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yugioh stumbling ruling

TRADING CARD GAME rulebook. Card Rulings:Stumbling - Yugipedia - Yu-Gi-Oh! wiki | Yu-Gi-Oh! You can use this effect repeatedly as long as you can keep paying the cost. TCG cards. "Vampire Lord" will only return to play with his effect when the owner controls it, because "Vampire Lord" must be "destroyed and sent to YOUR Graveyard". Community content is available under. So if it is Special Summoned by its own effect and later removed from play, flipped face-down, returned to your hand, destroyed and Special Summoned, or shuffled into your Deck, you STILL cannot use its effect a second time. If Thousand-Eyes Restrict equips Sangan/Witch of the Black Forest in face-up or face-down position, Sangan/Witch of the Black Forest still get its effect if it is destroyed. Even if you have a Zombie-Type monster, "Gemini Elf", and a "Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower" equipped with "Raregold Armor", your opponent cannot attack. This is where the attack is declared. In this card-battling game, players pit different mystical creatures against one another in action-packed, high intensity duels. RESULT: Player B's "Mega Thunderball" is destroyed. "Waboku" makes Battle Damage dealt by your opponent's monsters to your monsters and to your Life Points become zero. This means you can only Special Summon 1 copy of "Theinen the Great Sphinx" when the conditions are correct. If UFOroid attacks an Attack Position Pyramid Turtle, first the turn player decides whether to activate the effect of UFOroid or not, and if he does, it will be Chain Link 1. Yu-Gi-Oh! "Soul Absorption"'s effect is based on the number of cards, not on each "lump sum" of cards. If Wall of Illusion is face-down on the field and a monster attacks it and destroys it, does Wall of, Illusions effect still come into play? You select the Zombie-Type monsters when you successfully Special Summon "Spirit of the Pharaoh", then activate his effect. They cannot be Special Summoned with "Monster Reborn", "Magical Scientist", etc. Mystical Space Typhoon the Premature Burial)? If "Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower" is Special Summoned by itself, its effect is not applied for its own Special Summon. "Gorgons Eye" cannot negate the effect of "Sangan", "Witch of the Black Forest", or "Sinister Serpent" because they activate in the Graveyard. Rulings Because Swords of Concealing Light is a Continuous Spell Card (unlike Swords of Revealing Light), if Mystical Space Typhoon is chained to its activation and destroys it, none of its effects will resolve (including the effect that changes your opponents monsters to face-down Defense Position). If I have Toons on the field and I use Giant Trunade, are my Toons destroyed? XYZ-Dragon Cannon will be. Spiritual Wind Art Miyabi is an effect that targets. Keep in mind, of course, that "Hayabusa Knight" (or, ATK or less after being targeted by "Secret Pass to the Treasures. You can only use this effect of "Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker" once per turn. The opponent decides which order their monsters will attack in. The effect of "Sasuke Samurai #2" stops in the End Phase, and after the effect ends, you can activate Trap Cards or Quick-Play Spell Cards during the remainder of the End Phase. You could use "Ring of Destruction" and target the "T, housand Eyes Restrict" if you want to. A single monster may still attack more than once while this card is on the field, such as "Hayabusa Knight", "Asura Priest", "Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning", a monster equipped with "Twin Swords of Flashing Light Tryce" or a Spellcaster-Type Monster affected by "Diffusion Wave-Motion". You can send a face-down Winged Kuriboh to the Graveyard to activate the effect of Transcendent Wings. Using the second effect of this monster does not properly Fusion Summon the Fusion Monster. Spirits summoned or turned face up on previous turns will not return to the hand, Monsters summoned after Staunch Defender resolves must attack the designated monster, If the monster designated by Staunch Defender is destroyed or leaves the fi eld, the opponents monsters may no longer. You cannot activate "Secret Pass to the Treasures" during Main Phase 2 or on the very first turn. A Spirit Monster must be face-up on the field during the End Phase for it to return to the owners hand. The effect of Spiral Spear Strike that causes you to draw can be chained to. As a mandatory Trigger Effect, "Stumbling" is always on the chain before optional Trigger Effects (Mobius the Frost Monarch) or chained Spell & Trap Cards (Trap Hole). These monsters cannot be Special Summoned EXCEPT by the way described in their text. What does "cannot change their