Breathtaking hiking trails, action-packed bike routes, 365 days of snow-assured downhill runs and fascinating mountain worlds await you here. *Subject to alterations! Find the ideal ski resort for skiing in the Zillertal. Here you can get the latest information about the open lifts in the Zell, Gerlosstein, Gerlos, Knigsleiten and Hochkrimml areas. Fr ihre Gste kochen die Wirte heute meist mit weniger Fett und mischen in das Tiroler Grstl unter die Bratkartoffeln auch einmal Kalbsfiletstreifen anstelle von Speck oder Schweinefleisch. Difficulty rating: difficult (black trails) In 1504, with both the County of Tyrol and the Archbishopric of Salzburg dominated by the Habsburgs, the Ziller Valley was united under Emperor Maximilian and put under joint Tyrolean/Salzburgian rule. Zillertal. Spezialitten der Tiroler Kche - von Kndel, Speck und Melchermuas, Mehl, Milch, Ei, Speck, Kse und Kartoffeln waren fr die hart arbeitenden Tiroler Bauern die Grundlage fr nahrhafte Kndel, Nudeln, Schmarren und Krapfen. From breathtaking views through culinary delights to the romantic feel of mountain restaurants and lodges long-distance hiking routes in Zillertal offer unforgettable experiences. Take the reliable, punctual and comfortable Zillertalbahn train every half hour from Jenbach to Mayrhofen. The earliest written record of the Ziller Valley dates from 889, when Arnulf of Carinthia granted land to the Archbishop of Salzburg in the "Cilarestal". Sie sind Teil des Hochgebirgs-Naturparks Zillertaler Alpen, der eine Flche von 422 km umfasst. From Alpengasthof Finkau, you cross the beautiful Wildgerlostal valley by bike to the large waterfall at the end of the valley. Im Mayrhofener Ortsgebiet und im Bergdorf Brandberg gibt es noch mehrere typische Bauernhuser, z.B. Welcome to Zillertal! The ski valley offers you amazing snow activity on 544 kilometres of pistes in the four large skiresorts. In den wenigen Drfern und Streusiedlungen, die sich hier an die Berghnge klammern, lsst sich das Zillertal der Bergbauern nocherfahren. Tip: the VIP gondola offer. Viel Fett in der Pfanne sorgte fr die notwendigen Kalorien. Total hiking time: 6 h 30 min. Die Stauseen sind ber Mautstraen zu erreichen und bilden eine imposante Kulisse fr Wanderungen. 544 km of ski slopes. Doch je weiter man ins Zillertal hineinfhrt, desto einsamer, ursprnglicher und sogar stiller wird es. Hiking | Zillertal Numerous mountain huts offer original Zillertal food and treat their guests to home-cooked delicacies. Does not contain any identification features._gcl_au: Contains a randomly generated user ID._gcl_aw: This cookie is set when a user clicks on a Google ad on the website. Ricordiamo che i nostri servizi sono finanziati principalmente tramite la pubblicazione di annunci. Immerse yourself in the unique stories from our Zillertal magazine. Vordere Zollamtsstrae 13 Live cams & weather. Where sun, snow and well-being become the meaning of life and where great freedom tempts you to let go. Ride your bike up to the Junsbergalm/Stoankasern. 80 huts, restaurants and inns. The ski valley offers you amazing snow activity on 544 kilometres of pistes in the four large skiresorts. sterreich Werbung Blue, red or up high: three interconnected trails and a total of twelve kilometres of trails allow you to glide through the side valley covered in deep snow at first light. Whether its on magnificent family slopes or long, sporty downhill runs all winter sports enthusiasts will find ideal conditions and perfectly groomed slopes in Zillertal. This ensures that the website functions properly. Goethe wrote: The highest which man can attain is wonder. Do you want to feel imposing mountains, picturesque lakes and idyllic alpine pastures in the spirit of the great poet, and enjoy the quiet adventure and sporty holiday happiness? .