PDF Holiday Schedule for 2020 - University of Western States This means the winter closedown will commence at the end of the day on Monday, Dec. 18, 2023, and reopen on Tuesday morning, Jan. 2, 2024. To make a payment, follow the link below. Trash collection starts at 6 a.m. Make sure to have your bins on the curb by then. But that freedom Tuesday comes with a slight cost. Click here to learn more. South Gate Waste and Recycling Service | Universal Waste Systems Please refer to the Bursar/Cashier's Office for tuition and fees information. Visit the CSPE Protocols and Care Pathways here. Our customer service team can be reached by email at: SGCustomerService@uwscompany.com, you can order additional containers, request exchanges, report service issues, and request bulky item collections. Source de donnes : Acadmie de Crteil - Ministre de l'Education nationale. Fax: 505-864-8408, Online Bill Pay Academic Catalog - Fall 2021 Academic Catalog - Fall 2020 Academic Catalog Addendum - Spring 2020 Academic Catalog - Fall 2019 What time is my trash pick up? Calendars and Schedules - University of Wisconsin-Extension ARCHIVED CATALOGS. We are currently servicing offices, studios, shopping centers, apartments, hotels, construction sites, schools, service stations, home, restaurants and manufacturing facilities. NE Mutiny. UNIVERSITY0f Western States . If you have problems accessing content on the Western Sydney University website, please contact the Western Sydney University Contact Service Centre on 1300 897 669. The exact dates for 2023 are provided in this article. These breaks provide students with the opportunity to take a short break from their studies and recharge. PDF Holiday Schedule for 2021 - University of Western States Phone: 505-966-2730 UWS serves over 40+ city franchises and their residents with at-home waste and recycling services. Universal Waste Systems, Inc. extends their best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season to the residents of Belen. The exact dates for 2023 are as follows: Semester 1: Monday 27 February Friday 23 June Semester 2: Monday 24 July Friday 17 November, There are two exam periods at UWS each year, one at the end of each semester. Such as, what is a clean recyclable? July 4th In NYC: What's Open, Closed | New York City, NY Patch FC Berlin. VITA is Vital You don't need to pay $240 or more for simple tax preparation. Vacation (V) 22 November 2021. 2022-2023 Academic Calendar Contents Dates of Instruction University Holidays Application Deadlines Registration Deadlines Adding/Dropping Courses or Complete Withdrawal Tuition/Fee Assessment Deadlines U-PASS Activation Dates/Payment Due Dates Grade Deadlines Religious Accommodations Deadlines Holidays and Observances Christmas Day. Reliable delivery and pick-up times are our commitment to serve you better. Find UWS brand assets and guidelines here. 2024 UW Employee Payroll Calendar Single page calendar that includes pay periods, pay dates and deduction schedules. PDF Uws 2022 - 2023 Academic Calendar Les rsultats du baccalaurat sont continuellement enrichis filire par filire (bac gnral, bac techno, bac pro). Thanksgiving Holiday - UWS Closed Thu-Fri November 24-25 Finals Week Mon-Fri December 12-16 Last Day of Fall Term Friday December 16 Winter Term 2023 Days Date These include: Good Friday: Friday 31 March Easter Monday: Monday 3 April Anzac Day: Tuesday 25 April Queens Birthday: Monday 12 June Labour Day: Monday 2 October. All rights reserved. What Holidays does Universal Waste Systems observe? Have bulky items the city wont pick up? Non-exempt employees can also use accumulated compensatory time off during the winter closedown. OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE UNITED WOMEN'S SOCCER (UWS) . The exam periods for 2023 are provided in this article. The dates listed in various views below are for teaching terms relevant for the majority of students. We accept Visa and Mastercard over the phone. DC Accreditation CCE Final Report of Interim Site Visit, October 2016*, DC and NMD Course/Program Modification Form, CGS Major Program/Course Modification Form, Steps and Timeline for New Academic Program, Create and approve out-of-pocket expense report, Instructions for UltiPro Delegation Process, How to Request Time Off and View Your PTO Balances in UltiPro, Time Management for Non-Benefitted Employees recording, Ultipro Employee Self Service Contact Information, Ultipro Employee Self Service Direct Deposit, Ultipro Employee Self Service Name, Address, Phone, Application and Promissory Note for Emergency Loan, Direct