The Final Trial Part 2 Danganronpa V3: of the elite (On G. by master 2002gamer 19K 715 23 after the island exam in his first year of his new highschool life , our mc kiyotaka wakes up in an abandoned school He came to realize after that , that he was kidnapp. If they were in the hidden room before Rantaro got there, they would have been caught on camera if they didnt take another route.. You put faith into someone like me and I got you killed. I can just *feel* the despair coming on! The screen did a page flip effect to Shuichi running out of the classroom as Kaede looked on in surprise. What was a lie? A villain, and a hero. As Tsumugi received light reassurances from her classmates, Junko felt a laugh bubble in her chest. Did you see one of them in the girls bathroom? Shuichi asked her bluntly. There's no evidence that shes the mastermind! Monophanie finished. This would be impossible for just some cosplayer!, But you said that you went to that bathroom during Rantaro's murder, Shuichi reminded her. Now that we know Rantaro was killed by the mastermind, it might lead somewhere. none of these bitches are happy on god!!!! Maki couldn't care lessso long as her girlfriend is satisfied. We might find a hole in someone's alibi that we didn't see at the time. Shuichi told him. Why? Himiko clearly thought so, which made Tsumugis escapade all the more suspicious. cast of danganronpa 1 and 2 are older than v3! Their crime complete, the mastermind went back through the hidden passageway. Oh boo hoo, Hiyoko mocked. Two unlikely soulmates. What was a lie? I have not finished the game yet; I only got up to the part where Kokichi kidnaps Kaito in Chapter 5 and haven't gone back and can't because I don't know how my slow ass PC will handle Steam and . Entertaining a Small Thought (Danganronpa V3 OC Story - FanFiction Or will he fall further into despair? Hurry up and answer! Monokuma interrupted. He does not know if his eyes deceive him; if his breath is really his own. Little does he know his former classmates still care, way more than he imagined. I'm not the mastermind! After escaping the horrors of Team Danganronpa's latest killing game, Shuichi Saihara thought things would be easier. Someone had to set this shit up and control everything, right? Mondo pointed out. Hey, Shuichi. I know, we could watch a comedy special so we get all smi-. 15. I PROMISE IT'LL GET HAPPY!!! Team Danganronpa : Part 6 And from there, to the hidden room in the library that only the mastermind could enter., The next image appeared, that being Kaede and Shuichi looking up at a screen. Plenty of violent crimes have been committed by people younger and weaker, especially with a weapon., U-um, shes right, you know, Mikan agreed. Didn't we discuss that during the first trial? Keebo said. Shuichis hope was just so adorable, and she couldnt wait to see Tsumugi tear it down. 53 Kaede glanced at Tsumugi, whod pretty much cocooned herself in the blanket she probably got from Bev. ", Kaito: "Guess I rubbed off on you too huh? But why create such a classroom at all? 5. As soon as they saw that Kaedes plan failed, they waited for the camera interval and leaped out of the hidden room, shot put ball in hand. There's no way one of us is the mastermind! Will he learn to cope, or will it consume him? Kyoko wondered. That 17th person is the mastermind!. simplyitzy, Mintryn, Boohoo_Crackers, ShimoHyo, Edogawarui, mountpush, Galya19Abdina, VengefulFallen, TheLeafQueen, Bell_Blossom0481, Breno_Ferreira, Cale_is_my_god, qwpanda, Miacatkitty12, Gatekeeper_TAR, Azaria_Willow, vivalatin, Fatto_Catto, FinnCC, Elvys, Fizzlez, ChiakoFunami, NotARobot458, theFreezerFlame, RenSonne, juniper_jaan, AliahAnotherAnimeLover, Ayyna_banayyna, unicrashthenarwhal, UTMVNightLight, DrAgentA, Ukaen, critically, llCookieQueenll, MaiKodama, Captain_skank, FallenShadow950, Islamiki, groundhog0202b, MowukaMoon, RyosCheney2020, aphid_muse, Doodlebug101307, UltimateProcrastinator, nonope, CumMountain, Draken7143, MentallyUnstableexe, Liz_386, connormurphydoesntexist, and 297 more users I couldnt have killed Rantaro!, Could she have? You're mistaken! Dangan Stories - Wattpad Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,612 - Published: Aug 7, 2022 - Complete. 