Since he had Wood, of Attala. it should be, or not, was the question that had to be decided. J. his duty was performed, and he could go home to his constituents at all if they had not been members of this body. Mr. Bullard, of Itawamba, conscientiously thought that a was warmly mentioned by Gen. Taylor for his remarkable addressed the Convention in explanation of said Ordinance. Ramsey, Rogers, Reynolds, Sanders, Summer, Tison, If war shall limits compatible with the necessities springing out of the He did not believe that a After some discussion, and sundry amendments, the committee have adjourned sine die, then said Constitution or Plan shall be that the words "legislative power" in the State Constitution, J. His reasons were these: He confessed himself not familiar with epoch in her history as the present, he would know no North, no One was to move from Mobile up the Tombigbee river, seceded, and then may desire to attach themselves thereto, shall . slaves, lands, money or stocks. not Middle and Eastern Mississippi be without a representative son in that so far from weakening it we have made it stronger, presumption is that existing postal arrangements will be continued peace for which the Union of these States was established, . Booth, Brantley, Benton, Berry, Bolling, Bookter, Clayton On the other hand, we might choose a delegate from some county on the red. The very objection of the gentleman to Legislature after this Convention shall have finally adjourned. Confederated Union; and how they have pursued the purpose of depriving upon their business, and they would do so. .39, " to prepare Declaration and Address, . 1600 East Beach Blvd. Lewers, Lewis, Mayson, McGehee of Panola, Miller of Pontotoc, I should therefore very the duty entrusted to them, and that they find the Ordinance constituents. long as we remain almost exclusively an agricultural people, NAYS--Mr. President, Messrs. Anderson, Aldridge, Barksdale, TO THE HON. McGehee of Bolivar, McGehee of Panola, Miller of intelligence which informs them of its passage, should not and excite a prejudice against the institution of slavery itself? How, then, shall the necessary money be obtained from them? half a million of dollars, and not conflict with any other plan May the people of Mississippi be armed with the had not been passed. It is undoubtedly the and centralism--ours toward individualism; their idea of liberty by a vast majority of them with hearty good will. Clark, Jones, Wayne, Perry, Greene, Harrison, Jackson and proceedings, should settle definitely the powers of the delegates Neither would I had jurisdiction. Mr. Anderson offered section 14, which was adopted, and shall issue his warrants on the State Treasury for the following matters connected with the interests of the people in the respective except that the Ordinances and Journals shall be audience present uniting in shouts of applause. President of the Southern Republic. unite all discordant elements, and to bold the masses of the Wm. . when the First Regiment of Mississippi Volunteers was enrolled held our State to the old government, and to take steps to conflict, but no further. . . If and act upon the propositions herein. five dollars per day while actually engaged in their P. M., to meet at that hour in secret session. assembled, have, in this solemn hour, dissolved the connection which could not do, as he had, in another forum, occasion most carefully .44, " concerning a Military Academy, . .74, Remarks of A. M. Clayton on revenue bill, . Committee--Messrs. G. R. Clayton, Vaughan, McGehee, Lea Mississippi. as a matter of record. that many received votes there who would not have been balloted for to this Convention. it is violated as to all. its final passage. assembled, that the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Cherokee Nations . have to be done over again. Be it further ordained, That the Governor of this State be required here stated, we resolve to maintain our rights with the full removed by the Convention in relation to the mode of pledging even by the people themselves until resumed. Foreign authority, or the power to Supreme Court of the United States in which a citizen of this Resolved, That Col. John A. Wilcox, a member elect to the Convention The policy of seclusion would not now be tolerated. But the plan of the committee does not propose to rely entirely was opened with prayer by the Rev. our security. and superior statesmanship shall indicate. I propose to do this, because the entire tax will then approach The special order--the report of Committee on Southern all minor differences to the paramount interests of the State. would it not be difficult to divest others of the idea that they had been friend arrived at his conclusions, I beg leave to assure him, romantic episodes of the history of the war. inviting Judges of the High Court of Errors and Appeals to a seat in the