Deposit Form Students (electronic), How to View Balance and Pay Tuition Online, Finance and Administration Division Responsibilities, Department Budget Priority Request Form FY2023, Division Budget Priority Request Form FY2023, Get alerts and other campus safety features (UWS Safe app). Employee Donation to UWS*In-kind Donation ProcessInterested in student fundraising? If you need any other forms, such as a diploma request or FERPA release, please contact the registrars office. We strive to provide the most up to date information so please let us know if you need anything else. VITA sites are now closed. December 31, 2023. ; A Risky Day is not a direct prediction of precipitation (Rain/Snow) but instead a forecast of ideal conditions for a storm to enter the region. UWS will be visit apartment and commercial sites to identify service needs. By continuing to use the University of Western States website,you agree to how we use your data to improve service and user-experience. I am proud to work with them on many of our different commercial projects! Please visit the UWS risk management webpage for additional information. UWS 2023 - 2024 ACADEMIC CALENDAR - University of Western States UWS has you covered. The mid-semester breaks for 2023 are: Semester 1: Monday 17 April Friday 21 April Semester 2: Monday 25 September Friday 29 September, There are several public holidays throughout the academic year that students and staff should be aware of. La ville indique correspond celle de l'tablissement d'origine du candidat. Form Diploma and Commencement RSVPForm Student Speaker Nomination, LibGuide for Faculty Development and Research, Teaching and LearningUniversal Design for Learning HandoutTILT FrameworkCredit Hour WorksheetBlended and Hybrid LearningDesigning an Inclusive CourseMillers PyramidCourse Description GuideIntroduction to RubricsTeam TeachingTest Construction GuideWriting Student Learning OutcomesInstitutional Effectiveness Assessment GuideRaising the Bar: Creating Multiple-Choice Questions to Assess Higher-Order Thinking SkillsWriting Effective Test Questions, Teaching TidbitsTeaching Tidbits #1 Creating a Sense of BelongingTeaching Tidbits #2 Supports for an Inclusive ClassroomTeaching Tidbits #3 Supporting Neurodiversity through Course Design, Internal Peer Review Process PresentationInternal Peer Review GuidelinesResearch Definitions 2023UWS Research Overview*University Research Policy*For Beginning Researchers*Qualitative Research*Ethics in Research*Research Execution for Beginning Researchers*Statistical Considerations*Reporting Research*Writing and Reference Style*, These templates will download to your desktop in Word.Committee Meeting Agenda Template. Eugene Trash Schedule 2023 (Bulk Pickup, Holidays, Map) All fees must be prepaid. Vous pouvez galement tout moment revoir vos options en matire de prospection commerciale et ciblage. If any of these holidays fall on a weekday, your pickup day will be adjusted. A: The academic year at UWS typically begins in late February or early March and ends in November. The IANA time zone identifier for Saint-Maur-des-Fosss is Europe/Paris. Contact us today for a quote. Holiday Schedule Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Jan 16 Valentine's Day - Feb 14 President's Day - Feb 20 Good Friday - Apr 7 & Easter - Apr 9 2023 Holidays - 2023 Calendar All trash routes will be on their regular schedules. Items need to be at the curbside. Yes, organics can go in plastic bags and be put in the grey trash cart. Contact [emailprotected], DEI Action PlanDEI Action Plan Visual: PrioritiesDEI Action Plan Visual: Priorities and KeywordsUWS Land AcknowledgementDEI Shared Language DocumentDEI Syllabus StatementUWS Equity Statement, EVENT PLANNINGRoom and Event Request FormAcademic Room Request FormOutlook Instructions for Viewing Rooms on CampusOutlook Instructions to Schedule Conference Rooms. (94100) [PUBLI] Le rsultat du bac Saint-Maur-des-Fosss a t dvoil par le ministre de l'Education nationale. You need a junk removal service. UWS Holiday Schedule. Fall 2023-Summer 2024 Catalog. Click here to learn more. The official state holidays are Christmas Day and New Years Day. Organics waste can go in paper bags or a compostable plastic bag can be used as a liner. 30DayWeather Long Range Weather Forecasts predict ideal conditions for a storm. 2022-2023 Academic Calendar Tuition and Fee Schedules 2019-2020. SAT 5/13 @ 7:00PM EDT. This dateline, approved by the University's Executive, is subject to change. Q: What is the UWS Academic Calendar? How can I contact Eugene Trash and Recycling Services. The holiday and winter closing schedule for 2024 has been posted on the university's website. 