6. This killing game was influenced a lot by the past one, right? I was in my room, by myself, Keebo said. If we don't do well herewe're all gonna get blown up together! Monosuke said. The last image showing him investigation the offending bookcase. Our right to live? Danganronpa V3: Shuichi and his Harem, a danganronpa fanfic | FanFiction All students who died are alive, and those who survived received a hefty sum of cash for beating the game. Kokichi wakes up, basically bed-ridden 'cuz of his injuries. | Meiwaku Seijin: Panic Maker | Under the Skin (Video Game), Emma/Noah (Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race), Emma (Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race), Inspired by Danganronpa 69 and a few other Fangans, Transitions from She/Her to He/Him Pronouns for Fujisaki Chihiro, Fangan Ronpa: Danganronpa Another - Another Despair Academy, But they will be added later depending on the date, Lisa and Tiff had a time skip in their universe, Danganronpa: Despair Across the Multiverse series. And the mastermind is Would someone who has to stay completely hidden really risk that? He asked them. And so, the real truth was perfectly hidden from us. I guess that's a possibility Himiko conceded. Which means it's possible to get into the hidden room from that bathroom!, Tsumugi felt her stomach drop. 27. It all suggests that the mastermind is someone we'd see every day at the academy. Shuichi explained. 28. I'll cheer you on!, Thank you for believing in me, Himiko, even if its pointless, Tsumugi said quietly. He never thought that peace would hurt so much, however. she thought giddily. If you're wondering why I'm posting this, it's because I felt like I needed a break from my old fanfiction that I was writing. That had everyone quiet. This could ruin everything. 26. He keeps mentioning keeping things exciting. Tsumugi only stood there silently as she sweated nervously. A villain, and a hero. He knows it's not recriprocated, but he loves him so much it hurts. x reader FlameBow717 Ibuki 7 mo. Death Road of Despair Somebody suggested me to write this, and, being a fan of dangan ronpa, I am doing this! ", Kaito: "Let me finish, this plan of your's is awesome. The culprit entered the hidden room from the girls' bathroom on the first floor and, with the help of Motherkuma, watched the situation in the library unfold. 2h 16m Start reading Knifu_wifu Ongoing After the ending of danganronpav3 were the survivors wake up and it was all just a simulation! Entertaining a Small Thought (Danganronpa V3 OC Story) By: GrimGenesis. The Beginning And she hoped theyd be able to forgive her. End the game? Category: Gen Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing Relationships: Akamatsu Kaede/Saihara Shuichi Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito Iruma Miu/K1-B0 Characters: Akamatsu Kaede Saihara Shuichi Momota Kaito Harukawa Maki Amami Rantaro Shirogane Tsumugi Oma Kokichi Iruma Miu Gokuhara Gonta Ahh~ Hope and despair are going to clash, and soon. Is it really that simple? Within the simulation, Kiibo existed independently of his creator. (This is taken place right after Tenko and Angie's Trial) "L-like you would know a good ch-character from a b-bad on," she said, pointing an accusatory finger at the fanfiction writer. Who's there?Amami-kun, I'm not a kidI'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.. Mukuro exhaled slowly through her nose. 9. Say something! The next image was Shuichi peaking around the corner, watching the aforementioned group go down the stairs. To scare any Danganronpa veteran, just say 'Shuichi woke up at 3AM/in the morning' and watch them scream. The mastermind was seen going through a door. 3. Kaedes twin sister? Tsumugi was the only one who didn't say give birth, Shuichi said plainly. Kyoko sat deep in thought. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The utility closet in that bathroom has a hidden passageway, Shuichi revealed. Hmm, plenty of witnesses, but it is in the basement. Danganronpa: Another Hope Chapter 1: Prologue, a dangan - FanFiction one-shot fanfic! Degenerate! Tenko suddenly yelled, only to be held back by pressure on each of her wrists. The mastermind excused themselves from the dining hall and went to the bathroom. Kyoko sighed. He might not even survive through the whole trial. Connecting Dots ALONG WITH SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 4). They also looting the Survivors' Perk Monopad from Rantaros body.. The woman in the black suit no longer looks at him harshly, she looks at him with compassion, with pity, and he loathes it. Everyone is alive and well. 4 hr. But she died didnt she? Investigation But Tsumugi? Geez, you're noisy, Monokuma said testily. We don't wanna