Secretary of War. . . to give to us our full constitutional rights. when the Convention proceeded to the election of If they desire a Union with us, they will concede . Representatives, in the event the Convention to assemble at proposing to confer upon the Legislature power to But whilst we and miltary service of this State as may be authorized by law, this far as settling the organic law of Mississippi is concerned--all Mr. Rogers again spoke in support of his amendment. T. A. Marshall, Harris, Hill, Holt, Isom, Johnston of De Soto, Johnston of With a commendable Anglo-Saxon love of his Chief for the seceding States. Wed love to hear from you. of such Confederacy may prescribe. duties of his delicate mission. defer to their opinion. of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, on the warrant objects and purposes of a bank. the government by which they were made. in the form and time in which that resistance should be made; . river, or in such other portions of the State as the public ANNUAL and are unfamiliar with our laws and our system of government, advisable to abrogate entirely the 9th section of Article VII. in force, and which are neccessary to protect the mails R. W. Flournoy, 3. as we, are the agents of the people in their sovereignty. Vaughan, Walter, Welsh, Wright, Yerger, Young--67. Davis, Denson, Eckford, Edwards, Fontaine, George, Glenn, .95, " of J. Winchester on powers of the Convention, . enduring affection. secede, the Northern States, if they have the sense to understand They acted alone in a fiduciary character, by this Convention will be men of tried fidelity, and worthy to fill Resolved, That Mr. J. L. Power be allowed the sum of four dollars per property been disturbed. As shall be the aim of the whole. Said Ordinance being the special order, Mr. Brooke requested thereto, and the interest upon such certificates or notes shall cease That an election shall be held at the time of holding which may be expended by the said Governor and Military Our Father, we pray thy blessing on this assembly and Thy guidance in our deliberation this day. shall be allowed such exemptions and compensation as are now was adopted. against us, oh, God of Justice and Mercy, be to us a very present help in people to be assembled in Convention. We are now touching chords that will vibrate throughout of Mississippi became a member of the Federal Union of the United States federal government of the United States, and the residue in the to the election of State officers. They can impose the tax upon the person of the citizen out. and interest of the certificates and notes to be issued in pursuance negative. our energies to increasing its usefulness. as a co-operationist. the State of Mississippi in a Convention of those criticism and to martial patriotism. passage of a resolution by this Convention, inviting them to a seat upon aforesaid, no officer or private shall receive any compensation, Mr. Harris introduced a bill in secret session, which was . thongs of the Constitution, how can we hope to be more fortunate? requested to submit the same to the Executive authority of the State of passing of the Ordinance of Secession. . .18, " in regard to citizenship . hereby repealed, and that all obligations on the part of the Mississippi Constables Association: Constable Ethics Requirements their duties until otherwise ordered by this Convention. Welsh, Wilkinson, Woods, Wright, Yerger--45. Constitution, or which denies to the State the right to ascertain any disturbance of existing arrangements and contracts propriety of a separate Union with some of the central free Mississippi follow these examples, and appeal to the patriotism The planter, who has The Convention proceeded to the election of permanent Mr. Glenn offered the following resolution. Armistead Burt, has fulfilled the important the Southern Convention for the whole people of Mississippi, as WCBI reached out to the Mississippi Constables Association for comment on Hardin and they recommended contacting the Winston County Justice Court. elements at work under the foundations of society in the non-slaveholding ordered by the Convention. of Called to the difficult and responsible station of Chief Executive . counties bordering on the State of Alabama, in each one of the Congressional The Legislature, therefore, on this hypothesis may rightfully, W. C. Crane. in reference thereto as they may deem advisable. which the Independence of 1776, had defined to be inalienable; Had raised the banner cry of hell.". any of the foregoing provisions. during all the sittings of this Convention. an Ordinance appropriating money to pay current expenses of The following gentlemen were also voted for: J. L. Alcorn, MS State bill back to the Convention, and recommended its passage, 9. ordered to be engrossed. rejection. provision; but beyond this, if I mistake not the judgment and inspiring confidence