position" mean here? WebOut of Date. January 2020 You can Special Summon a high-level Normal Monster with "The Thing in the Crater"'s effect, but not a "Special Summon-only" monster. The XZ, XY, YZ, and XYZ can only be Special Summoned by the method written on each. Multiple "Spring of Rebirth" cards are cumulative. WebAdvanced rulings []. If you Tribute "Paladin of White Dragon" to activate its effect while "Skill Drain" is active, it is no longer on the field and you can Special Summon "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". WebRulings []. hasn't resolved, so "LV6" isn't on the field to send to the Graveyard as a cost for the copy of "Level Up!" "Tyrant Dragon" cannot attack more than twice, even if there is another monster remaining on your opponents side of the field after the second attack. After destroying 1 monster, Zom. The damage points are rounded up when there is a fraction. You can still change the monster's position with an effect. The Master Rules codify the rules along with some well-known Dueling terms. This prohibits "Torrential Tribute" from being used against monsters Special Summoned by "Mystic Tomato", "Giant Rat", "Nimble Momonga", "Masked Dragon", and other such cards that Special Summon a monster when destroyed as a result of battle, as well as "Cyber Jar" or "Morphing Jar #2" that is flipped face-up by an attack. If attacked while face-down, "Spirit Reaper" flips face-up and its effect preventing it from being destroyed will be applied during damage calculation, so "Spirit Reaper" will not be destroyed by the attack. If an effect is chained to "The Agent of Judgment - Saturn"'s effect that would increase your opponent's Life Points, so that your opponent's Life Points are higher than yours when its effect resolves, then "The Agent of Judgment - Saturn"'s effect disappears because your Life Points need to be higher than your opponent's when the effect resolves. "Spirit Reaper" can be destroyed as a result of battle while "Skill Drain" is active. When a Tribute Summon using "Zolga" is negated by "Solemn Judgment", you don't increase your Life Points. You can choose whether or not to activate "Spirit of the Pharaoh"'s effect, but if you activate it you must Special Summon at least 1 Zombie-Type monster. It would still equip to the targeted monster, but as, long as Imperial Order remains active it will, have no effect. So if your opponent has no Trap Cards and no Set Spell or Trap Cards, you must destroy a card on your side of the field. Web"Number" (Japanese: No. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 3 monsters. Premature Burial ( i.e. Chaos Command Magician will return to the, If Dark Ruler Ha Des or Terrorking Archfiend a, ttack a face-down Wall of Illusion does Wall of. The "Dark Necrofear", "Relinquished" will still retain the ATK and DEF stats of the equipped monster. If "Skill Drain" is destroyed, "Zombyra the Dark"'s ATK is not changed. He serves as the second main antagonist of the final third of season three after Brron and his Dark World Army are The effect of Time Seal skips the Draw Phase of the opponent immediately following Time Seals activation. 2000 | Maturity Rating: TV-14 | 1 Season | Kids. TCG cards contained in different Packs or Boxes (Products, Perks, etc.). Does the effect of "Timidity" end at the beginnin, g of the opponent's End Phase, or the end of the, "Timidity" will no longer be in effect wh. A replay occurs, and that means "Tyrant Dragon" was the last monster to attack, so it may attack again, and attack one of the Sheep Tokens. However, if the effect of the Spell Card was negated, such as if "Imperial Order" is active, then "Spirit Reaper" is destroyed because the Spell Card resolves (even though its effect is negated). When "Vampire Lord" is Tributed (including by your opponent with "Soul Exchange"), or when he is "sent to the Graveyard", he will not be Special Summoned by his own effect because he was not "destroyed". Also, ints from Snatch Steal while it is being negated by Imperial Order., If I play Snatch Steal, and take my opponents mo, nster and then he plays Imperial Order next turn. If you activate "Sonic Jammer" during your turn, it lasts until the end of your opponent's End Phase. You cannot activate Level Up! to send Winged Kuriboh LV10 to the Graveyard because it does not have a monsters name in its text. Because the effect of Winged Kuriboh activates in the Graveyard, it will not be negated by Skill Drain but it will be negated by The End of Anubis. Can Sheep Tokens be used as Tributes for Toon Monsters? For example, if you Special Summon a Fusion Monster with "Summoner of Illusions", and then "Skill Drain" is activated afterwards, the Fusion Monster is still destroyed in the End Phase. You cannot select "Guardian Kay'est" or "The Legendary