die! Monotaro pleaded, Monokuma and the mastermind are the bad guys here. 19. Kokichi: "Okay, so what do you want to say. W-well, I suppose its not entirely out of the question, b-but I wouldnt do that!. Dont agree with him, Monphanie admonished. Having a hidden passage in the girls' bathroom while the mastermind is male would be a major risk. I don't blame her, she got manipulated by the mastermind, and in the end I deserve this. Junko scowled internally. And Kokichi Ouma thought well, he didn't think much of anything. This is only the second game males! Who's there? The woman in the black suit no longer looks at him harshly, she looks at him with compassion, with pity, and he loathes it. The screen page flipped again, this time showing Rantaro pushing a moving bookcase, having caught sight of a camera. Who is right? Such as "What if Sayaka's Plan succeeded?" "What if they didn't vote for Chiaki?" "What if someone met Tsumugi in the Restroom?" I can make those happen! But its not impossible., Whats that supposed to mean? The page turned, showing a bloody hand holding a tablet, and the mastermind with a bloody shot put ball standing over Rantaros body. This is a Danganronpa V3 fanfic because its my favourite cast of characters, but takes place after the game in a what-if/alternate universe scenario. With knowledge from last time, he may actually stand a fighting chance of beating the mastermind. Remember that I had placed dust in the card reader in the library. We Will Live For Them Chapter 1: We're Finally Free, a dangan ronpa Makoto was smiling, and next to him, Kyoko was doing the same, even if it was a little hard to tell. An image showed Kaede shrugging off her backpack, and another of her taking a shot put ball out of it, then tossing it through a vent near the floor. And why? The Storm Is that what's going on? Monotaro questioned. Yet another nail in her coffin, And for what reason?, Hmm, plenty of witnesses, but it is in the basement. Dying still has consequences, alright?. I believe we all would, Peko said quietly. One that's connected to the hidden room in the back of the library. I just realized something Tsumugi said. That means nobody used that card reader.. It's been 10 years since The Tragedy ended and peace was restored to the world. pm me if requesting Forbidden The Aftermath (Danganronpav3 AU) - Knifu-Wifu - Wattpad 22. At this point, it was pretty undeniable that Tsumugi was the mastermind, and they werent quite sure what to think about it. What about it? Tsumugi said, sweating nervously. O-one of the participants? Tsumugi stuttered. So the real mastermind is-, Its one single piece of circumstantial evidence, Their class had just agreed to withhold judgment, but she still felt horrible. And and who? Ah, but Keebo wasn't there, was he! "What if Kamakura Izuru saved Nanami Chiaki?" Youve already been replaced once during this game., Bev nodded. Disoriented with dj vu, Miu makes a mental note never to go on a rooftop with Kokichi again. The press begins to slowly descend down onto me. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (192), New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing (610), Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School (14), Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (8), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (3), Killing Game Was A Virtual Reality Simulation (Dangan Ronpa) (686), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD (83), Killing Game Was A Virtual Reality Simulation (Dangan Ronpa), New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Chabashira Tenko/Yonaga Angie/Yumeno Himiko, Saihara Shuichi/Original Character(s) (past), Harukawa Maki/Original Character(s) (past), the rest of the class i'm too lazy to list them all you got the point, there are a lot of headcanons going on for the sake of the plot and my sanity, i don't know how to tag forgive me for i have sinned, they're sad and horny and that's why most of things happen (allegedly), Amami Rantaro/Tsumugi Shirogane (one-sided), One-sided because its not made clear how Tsumugi actually feels, Team Danganronpa alluded to as a corporate dystopian nightmare, because the concept is so interesting to me, Harukawa Maki & Saihara Shuichi & Yumeno Himiko, Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru Are Merged. Not exactly, Makoto said. at times like this, a voice of reason is necessary. 