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yugioh zexal character decks

During the Duel, Kite was about to give up, but Astral spoke to him in private and told the he consider Kite his friend and convinced him to continue the Duel. Quickly analyzing the situation, Astral and Yuma were able to make a comeback using "Number C39: Utopia Ray" and "Numbers Impact". Watching Yuma trying to give Shark a hug, Astral makes his 21th observation on how "Occasionally humans may not honestly express their feelings" and smiled when he saw Kite watching them as well. Astral has stated that he is the embodiment of the "Numbers". Astral has also determined that the "Numbers" amplify the emotions that their vessel already had, malicious or not. Once Astral senses that Yuma is Dueling, he exited the Key to see that Mr. Kay is a Number holder. Astral and Yuma receive the ZEXAL power, fusing themselves in the process. Doesn't that sound gagagreat? Yuma is torn between helping Astral or healing Hart, but Astral assured Yuma that he will follow whatever path Yuma chooses as his partner. ZEXAL manga is written by Shin Yoshida, illustrated by Naoto Miyashi and published by Shueisha. After the Duel, Trey left "Atlandis" and "Machu Mech" for them, as well as the final Heart Piece needed to compete in the WDC finals. The population of its Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) was 464,036 . After Shark won his Duel and retrieved the "Numbers", the group was transported back to the airship. Playtest. Elite Wolf (talk contribs) 23:55, November 27, 2011 (UTC). I need to remember that. Some time later, Astral used the Code's power to successfully reunite his world and the Barian World as one and revive all his fallen comrades, such as Eliphas and Kite, and made the Seven Barian Emperors reborn as humans. Yuma convinces Astral to not give up, and crosses the door, landing in the dimension inside the Key. Easy Acid Golem finish. Astral means "of the stars", referring to Astral being from another world. However, Astral comment how Yuma gotten over those sorts of fears before, making Yuma feel more confident now and win against Nistro. He was quite surprised when he witnessed the kamikaze-like effect of "Number 54: Lion Heart", calling it a reckless strategy. Unfazed, Don Thousand countered by bringing out "Number iC1000: Numeronius Numeronia", which will force all of Yuma's and Nash's monsters to attack it or grant Don Thousand an Automatic Win that End Phase if they don't. [22] However, Astral eventually overcame his fears towards Kite as his bond Yuma grew stronger. Yuma explains to Astral that he has thought to himself for a long time about what Dueling means to him. [71] Astral watch the Duel between Quattro and Shark, Astral was perplexed ans shocked how Shark has the power to bring out a "Choas Number". Nash challenged Astral and Yuma to a duel, with all three worlds and the Numeron Code on the line. Like his other Decks, this Deck has a high amount of Trap Cards. ARC-V on April 6, 2014. Prom dress. When Yuma's opponent is not wielding a "Number" or "Chaos Xyz" card themselves, Yuma often refrains from using his "Numbers". When he heard the Astral World was facing a new threat, Shark joins Yuma and his friends to repay his debt to Astral. Astral complimented his partner on his play and the way he evolved as a Duelist. Pin by Choco AfterEight on Yu Gi Oh in 2023 - Pinterest [139][140][141], While Dueling Eliphas, Yuma repentantly reflected how arrogant and capricious Astral was when they first met, and how he changed over time and become someone with emotions and cares for others. He also said that when he disappears, he would want to leave proof that he exists in Yuma's memory and heart. It's what all "Numbers" want - the world's destruction. Forbidden Memories cards, Yu-Gi-Oh! Don Thousand challenged Astral, Yuma, and Nash to a Duel, which they accepted as 2-on-1 Duel. [67] In the next stage, Astral points out that there are the four fields - so only eight Duelists total will make it to them and to Yuma and told to be careful. [39] Astral performed a Shining Draw that finally ended the battle, which seemed to destroy much of the Astral World in the process, and also split the original Astral World into Astral World and Barian World. [33] On top of that, Astral cannot absorb a "Number" that has been upgraded to "Number C". When Girag issued a challenged and accused Ray Shadows for hurting Alito, Astral advised Yuma that he should have faith in his friend and they decided to Duel without Ray. Coincidentally, Astral and Yami Yugi Dueled each other a scripted Duel for the 2014 North American Yugioh World Championship, during which Astral noted the similarities between Yami's relationship with Yugi and his with Yuma's. ZEXAL manga was released before the anime and follows the same story as the anime up until Rank 009 . 