Fisherman" for "Staunch Defender" if they cannot be attacked. If there are no monsters on your opponents side of the field after "Tyrant Dragon"s first attack, "Tyrant Dragon" does not gain a second attack. "Statue of the Wicked" activates its effect even if it is destroyed on the same turn it was Set. (because these involve costs, not effects, and "The End of Anubis" cannot negate paying costs). It is instead destroyed and sent to your Graveyard, and no damage is dealt. You cannot attack with another monster in between, and then attack a second time with "Tyrant Dragon." The monster chosen by Ultimate Offering to be Normal Summoned/Set is chosen at activation of the effect. mmon monsters face down like The Shallow Grave? This is a list of cards whose usage in official tournaments is either prohibited or limited in terms of the number of cards with the same name allowed in a Deck. Thousand-Eyes Restrict may equip itself with one monster at a time per turn. You can activate "Serial Spell" to copy the effect of a Normal Spell Card, even if it is "Raigeki" or "Soul Exchange" and copying the effect serves no real purpose. While "The End of Anubis" is on the field, if you Special Summon "Gilasaurus", your opponent can't Special Summon. "Spirit of the Pot of Greed"'s effect does not chain to "Pot of Greed"; instead, you activate it after "Pot of Greed" resolves. You do not place a Spell Counter on this monster when you attach or detach a Union Monster because that is not the activation of a Spell Card. on the field, and a Call of the Haunted set. So it cannot be revived from the Graveyard, etc. its effect is not activated. When you declare the second attack of a monster equipped with "Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce", and the "Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce" is destroyed during the Battle Step with "Mystical Space Typhoon", the monster is no longer capable of performing the second attack, and a replay occurs. The "Thing in the Crater"'s effect activates even if destroyed face-down and sent to the Graveyard. "Special Hurricane" will destroy face-down monsters that were Special Summoned. If the opponent chains to the effect of "Soul Demolition" with an effect that destroys all the Fiend-Type monsters on your side of the field, the effect of "Soul Demolition" resolves because the activation conditions were correct at the time. A: The monster would be returned to its owner during, the End Phase after it has been brought back, Solemn Judgment can not be used to negate a Special Summon if that Special Summon occurs as a result of another card. Then, after that, "Spirit Reaper" is destroyed by its effect. If "The Agent of Force - Mars" attacks "Reflect Bounder", "Reflect Bounder" deals damage based on "The Agent of Force - Mars"' current ATK, so if it has 2000 ATK, then "Reflect Bounder" inflicts 2000 damage; then recalculate "The Agent of Force - Mars"' ATK before performing damage calculation. "Torrential Tribute" is activated after a monster is Summoned; it is not chained to the Summon. Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh WebDarkwing Blast is a Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! SCENARIO 2: Player A activates "Waboku". 5D's. If the effect of "DNA Surgery" is making all monsters on the field Dragon-Type, the ones that are Tributed will count for "Super Rejuvenation". If he doesnt, the opponent has a chance to activate Pyramid Turtles effect and be Chain Link 1. Yu-Gi-Oh! The effect of "Ultimate Insect LV3" that reduces ATK by 300 points is a Continuous Effect that is applied as long as the monster remains face-up on the field and is applied as soon as it is face-up on the field. If you Tribute Set "Zaborg the Thunder Monarch" face-down the effect is not activated. : Duelist 1A controls a face-up Mausoleum of the Emperor, any Duelist may use the effect during their System Down does not remove face-down Machines. You cannot activate Brain Control if you already have 5 monsters on your side of the field. After you select the opponent may chain, with a card like "Dust Tornado", to destroy "Soul Demolition". "A-Assault Core" + "B-Buster Drake" + "C-Crush Wyvern". December 2019 TCG card, "Stumbling." not prevent monsters from being Flipped by other means. XYZ-Dragon Cannon may only be Special Summoned through its effect. So if you chain "Serial Spell" to "Delinquent Duo" you do not pay an additional 1000 Life Points. If a Spellcaster affected by "Diffusion Wave-Motion" attacks "Spirit Reaper", its just a normal attack. Does Twin-Headed Behemoths effect only trigger when it is destroyed on the field? The opponent cannot activate "Bottomless Trap Hole" when "Twin-Headed Behemoth" is Special Summoned by its own effect, because its ATK is already changed to 1000 at the