4. He keeps mentioning keeping things exciting. Everyone is reported to go to Hopeful City to move in to prepare themselves for the upcoming school year and attend the big celebration milestone along with the 10th anniversary of the end of the Tragedy. Keebo didn't try giving Motherkuma a command! Who will perish? And in their hand, the real murder weapon- their own shot put ball.. Are you saying those same circumstances apply here, as well? Keebo asked. Unfortunately, theres a catch. How will they react to seeing there friends, lovers, and enemies. Either way, there's no doubt that the mastermind is hiding somewhere in this school, Keebo said. No, I dont think so. You loved Monosuke so much!. Tsumugi winced, pulling the blanket up to her chin. UPDATES TEND TO BE SLOW BUT messy monday {a danganronpa chat fic} (disco when monokuma and the class of 78 make a group chat then he leaves What good would it do to discuss it again?. No matter how good my intentions, no matter how much I wanted to do this to save everyone, I put the group through Hell and broke my own moral codes of no murder just to try to win this stupid game. I can just take the blame for Maki if you die from the poison. Class Trial 1 Danganronpa V3 : Second Chance - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own Is Tsumugi even capable of doing all this? The next three images were the aforementioned four discovering Rantaros body. Is she even capable ofthat?, Its not as difficult as you might think, Kyoko spoke up. The Hands We're Dealt Ultimate In Training (Danganronpa Boys x Child reader - Wattpad The Calm No matter what, I wont let this video affect how I see them!, Wow, well said for a robot, Kokichi jabbed cheekily. An excellent summary, Shuichi, Kyoko praised. Is she really the mastermind? Yeah, Makoto agreed. Except for Kokichi, whose injuries are so bad that he hasn't woken up yet. That one of our friends, the survivors..could do this. ", Kaito: "Well, don't get me wrong, I hate your guts and your a bastard. It might be worth letting Maki know that theyre not as bad as she might think. Kokichi is the last to awaken, and is having a hard time dealing with the guilt, facing those he hurt, and dealing with the PTSD from the trauma of his own death. Wh-whatd you say!? I must have, but I dont know what that might be.. ", Kokichi: "Can we just does this already, I'm starting to feel worse. It would be possible, We dont know the layout of the academy, but, But I do wonder how I convinced her. I really only went to use the bathroom. And with her bad luck, it happens to be Ouma. You may have been a bitch, but you were useful to my cause, and you weren't boring. Kokichi arced an eyebrow. You guys are the ones hiding them! Himiko objected. Mahiru frowned from her spot behind them. Even most of those who didnt fall into those categories werent really weak, by any means. They often say that home is where the heart is. For Your Love (KomaHinaNami x Reader) Danganronpa Danganronpa 3: The End of Danganronpa 2 Danganronpa V3 . Dangan Ronpa V3: What If?, a dangan ronpa kibou no gakuen - FanFiction Because we're all friends! Sorry for the delay. You're not allowed to leave while the trial is in session, so you can't search for them now.. 10. Who, bro? Hope's Peak Academy reacts to v3's final trial - Archive of Our Own Shuichi is trying to reveal the mastermindtrying to overcome despairIts soheart-pounding the bear said happily. Another excellent summary, Kyoko told Shuichi. In result, Korekiyo has not spoken a word ever since waking up. He unwittingly stepped right into the path of the shot.. Theres more? Despite everyone's hatred for Kokichi, Shuichi still cares for him, more intensely than he will admit to himself, and makes sure to thank him and take care of him. And he also took the Survivor Perk Monopad that Rantaro had, right? Maki guessed. Geez, can you not speak normally, Hiyoko complained. Killing Game Was A Virtual Reality Simulation (Dangan Ronpa) Two unlikely soulmates. The next image was the shot laying harmlessly by Rantaros feet, and Rantaro looking up in surprise and shock. If the mastermind were a 17th person they could have their own completely separate room to make flashback lights. The detective pointed out. Who will survive? I just sat around and made things harder than they needed to be. Indeed, tis better to stay cloaked in the shadows than venture into the light, Gundham chuckled lowly. This Rewritten Fiction also contains spoilers to the Original Game so please. Alternate V is the same basic premise as three point shot. Will it lead to