cada hora en punto. There is also sweet bread and atole so everyone can have a good breakfast before sailing. The outdoor seating area in the front is great for taking in the picturesque views, but be prepared for it to be hot and sunny! Embarcadero dock has an unbeatable location at the 4.5 km of the Cancun Hotel Zone, and you can get there by public transportation or taxi. Disponemos de varios canales para atender tus dudas, como nuestras lneas telefnicas y va chat. Cunto cuesta viajar en el ferry de Xcaret hacia Isla Mujeres Day Trip to Isla Mujeres from Playa del Carmen, 25 Incredible Things to Do in Riviera Maya, How to Get to the Xcaret Xailing Ferry Terminal, Playa Express from Playa del Carmen to Cancun. So, is Xcaret Xailing worth it? We seek to turn the ferry transfer into a unique travel experience to Isla Mujeres, respecting current market rates, with totally new boats and the support of Grupo Xcaret, he added. Is this a good price? Follow these tips to make the most of your Xcaret boat ride experience: Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Xcaret Isla Mujeres Ferry: Xcaret Xailing is pronounced Ish-ka-ret Shale-ing. Yes, Xcaret Xailing is pet-friendly and has a designated pet area onboard the ferry for those traveling to Isla Mujeres with their pets. 10% off for one-day in advance purchases using the promo code FERRYWEB until December 31st, 2023. The fastest and cheapest way to get to Isla Mujeres is by ferry. Included with your Xcaret Xailing Ferry ticket! Verify the valid payment options for your currency. Plus, you'll receive my free Playa del Carmen digital destination guide just for signing up! *Schedules subject to weather conditions and operative capacity. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); All Rights Reserved The Yucatan Times 2023. Blvr. Your ferry ticket is valid for 6 months from the date chosen, in case you need to make a change. Overall, Xcaret Xailing is an excellent ferry service for travelers staying in the Cancun Hotel Zone, or those that simply prefer something a bit more luxurious. Pickup from select hotels Mobile ticket Offered in: English and 1 more Cancun Tours All Cancun Tours Art & Culture Art & Culture Classes Art Classes Dance Lessons Arts & Design Architecture Tours Art Tours Museums Culture Ancient Ruins Archaeology Tours Senator Xchitl Glvez announced that she. Xcaret Xailing is the best way to cross by ferry from Isla Mujeres to Cancun. By purchasing 7-20 days in advance. From Cancun Hotel Zone, tourists are able to reach both Cancun Downtown and a wide range of hotels suiting all tastes. 56 reviews 46 helpful votes New Xcaret Ferry . There are several channels to attend any inquiry, such as our phone numbers or chat service. This new service promises quick, easy, and luxurious travel between the two destinations. If your clothes are wet or you have sand, we ask you to use the external spaces. Xcaret Xailing (pronounced Ish-ka-ret Shale-ing) is a brand-new ferry service from Cancun to Isla Mujeres, operated by Grupo Xcaretthe same owners as the Xcaret adventure parks. Cunto cuesta el ferry para ir a Isla Mujeres? Book online and save more with us! Pasa un da inolvidable en Isla Mujeres con Xailing! In this post, Im sharing my honest Xcaret Xailing review and everything you need to know about taking this new ferry service including the location, ticket prices, schedules, amenities, and more. This new service promises quick, easy, and luxurious travel between the two destinations. The Playa Express doesnt have much luggage storage, so youre better off taking the ADO if you are bringing any luggage with you to Isla Mujeres. 10% OFF By purchasing your Admission to parks or Tours (except Xcaret Park) from 7 to 20 days in advance. This rate is valid for Xcaret Xailing and the Teatro de Cancn visitors. El producto ha sido agregado a tu carrito. The Quintana Roo consortium Grupo Xcaret, this Monday begins operations of its most recent project: Xcaret Xailing, which will connect Cancun with Isla Mujeres with ferries, representing an investment of 50 million dollars, generating 265 direct and indirect jobs and his long-awaited debut in the nautical business. Nios de 0 a 4 de edad entran gratis. #XcaretXailingNos vemos a bordo Ferry by XcaretSitio web: https://www.xa. C.P. Vlido exclusivamente para tarjetas emitidas en Mxico. The company also stated that those who purchase a round ticket for the Ferry with a tourist rate will have access to that tower, which it described as an unmissable opportunity to admire the unique beauty of the destination at 80 meters high. Buy your tickets to the parks and tours by Xcaret and get the best discounts. 20% OFF On the purchase of combinations of three or more parks or tours. Verifica las opciones de pago vlidas para tu divisa. The parking rate for people visiting Isla Mujeres using the Ferry by Xcaret services is 15 MXN per hour, and from 12 hours is a 180 MXN fee per day that contemplates a 24-hour stay. In a statement, he assured that this December 27, 2021, will be a historic date for Grupo Xcaret, due to the start of activities of their new branch Xcaret Xailing, the new business unit through which the company, with 100 percent Mexican capital, will operate two totally new ferries, Xcaret and Xel-H, each one with a capacity of 650 passengers and specialized and certified crews. 15% de descuento Al comprar tu Admisin a parques o Tours (excepto Parque Xcaret) con 21 das o ms de anticipacin. Este servicio nicamente est disponible en la terminal Muelle Punta Sam. Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. at 12:00 a.m. | Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00 a.m. at 10:00 p.m. Quintana Roo local time. The staff onboard Xcaret Xailing were very friendly and helpful. Ferry Isla Mujeres a Cancn | Xcaret Xailing Plus, right now youll be able to escape the crowds because its not that well-known! 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Write a review See all photos About Get to know Isla Mujeres with Xcaret Xailing! Cul es la playa ms bonita de Isla Mujeres? Xcaret Xailing offers a variety of onboard amenities including food and drinks for purchase, wifi, restrooms, luggage storage, and even an area dedicated to pet owners! Te pedimos seguir todas las indicaciones de la tripulacin, por tu seguridad y la de los tuyos. Disponemos de varios canales para atender tus dudas, como nuestras lneas telefnicas y va chat. Now we have multiple channels of communications to attend you, please, choose what you prefer to communicate with us. No aplica para combinaciones de dos o ms parques o tours. Changes in your schedule must be made 24 hours before your visit. De igual manera, llega con tiempo suficiente si tienes que documentar alguna pieza de equipaje. Board a comfortable boat from an ideal location in the Cancun Hotel Zone and cross to Isla Mujeres by ferry from El Embarcadero at km 4.5, right where the bridge is located. Click here to book Xcaret Xailing tickets online and get a 10% discount! Asientos y espacios designados para personas con discapacidades. Xcaret Xailings ferry terminal is located in the Cancun Hotel Zone, just south of Puerto Juarez. Te pedimos seguir todas las indicaciones de la tripulacin, por tu seguridad y la de los tuyos. Your conversation will continue in this website, please, do not close it.