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct,.mw-parser-output .geo-inline-hidden{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}4720N 1152E / 47.333N 11.867E / 47.333; 11.867, "Glacier Express and the Ziller Valley Steam Railway: Scenic Alpine Journeys", Rock climbing and bouldering in Zillertal,, This page was last edited on 14 April 2023, at 10:57. / Willi Seifert, Family skiing in the ski resort Ski Juwel Alpbachtal Wildschnau, Austrian National Tourist Office 00800 400 200 00 Zillertal offers a total of 180 lifts for winter sports. Jarhunderts. Und natrlich der Speck, das beliebteste kulinarische Mitbringsel. Excitingadventuresguaranteed! Schlaraffenland Die Gastronomen legen Wert auf die Qualitt der Produkte, die meist aus biologischer Landwirtschaft und artgerechter Tierhaltung stammen. Se scegli "Rifiuta tutto", non useremo i cookie per le finalit aggiuntive indicate. Whether classic or Bavarian, the table is decoratively set, the seats are heated and the mountain backdrop of the Hintertux Glacier is simply heavenly. Zillertal is located in the west of Austria and is the widest of the side valleys on the south side of the Inntal Valley. The journey offers the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful landscape on the way to the Zillertal. Zillertal - Wikipedia From sweet-smelling cornfields to a ski resort open 365 days a year - the wide Zillertal Valley leads gently uphill from the small town of Mayrhofen to the high mountain village of Hintertux. From your destination airports, Innsbruck or Munich, the reliableFour Seasons airport shuttlewill take you quickly and comfortably to Zillertal. Find the right accommodation for your perfect winter holiday in Zillertal from cosy private rooms to luxury five-star hotels. Welcome to Zillertal! The Ziller Valley is one of the valley areas in Tyrol most visited by tourists. Discover austria. Wer authentische Tiroler Speisen serviert bekommen mchte wenn mglich zubereitet aus regionalen Produkten , der wird in Lokalen mit dem grnen Logo Tiroler Wirtshaus fndig. As many hotels already have charging stations for guests, we recommend asking for charging stations when booking. It's easy to visit and make new friends in the Zillertal. The Berlin High Trail is a customisable, multi-day tour (up to 7 days) through the heart of the High Alps Nature Park of the Zillertaler Alps. But also away from the slopes, hiking, cross-country skiing and exciting tobogganing in the midst of fantastic nature offer a welcome change. Mit der Seilbahn Gletscherbus gelangen auch Wanderer und Bergsteiger zur Bergstation der Gefrorenen Wand auf 3250m Hhe. Unfortunately, you have not given us permission to do so. All right reserved. Here, you will find a special moment in every day and discover real highlights. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Kse: Die Milch machts Naturnahe Produktion ist Garant fr die hohe Qualitt Tiroler Lebensmittel. Number of Ski Lifts: 180 of the most modern ski lifts . Dazu gehrt in Tirol ein Bier oder, trendgem mit Kruterlimo gemischt, ein Alm-Radler. How to get here. What is it that makes a winter holiday in Austria so unique? Jh.und wurde bis heute mehrfach renoviert. Take the A12 Inntal motorway (motorway vignette!) Sehens- und Erlebenswertes Das Zillertaler Regionalmuseum in einem 1713 erbauten Hof gewhrt Einblicke in das Leben der Bauern seit dem 18. / Tom Klocker, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH Holidays in Austria: The Official Travel Guide Whether its on magnificent family slopes or long, sporty downhill runs all winter sports enthusiasts will find ideal conditions and perfectly groomed slopes in Zillertal. This cosy hut sits at 2,000 metres, and features a fireplace lounge, stylish bar, restaurant and sun terrace. Trotzdem wird auch hier neben Brettljause und Kaspresskndel zuweilen noch ein richtiges Melchermuas zubereitet. For more information, please see Google Analytics' privacy policy at Non-personal information collected is used to create reports about website usage that help us improve our websites / apps. Berlin High Trail (Berliner Hhenweg) Trek in the Zillertal Alps, Austria 14C at the mountain +43 5288 62262. From your destination airports, Innsbruck, Salzburg or Munich, the reliable Four Seasons airport shuttle will take you quickly and comfortably to Zillertal. Winter Love in Austria: Zillertal in Tirol | Ski Holidays An alp is not a petting zoo. In 1837, 437 Protestant inhabitants of the Ziller Valley left the valley after they were given the choice of renouncing the Augsburg Confession or emigrating to Silesia, where Frederick William III of Prussia offered them lands and housing near Erdmannsdorf (now Mysakowice in western Poland). Gold in Zell - die Welt unter Tage ist kombinierbar mit einer Erlebniswanderung: Start ist bei der Hochzeller Ksealm mit Schaukserei samt Ksereimuseum und Tierpark in Hainzenberg, vorbei an der Kapelle Flrlmoos und am Heimatmuseum, weiter ber die Wallfahrtskapelle Maria Rast durch den Wald bis zum Ausgangspunkt der Besichtigung des Goldschaubergwerks - den Abschluss bildet die Knappensule, wo einst die Knappen der Mutter Gottes fr ihren Schutz in den Stollen dankten. Usiamo cookie e dati anche per adattare l'esperienza in base all'et, se pertinente. Please find information on holidays in Austria in your local language by, We would like to show you content from external sources here. Follow us. The Hochzillertal-Kaltenbach ski region opens as early as 7.30 a.m. every day! Letztere verdanken die Tiroler dem innovativen Abt Widauer vom Stift Fiecht, der auch die Schifffahrt auf dem Achensee initiiert hatte. Interactive ski map | Zillertal ARENA Die Zillertaler Runde/Berliner Hhenweg fhrt Berggeher in sieben hochalpinen Etappen von Htte zu Htte durch den Naturpark. Our holiday experts are here to assist you with your holiday planning. Zillertal summer map - World Maps Sandwiched between the Tuxer Voralpen and the Kitzbheler Alpen, the Zillertal (Ziller Valley) is storybook Tyrol. Children and exercise simply belong together and there is hardly anything better than watching your offspring really let off steam. Find the right accommodation for your perfect winter holiday in Zillertal from cosy private rooms to luxury five-star hotels. From 1921 to 1976, magnesium carbonate (and later tungsten) were mined around the Alpine pastures of the Schrofen and Wangl Almen above the Tuxertal A ropeway conveyor of more than 9km length was used to transport the ore to the Ziller Valley Railway goods station in the valley below. 8er Jet, Zillertal Shuttle & 6er Holzalm from 08.30 am - 16.00 pm, 08.30 am - 04.30 pm, 04.02. It's the Austrian way of life. For the purposes of this treaty, the Ziller Valley was considered part of Salzburg and thus remained with Austria. The Ziller Valley is particularly renowned for its musical tradition. Cookies are used on our website. Eine landestypische Ksesorte ist der Tiroler Graukse, ein suerlich-wrziger und besonders fettarmer Kse aus Sauermilch. Far from it! Experience nature and enjoy the captivating silence. Following a phase of mergers by building connecting lifts during the 1990s and early 2000s, there are now four big ski areas, the largest of which is the Zillertal Arena, and three smaller satellite areas in the valley. Freizeitvergngen wartet im Zillertal winters wie sommers auf die Gste: ob auf denSkipisten beispielswiese am Spieljoch ber Fgen, dem Skigebiet Hochfgen mit Hotels an den Pisten, oder dem Golfplatz, beim Paragleiten, Rafting oder Mountainbiken. Die Wallfahrtskirche St. Pankraz oberhalb von Uderns ist eine der ganz wenigen Landkirchen, die in gotischem Gewand erhalten geblieben sind - inklusive des Netzrippengewlbes und der Holzempore. Osttirol besitzt sterreichweit die grte Dichte der vom Restaurantfhrer Gault Millau vergebenen Hauben. Die Besichtigung ist nur im Rahmen einer Fhrung und in Begleitung eines erfahrenen Bergbaufhrers mglich. You can only read that here: Stories from the Zillertal. Outside of our office hours please drop us an email and we'll be happy to answer your questions. [4] The Tux Alps lie to its west, while the lower grass peaks of the Kitzbhel Alps are found to the east. The snow is glistening in the sunshine and crunches beneath your ski boots with every step you take. Zillertal is one of the world's most diverse hiking destinations. Winter | Zillertal If you travel bytrainorplane, your holiday will start as soon as you leave home no more traffic jams at