2008 Ford f350 super duty crew cab King Ranch Pickup 4D 6 3/4 ft. Webberville, MI. After Alito told him to take his "Number", Astral tried and failed to do so, much to his surprise. ", "The feelings of a mother. He claimed that Astral also wanted the same. He supports the cards with Spell and Trap Cards both new and old, including more Counter Trap Cards. When an Overlay Unit is used, the sound effect has been replaced with a new one. Even after Astral went back to Astral World, Yuma often thinks about him. Lansing Map. As Astral was about to take a decisive direct attack, Yuma activated his "Danger Draw" to stop Astral's attack. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Two people per archetype, please. There are a few techs in this deck that have actually proved quite useful, like having two Inferno Reckless (since Wingtortoise and Shark Stickers Special Summon amazingly), Aqua Jet for boosting my weaker monsters (I killed a BLS with a Leviair once using this and Burden), and Monster Slot, which is just an amazing card. He told Yuma that even though he disagreed with them, they were just following that path they believed was right for them, which Yuma agreed with. He reserves his ace card, "Number 39: Utopia" and its upgraded form "Number C39: Utopia Ray" for intense Duels against other Number holders. ZEXAL episode listing (season 1), Yu-Gi-Oh! Since this deck has a good amount of lights and darks, it can support BLS and Chaos Sorcerer. In order to protect him, Yuma, Kite and Shark join together to combat the Barian menace, as they ultimately become involved in the Interdimensional War of two worlds. Published: Aug 8, 2019. Yuma occasionally uses other "Numbers", but "Utopia" remains his ace card throughout the series. Astral deduced from Yuma's previous comment on the 5 "Utopia" monsters being more impressive then he expected that his partner predicted beforehand that he would be facing all 5 of them at once, and developed a way to beat them, and continued his onslaught with the original "Utopia". [18] However, Kazuma Tsukumo, who came to the Astral World, modified Astral's programmed algorithms and then sent him to Earth. Number 20's holder. After acquiring the card from Eliphas, he uses "Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force" to Rank-Up "Utopia" into "Number 39: Utopia Beyond". Believing he will lose, Astral gives up and tells Yuma goodbye in his thoughts, even shedding a tear. He told Shark and Nash to read the passage of the hero and Pegasus to provide a clue to Mach's tactics. Pondering a possible connection between himself and Yuma's father, Astral asked Yuma about him. Thinking of his fallen friends, Yuma refused to give up and overlay with Astral into ZEXAL III. ZEXAL anime. ---Dark Ace SP (Talk) 22:56, November 27, 2011 (UTC), Post the decks under there section and under your name (If there, only for Archetypes with 2 people), I'm actually really surprised at how well this worked. He also makes more use of the vast quantity of "Number" cards that he has at his disposal, though he still favors "Number 39: Utopia". He used a Wooden Training Deck[6] consisting of "Statue" versions of "Dark Magician" monsters and other wooden cards from the latter's Duel Sanctuary card collection. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. When they went into Hart's mind, who asked Yuma and Astral to save his brother, Kite. Initially baffled since no one had all the "Numbers" yet, Astral figured out that the Numeron Code was hidden somewhere on Earth and Thousand made the Earth part of the Barian World to obtained the Code's power in the process. I liked them when I first saw them, and hoped they would become better. Undaunted by this setback, they evolved into ZEXAL II and Shining Draw "ZS - Ouroboros Sage", combining it with "Utopia Ray Victory" and "Number 101: Silent Honor ARK", allowing them to reduce Don Thousand's life points to 900. Current Weather. "Glory of the Seven Emperors" would have allowed him defeat Yuma if Yuma had done anything else, but canceling his attack resulted in Nash's Life Points becoming 0. It turns dead hands of duplicate Bugs into live hands while fueling Leviair, who the deck drops so easily. After the Emperor's Key and Nash's Barian Emblem reacted and knocked Yuma unconscious, Astral and the group fled with help from Roku and Kaze. ZEXAL Clash! [135], Nash used the seven "Chaos Over-Hundred Numbers" to Summon his ultimate ace card, "CXyz Barian Hope", which wielded the power of all seven of the "Chaos Over-Hundred Numbers" and allowed Nash to use each of their effects once per turn by either detaching an Overlay Unit or paying 400 Life Points. Yu-Gi-Oh! Level Limit - Area B helps by stalling until you can drop an Xyz, Effect Veiler protects your Xyzs and fuels BLS. ZEXAL () () Ygi Zearu. Master Duel or Neuron using our Web Browser extension! Yuma continues to use a Syllable Deck, debuting new "Gagaga", "Gogogo" and "Dododo" monsters, which he primarily uses to Summon "Number 39: Utopia" in various ways. Astral gifts Yuma with "Number 39: Utopia", an Xyz Monster, stating that "Utopia" is the power he has entrusted to Yuma and that he must use it to win the Duel. [23] For some reason, Astral could not absorb Alito's "Number", which is most likely due to the fact that "Numbers" which have numerical values higher than 100 are not part of his memory. M. Mai Kujaku's Duelist Kingdom Deck (manga) Mai Valentine's Decks. For example; after Yuma refuses to sacrifice him during the battle against Fortuno, Astral received a jolt of power from Emperor's Key and was able to provide Yuma with a new card, "Number C39: Utopia Ray". Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Yuma attacked "Utopia" with "Gagaga Cowboy", causing Astral to negate the attack out of precaution, only to find out it was a risky but successful bluff from Yuma to use "Light Wing Bumper". GX and Yu-Gi-Oh! [84] Astral continued to take a more reserve role the Duel, Astral complimented Yuma on his moves and told him that can be on his own. The series is set in the near future. yugiohduelmonsters yugiohgx yugioh5ds yugiohzexal yugioharcv tcgocg. Yuma Tsukumo's Decks | Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki | Fandom Astral overcame his fear and decided to actually fight. When Mizar arrived at the ruins and clashed with Kite's dragon aura, the group ended up on a mountain peak after the Number ruins vanished. Number 32: Shark Drake (character) Number 39: Utopia (character) Number 54's guardian. [48], After learning about Kite Tenjo, Astral found it very suspicious that someone besides him and Yuma are looking for the "Numbers". In the midst of storm, Abyss possessed Rio and caused her to go overboard into the ocean, Astral and Yuma followed Shark when he went after her. Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Both Astral and Thousand screamed and were reduced to energy forms - one red and one blue. This caused many to worried about him and was eventually pushed by his friends to accept that his partner was dead, but Yuma refused to believe that and was willing to face danger and an eternity searching for his beloved friend. Later in front of the "Numbers" gears, Astral finally remembered his mission was to annihilate the Barian World. As Yuma blunders into Trap Points, Astral become exasperated as their Life Points goes down. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Character Decks - DeviantArt Astral asked if he broke the seal, and Number 96 responded that that's what the "Numbers" wanted to begin with. [79], After Yuma dreams about being warned by The Door that someone is planning to take something most important thing to him, he feared that he will lose "[his] Astral". Hope you can see how good this is. disclaimer : i don't own yu-gi-oh zexal or characters. Likewise, Astral himself has stated that he is the embodiment of the "Numbers". [1], With the rogue chaos energy menacing his universe again, Astral was tasked by Eliphas with stopping the new threat. [72] At the "Desert Field" field, Astral saw that Yuma was playing a defensive strategy, and told Yuma that he can't win this way and that he was afraid after seeing the other Duels. With Resonance Device, I can make any Xyz I desire for little to no cost. His Deck's