162. Contact Us; Terms and Conditions; Site Map; We use cookies to . Recordings of the quarterly community meetings can also be found on the meeting minutes page. Home - United Women's Soccer Young adults looking for a spiritual and social home on the Upper West Side can find it at the Selma and Lawrence Ruben Center for 20s + 30s. The best way to find out if something is acceptable and unacceptable in your area, is to call our office at 541-736-3600 during normal business hours. As a student at the University of Western Sydney (UWS), I have always found it helpful to have a clear understanding of the academic calendar. The City of Eugene is in Oregon with Corvallis to the north, Redding to the south, Bend to the east. They provide dumpsters and hauling for my various commercial projects. Tuition and Fee Schedules 2022-2023. The decision has been made to shift the winter closedown dates to begin and end a day earlier. A: There are two exam periods at UWS each year, one at the end of each semester. Roadside Solid Waste Collection Services | Valencia County, NM UWS 2022 - 2023 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1/13/2023 Summer Term 2022 Days Date First day of Summer Term Tuesday July 5 . Blogus by Themeansar. 2023 Calendar; 2024 Calendar; 2023 Printable Calendars; . For any inquiries, please contact UWS Customer Service at 562-334-3660. Much of New York City's . There will be NO delay for trash collection following Christmas and New Years Day. Students who are enrolled in programs with special teaching terms, such as students who are offshore international students in programs delivered by partner institutions, will need to consult their school regarding any special purpose dates. They are on track to complete their degree requirements during the term that commencement is held; or. Thank you! The degree requirements were met in a previous term. It highlights all the important dates for you. Holidays and Observances in United States in 2023 - timeanddate.com Welcome the Udocs, the intranet for University of Western States documents and policies. NEW YORK CITY July 4 is here and (most) New Yorkers will be appropriately free from their workweek routines. Toutefois, vous pouvez vous y opposer tout moment. homepage | Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan - mmjccm.org Select a University Use the map or dropdown box to begin. The academic year at UWS typically begins in late February or early March and ends in November. UPS Express Critical service is available for urgent packages every day of the year, including UPS holidays. Rsultat bac 2023 Saint Maur des Fosses gratuit (94100) [PUBLI] What if I want opt out of service and dispose of my own trash? City of South Gate SB1383 Organics Recycling Information. List of HHW (including SHARPS) items accepted: Coffee grinds including filters (no K-Cups), Furniture as long as it only takes two (2) people to lift. Employment at UWS. Residential customers get 10 items picked up per month and Multi-family households get 10 items per month per unit. Our Locations | Universal Waste Systems CA, AZ, and NM Locations Faculty/staff resource document links marked * require a uws.edu username login.You may have to be on campus, connected to the vpn, or citrix get access. CalendarDate.com. There are several ways to make a payment. UWS has Over 120+ Years of Industry Experience. Where can I get information for roll-off bin services? He has been a speaker at National Pavement Expo and contributed to the North American Power Sweeping Association and was a member of 1-800-Sweeper LinkedIn Twitter, Home Oregon Eugene Trash Schedule 2023 (Bulk Pickup, Holidays, Map), How to Get Rid of a Mattress (8 Free Ways), The Ultimate Guide to Recycling Scrap Ammo (Legally), Acceptable and Unacceptable Items for Bulk Pickup. Collections times are from 7am 6pm. An employee must be in pay status the entire workday before and the entire workday after state holidays to receive holiday pay. UWS Transition City of South Gate - South Gate, California Knowing important dates such as the start and end of semesters, exam periods, and holidays has helped me stay organized and plan my studies effectively. COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTESView minutes here. Attention Belen residents. 