time of Summoning. The End of Anubis WILL NOT negate Ignition Effects unless it requires the monster to be in the Graveyard when the Ignition Effect is activated (such as Amazoness Chain-Master). A Spirit Monster will return to the owners hand during the End Phase, even if the opponent played it from their hand (through the effect of "Exchange".). You can chain "Barrel Behind the Door" to "The Agent of Judgment - Saturn"'s effect. During the turn that "Spirit Elimination" is activated; all monsters removed from play must be from your side of the field. "Spirit Reaper" is not being targeted by "Diffusion Wave-Motion". That effect of "Stumbling" will not keep you or your opponent from life able to activate Trigger Effects.It bequeath stay you and your opponent from being able to 2 New Archetypes: Diabellestarr & Snake-eye, New Card: Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast, Edison Format's Top 10 Decks to Look Out For, TCG CYAC Metagame Tournament Report: June Remote Duel YCS, TCG Meta Snapshot: Vanquish Soul June 2023, 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection Imported to TCG. If Skyscraper is on the field and you attack a Defense Position monster with an Elemental Hero that has ATK lower than the ATK of the Defense Position monster, the Elemental Hero gains +1000 ATK even though it was attacking a Defense Position monster. If 1 of the targeted WATER monsters is removed from the Graveyard by The effect of this card activates no matter how it is sent to the Graveyard. Unlimited. Increase the ATK of this monster by 300 points for each "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos" in either player's Graveyard. If your Main Phase 1 is skipped because of "Timeater", you can enter your Battle Phase (even if you have no monsters on the field) and proceed from there to Main Phase 2. (Not negated by "Horn of Heaven" or "Solemn Judgement.") If "Shadowslayer" attacks a face-up Attack Position monster, and the opponent activates "Book of Moon" so that his only monster on the field is now in Defense Position, a replay occurs, because "Shadowslayer" is now able to attack directly. If Gravekeepers Assailant attacks and targets Spirit Reaper with its effect. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer will prevent Machines in the Graveyard from being removed from play for System Down, but Machines on the field can still be removed from play by its effect. If "Spear Dragon" attacks, even if the damage is reduced to 0 by the effect of "Waboku" or "Kuriboh", it is still changed to Defense Position. that Battle Phase, so it will okay to do this. When "Double Spell" is played, you get a Spell Counter on this monster for the activation of "Double Spell", but not for the target of "Double Spell" because the target is never activated; so you get 1 Spell Counter on this monster. If Main Phase 1 is also skipped after the effect of Thunder of Ruler, the affected player will not receive a Main Phase 2. This cards effect targets a monster, so you select the target at the activation of the card. December 2020 "Woodland Sprite" gives you the ability to send Equip Spell Cards equipped to it to the Graveyard. Yugi and his best friends, Joey, Tristan, and Tea share a love of a cool new game that's sweeping the nationDuel Monsters! The condition that this cards effect can only be used once per Duel cannot be reset. This is why the effect of "Wall of Illusion" will still activate if. You can activate "The Flute of Summoning Dragon" if your opponent controls a face-up "Lord of D." and you do not. For example, when "Banisher of the Light" is face-up on the field. This cards effect can only be activated during your Main Phase, but may be activated more than once per turn. If you take control of your opponent's "The Unhappy Girl", her effect on your monsters from previous attacks is still applied. If this monster is Special Summoned by the effect of Ultimate Insect LV 3, but is then flipped face-down, or removed from play with Interdimensional Matter Transporter or Dimensionhole, its effect is reset, so even if flipped face-up again, it will no longer decrease the ATK of the opponents monsters. (Speed Duel Decks and Duel Links Decks can be registered as well.). Your opponent can use "Trap Hole" against "Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight" because its a Normal Summon. ; Xyz Monsters frequently have effects that require you to remove an Xyz Material(s) from So if it is destroyed, you cannot target it with "Monster Reborn". ARC-V anime Master Rules Rulings If the effect of "Royal Oppression" is chained to your "Scapegoat" your Sheep Tokens will not be Special Summoned and you still cannot perform any Summons that turn. Your rival can unlock "Trap Hole" such Step 2. If you activate "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon "Twin-Headed Behemoth" in the turn it was destroyed, its effect has not yet been used, and it will activate the next time it is destroyed. So in my turn I activate "Timidity." If your opponent has a Toon Monster on the field, "Toon Gemini Elf" does not have to attack it. So if you have "Tower of Babel" with 3 Spell Counters, and you activate "Pot of Greed", and your opponent chains "Reload", "Reload" resolves first and places the 4th Spell Counter, and your opponent takes the 3000 damage after the current chain resolves. You can Special Summon Ultimate Insect LV5 with the effect of Ultimate Insect LV3 even if that Ultimate Insect LV3 was not Special Summoned by the effect of Ultimate Insect LV1. You can have face-down non-LIGHT monsters on your side of the field, "Thunder Nyan Nyan" will not be destroyed by her own effect, but if one of these monsters is flipped face-up, she will be destroyed. Web[Out of Date 1] [1] If your opponent activates a Field Spell Card and destroys your Morphtronic Map , the effect of Morphtronic Map activates and you can Special Spiritual Earth Art Kurogane is an effect that targets 1 monster in your Graveyard. DUEL LINKS. No. If a player controls the opponent's "Skilled Dark Magician" and Tribute it with 3 Spell Counters, the player who controlled and Tributed the "Skilled Dark Magician" is the player who Special Summons "Dark Magician" from the hand, Deck, or Graveyard. You may Tribute two "Winged Minions" to increase the ATK and DEF of a Fiend-Type monster by 1400 points. "The End of Anubis" WILL NOT negate the Special Summon of "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning", "Dark Necrofear", "Soul of Purity and Light", etc. When is Zolgas effect activated and will it be negated by Skill Drain? Unlimited. WebBest. If 1 of the Sarcophagi is sent to the Graveyard, all are sent simultaneously, not as a chain. This monster's effect does NOT target and you select the monster when you resolve the effect, so if you Tribute it to Special Summon "Buster Blader" from your Graveyard and your opponent chains "Disappear" and removes that "Buster Blader", you can Special Summon a different "Buster Blader" from your hand/Deck/Graveyard instead. Tag-Team Duel The Spell or Trap Card goes to its owners hand (in case your Spell or Trap Card was on your opponents side of the field). If "Skill Drain" is active, you can activate a Union Monster's effect to attach it to another monster, but nothing happens and it remains a monster. Meet Yugi, an eager young freshman at Domino High School. The opponent would need to destroy your "Wav. Because you can activate multiple chains during this step, as long as you have Dragons in your hand, you can discard them 1 at a time to keep [using] "Spirit Ryu's" effect. But if "Skill Drain" is active at the time "Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi"'s effect activates, then the effect is negated. While "Magician of Faith," "Penguin Soldier," and "Fiber Jar" will work, "Invader of the Throne" would not. If "Skill Drain" is active, "Spirit Reaper" can be equiped with Equip Cards, but if "Skill Drain" is later removed from the field "Spirit Reaper" wil be destroyed. If the monster targeted by this card attacks directly and deals Battle Damage, this cards effect will activate and the opponent must discard 1 card. the monster chosen from Staunch Defender's effect. Asura Priest would not be able to attack any other, monsters even if they manage to destroy the monster, If Thousand-Eyes Restrict declares an attack and the opponent activates Staunch Defender, will all. You select the monster when you activate "Weapon Change"'s effect. If your opponent chains "Magic Jammer", "Magic Drain", etc., to negate and destroy this card, its effect does not activate. TCG Card Database is an official Konami Site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! WebGameA: Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links wiki is a smartphone-friendly guide for the game. If the "Thousand Eyes Restrict" survives the attack (due to Battle Damage or its effect), then no other, If it does not survive and is sent to the Graveyard or, otherwise removed from the field, then any other face-. effect when it resolves if the monster is still face-up on the field at that time. TCG cards, check detailed rules, view the Forbidden & Limited List, and more! ; The effect that makes this If all of your opponents monsters are in Defense Position but one of them is equipped with "Ring of Magnetism", "Shadowslayer" cannot attack directly and must attack that monster if it attacks. Soul Exchange will still force the player to skip his or her Battle Phase. WebYu-Gi-Oh! July 2021 But there should not, be any coercion on either player's part to sit through