strategy forces on quickly Summoning "Utopia" and its alternate forms, while using "Number 99: Utopic Dragon" as a last resort. Ultimately, Yuma chose to listen to Dumon, allowing them to find a loophole and win the Duel. Welcome to the World Grand Prix! The link will show you exactly why his deck is built the way it is. Wind Gusts 15 mph. Astral returns to Yuma, and combined with him using ZEXAL, and drew a new monster, "ZW - Phoenix Bow" and defeat Trey. On an errand for Yuma's grandmother, Astral goes to the Duel Sanctuary, and met with another Number holder, Kaze. [78], As Vetrix, Yuma, and Astral came to the WDC Finals, Dr. Faker taunted the finalists and the Duel began in the Sphere Field to gather the energy of the "Numbers". Revealed a New 2-Player Starter Set! Although, he asks Astral if that is a real future though - one that will result in running away from all the times they had together. When observing and learning things unknown and important to him, Astral will only voice speculations once he gathers more evident proof or when a problem presents itself, such as telling Yuma about the world inside the Emperor's Key only after gaining a handful of "Numbers" cards and learning of its origins. Galaxy is also there since when Galaxy banishes itself and returns, it is also no longer equipped with Super Transformation. While Astral was perplexed as to why Nash kept paying Life Points instead of detaching Overlay Units, Yuma explained that he could see the souls of the other Barian Emperors in front of the Overlay Units - Nash did not want to lose them again. Astral watched Mizar unleash his true power and was stunned when he Summoned his "Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon". Traveling to the Duel Lodge, Astral and Yuma met Ponta, who was possession of Girag's body and the "Number" as well. [12][17] Related to this is his mission is to obtain a powerful card known as the Numeron Code that can shape worlds,[18] with the intent of destroying the Barian World.[19]. The link will show you exactly why his deck is built the way it is. Returning to the house, they found the key on the hammock and traveled to Heartland Academy. MAXPOWER1314. When Yuma questions Astral about the key, Astral tells him that the structure looks like a giant puzzle and something might happen if the "Numbers" are collected. [84], Although Astral had little interaction with Shark, he repeatedly mentioned his respect of Shark's Dueling skills and the impact he has on Yuma. While originally he only retained one of the "Numbers", he knew that when two or more "Numbers" confront in a Duel, they will battle each other to consume one another, allowing Astral to absorb vanquished "Numbers" and recover pieces of his memories. He powers up this monster in a variety of ways, such as with "Double or Nothing!" () () () () , Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Astral questioned Number 96 on what he meant; the former told the latter that since he didn't have his power, Astral can't collect "Chaos Numbers". It's not the most competitive deck out there, but I have found it reasonably fun to play and, as with every deck if played right, can hold its own against many more powerful decks. I can easily kill my opponent's best cards, steal my opponent's best monsters, recycle my best cards, or bring out near-unstoppable and win-inducing beatsticks. Astral asked if everything really went as Kazuma wanted it to. He pondered over the fifty "Numbers" they had collected from the tournament and tried to gain some guidance from them. Wondering why he couldn't take an "Over-Hundred Number" card, Astral suddenly became weakened and faded again from being in the "Sphere Field". Faker. When Yuma and Tori mentioned the Kastle twins, Astral told Yuma that he needed to have a serious discussion with Shark sooner or later. As the Duel begins, Astral asked Yuma if the power of the "Numbers" could really destroy the world. 