2023 Academic year dateline. This means the winter closedown will commence at the end of the day on Monday, Dec. 18, 2023, and reopen on Tuesday morning, Jan. 2, 2024. Holiday Shipping Schedule 2023 Holidays UPS is closed on New Year's (Jan 1), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving (Nov 23), and Christmas Day (Dec 25). Call customerservice at, Residential and Multi-family receive 1 HHW pick up per quarter. How do I request cleaning of the organics bin (annual service)? . Please refer to the Residential/Commercial Welcome Packet for more information. Les rsultats du baccalaurat sont continuellement enrichis filire par filire (bac gnral, bac techno, bac pro). How should I report a problem? How do I contact Universal Waste Systems? Here you can see the city-observed holidays. The exam periods for 2023 are: Semester 1: Monday 26 June Friday 14 July Semester 2: Monday 20 November Friday 8 December. Theres usually a fee involved with junk removal but most companies can tell you ahead of time approximately what its going to cost. Junk removal services are not be as picky about the items theyre collecting so if the city wont take the item, this may be your best bet. Universal Waste Systems Inc. (UWS) is pleased to have been given the opportunity to be the exclusive provider of waste management services in the City of South Gate. Please call customer service at. Are you interested in learning more about recycling, and ways you can increase recycling at your home or business, please reach us via email at ZeroWaste@uwscompany.com and request an appointment our Zero Waste recycling team is ready to help! O-Week for 2023 will be held from Monday 20 February to Friday 24 February. 26 November# - Western Sydney Online Trimester 3 exams end. Author: New Year's Eve. From 29 October 2023: UTC +1 / Central European Time (CET) The time in Saint-Maur-des-Fosss is normally 6 hours ahead of the time in New York, but because these time zones don't share the same start and end times for daylight saving time, the time in Saint-Maur-des-Fosss can for a short while be 5 hours ahead of the time in New York. Plus gnralement, vous bnficiez d'un droit d'accs et de rectification de vos donnes personnelles, ainsi que celui d'en demander l'effacement dans les limites prvues par la loi. Switched to UTC +2 / Central European Summer Time (CEST). You may also be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) when you file. ", "Universal Waste Systems, Inc. is awesome to work with and I appreciate their commitment to customer service. Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Saint-Maur-des-Fosss, Best restaurants in Saint-Maur-des-Fosss, Find best places to eat in Saint-Maur-des-Fosss, Open Saint-Maur-des-Fosss in Google Maps, Best sushi restaurants in Saint-Maur-des-Fosss, Best business lunch restaurants in Saint-Maur-des-Fosss, Best pubs & bars in Saint-Maur-des-Fosss, From 29 October 2023: UTC +1 / Central European Time (CET). PURCHASING FORMSAdvance Form (fillable)Annual Expense Authorization (fillable)*Payment Request Form (electronic)Payment Request Form Please download this form to your computer before filling out and printing.Purchase Order (fillable)Contractor Agreement Template*, CHROME RIVER EXPENSE AND INVOICE SUBMISSION AND APPROVALCreate and approve invoiceCreate and approve One Card statementCreate and approve out-of-pocket expense reportCreate memorized expense, EXPENSE DICTIONARIESExpense DictionaryFixed Assets Dictionary by GL code*Fixed Assets Dictionary by Item*, TRAINING MATERIALSBusiness Office Onboarding TrainingInstructions for UltiPro Delegation Process*How to Log in to Ultiproand Myself Tab OverviewHow to Request Time Off and View Your PTO Balances in UltiProTime Management for EmployeesTime Management for Non-Benefitted Employees recordingUltipro Employee Self Service Contact InformationUltipro Employee Self Service Direct DepositUltipro Employee Self Service Name, Address, PhoneUltipro Mobile App TrainingONE CARD TOOLSOne Card Users and Approvers Training*Cardholder Agreement*One Card User and Approver Steps*Approval Process*How to set up email notification*How to reset your password*How to view an account profile*, STUDENTRESOURCESFinancial Dispute Form (fillable)Financial Dispute Form (electronic)Statement of Financial ResponsibilityPayment PlanApplication and Promissory Note for Emergency LoanDirect Deposit Form Students (fillable)Direct Deposit Form Students (electronic)How to View Balance and Pay Tuition Online, SIGNNOW E-SIGNATUREeSignature Process DocumentForm Field Label Standards, OTHERCOSO Internal Control Framework SummaryGeneral funds receiptDeposit drop off formFinance and Administration Division Responsibilities, BUDGETDynamic Budgets Manual*New Operating Funding Request FormNew Capital Funding Request FormDepartment Budget Priority Request Form FY2023Division Budget Priority Request Form FY2023Budget Reallocation Request Form, Academic Affairs CommitteeAdministrative CouncilCommunity MeetingCurriculum and Assessment Committee College of Graduate StudiesCurriculum Committee College of ChiropracticData Governance CommitteeDiversity, Equity and Inclusion CommitteeEmployee Engagement CommitteeInstitutional Effectiveness and Planning CommitteeLeadership CouncilPolicy Development and Review CommitteeProgram Planning and Budget Committee College of ChiropracticQuality Patient Care Committee. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Report a Problem All rights reserved. Have an event or information that will be of interest to the people of WSU? UWS Garbage Collection Holiday Schedule - City of Belen UPDATED: University schedule for the 2023 winter closedown UWS care pathways and protocols provide evidence-informed, consensus-based guidelines to support clinical decision making. Universal Waste Systems | Leading Waste Company in the West 30 Day Long Range Weather for Paris, le-de-France. Weather Outlook for Merci d'indiquer un nom de candidat, ou de renseigner une ville ou de choisir une acadmie. Planning an event or need a portable toilet at your construction site? Academic Calendars Commercial customers receive unlimited pickups per year at the rate of $35.00 per item. PUBLIC RESOURCESAcademic CalendarFERPA GuidelinesCampus Notary, Doctor of ChiropracticCurrent Term DC Course ScheduleCurrent Term Finals ScheduleUpcoming Term DC Course ScheduleUpcoming DC Finals Schedule, Masters and Doctorate ProgramsCurrent Term Sports Medicine*Current Term Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine*Current Term Doctor of Clinical NutritionCurrent Term MS Sport Performance & Psychology*Current Term EdD Sport Performance & Psychology*Current Term MS Clinical and Mental Health Counseling*Current Term EdD Clinical and Mental Health Counseling*, Upcoming Term Sports Medicine*Upcoming Term Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine*Upcoming Term Doctor of Clinical NutritionUpcoming Term MS Sport Performance & Psychology*Upcoming Term EdD Sport Performance & Psychology*Upcoming Term MS Clinical and Mental Health Counseling*Upcoming Term EdD Clinical and Mental Health Counseling*. A: The UWS Academic Calendar is a schedule of important dates and events that are relevant to students and staff at the university. PDF Holiday Schedule for 2023 - ftp.uws.edu Meeting minutes for the data governance committee can be found here. Hello and welcome! Employees who would normally be scheduled to work the days may use accumulated vacation leave or their 2023 discretionary day* during the winter closedown. Bylaws Faculty Senate*Travel Request Form, INSTITUTIONALCalendar, AcademicUWSCatalogTextbook Information, CHIROPRACTIC PROGRAMDC Accreditation CCE Final Report of Interim Site Visit, October 2016*DCP Annual Report FY22DCP Annual Report FY21DCP Annual Report FY20DCP Annual Report FY19CCE Self-Study 2020 Email Institutional Effectiveness for password, Program Review ResourcesReview ScheduleProgram Review TemplateFinancial Review Template, Curriculum and Program ModificationCurriculum HandbookDC and NMD Course/Program Modification FormDC and NMD New Course Development FormCGS Minor Course Modification FormCGS Major Program/Course Modification Form, New Program Feasibility and StartupProgram Feasibility FormSteps and Timeline for New Academic ProgramNew Academic Program Process Flow, Transfer Credit and Course Substitution FormsExternal Transfer Credit Evaluation FormCourse Substitution Form, UWS_Statement_of_Regular_and_Substantive_Interaction, Academic Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes. IRS-certified volunteers will prepare your taxes and ensure you get the largest refund for which you qualify. 