the effect multiple times or to be forced to play it out, If Lord of D. is out, and so are Dragon type monsters on their side of the field, and they attack a. face-down Yomi Ship, does Yomi Ship still destroy the Dragon? When this card is active, Spirit Monsters may still be returned to their owners hands by card effects such as "Penguin Soldier" and "Compulsory Evacuation Device". Assume both monsters are in Attack Position. If I tribute Toon World for the effect of Emergency Provisions, is it considered destroyed thus, Emergency Provisions merely sends cards to the Graveyard, rather than destroying them. Behemoth to one Tyrant Dragon) do they simply run their Spear Dragon into my Tyrant Dragon, destroying the Spear Dragon, or, since the original target of the attack disappeared, would their be a, A replay would still occur. WebTracking of effects or actions necessary to maintain a legal Game State. through its effect, as long as Second Goblins effect has not been used. The definitive edition of the competitive card game that has been evolving for over 20 years! If "DNA Surgery" is in play changing all monsters to Zombie-Types, and a monster that was not originally a Zombie-Type is Special Summoned, "Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower"'s effect is applied and you send 2 cards from your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard. spaces full when their opponents Snatch Steal is destroyed, what will. Until their End Phase, any, Set Spell or Trap Cards cannot be destroyed. Neither monster would be destroyed by the attack. If your "Sinister Serpent" is on the field and is destroyed during your Standby Phase, you may return it to your hand during that same Standby Phase. Waboku lasts for the turn it was activated in. remain face-up on the field when its effect resolves. The Battle Damage doubled by "Stone Statue of the Aztecs"' effect is still considered Battle Damage (not effect damage). "White Magician Pikeru" includes itself in its effect. "Vampire Lord" can be Special Summoned by his own effect even while "Necrovalley" is in play. If "Vampire Lord" is discarded from your hand it will NOT be Special Summoned. If multiple monsters are selected by multiple "Taunts", the turn player selects 1 of the monsters selected by "Taunt" and can attack it. WebThe Supreme King ( () () Ha) is the wielder of The Gentle Darkness and the alternate, darker personality of Jaden Yuki that possessed him while he was in the second alternate dimension searching for Jesse Anderson. Player B activates "Fairy Box" or "Mirror Wall". WebOfficial YuGiOh Cards, YuGiOh Gx & Zexal Trading Card Game & Yu-Gi-Oh Yu Gi Oh Cards On Sale & Ready to Buy at Our YuGiOh Card Store. The timing of "Slate Warriors" effect is still at the end of the Damage Step (when monsters are normally sent to the Graveyard after battle). The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Thousand-Eyes Restricts equipping effect is a targeting effect. The effect of "Stumbling" goes on a chain immediately after a monster is Summoned. 's banished zone represents cards completely excommunicated from recovery.This contrasts spent cards that simply head to the graveyard (where they often have graveyard effects or can be resummoned with spells like Monster Reborn). If "Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower" and several other Zombie-Type monsters are Special Summoned simultaneously (with "Cyber Jar"), that Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower's effect is not applied. You can select your own card that was taken by your opponent with "Exchange". The effect of this card is optional; you do not have to return it to your hand. I Set 1 card in my S/T Zone. When you first activate this card (flip it face-up) you do not have to activate its effect. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. Hyper Synchron: If Imperial Iron Wall is active, the Synchro Monster will not be removed [].However, if Imperial Iron Wall is destroyed, the Synchro Monster will be removed [] during the next End Phase. While Spatial Collapse is active, cards that Special Summon a monster may not be activated if that players filled zones are, The zones prohibited by Ground Collapse do not count toward the affected. If "Banisher of the Light" is in play, then "Statue of the Wicked" does not activate its effect when destroyed, because it is not sent to the Graveyard. Any conditions set on the Monster Cards that would be removed from the Graveyard must still be fulfilled on the Monsters removed from your side of the field. WebCard Database. When your face-down Defense Position "The Agent of Force - Mars" is attacked, its DEF is increased BEFORE damage calculation. You cannot chain to this effect.

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