40 mi. As his suspicions were confirmed true, Astral told Yuma about visions he saw of Shark's past life as a king and readily accepted that Nash was now their enemy. So, that's probably about it for this Deck. Upon arriving in Yuma . [12], Later at night, Yuma, Astral, and Tori meet Kite's younger brother Hart Tenjo. [12] The Deck focuses on "Gagaga" monsters and support. The Life Point sound effect is replaced with a different one than the original. Bronk Stone believes Yuma can improve his Deck with this one for the World Duel Carnival. ZEXAL (pronounced /zea/ in Japanese, mimicking the English word "zeal"; pronounced / "ZECK-sul" in English) is a Yu-Gi-Oh! Some are willing to compromise their spirits as long as it means winning. After expressing great joy, Astral refocused and they used their power to summon "ZW - Tornado Bringer", but "Heraldry Crest" negated even this effect. There are many ways to Kattobingu waiting in this world. Using "Emperor's Armor to bypass Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk effects, they destroyed "Comet Cestus" and won the Duel, allowing Alito to see his true memories. Community content is available under. [40] As a result of this battle, fragments of Astral's power were scattered across the Human World and designated the location of the Numeron Code. So, this is actually the Wind-Up Deck I have planned somewhere else in the forum, but edited a little bit with an increased concentration of Wind-Up monsters to fit better in the competition. After he and Yuma thought about their previous Duels, stating they came too far to lose now, Yuma called Astral his friend, restoring his fighting spirit.[23]. An encore screening of Yu-Gi-Oh! [35] After learning about Astral, Kite saw him as his real rival instead of Yuma since Astral advised Yuma during his Duels. Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! Using both cards, Yuma won the Duel. [23] As Astral continues to learn about the human world, he showed great interest of feelings and friendship from observing Yuma and becoming more human in the process. [32] Astral assisted Yuma defeated Charlie, but he allows Charlie to give Number 7 to his niece, which made Astral worry if they would get it back. [15], Since Yuma is the only person who can see Astral, which makes everyone believe Astral is a ghost, and that he can't leave Yuma's side, Astral begins to live at Yuma's house. and the door of possibility will always open for you. A free search each turn is awesome, and allows me to swarm with 4 Xyz in one turn. My Neighbor Vernusylph - Naturia Vernusylph. During the Duel, Astral observed how much Alito and Yuma were drawn into the Duel when he sensed the "Sphere Field" affecting him and causing him pain. Since the Super Transformations remains useless on field, Gold Conversion is there for some draw power. [26] During climax of the Duel, Astral and Yuma were pushed into a corner, and knowing Yuma's friends were in danger, Astral was willing to trade himself for their freedom. ", "When human beings hurt one another with their words, they have no memory of it afterward. Then next day, the two met and began their first - and final - Duel, with Astral thinking that they fated Duel since they met. Not willing to put Astral in danger and be taken away from him, Yuma left his key to Tori in order to protect him and goes to Duel with a Barian-brainwashed Fender by himself. Various pieces of information about Yuma's world, "When asked to do something, humans behave erratically. [136], After Yuma reunited with his revived friends, Astral transported him and Yuma's subconscious to a special Sphere Field to tell him that he will continue his mission to destroy the Barian World as it was the root of all Chaos. You can export your deck directly from YGOPRODeck to Yu-Gi-Oh! By combining "Second Coin Toss" with the ability of cards such as "Gamble Angel Bunny" and "Sand Gambler", Pierre is able to decrease the possibility of calling a coin incorrectly, thereby causing the favorable effects of his cards to trigger. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. 2 New Archetypes: Diabellestarr & Snake-eye, New Card: Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast, Edison Format's Top 10 Decks to Look Out For, TCG CYAC Metagame Tournament Report: June Remote Duel YCS, TCG Meta Snapshot: Vanquish Soul June 2023, 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection Imported to TCG. As the ATK of "Reverse Buster" increased to 2000, Astral was scared as it may be the start of the Summoning of "Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon". [80], They narrowly survived Vetrix's next attack by using "Half Unbreak", but Astral was able to come up with a winning strategy. However, when Yuma uses an unthinkable, but effective strategy, such as in his Duel with