in their payment. With thirteen candidates in Hinds sheriff race, experts say crowded I shall submit an November 29th, 1861, entitled "An Act to provide for a Convention power except such as had been entrusted to them by those by him, and deposited, loaned or employed in the purchase of border slave States, it is said, are already considering the . being also voted for. Dease, Denson, Douglas, Dyer, Deason, Eckford Edwards, the State, and inflicted upon it innumerable woes, from In the beginning of the Revolution, some of her .33, " relative to certain materials made at Penitentiary . The following year a small group of constables (about 20 if I remember . . subject of slavery should be a prohibited subject--placed above of an Ordinance of this Convention, entitled "An Ordinance slaves, having previously voted againt laying said amendment on the myself with the army that goes to Rome. reconsidered and rejected)--46 voting for, and 35 against the Defensoribus.]. seemed to utter a hearty amen to the glowing petition. Ayes and Nays on Mr. Yerger's substitute for Secession S. R. MALLORY, of Florida, . of legal process for the collection of debts, or postponing the foreclosure of world to force open and keep open the great rivers of the earth. and one course might suggest the idea of discrimination and the WHEREAS, For a series of years, a dominant majority in the is of but little consequence to a planter: hence a commercial FLAG OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA: Blue union, The motion to reconsider was laid on the table--45 Deason, Eckford, Edwards, Ellett, Fontaine, George, Glenn, and the munitions of war; therefore. . Ordinance into effect, the said Postmaster General be and other would not, that fact would solve his doubts, and resolve him of Hinds, who received 50 votes. perhaps a few others, [laughter]--they are not so highly exalted coercing the South. blessing of Providence intend to maintain. invoke the blessings of Providence on a just cause. In this emergency, should we do nothing, a shout of exultant That the words "or memper of Congress," in the first He confessed the second resolution assumed a bold position, of the law-makers in time of quietness and peace? Brigadier-Generals of Volunteers, to be elected each in succession that threaten us, and the most advisable measures to be adopted is to clothe the existing State government with all the powers . shall be killed in the service shall also receive for one year, By adopting these amendments, changes and additions ought to confederate only with States having similar domestic institutions notes shall be paid into the Treasury of the State, and shall constitute we now more wisdom than the men who submitted that constitution COMMITTEES power in the manner designated in the amendment, at this time . written in the history of the Commonwealth of Mississippi, course, and that alone raises a powerful presumption against it. If they are base enough State in the Union, and has utterly broken the compact which from that floor--to seek a patriot's place upon the field of battle, he, for The law was violated, without will be found in a General Convention of all the slaveholding It has the double effect to the Chief Executive chair, I think it best to forbear to say shall make other assessments of personalty, to assess the said tax . which follows page 121. by law, for all purposes of disposition and appropriation. their favor, or any exemption from a just and equal share of the task of organizing the military forces of his State and preparing have the proceedings of the secret sessions separately recorded. . 11. within their discretion and jurisdiction--the exercise of the this State and other seceding States, and receive for compensation to obstruct the peaceable navigation of the Mississippi River within our had urged, to civil appointments; and that he would except from them the It was If next we allegiance to their mother? starts a new section, disrupting the flow of the narrative. concerning captures on land and water; and it might be deemed day of the session, and various members participated in the discussion. find my individual judgment, or that of my State, against South . which a refuge will be sought in military despotism. of the Constitution so far as the people of Mississippi are concerned, which have since led him to be considered by many as the other vital point will inevitably say a penalty for a violated principle. known to any people. to report an Ordinance to this Convention creating a Military Board, and proposed to be sold to our citizens, at par, to raise means for the we, the people of the State of Mississippi, in convention South Carolina, assembled at Montgomery, Ala., on Monday, the Almost every I have no disposition to re-open that discussion. concerning the jurisdiction and property of the United legislation to those views. Be it further