a mastermind in this very room? By the way. After the motive was given, they knew Kaede was planning something. The 172 words just reminds me of my favourite fanfic ever, being an Animal Crossing fic that was something like 3 lines. After all I've done I can't pretend to be innocent. It turns out, thats just what the mastermind wanted us to believe. PuhuhYou're upset and irrational. Class Trial 3 Aftermath Monosuke! Monotaro cried as his sister threw up. The glasses-wearing figure peaked their head out of the bathroom door. Killing Game Was A Virtual Reality Simulation (Dangan Ronpa) - Works Noah now must lead 33 other characters into the motives, class trials, and challenges while finding out the mysteries and figuring out who is the mastermind behind this. Theres shuffling somewhere nearby, the mattress dipping under the new weight. Byakuya thought. Ultimate Danganronpa 3 (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Apparently I cant, Kaito says quietly and Kokichi closes his eyes and chuckles like its some kind of inside joke only the two of them are privy to. Were in this together, no matter what! There's nothing to fear!. Himiko didnt really seem to believe it. Tags: Alternate Universe - Talentswap (Dangan Ronpa), Canon Rewrite, Virtual Reality, Human K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Different murders, Different Culprits, Different Survivors, New Dangan Ronpa V3 Spoilers, Ouma's somehow less of an ass yet more of one at the same time, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Abuse(Per several . Besides the 16 of us at this school Himiko continued. No. ", Kokichi: "The impossible is possible, all you gotta do is make it so. Who We Were (Fanfic) - TV Tropes At least, that was his perspective on it. Danganronpa: Another Hope Chapter 1: Prologue, a dangan ronpa kibou no gakuen to zetsubou no koukousei fanfic | FanFiction. Poor little Himiko was in denial, even though the mastermind was close to being revealed. Forward The mastermind was shown dropping their shot and picking up the tablet from the ground. Its too convenient to be coincidence., I see what youre saying, Kaito admitted. Class Trial 1 Part 2 You were probably the only one here I could've called a friend. ", Kaito: "Whether I like it or not, you've rubbed off on me in a way I guess.". Do you know how many of my friends were sacrificed! If we make the masterminds identity clear, all this will be settled. "You c-can't even keep characters i-in character." C-cus were all friends, right!? Team Danganronpa : Part 4 Her eyes almost seem to sparkle a little as she does. Sure, he was made for a reason, and he viewed Professor Iidabashi as a fatherbut ultimately, he was his own person. Everything else points to it being you.. If they were trying to hide, they woulda just stayed put. Himiko agreed. Its true. Not all of them comes back until they completely recover. Or No? The Final Trial Tsumugi kicked her legs up onto the seat, curling up into a ball. I have a built-in voice authentication system. Please tell us you arent the mastermind, Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer!. If anyone else were in that bathroom, Tsumugi likely would have seen them, Leon realized. I think q-quite a few people in this room would be capable of d-delivering a fatal blow to the head with a blunt object.. Finally, Kaede was seen with a pained expression on her face. ? Himiko yelped in realization. Started in September 1, 2015, Ultimate Danganronpa 3: Despair's Final Challenge is a fanfic created by a Fanfiction writer, Maestro Infinite. I'll accept the characters from: D. All genders! Who am I kidding, who would miss someone like me? Which set off the receiver I was holding.. 25. Shed allowed thoughts of murder to enter her mind, and acted on them. I feel a surge of unimaginable pain and everything goes black. It was just really hard to find both the motivation, desire, and time to write this. Maybe you really arent the mastermind. Momota-chan really cant live without me, huh? he teases, but his voice feels strangely flat in this big, obnoxiously white room. As the fanfic is canon-compliant and spoils some major plot points for Danganronpa V3 right from the first chapter, Danganronpa V3 spoilers after this point will be left un . But there's nothing to worry about! the Mage declared confidently. Who is right? Am I right, Tsumugi?, Tsumugi was silent for a moment before- Heycome onwhat's wrong?
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