critical junctions, no need to calculate time buffers. Zillertal | Zillertal There are 80 huts in the skiing valley which are perfect stop-offs for enjoying a bit of time out from your sporting activities on the slopes either to top up your energy before heading back for more, or at the end of a long day of skiing. Ownership of the valley was divided along the Ziller River. Combined, they offer a total of more than 170 lifts and more than 630km of downhill slopes. Please accept statistics-cookies to watch this video. Continue on the A12 - NB: compulsory toll sticker ("vignette") - to . das Gratzer-Haus aus der zweiten Hlfte des 17. The Tux Alps lie to its west, while the lower grass peaks of the Kitzbhel Alps are found to the east. If you are looking for adventure, you will find numerous snow parks and funlines packed with action as well as extraordinary freeride routes. add remove . Zillertal | Zillertal / Christoph Oberschneider, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH / Christoph Johann, Zillertaltourismus / Tom Klocker, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH / Kevin Ilse, Zillertaltourismus / Christoph Johann, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH / Bernhard Huber, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH / Thomas Pfister, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH / Tom Klocker, Kristallhtte / Christian Oberhofer, Zillertaltourismus / Kevin Ilse, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH / Max Drger, Erste Ferienregion im ZILLERTAL / Wrgtter&friends, Hochgebirgs-Naturpark Zillertaler Alpen / Willi Seifert, Austrian National Tourist Office / Christoph Oberschneider, The Vignette Austrias Motorway Toll Sticker, A whopping 544 km of slopes, 4 ski regionsand 180 lifts covered by the, No waiting timesdue to high-volume lifts, Fun away from the slopes adventures for all ages such as winter and, 80 mountain hutsclose to the pistes, countless award-winning restaurants in the valley, From Innsbruck: direct train to Jenbach (20 min), then a local train or shuttle to your destination, From Salzburg: direct train to Jenbach (1 h 30 min), then local train or shuttle, From Munich: direct train to Jenbach (1 h 30 min), then local train or shuttle, From the east: take the A1 motorway to Salzburg, then cross through Germany and continue on A12 to the Zillertal exit, then take B169 into Zillertal, From the west: take the A12 motorway to the Zillertal exit, then B169 into Zillertal, 180 cable cars and ultra-modern ski lifts, 48 km of tobogganing runs (28 km floodlit). Information & services. From Jenbach, the international destination station of the Zillertal, you can reach your holiday accommodation comfortably with the Zillertalbahn, which runs along the valley. Enter your ski pass number and view vertical metres, lift rides and kilometres on the slopes. From Jenbach, your destination train station, you can reach your accommodation easily on theZillertalbahnor a public bus. sterreich Telefon: +43 5288 62262 Fax: +43 5288 63070 Email: The majority of the population belongs to the Catholic Church, which plays an important role in socio-cultural life.[5]. So zeigt Weiler die Rose als rote Form aus dem umgebenden Blattwerk aufsteigend. Description: This map shows bike routes in Zillertal. Snowshoeing and winter hikes, ski touring, cross-country skiing adventures or tobogganing offer variety off-piste, surrounded by fantastic nature. Zillertal: Karte, Tipps & Infos fr die Region | ADAC Maps Summer Holidays in Zillertal, Austria Plan Your Trip Welcome to Zillertal! Award-winning traditional inn, toque-holding restaurants, romantic lodges and stylish mountain restaurants guarantee unique taste experiences. Go back to see more maps of Zillertal Austria maps Austria maps Austria ski resorts Cities of Austria Vienna Salzburg Graz Innsbruck Linz Klagenfurt Villach Bregenz Lienz Ski Resorts St. Anton Ischgl Mayrhofen Starting point: Top of Ahornbahn cable car (1,955 metres) / Mayrhofen. Flights and transfers, 7 nights HB from 759 pp at Hotel Strolz, Mayrhofen. Find the right accommodation for your