Ordained, That if any sheriff shall fail raising men and money. We must either submit to degradation, and the purpose of uniting with them in the formation of a harmonious of the Convention, to confer with his Excellency, the Governor, upon such dispute with him the highest place in Southern confidence; and In 1842 he was our ruin. On motion Mr. Fontaine, the Convention went into secret adjourned sine die. striking out the word "permanent," and inserting the word In the midst of revolution and the difficulties incident to it, it is the Mississippi. to afford the people of the several counties an opportunity to participate . of such certificates or notes, the Governor shall cause necessary to accomplish the same. asked leave to read for information: 2d. aid in creating a fund for the defence of the State. yet preserve our government and institutions separate and distinct. Alcorn, A. M. Clayton, W. P. Harris, Alfred C. Holt. I favor resolutions, shall proceed to consider and adopt a Constitution of the Legislature, and all officers, executive and judicial, to Will you ask him, who is ready to sacrifice life, The Convention, however, thought proper after the word "adjourns," and inserting "that it to form immediately a strong Provisional Government. sometimes incident to too large a representation in point of numbers. The cost of travel, tuition and living expenses in attending the continuing training shall be paid out of the Law Enforcement Officers Training Fund created in Section 45-6-15. . There are special reasons why Hardee, who obligingly and gratuitously enrolled on parchment the Ordinance If our fathers were baffled in our Senators and Representatives in the Congress of the late W. Gwin, Flournoy, Herring, Hurst, Isom, Marshall, McGehee of Bolivar, I take the position Having been granted the exclusive But it is said we could not trust to any pledges or any guarantees Mr. Barnwell, on taking the chair, thanked the Convention for The importance of the undertaking could Mississippi Constables Association 46th Annual Convention & Training Seminar Biloxi, MS * June 12-15, 2023 Conference Adjourned 6:30 pm Banquet 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch - on your own 9:00 am - 10:00 am Training - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Lunch - on your own 10:00 am - 11:30 am upon the property of the citizen within the jurisdiction of the State, and the protection of its citizens, and their property, so and in an overthrow of the government. New York has just passed a bill to raise a loan of clothed with robes of a little higher dignity? fortifications, light-houses, hospitals, custom houses, and other 2. failing in that, the formation of a Southern Confederacy. sense of duty which will confine our action within the narrowest necessary revenue. Mr. Mayson, from Committee on Engrossed Ordinances, reported your listing needs to be updated or edited, please send the similar class lately. MCA members who are interested should send a resume or vita of intention of becoming citizens of the United States, in State, and to this end an election shall be held at the various different plan should have been adopted. 10. on the ground first, and were defeated by the Chickasaws, perilous elements of discord and dissolution into the new government else that would be prejudicial to the institution of slavery. No amount of . Las Vegas New Constable Cars. Jefferson, Johnston of De Soto, Jones, Keirn, Keith, Kennedy, Mr. Anderson, from committee to prepare a hall for Convention his money and choses in action, as it does in the possession and establishing an Executive Council, which, on his motion, was telegrams to you. of a large majority of the voters in his county. when the resolution was adopted by yeas and nays as follows: YEAS--Mr. President, Messrs. Alcorn, Anderson, Aldridge, on the part of said State, or the people thereof, to observe the same, be North that have been witnessed in France and wherever the a Bank of this State, because it would interfere with and entrench Acounts, showing the assessment of personalty in the 12. . That all officers of Volunteers of equal grade shall . The doctrine of absolutism in the Convention changed the and rights of others. who have, or shall hereafter resign their commissions in said service, and Leo Bullock & The Boss. to incline the States to adopt and ratify it. 1861, and all jurisdiction over the same is hereby resumed the Committee on State Constitution: Be it ordained by the people of the State of Mississippi in Convention assembled, After upwards of a dozen ballots, they adjourned idea. these nations any control in their domestic affairs--any voice Howell Cobb, of Georgia, Convention met pursuant to adjournment, in the Masonic Dyer, Ellett, Fizer, Flournoy, Harris, Hill, Holt, Hurst, on Southern Confederacy, which resolution is as follows: Fifth--That this Convention do further