2013-2023 University of Western States. UWS provides top of the line waste services across Southern California. This dateline, approved by the University's Executive, is subject to change. Wichita State has helped me put marketing strategy in a real-world perspective. Or at least 5 feet of clearance from vehicles. Elles seront galement utilises sous rserve des options souscrites, par CCM Benchmark Group des fins de ciblage publicitaire et prospection commerciale au sein du Groupe Le Figaro, ainsi quavec nos partenaires commerciaux. Please fill out the form below to submit a service request electronically! If you need any other forms, such as a Course Substitution or Transfer Evaluation, please contact the registrars office. Call customer service at. The Belen Transfer Station will be closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Day. No, plastic bags cannot be used. If you are an existing customer and have a service request, Click Here. Uws Academic Calendar 2023: A Guide To Important Dates And Events Calendar for 2023; Calendar for 2024; Calendar Generator - Create a calendar for any year. Holiday Schedule for 2021 New Year's Eve Day Thursday, December 31, 2020 New Year's Day Friday, January 1, 2021 MLK Day Monday, January 18, 2021 Memorial Day Monday, May 31, 2021 Independence Day Monday, July 5, 2021 Labor Day Monday, September 6, 2021 Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 25, 2021 2023 Academic year dateline | Western Sydney University Hope you were able to find everything you need for the Eugene trash pickup schedule. The calendar is an essential tool for anyone studying or working at UWS, as it provides a clear overview of the academic year. The City of South Gate page is Coming Soon. Institutional Effectiveness Assessment Guide, Raising the Bar: Creating Multiple-Choice Questions to Assess Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Teaching Tidbits #1 Creating a Sense of Belonging, Teaching Tidbits #2 Supports for an Inclusive Classroom, Teaching Tidbits #3 Supporting Neurodiversity through Course Design, Internal Peer Review Process Presentation, Research Execution for Beginning Researchers*, UWS Shared Governance/Shared Decision Making Defined, 403(b) Faculty Association Salary Reduction Form*, Cellular Communications Resources Guidelines, Direct Deposit Form Employees (electronic)*, Faculty Association Salary Reduction Form*, UWS Job Description Instructions & Template Non-Benefitted, UWS Job Description Template Employee-Non-Supervisor, UWS Job Description Process and Template Student Hire, ETO Form Instructions and Field Definitions, Inclusive Hiring Practices for Search Committees, Campus LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda), UWS Job Description with Notes Annual Recap, UWS Performance Review Template Employee-Non-Supervisor, UWS Performance Review Template Supervisor, CBA Performance Review Template Classroom Faculty, CBA Performance Review Template Clinical Educators, CBA Performance Review Template Librarian, UWS Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Model, 2023 NWCCU YR7 Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness, 2022 NWCCU YR6 Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review (PRFR), 2019 NWCCU YR3 Mid-cycle Self-evaluation Report*, 2019 NWCCU YR3 Mid-cycle Addendum Recommendations 1 and 2*, FY20 Quality Patient Care Outcomes report, FY21 Quality Patient Care Outcomes report, FY22 Quality Patient Care Outcomes report, Template for Informed Consent for Studies with Adults, Template for Informed Consent for Parents with Minor Children, Capital and Equipment Information and Form, Incomplete Contract Form and Instructions*, Current Term Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine*, Current Term Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, Current Term EdD Sport Performance & Psychology*, Current Term MS Clinical and Mental Health Counseling*, Current Term EdD Clinical and Mental Health Counseling*, Upcoming Term Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine*, Upcoming Term Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, Upcoming Term EdD Sport Performance & Psychology*, Upcoming Term MS Clinical and Mental Health Counseling*, Upcoming Term EdD Clinical and Mental Health Counseling*, Participation Agreement for Instructional Labs, Request for Student Support Services Quick Guide, Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence Brochure. Bar et caf Saint-Maur-des-Fosss 94100: retrouvez les coordonnes de toutes les meilleures adresses du Petit Fut (LE RIAUME, Le Pavillon Bleu - STUMM, MALIBU BEACH COFFEE). 2023/2024 school year. Sanipacs trucks have an automated arm that grabs the cart, lifts it above the truck and sets it back down. Academic Catalog Fall 2021Academic Catalog Fall 2020Academic Catalog Addendum Spring 2020Academic Catalog Fall 2019Academic Catalog Fall 2018Academic Catalog Fall 2017Academic Catalog Fall 2016Academic Catalog Fall 2015Academic Catalog Fall 2014Academic Catalog Fall 2013, General Information 503-256-3180 | Admissions Department 800-641-5641 | Campus Safety 503-206-3206 | 8000 NE Tillamook Street Portland, Oregon 97213.
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