Reginald Kastle, his thoughts change to think of Yuma as an interesting Duelist. Make a deck based around a ZEXAL Archetype. Oh, I am. [16] [27] He still retain his withdrawn nature and tendency to keep his most of thoughts to himself. [95], Vector reveals he was Ray and Yuma hid this knowledge from Astral in an effort to destroy Astral's trust in Yuma. Astral is able to tell what Yuma is feeling during duels and helps to calm him down, and Yuma worries and cares for Astral immensely. After Yuma's friends were freed, they all went to thank Astral instead of Yuma, though they're still unable to see him, and thus were shouting at nothing. While Kazuma praised all the feats he and Yuma done, Astral stated that he still had a duty to use the Numeron Code. They debated on what caused their enemies to be reincarnated as Barians, but were interrupted by Shark, who warned them that they should not over think the situation. He also has a lot of Monsters that have effects whilst they are in the Graveyard, like "Bacon Saver" and "Amarylease". Morning E/I",, "The CW Sets 5-Hour Saturday Morning Block",, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Astral uses Yuma's Deck, but Yuma uses his Deck with an offensive strategy, while Astral takes a more defensive approach using "Gogogo" monsters. Seeing the events unfold, Astral began to speculate that Shark and Rio were the missing Barian Emperors. WLNS-TV 6 is mid-Michigan source for local news, weather and sports. ", "Words can hurt a human's heart. GX and Yu-Gi-Oh! RealFeel Shade 74. He further explained what happened with his battle with Astral eons ago and claimed that humans are weak since Chaos can consume them easily, such as the Seven Barian Emperors. [90] While observing Shark and his sister, Rio Kastle, Astral wondered on just what they are - Shark, who can wield a "Number" and Rio, who predicted the initial invasion from the Barian World. [32], He shares his information on the "Numbers" with Yuma and is capable of somehow manipulating the "Numbers" cards, this is seen in two ways, one is that without Astral present Yuma is unable to play any "Numbers" for they do not appear on his Extra Deck. Lansing Michigan News - is the home page of Lansing Michigan with in depth and updated Lansing local news. Both plays will usually net you a Magician, but Leviair usually needs help from Gold Sarcophagus to do so. By combining "Second Coin Toss" with the ability of cards such as "Gamble Angel Bunny" and "Sand Gambler", Pierre is able to decrease the possibility of calling a coin incorrectly, thereby causing the favorable effects of his cards to trigger. [10], He can take all "Numbers" a defeated opponent has in their Deck that were presented during the Duel. Stay informed with both Lansing Michigan news as well as . During his Duel with Mr. Heartland, Yuma gained the ability to create "ZS -" monsters. Community content is available under. During the Duel, Yuma and Astral heard Hart was in trouble and left with Yuma to go and help him. Before disappearing, Astral said farewell and thanked Yuma for everything he done and entrusted the "Numbers" they had collected through their journey together to him. Astral | Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki | Fandom So, there you have it! ZEXAL Character Decks. In the beginning of the series, Yuma's Deck was very basic containing a random assortment of monsters with no central strategy tying them together. Easy Leviathan beaters. [42], According to Jinlon, this battle brought destruction to the Earth and it must never be allowed to happen again. After being sucked into a portal, Astral and Yuma arrived at "Sargasso the Different Dimension Battlefield" and were engaged by Vector to a Duel. When they arrived at the center of the maze, Astral began to view the memories of Shark's past life. Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The second season was brought to CW4KIDS's second Cartoon Block, Vortexx. Pierre plays a coin toss Deck. As Nash says his goodbyes, he mused that he would not witness the future Astral and Yuma would create though as the "Numbers" flooded from Nash's body and were absorbed by Astral. The only shown card was "The Snake Hair". [34], It has also been shown that Astral is able to make a Duel Disk appear around his arm, coming from the blue aura around him.

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