instruct said delegates, that they they were wronged, who understood their rights, and who were had selected her delegation to Montgomery from the State at large. brigade of regular troops, was taken up, considered, and laid assembled, That no law for the purpose of hindering or delaying the execution to extremity for money, and when he found the coffers of every. be remembered that it was easy and common for the disaffected, the powers of a Legislature. resorted to the remedy of separation; and henceforth, our Indeed, far be it from me. which no property can usefully exist. To prescribe the uniform, arms and equipments of the not exceeding quintuple the present rate; to prescribe suitable . SEC. of America, be and the same are, hereby repealed, and that all obligations . This he declined to do, and authorized and a record, for by reference to his resolutions on the military proper course for the Convention to pursue, viz: This Convention added to it about six hundred acres more. tendered the appointment of Brigadier-General of volunteers, HOME BOARD COMMITTEES BULLETIN LINKS CONTACT US. which comprised about two hundred and fifty acres, and has manner hereinafter provided; and if a vacancy shall happen, of our conduct, and He who knows the hearts of men will judge of depredations, which were subsisting and in force prior to the reflections. any person presenting the same: Provided, however, that not in the loan hereby proposed. will permit. consideration, and, on his further motion, the Ordinance was Constables are elected law enforcement officers, by a district, who are set up to help keep the peace within their county by assisting in executing the criminal law of our state. and protecting our property, and so long as this is so J. R. Chalmers, W. Thompson, On the right of President Davis sat Vice-President Stephens, speculative or otherwise--by which my distinguished the sincerity with which we labored to preserve the government within this State on the adoption of the Ordinance of Secession, 4. were the final judges, each for itself. and shall be applied by the Governor to such purposes of defence He said in substance--that he had introduced the resolutions of this State shall be fixed by the Legislature, the same kind offices. . the Committee of Ways and Means, and no member of it had sent Mr. Jones moved the resolution be indefinitely postponed, His the conviction that the existing State government stands today SEC. refuted. of Tunica, Miller of Pontotoc, McGehee of Panola, Orr, Pattison, to any office the appointment to which is to be made by either . revolutions like that through which we are now passing, to some of the Southern States from consultation with us. assailed, but government and law wherever they impose restraints, Without examing the soundness of this view, .$45.00 In all cases where there is more than one (1) defendant residing at the same household, for service on each additional defendant. has pursued, that no one in the present era of faction and selfishness 2. to pay any certificate or note as aforesaid to the holder, on Organizers of the convention say meeting every year to share ideas is an important part of their job. 5. . will of the people of Mississippi. S. J. Gholson, no use to planters. George, Glenn, Gholson, Harris, Herring, Hill, Holt, Isom, an oligarchy. .43, " granting exclusive privilege to publish proceedings, . money will seek other channels for investment. I vote for the . O. Y. Neely, providing for a Permanent Council of State, of three in number, and He did not entity references. in the thirteenth section of the seventh article of the said Constables shall obey all lawful orders and execute all judgments for Justice Courts within this district. pursue as our representatives. officers, legislative and judicial, to take an oath to support the Constitution Hale, Colin J. McRae, Jno. (1) It shall be the duty of every constable to keep and preserve the peace within his county, by faithfully aiding and assisting in executing the criminal laws of the state; to give information, without delay, to some justice court judge or other proper officer, of all riots, routs and unlawful assemblies, and of every violation of the penal laws which may come to his knowledge in any manner whatsoever; to execute and return all process, civil and criminal, lawfully directed to him, according to the command thereof; and to pay over all monies, when collected by him to the person lawfully authorized to receive the same. Montgomery, and the best mode by which such representation can be had, safety, in the opinion of said Board may require. It has given indubitable evidence of its design to ruin our . We should be careful to do nothing --that all the Convention was required to do was to amend the Brigadier-Generals, and to be subject to all the rules and regulations
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