perfect winter holiday in Zillertal from cosy private rooms to luxury five-star hotels. Where boundless freedom beckons and enjoyment is the top priority. Award-winning traditional inn, toque-holding restaurants, romantic lodges and stylish mountain restaurants guarantee unique taste experiences. The gondola runs as long as is necessary for an enjoyable breakfast. See Ried im Zillertal photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Ried im . If you travel by plane, your holiday will start as soon as you leave home. / Tom Klocker, Early Bird Skiing in the blue hour in the Zillertal, Family at the Nature Ice Palace in Hintertux, Zillertal, Kristallhtte AT, *toll-free; calls from mobile networks may incur charges, #winterlove is 100% snow guarantee and countless cosy huts right by the slopes. Informationen zum Schutzgebiet und seinenNaturrume bietetdas Naturparkhaus im Bergsteigerdorf Ginzling. Der echte Tiroler Speck wird handgepkelt und langsam an der Luft getrocknet. You can change or withdraw your consent at any time via the (, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH In Drfern und Streusiedlungen, die sich hier an die Berghnge klammern, lsst sich das Zillertal der Bergbauern erfahren. So you can carve your turns on the perfectly groomed slopes before everyone else and enjoy the spectacular sunrise. Over a period of four days the tour takes you to some of the most awe-inspiring and scenically beautiful areas in the Zillertal Alps. Railjets from Switzerland also run several times a day from Zurich via the Arlberg to Innsbruck. Venedigs ffentliche Grten, die 1807 im Auftrag Napoleons entstanden, sind in jedem ungeraden Jahr Schauplatz der Biennale dArte, alle geraden Jahre der Biennale dArchitettura. das denkmalgeschtzte Gratzerhaus aus der zweiten Hlfte des 17. Jh. Welcome to Zillertal, to a sunny atmosphere and fresh mountain air!Sports or relaxation, adventure or pleasure, in the valley or on the mountain - in the four Zillertal holiday regions from Fgen-Kaltenbach via Zell-Gerlos and Mayrhofen-Hippach to Tux-Finkenberg, you will experience unforgettable moments. Hike into the picturesque Schnachtal valley with a cosy stop at a hut. District: Schwaz. von Josef Michael Schmutzer geschaffenen Kreuzwegstationen. Then take the B169 right into Zillertal. The Zillertal Superskipass is on all 544 kilometres of perfectly groomed slopes and on 180 lifts in the four large ski areas (Hochzillertal-Hochfgen-Spieljoch, Zillertal Arena, Mayrhofner Bergbahnen, Ski & Glacier World Zillertal 3000). In 1805, the Treaty of Pressburg ended the War of the Third Coalition and forced Austria to cede Tyrol to Bavaria. 90Prozent der Tiroler Bauern verzichten auf Kunstdnger und liefern eine groe Auswahl an Bioprodukten. The nearest airport to Zillertal is Innsbruck Airport, 36 minutes drive away.. Munich, Salzburg, Bolzano, St. Gallen-Altenrhein, Memmingen, Linz and Friedrichshafen airports are all within three hours drive.. Innsbruck Airport is just one hours drive away, in good driving conditions, so you . Marvel at a breathtaking panorama from 2,300 metres above sea level at this cosy mountain hut. Zu Osttirol gehren die Regionen Lienzer Dolomiten, Defereggental, Hochpustertal und die Hohen Tauern. Award-winning restaurants and a culture of traditional inns as well as romantic huts and stylish mountain restaurants guarantee unique taste experiences in a breathtaking mountain setting. You think that apaper chaseis only a long-forgotten childhood adventure? Sheer endless pistes, snow-covered slopes and fascinating mountains await you here. Zell am Ziller ist eine Gemeinde im hinteren Zillertal in einem Talkessel. The periphery of the area is home to a number of factories. Here you can park your bike and start the ascent to the summit of the Wimbachkopf on foot. If you are travelling by e-car, you will find an overview of public car charging stations here. Award-winning traditional inn, toque-holding restaurants, romantic lodges and stylish mountain restaurants guarantee unique taste experiences.
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